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Konami Interview: Committed to Core Gamers, MGS doesn’t need Kojima


All the gaf hate in here is crazy. This game took 7 years to make and STILL came out incomplete.

I don't blame Konami for packing it up after this one. $10 million dollars a year could have gone in so many other pots and yielded a lot more content from the company.

wasn't it for 5 years?

in any case, I still think Kojima is a vital part of the MG franchise, why? look at all the other MG made without him, hell, look at portable ops, I hope you don't want that because of all these hyperbole made with MGSV

Hyun Sai

Well, imo the best part of Mozart's Requiem (Confutatis) was done by somebody else.
Mozart did finish most of the vocal of the sequence, including Confutatis. The violin and bass part are his.

Anyway, I mostly prefer the Lacrymosa (he only did the first 8 bars), and the Introitus (He finished it entirely).

On the subject, I don't really care about what Konami is saying about right now, let's wait until we have something solid, if that happens.
All the gaf hate in here is crazy. This game took 7 years to make and STILL came out incomplete.

I don't blame Konami for packing it up after this one. $10 million dollars a year could have gone in so many other pots and yielded a lot more content from the company.

What other pots? What other developers do you know that's still at Konami?

You want more PES?
The only way I would ever give Komani my money again would be if they released Metal Gear Rising 2 or an ambitious Silent Hill/Silent Hills.

Since neither of those are ever going to happen, they can fuck right off for all eternity.
Don't think I'm really interested in an MGS game without Kojima and Kojipros attention to gameplay details and mechanics. MGSV has made me even firmer in that stance.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Let's be honest. The problem isn't so much as Kojima costing so much, but rather seeing games like PaD costing so little development wise. Good luck with replicating that Konami.



And where's my Chapter 3-5 Phantom Pain content, Konami?

...Which is what he said: MGS without Kojima = no one cares. MGS with Kojima = people care.

Castlevania with IGA = people care. Castlevania without IGA = no one cares.

Castlevania in all but name under IGA = Kickstarted. "Something that isn't MGS but made by me, Kojima!" = Kickstarer?

To be fair, Lords of Shadow is the best selling game in the Castlevania franchise. Somehow. Probably due to Kojima and hitting the market in 2010 which was fucking hot for that genre with Bayonetta and God of War III.

But lightning seldom strikes in the spot spot twice. Mirror of Fate and Lords of Shadow 2 are both some of the worst selling games in the franchise. Mirror of Fate was so particularly bad on 3DS it may have outright killed Konami ever entertaining a handheld entry in the IP ever again, because the dropoff was so fucking huge between Mirror of Fate's flimsy 30-40k launch sales worldwide and what Order of Ecclesia had just in America, which was at least double that.

A better example to use other than Castlevania would have been Silent Hill. Most people didn't give a shit about most of the games when they started getting outsourced, but once they were back to being in-house, people cared again.


Metal Gear seems like one of the few large franchises that most of its fanbase would actually care who made the game.

I kind of did, up until a point. Kojima's influence on the series after MGS4 has mostly left me with indifference. Peace Walker and MGSV are some of the most unnecessary games the series could have asked for, even if the game play of the latter makes up for it somewhat.

It's a bit telling that I prefer the direction that every non-Kojima Metal Gear game has taken over every post-MGS4 Kojima game in terms of maintaining the franchise. Usually franchises tend to switch directors at a somewhat regular basis so that the vision can be maintained by a fresh new set of eyes, partially because working on one thing for decades is bound to make you want to change things up. I could respect MGS4 for wanting to serve as an ending to the franchise but I wish Kojima could have committed to it so everything since then that takes place before it doesn't feel like unceremonious filler. Even though MGS2 made the point that the "continued adventures of Solid Snake" was something that would work against the point, it's almost preferable toward the roundabout way Kojima took the franchise since because instead of downplaying Solid Snake he's elevated Big Boss into basically the same role, except he's not as compelling of a character.

Acid, Portable Ops and Rising have all been pretty great as far as I'm concerned and show that the franchise can work with a fairly consistent aesthetic under different directors.


Maybe Castlevania too. Oh, wait, they are all waiting for Bloodstained instead.

I'll be totally honest, I'm a huge Castlevania fan and I love most of IGA's games. I was unhappy that they took him off the series but if it had gone in a direction that I liked I would have stuck with it.

IGA did not create Castlevania, the series existed and I was a fan of it long before he ever touched it. That being said I liked a lot of what IGA did and I funded and am looking forward to Bloodstained.


"People should believe in Konami"



Community managers are literally a company's mouthpiece.

Well then I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. I know they speak for the company but I didn't think they actually knew what's going on. I figured they were just PR, which isn't always the truth.
Oh Konami...fool me once.

Also, in regards to MGS not needing Kojima, its going to be interesting to watch the series move forward from here.

Will it crash and burn like we expect or will it actually be ok? My guess is on the former, going to be hard to recreate the kojima majic


I don't get this intense mgsv hate. It was a pretty fantastic game that falls short in terms of story but I've had a great time with the gameplay elements and such.
Yeah Yeah subjectivity.

It is an incredible game, but gamers are inclined to call a spectacularly produced and mechanically sound game "shit" if there's anymore than one element they're not absolutely thrilled with. In other words, many "core" gamers are fond of regurgitating hyperbolic notions anywhere they can, honestly who can blame Konami for wanting to invest their money into more profitable and less volatile fan bases.


Go right ahead and peddle MGS off to some cheap ass hack dev team, will look forward to your loss reports and crow eating.

While in the right hands, that statement might eventually be true, i have zero faith in Konami putting it in the right hands.


Well considering my favourite Metal Gear games are Rising and Portable Ops I can somewhat agree. We don't need Kojima any more. It is like with Star Wars, George Lucas gave us episode IV then two other directors did episode V and VI which are both excellent and then the series took a nose dive when Lucas went back to directing the movies. So, Kojima gave us Metal Gear and now is the time for others to continue where he left off.
But Lucas still wrote aythang right?
It is an incredible game, but gamers are inclined to call a spectacularly produced and mechanically sound game "shit" if there's anymore than one element they're not absolutely thrilled with. In other words, many "core" gamers are fond of regurgitating hyperbolic notions anywhere they can, honestly who can blame Konami for wanting to invest their money into more profitable and less volatile fan bases.
First metal gear i owned and i didn't like it, I personally think it's shit does that make me part of a volatile fan base? Come om npw everyone is going to praise the game to the sun(see what i did there Xp)


Gold Member
if i were a western community manager for konami, i'd probably be a bit worried about my own future, never mind that of the metal gear series :) ...


Junior Member
They're going to announce Zone of the Enders 3.

Everyone will collectively shit their pants and reluctantly bow down to Konami


Holy shit I'm not the only person on Gaf that liked Metal Gear Acid 2.

You crazy, mate? Everybody loves AC!D2! it is one of my favourite PSP games!

But Lucas still wrote aythang right?

Yeah I guess he did. But, if we look at how much story and lore is already present in MG universe and how much retconning took place with each game it is safe to say that pretty much anyone can make any story in MG universe and just put "Nanomachines, son!" at the end of every plot line.


I'll be totally honest, I'm a huge Castlevania fan and I love most of IGA's games. I was unhappy that they took him off the series but if it had gone in a direction that I liked I would have stuck with it.

IGA did not create Castlevania, the series existed and I was a fan of it long before he ever touched it. That being said I liked a lot of what IGA did and I funded and am looking forward to Bloodstained.

Most of what Konami did to IGA almost taints whatever the fuck they tried and sincerely wished for Castlevania by handing it to MercurySteam, and makes it a very hard sell to look at what they tried doing in any positive light.

- Castlevania became annualized by Konami as of 2001, and one of the reasons IGA games may feel rushed is literally because the heads at Konami wanted him to make the series an annual thing. It is not shocking that arguably his best titles post-Symphony of the Night games, Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia, were as good as they were was because they had more than a year to make them. To IGA's credit, I can't name many developers who start and finish making a major title in about 9 months, which is exactly what happened with Portrait of Ruin. You can almost argue that its decline in popularity was the fact the games came out so often, and the teams IGA had didn't really have much cooldown time. While anecdotal, despite Castlevania being my favorite series pre-reboot, I was getting tired of the franchise for these very same reasons.

- IGA gave such an interest in the IP he was told to produce he was willing to physically relocate to other countries if they were going to outsource production. Instead, they kind of tossed him aside for who was, and you can argue still is, a consistently unproven developer like MercurySteam. During this transition, they cancelled not one but two Castlevania projects he was working on, and delegated him to mobile. One of which was a console game focused on Alucard penned as the game sequel to Symphony of the Night, and I believe the other was a handheld game, presumably in development for the 3DS.

- The salt in the wound probably hit a breaking point for IGA as he was working on a mobile game for almost two years, which Konami later cancelled for, and I shit you not, not being microtransaction heavy. IGA wanted a game where the core mechanics didn't have to be nickle and dimed, and the company objected so much to this approach his game was canned. His janitorial efforts were essentially being put in a bucket with no mop.

Konami has been fucking bad for years, but it's great to see how the collective have woken up, even if took their last key developer being thrown under the bus, just like the rest of their key developers.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah screw you Konami, it's actually us gamers that don't need you. It's baffling how they don't value their talent and just think they can make quality titles just like that when they have a track record of it not working. Just a look at all the horrible outsourced Silent Hill games.
As a MGS fan since MGS1, I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that the franchise doesn't need Kojima. In fact, I welcome a game without him after the last few main line entries.

With that being said, I'm confident that Konami is going to fuck up the next game.


Konami is a graveyard of great IPs and MGS will be its next victim.


Fuck Konami and Kojima both, it already turned to shit with MGSV. Let this franchise RIP.

Oh man I'm laughing

It is an incredible game, but gamers are inclined to call a spectacularly produced and mechanically sound game "shit" if there's anymore than one element they're not absolutely thrilled with. In other words, many "core" gamers are fond of regurgitating hyperbolic notions anywhere they can, honestly who can blame Konami for wanting to invest their money into more profitable and less volatile fan bases.

It's bullshit. Yes, metal gear solid 5 is marred by time restraints that really show, but fuck. People shouting about the end of the series and how Kojima is a hack haven't played 4.


Definitely sounds like a company that got burnt on the budget of game development. Also a company that bet big on the wrong shit too.

Not like they needed any other reason tho, they are disinterested in it.
I've only scratched the surface of V so far, but I'm really enjoying it. That said, I'm most looking forward to what Kojima does without being shackled by Metal Gear. He's been wanting to pass the series on and work on other stuff for years. Maybe now we get to see what else is swirling around his crazy head.


I don't need Konami anymore. Not even interested in MGS without Kojima or even his team which I'm sure will be gone in December
Most of what Konami did to IGA almost taints whatever the fuck they tried and sincerely wished for Castlevania by handing it to MercurySteam, and makes it a very hard sell to look at what they tried doing in any positive light.

- Castlevania became annualized by Konami as of 2001, and one of the reasons IGA games may feel rushed is literally because the heads at Konami wanted him to make the series an annual thing. It is not shocking that arguably his best titles post-Symphony of the Night games, Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia, were as good as they were was because they had more than a year to make them. To IGA's credit, I can't name many developers who start and finish making a major title in about 9 months, which is exactly what happened with Portrait of Ruin. You can almost argue that its decline in popularity was the fact the games came out so often, and the teams IGA had didn't really have much cooldown time. While anecdotal, despite Castlevania being my favorite series pre-reboot, I was getting tired of the franchise for these very same reasons.

- IGA gave such an interest in the IP he was told to produce he was willing to physically relocate to other countries if they were going to outsource production. Instead, they kind of tossed him aside for who was, and you can argue still is, a consistently unproven developer like MercurySteam. During this transition, they cancelled not one but two Castlevania projects he was working on, and delegated him to mobile. One of which was a console game focused on Alucard penned as the game sequel to Symphony of the Night, and I believe the other was a handheld game, presumably in development for the 3DS.

- The salt in the wound probably hit a breaking point for IGA as he was working on a mobile game for almost two years, which Konami later cancelled for, and I shit you not, not being microtransaction heavy. IGA wanted a game where the core mechanics didn't have to be nickle and dimed, and the company objected so much to this approach his game was canned. His janitorial efforts were essentially being put in a bucket with no mop.

Konami has been fucking bad for years, but it's great to see how the collective have woken up, even if took their last key developer being thrown under the bus, just like the rest of their key developers.
Iga: But my integrity.

Fuck yo integrity!
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