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The Witcher 3 next patch first details - 1.05 (PC), 1.04 (console)

That's unfortunate that they weren't able to get it out today. Good grief, I spent a little time reading some of the posts in that thread on their forum. Ugh, game official forums are insane.


There are SO many quests that it really isn't an issue. I'm massively over-levelled already and have been using this opportunity to simply explore Velen. You still get XP for killing monsters, destroying nests, restoring villages, all those side objectives.

Also, not all locations are marked as "?" points of interest. I've been exploring in areas without any points of interest on the map and found forest graveyards, abandoned ruins, prowling draconids, stone circles on remote islands, loads of loot.

Don't hold back just because main and side quests don't grant you XP!

I wouldn't label it as a non-issue, but yeah, I've read and seen second hand that it's not the most game-breaking thing in the sense that you'll be unable to gleam any entertainment value.

I'm probably just going to add the experience lost myself via the console should I encounter the glitch like | Praxis | mentioned. I hate that I'll have to likely do that since it shouldn't be an issue in the first place, but it is what it is.
There are SO many quests that it really isn't an issue. I'm massively over-levelled already and have been using this opportunity to simply explore Velen. You still get XP for killing monsters, destroying nests, restoring villages, all those side objectives.

Also, not all locations are marked as "?" points of interest. I've been exploring in areas without any points of interest on the map and found forest graveyards, abandoned ruins, prowling draconids, stone circles on remote islands, loads of loot.

Don't hold back just because main and side quests don't grant you XP!
You get soooo little experience for killing monsters that it's not even worth the degradation it causes to you equipment.


No Mysterious Tracks fix? I can't make the goddamn manure bait.

Whats the issue?

As far as I know you have to make it with a recipe using the poop and a flower

Also, with people not playing because of the XP bug

Dont avoid the game. The bug doesn't affect everyone. Ive been playing all weekend and have gotten all the XP granted from the quests I finished. Just quicksave before you turn it in, and if you dont get the XP reload and wait for the patch


is the xp bug only on ps4? or is it all platforms? if so then does it only happen at a certain stage of the game? i seem to be getting xp quite often. nearly at level 6. seems to be going up quickly.

It's been all over the board for me. Sometimes it doesn't display I received any XP but my bar goes up. Other times, it says I received 10 XP. Last night I did one and got 250 XP.

My best guess is that any quests I had started before the last patch are glitched and give me a very low amount of XP, if any. Any quests I started after the last patch appear to give me a good amount. Pure speculation but in my case the evidence fits.
My biggest issue with the technical performance of this game is the way that data streams from the HDD. I suspect this is at least partially responsible for some of the frame rate problems, or at least the "hiccups" you see while moving around.

It also causes issues like textures not loading, NPCs popping in, NPC dialogue boxes delay, mini map configuration delay, or not showing up at all, world map taking long time to pop up, and a host of other issues.

It seems like sometimes the game can't keep up with what the player is doing. To me this is more frustrating and immersion-breaking than anything else. So is there anything I can do on my end to help resolve it? Will upgrading to a new HDD help? I already tried rebuilding the database, and that didn't really make a difference- maybe the game just isn't optimized enough?

The problem really didn't become *bad* until Novigrad. White Orchard, there really wasn't a problem. Velen introduced longer loading times and the slower world map, as well as lag in the menu system (maybe because of the amount of crap I had collected?).

At the end of the day, it really boggles my mind how CDPR QA team did not discover these issues and implement fixes. There's no way they were unaware of these things when the game shipped. Did they think the players wouldn't notice?

I suspect the CDPR devs (as in the actual programmers) and QA DID know about the vast majority of these reported issues prior to launch. They likely had a firm directive from higher-up that the game MUST be in a "shippable" state by May 19th (i.e. no more delays, get the fucking game done), and if some corners needed to be cut to achieve that goal, so be it. They probably had a list of critical issues that they felt must be fixed by launch (including the day 1 patch) and a second list of issues that they felt were lower priority and could wait until future patches (and some even ignored unless players noticed and were bothered enough to throw a ruckus). It's called a triage, and it is very common in software development.


I need to this patch now. I'm now stuck in "Get Junior" quest because I can't activate the damn switch because Geralt keeps on interacting with the torch instead.
You get soooo little experience for killing monsters that it's not even worth the degradation it causes to you equipment.

By mid-game I'm pretty much spending just so merchants have money and I can sell stuff to them. Money isn't really an issue in this game past the very beginning.


By mid-game I'm pretty much spending just so merchants have money and I can sell stuff to them. Money isn't really an issue in this game past the very beginning.

Same for me. One you have the upgraded saddle bags, you can max out your load every couple side quests and sell the swords, etc and make some good money. Also, I have some stuff in alchemy that is reeeeally expensive. I had like 25 of some magic dust stuff and it was going for 254 gold for each one. Sold 20 of them and made a killing.
There are SO many quests that it really isn't an issue. I'm massively over-levelled already and have been using this opportunity to simply explore Velen. You still get XP for killing monsters, destroying nests, restoring villages, all those side objectives.

Also, not all locations are marked as "?" points of interest. I've been exploring in areas without any points of interest on the map and found forest graveyards, abandoned ruins, prowling draconids, stone circles on remote islands, loads of loot.

Don't hold back just because main and side quests don't grant you XP!

What? No way, it's a pretty massive issue. You get like 2-3 experience for killing monsters. It's like... worthless experience. Same with many other activities.

My game is affected by the bug. I get like 25 XP for completely the quests/side-stuff that gives me XP.

But all major quests in Novigrad, nothing. The bug completely kills the urge to play the game.
"Pyres of Novigrad" is the next major story mission up for me, but I've got a handful of other side missions/contracts in Velen to wrap up in the meantime. I may wait for that patch before moving on with that.

Then again, I'm on the edge of being a tad over-leveled (I'm Level 11 at the moment, "Pyres" is recommended Level 10) so I might just push forward regardless. I haven't run into the XP bug yet, I don't think. I seemed to be fairly well-compensated for my work over the weekend...

Geralt will not longer interact with candles near chests and other interactive elements.

This is good. Hopefully they've also improved the detection range for looting. There have been some barrels/crates that are tucked behind others that I just cannot get to, no matter how hard I try. Witcher could really use Bloodborne's "switch action" option.

Too many wild hunt minions were spawned during Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.

LOL, I just ran like mad towards the objective marker once every monster and their brother started spawning. It felt like I cheesed the game in the way, but I really do think the point there was to not engage in combat at all.

We are looking into the frame rate issues on PS4 as well.

The further and further I get into the game, the more I've noticed how rough it gets in spots. "Ladies of the Wood" quest down in the bog, it was sunset and man the game was looking unbelievably good here, but the frame-rate was not holding up its end of the bargain at all. Don't know how much they can do to improve things, but every little bit helps.

I still think the game is gorgeous, but one thing I don't care much for is the "pop-out" effect on foliage/trees whenever they are in the foreground of Geralt. It seems like this was by design to not obstruct the camera's view of Geralt, but I just find the effect of environmental objects disappearing like that to be off-putting. No idea if it's something CDPR will deem necessary to be changed, but it's something I'd like to see improved at the very least.


"Pyres of Novigrad" is the next major story mission up for me, but I've got a handful of other side missions/contracts in Velen to wrap up in the meantime. I may wait for that patch before moving on with that.

Just a friendly warning. Pyres of Novigrad was the first quest i noticed i didn't get any experience for completing it. Same with the main following it.


Well, I'm out. Removing candle control around other interactive objects is an unacceptable slap in the face. My favorite thing about Witcher 3 is being able to adjust the lighting in each room by lighting or extinguishing each individual candle or torch. What's the point of even playing if I can't set the appropriate mood?


Wow that's bullshit, just release the XP hotfix now and 1.05 tuesday/wednesday. Which will most likely be wednesday of course. Guess I'm not playing today, sigh.
this game did not go through proper play testing I guess?

So many errors that would have been spotted emidiately
For an open-world game of this scope (which I generally have more leniency towards) I've found the game to be very polished thus far. I've only run across some performance/graphical issues and minor control nuisances here and there, thankfully I haven't hit anything I'd qualify as a glitch.

I may be a bit biased as I work in software test (not for video games). For time-sensitive patches especially, being able to verify that small changes don't impact anything else in the code in such a short turnaround time is damn near impossible. Especially with a game as massive and with the complexities of this one. I've seen it happen where an innocuous, minor change in one spot caused a major problem in a totally unrelated piece of code.

In a perfect world they'd get a few weeks to thoroughly re-test the entire game from top-to-bottom with the latest patch, but it's just not feasible. Ultimately, there's always a trade-off and some issues you have to let slide for the time being while (hopefully) avoiding more serious ones getting through.


Well, I'm out. Removing candle control around other interactive objects is an unacceptable slap in the face. My favorite thing about Witcher 3 is being able to adjust the lighting in each room by lighting or extinguishing each individual candle or torch. What's the point of even playing if I can't set the appropriate mood?

Not sure if your joking but I also find it immersive to go in a blackened area with Cats eye and lighting all the candles/torches. It really gives most areas a lot of immersive atmosphere.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Not sure if your joking but I also find it immersive to go in a blackened area with Cats eye and lighting all the candles/torches. It really gives most areas a lot of immersive atmosphere.

Well now you will have fewer candle to light, all so you can collect one more broken rake!
Well, I'm out. Removing candle control around other interactive objects is an unacceptable slap in the face. My favorite thing about Witcher 3 is being able to adjust the lighting in each room by lighting or extinguishing each individual candle or torch. What's the point of even playing if I can't set the appropriate mood?

It sounds like once you loot the nearby object you'll be able to light candles.


So the PS4 patch wont be out for another week?

Considering the PC patch will be releasing Tuesday, but most likely Wednesday... it's reasonable to assume that the console platforms won't see their patch until Friday at the earliest with next week Monday or Tuesday being more likely.

Granted, they could also just be delaying the PC patch to align with the console release, but that would just be downright silly.
Considering the PC patch will be releasing Tuesday, but most likely Wednesday... it's reasonable to assume that the console platforms won't see their patch until Friday at the earliest with next week Monday or Tuesday being more likely.

Granted, they could also just be delaying the PC patch to align with the console release, but that would just be downright silly.
Ugh. Oh well. I'll be wasting my time with Gwent until then.


Considering the PC patch will be releasing Tuesday, but most likely Wednesday... it's reasonable to assume that the console platforms won't see their patch until Friday at the earliest with next week Monday or Tuesday being more likely.

Granted, they could also just be delaying the PC patch to align with the console release, but that would just be downright silly.

Did they mention an exact date somewhere? This is the most recent forum post I could find by the CM:


Wanted to give you an update regarding the situation. We are currently working on a huge patch (1.05 for PC / 1.04 on consoles) and we've decided to include the XP fix in these updates. The PC version of the patch is right around the corner - that's why we made the decision to release the XP fix as a part of the patch on computers. At the same time we would like to thank you for your understanding and supporting us.


Did they mention an exact date somewhere? This is the most recent forum post I could find by the CM:


They specifically mentioned Monday for the XP fix last week with no real confirmation for the overall 1.5 Patch aside from vague mentions and what-have-you.

The Console platform patch was essentially said to come a few days after the PC fix/patch due to certification.

Seeing as how plans have changed for the XP fix, it's pretty safe to say the console patch will likely see the same release period after the PC patch unless they did the delay to specifically match the console release.

EDIT: If you mean the Tuesday or Wednesday comment, here's the statement posted earlier by the same CM:


That's correct. It's getting fixed next week. We were trying to release a hotfix on Monday but since the 1.05 on PC is coming right after that, we might just release 1.05 and include the XP fix in there as well. That will happen most likely Tuesday/Wednesday.

We do not stop working. We are trying to fix everything. Thank you for your understanding.
Really hoping the console patch comes out by this weekend. Having to wait until next Monday/Tuesday will be a bummer. I kind of regret buying the expansion now. Should have just waited.


Are the load times bad on console or something? I was actually shocked at how fast they are on PC and I don't even have the game installed on an SSD. Fastest loading open world game I've ever played, shit takes like 3 seconds.


Are the load times bad on console or something? I was actually shocked at how fast they are on PC and I don't even have the game installed on an SSD. Fastest loading open world game I've ever played, shit takes like 3 seconds.

It's roughly a minute or so in certain instances which is quite terrible considering the uproar surrounding Bloodborne's loading times.
Are the load times bad on console or something? I was actually shocked at how fast they are on PC and I don't even have the game installed on an SSD. Fastest loading open world game I've ever played, shit takes like 3 seconds.

They're only bad after you die and have to reload a save. Close to bloodborne levels of bad.


Yes it is 1.03 on PS4 in the US. Not sure why people are saying 1.02.

When the patch was downloading and installing it said 1.02, but afterwards the game said 1.03 on the menu and on the saved game snapshots. So I would assume people saw the download or install version and that number stuck.


Was it? Or were they just lazy and decided to wait until the big patch? I think the later.

Lazy Devs is a lazy argument from lazy gamers that don't care to understand the business and office politics side of the industry.

Lazy devs is a cop out so that you can criticize work without having to put any actual thought into your argument.

Be more patient.


I hope they patch the annoying "Magic Lamp Objective" bug. It's when you use Geralt's witcher sense to find the magic lamp. At first it says you completed the objective, as soon as you solve the puzzle it then says you failed the objective. I'm an completetist, and seeing a failed objective is torture. Also my PS4's current patch is 1.02......I thought patch 1.03 was out?


Are the load times bad on console or something? I was actually shocked at how fast they are on PC and I don't even have the game installed on an SSD. Fastest loading open world game I've ever played, shit takes like 3 seconds.

Loading after changing zones or dying on PC takes like 10-20 seconds for me.
Anyone else find lootable crates/boxes in places that seem impossible to interact with?

Keira M's shack being an example. Just inside her shack above the entrance are 3 boxes that highlight when using witcher sense. I have no idea how to interact with them though.

I tried jumping and hoping to get lucky spamming 'x'. Tried climbing up. Tried blowing them off the shelf using signs. Even went outside and climbed on her roof seeing if I could glitch interact with them but no luck.

Came across run-down shacks in other areas where the door entrance was 'locked' and couldn't be blown open or hacked in. The roof of the shack was just the beaming and I could walk across it. Inside the shack were lootable boxes but again I couldn't get in or drop between the roof-beams.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm avoiding playing until the bug is fixed, I expected to play today :/


I wonder if improvements to cutscenes affects the fabulous hair effects in a positive way? My game slows to a hilarious crawl during a lot of them (and I'd rather the settings stay the same).

Otherwise I've been pleasantly surprised by the lack of bugs so far, considering that it's open world. Still waiting for some fine 1000 foot catapult action.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I hope they patch the annoying "Magic Lamp Objective" bug. It's when you use Geralt's witcher sense to find the magic lamp. At first it says you completed the objective, as soon as you solve the puzzle it then says you failed the objective. I'm an completetist, and seeing a failed objective is torture. Also my PS4's current patch is 1.02......I thought patch 1.03 was out?

This. I had the same problem. Thought it was just me. Definitely hoping all the objectives for all the quests get fixed with this patch and gets released by Friday so I can start playing again this weekend.


I'd be in the dick
Anyone else find lootable crates/boxes in places that seem impossible to interact with?

Keira M's shack being an example. Just inside her shack above the entrance are 3 boxes that highlight when using witcher sense. I have no idea how to interact with them though.

I tried jumping and hoping to get lucky spamming 'x'. Tried climbing up. Tried blowing them off the shelf using signs. Even went outside and climbed on her roof seeing if I could glitch interact with them but no luck.

Came across run-down shacks in other areas where the door entrance was 'locked' and couldn't be blown open or hacked in. The roof of the shack was just the beaming and I could walk across it. Inside the shack were lootable boxes but again I couldn't get in or drop between the roof-beams.
Sometimes using Witcher sense can help in situations like that. I use it to extend my reach and as a candle workaround since it ignores them.
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