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The Last of Us Remastered has gone gold!


After reading through this and the majority of the previous thread, man... This place is such a cynical, depressing and sad place sometimes. I swear the majority of members here thrive more off failure and pessimism than hope and excitement, which is what this medium is all about, invoking that childish spark within us all to just "play" and have fun. Please focus on that and stop drowning ourselves in cynicism.

I for one am very excited to jump back into this experience and do not doubt anything ND has informed us of in regards to quality of their final product. Could it come out and be a massive disappointment? Sure. But no benefit is added to my life worrying about it and expecting the worst, so I choose to believe. BELIEVE PEOPLE! BELIEEEEVE!


I stopped playing TLOU at about 50% through. The story wasn't all that interesting at this point, the characters only had some good moments, and the game pacing was repetitive and getting rather boring. Just going room-to-room either clearing out or sneaking past infected or human enemies just didn't feel all that interesting.

That, plus given TLOU (and then GTAV) was the first game I bought on my PS3 since Uncharted 3, the sub 30fps and ugly IQ was very distracting for me.

But I'm willing to give it another go, I'm going to buy TLOU remastered on PS4 and try again. Hopefully the first 50% of the game won't feel as tedious and I'll get into the story - because at the very least, the technical distractions wouldn't be there this time, because unlike the PS3 version, it should actually hold an acceptable baseline performance.


extra source of jiggaflops
After reading through this and the majority of the previous thread, man... This place is such a cynical, depressing and sad place sometimes. I swear the majority of members here thrive more off failure and pessimism than hope and excitement, which is what this medium is all about, invoking that childish spark within us all to just "play" and have fun. Please focus on that and stop drowning ourselves in cynicism.
It's very easy.

This forum is a game unto itself. The objective: How much more superior can you make yourself seem by putting down ever more increasingly better games until you've made everyone, no matter how much they enjoyed your past shenanigans, shake their head in disbelief.

It's the modern sophism video game arm's training facility and a few times a year the host of the debate of the year.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
You see, gameplay comes first, not realism or the story. So we don't get why The Last Of Us was so well received.

At the same time, why can't the AI companions be spotted? It's so unrealistic.

lololol realism in a game about killer fungi

the trolls are getting dumber every year

no one who has played a modern video game wants a 15 hour escort mission, and no one who has actually played this game would say the gameplay is anything but tight

But because the story is in a higher level of quality, the gameplay gets slated because whilst good, its not on the same level. Despite performing better than other game's in the same genre with poorer stories.

Tomb Raider has an average story with good gameplay = Good game.

Last of Us has an amazing story with good gameplay = Gameplay is average

The perception is ridiculous.
well said


The notion that having one aspect means being devoid of the other. or that there's a barrier that divides certain 'call-cards' to games is blatantly false as well.

I'd argue that cinematic experiences are a natural evolution of story-centric games, especially when we look at the JRPG genre. All the plot-points, dialogues, etc, in a world with richer budgets would had been cinematic sequences. I remember FFVII and VIII attempting their own version of in-game set-pieces with the Garden battles and the motorbike mini-game. Though back then, because the ability to integrate in-game set pieces with gameplay was difficult, it was not apparent then, though FFX showed a clear evolution of building in cinematics into the storytelling.

Granted, it's not always the case either, as we have games that focus on storytelling through world-building (Papers Please, etc), but in general, that's one aspect of it, I feel.

I'd go one further and say that their ultimate predecessors were the old text-based adventure games like the Infocom Zork series, The Hobbit by Melbourne House, Level 9's games and so on.

Most of them were linear in nature with some having brancing storylines, I can't recall any that had multiple endings, and the gameplay was limited by the capabilities of the text parser, but what really made them special was when the parser, dictionary and story came together well they genuinely felt like a new way of experiencing storytelling - just as Id argue Uncharted, TLOU bring a new way of experiencing storytelling.


got the original early this year, finished 3 times

buying the remaster day one, will finish 3 more times
and dive into the MP until its population is dead

haters gun'a'hate.
With all the cynicism and pessimism in this thread, i thought i should say that i am FUCKING PUMPED to play this masterpiece again. One of the best games ever made imo, and im glad i get to play it again in higher fidelity on my PS4.



After reading through this and the majority of the previous thread, man... This place is such a cynical, depressing and sad place sometimes. I swear the majority of members here thrive more off failure and pessimism than hope and excitement, which is what this medium is all about, invoking that childish spark within us all to just "play" and have fun. Please focus on that and stop drowning ourselves in cynicism.

I for one am very excited to jump back into this experience and do not doubt anything ND has informed us of in regards to quality of their final product. Could it come out and be a massive disappointment? Sure. But no benefit is added to my life worrying about it and expecting the worst, so I choose to believe. BELIEVE PEOPLE! BELIEEEEVE!

Great post.


Dreams in Digital
Reading through these four TLOU threads just makes you realise how many gamers have so little taste. Thank God Sony don't cater for them.


Reading through these four TLOU threads just makes you realise how many gamers have so little taste. Thank God Sony don't cater for them.



Honestly, I'm not a big fan of The Last of Us, it's not the kind of game I enjoy playing, but the shit I'm reading in this thread.....



Man, this thread just got Jammed. Well, the good thing about threads that go to shit like this is I know who not to take seriously anymore (it's not that some of you don't like TLoU, but some of the shit that was said here is just straight up bizarre).



Junior Member
Y2Kev for mother fucking president.

It's crazy that people can't just not like thing without disparaging the masses that do like thing.
I feel like I argue with people about this in every single AAA thread. If you don't like "cinematic games" why even try to pick a fight in these threads?

You don't see people going into Dark Souls threads and whining about not enough set pieces ad infinitum, because that's obnoxious and irrelevant.


Just pre-ordered it last week.
I'm so excited to play this again, now for the 4th time. This time i will go with the hardest difficulty.

I might be exagerating, but this is the game of the decade for me.


Same GAF cycle at work again. Love a game, name it GOTY and then hate it a year later.

I would never hate a game i love.
People loved Bioshock Infinite and then hated it, no idea why. For me it was a masterpiece and it always will be, just like TLOU.

Don't put me in the same bag. TLOU is the game i've been waiting FOR YEARS!!


Junior Member
As someone watching from the side for some weeks now, I would say recently especially, there has been a tremendous surge in some to try and paint an especially negative narrative towards cinematic games, and correlate cinematic games with having no gameplay. Most realise the latter is an absolute fallacy, but many posters have been trying to paint this false narrative none-the-less.

This notion that you can now get away with just watching a game on YouTube to fairly experience it, has gained popularity, referring to mainly third person shooters no less, that are requiring of skill and tactical consideration. The justification being that because the game is cinematic and may have some rare use of QTE's, it is therefore immediately devoid of actual gameplay.
Truer words have never been spoken.


As someone watching from the side for some weeks now, I would say recently especially, there has been a tremendous surge in some to try and paint an especially negative narrative towards cinematic games, and correlate cinematic games with having no gameplay. Most realise the latter is an absolute fallacy, but many posters have been trying to paint this false narrative none-the-less.

This notion that you can now get away with just watching a game on YouTube to fairly experience it, has gained popularity, referring to mainly third person shooters no less, that are requiring of skill and tactical consideration. The justification being that because the game is cinematic and may have some rare use of QTE's, it is therefore immediately devoid of actual gameplay.
Yep I'm sick of this shit. I posted earlier in jest but seriously this shit needs to stop. This meme has hit a fever pitch with The Order.
As someone watching from the side for some weeks now, I would say recently especially, there has been a tremendous surge in some to try and paint an especially negative narrative towards cinematic games, and correlate cinematic games with having no gameplay. Most realise the latter is an absolute fallacy, but many posters have been trying to paint this false narrative none-the-less.

This notion that you can now get away with just watching a game on YouTube to fairly experience it, has gained popularity, referring to mainly third person shooters no less, that are requiring of skill and tactical consideration. The justification being that because the game is cinematic and may have some rare use of QTE's, it is therefore immediately devoid of actual gameplay.

It's groupthink creating increasingly outrageous and unbelievable scenarios while simultaneously trying to outdo each other, and the end game is the equivalent of the Tea Party movement in videogame forums, where some people decide that watching a video of cutscenes is the same as playing a game.

Many of these same people say they value gameplay above all else (who was that idiot calling us 'lesser gamers' if you like a story-driven game?) refuse to see the gameplay in Uncharted because they're too busy being angry at goodness-knows-what. They also act like people have made the choice to play one-style, one-genre and ignore everything else if the stick up for cinematic games, and can't seem to grasp that variety is healthy.
I never got into the watching game play craze. I loved this game even if I felt the campaign didn't really take off until winter and was was a bit overrated. It was still great and the multi player was in my top 3 last gen. Really don't want to buy hd-er remakes based off principle but I don't know about this one, might have to.

benny_a is doing a joke, mate.

Surely you've been here long enough to recognise people's writing styles, what they really are about, and understand when sometimes people just like to kick the ball for fun?

You have my sword benny.

Now give the fucking thing back, I need it for a reenactment this weekend
Whats up with GAF beeing so vicious towards games with strong narrative and story focus, lately?

The Order 1886 got shit it... even though we still don't know much about the gameplay it'll have, many people just shit all over the game because the developers focus on story and presentation much.(That doesn't mean gameplay will be boring!)

Now even The Last Of Us, which is absurd because we already know that TLoU also shines at gameplay, I wouldn't say TLoU has just good gameplay, I'd say TLoU had the best 3rd person action gameplay I played last gen, also one of the most intense multiplayer experiences I played in a long time.


As someone watching from the side for some weeks now, I would say recently especially, there has been a tremendous surge in some to try and paint an especially negative narrative towards cinematic games, and correlate cinematic games with having no gameplay. Most realise the latter is an absolute fallacy, but many posters have been trying to paint this false narrative none-the-less.

This notion that you can now get away with just watching a game on YouTube to fairly experience it, has gained popularity, referring to mainly third person shooters no less, that are requiring of skill and tactical consideration. The justification being that because the game is cinematic and may have some rare use of QTE's, it is therefore immediately devoid of actual gameplay.

This is a good post and I try to do my fair part in keeping a positive perspective in this fine Community.

There are a lot of great members but the hate towards a different opinion or a Videogame is the most pointless time sink ever. It's okay to not like something and it's okay to have a different opinion. Hitting "Submit Replay" and respect each GAFfer should be two things that should always be together. It's not that hard, honestly. A life focusing on bad, negative things only attract more bad things, people are often sad and negative and it seems that they get some sort of relief by being, say, let's positive towards a videogame or less polite towards a GAFfer. Both are wrong and should be avoided. I'm here for the good of the Community and will always be here to defend a relaxing and fun place to stay around.

As for the game, I want it day one but I'm not sure If I can manage budget wise. Either way it will be a matter of time before I replay the game. I got the digital download Day 1 and the hype around GAF while waiting for them to "open the gate" and let people start their download was simply amazing. Good times. I hope to able to share my impressions and experiences with all of you, fine people yet again but this time, with the PS4 version. :)


Yeah man can't believe some are just now seeing how bad it is with some posters and their disdain for cinematic games or the over negativity for literally no reason.


extra source of jiggaflops
benny_a is doing a joke, mate.
I'm not. EGM never gave it a 10/10.

They gave it a 19/20 (or in their words 9.5/10)

(Seriously I find that image dumb though. That it has an error is just hilarious with how many fantastic scores it got. If there ever was a game that didn't need to have the reviews it got embellished, it would be this one.)


Aside from being #1 in Amazon UK, it's also at #57 best seller of the year 2014, one month away from release. It looks like it might sell better than people thought


extra source of jiggaflops
GribbleGrunger just texted me and I'm on his side now, benny.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NeoGAF's 2009 junior members squad, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on GameFAQs, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in gorilla marketing and I’m the top poster in the entire internet. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mods across the boards and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my words. Not only am I extensively trained in english, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the thesaurus and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
As someone watching from the side for some weeks now, I would say recently especially, there has been a tremendous surge in some to try and paint an especially negative narrative towards cinematic games, and correlate cinematic games with having no gameplay. Most realise the latter is an absolute fallacy, but many posters have been trying to paint this false narrative none-the-less.

This notion that you can now get away with just watching a game on YouTube to fairly experience it, has gained popularity, referring to mainly third person shooters no less, that are requiring of skill and tactical consideration. The justification being that because the game is cinematic and may have some rare use of QTE's, it is therefore immediately devoid of actual gameplay.

Well said. Baffling that the last of us with some of the best and most intense gameplay from a third person game of the last generic. I don't know how people can say that it is generic or by the numbers, people who play the multiplayer even consider it one of the best multiplayer games of the last generation, and multiplayer is pure gameplay. I don't know whether the critics are playing it on easy and as a pure shooter, or haven't played it at all and just watched a youtube playthrough.

This is also the reason I don't enter the order threads.


That's what happens when people like Neff join a non-Nintendo thread.

Sorry but... no. I have many fine things to say about MS/Sony hardware and games. I have a notably larger collection of games for Sony formats than Nintendo, Sega or MS. I consider PSOne and PS3 two of the greatest consoles ever made. And there are many Nintendo games I dislike.

How you got this from criticism of one game, I don't know.


The Order 1886 got shit it... even though we still don't know much about the gameplay it'll have, many people just shit all over the game because the developers focus on story and presentation much.(That doesn't mean gameplay will be boring!)

Absolutely, but none of their demonstrations have managed to convince doubters or people on the fence otherwise. Sure, some folk at E3 liked it, but from all the gameplay video's it just hasn't been as impressive as we'd hoped.

If they had shown an Uncharted 2 rooftop awing type of segment, or just something that could make people see that the game is going to be as good as they say it is, it would help immensely.


extra source of jiggaflops
Absolutely, but none of their demonstrations have managed to convince doubters or people on the fence otherwise. Sure, some folk at E3 liked it, but from all the gameplay video's it just hasn't been as impressive as we'd hoped.

If they had shown an Uncharted 2 rooftop awing type of segment, or just something that could make people see that the game is going to be as good as they say it is, it would help immensely.
I would say the reasonable assumption based on what they've shown is that it is a regular third person cover based shooter with some interesting guns that doesn't want to break immersion at any point by weaving in and out of interactive and non-interactive parts.

Some people are down for that, others are not. Based on what they've shown up to now I don't think that game is exciting in the least.

If the end product is good all the bad choices of their previews are of course not important, but merely of interest to people that follow preview cycles.
It seems to be objectively a hugely interesting game, based on how many posts that game has spawned. ;-)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NeoGAF's 2009 junior members squad, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on GameFAQs, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in gorilla marketing and I’m the top poster in the entire internet. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mods across the boards and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my words. Not only am I extensively trained in english, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the thesaurus and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

You can sweet talk all you want, honey, but I'm not coming back!

Elitism: the thread

If you like the game, there's no reason to trash other games, if you dislike the game there's no reason to trash people who like the game.

A lot of threads in the last year's end were insufferable because of discussions of this game, plenty of offensive things being thrown around from both sides. Snarky responses like "this is a game worthy of GOTY ;)" when it wasn't tlou, or people getting crazy mad because tlou didn't win GOTY in one place. This thread seems a repeat of that kind of behavior. I hate extremism, sometimes i get myself into it too, becoming close-minded regardind other's opinions.

I mean, let people enjoy the game because of the experience, why would you question the story, the gameplay, the pacing if in general the people who liked it came with a positive experience at the end. If you unfortunately didn't like the game, it's a shame because you didn't get to enjoy a game that grabbed a lot of people's heart, but there's no need to put in question everyone who likes it, and i hope no one forces you or think less of you because you didn't like the game.

Jesus christ


Yeah man can't believe some are just now seeing how bad it is with some posters and their disdain for cinematic games or the over negativity for literally no reason.

Being negative is one thing. You can contribute to a discussion while still expressing your distaste by backing up your reasoning with a throughout opinion.

That's not happening though.

What we have most of the time is someone who takes a stance, or makes a claim, and then seemingly challenges the thread to convince s/he otherwise.

The Tea Party observation mentioned is a good one. These posters are like talking to a wall. They have their talking points and that's the end of it. They're not interested in seeing anything from another side.


Reading through these four TLOU threads just makes you realise how many gamers have so little taste. Thank God Sony don't cater for them.
The game got over 200 GOTY awards and a lot of 10/10 reviews. People may argue if they like the genre or not, but it's simply stupid to doubt about the quality of the game.

Joel Banderas is amused and can't wait for the PS4 version!



People attacking TLOU for "mediocre gameplay", or worse for "not having any gameplay, it's all about the story" is inexplicable to me. What I played was a very "gamey" game that in no way had "cinematic" stuff interfering with the gameplay, which has really expertly designed with varied game mechanics that offer a lot of diversity. And as far as shooting goes, TLOU has some of my favorite gunplay of recent times, probably my favorite of last-gen along with RAGE.

When I read people say story is the only TLOU has, the only thing that comes to my mind is that they're trolling and that they haven't actually played the game.
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