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Sonic the Hedgehog's new PR person is incredible

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Sonic's twitter from hereon out:

What a fantastic world you want people to live in. I remark you put in bold how offensive you think Punch-Out!! is, but don't care about people recently killed for a joke.

You attitude actually militates against the cause you think you're defending. You've already lost.
I'll be honest, I really don't know what your point her is.

It's Punch-Out. C'mon.
I don't personally have a problem with it but it obviously has stereotypes that not everyone will find fun.
Is Punch-Out!! making fun of Glass Joe with French clichés, or Japanese, or Russians, or pretty much everybody, "shitty"? Or is it hilarious because it's tongue in cheek and good fun?

Because I'm French and I find Punch-Out!! hilarious. Recently, people were killed in my country because they made fun of a religion. Where does it end?

What a fantastic world you want people to live in. I remark you put in bold how offensive you think Punch-Out!! is, but don't care about people recently killed for a joke.

You attitude actually militates against the cause you think you're defending. You've already lost.

Defending one's right to satire is another thing entirely than defending the merits of a specific failed joke. You can call someone out for making a shit joke; let's not equate that to murder or condoning murder, shall we?

If you really want to make the comparison between this Sonic tweet and Charlie Hebdo, which to me is a pretty bad idea to begin with, the only similarity to discuss on that front is the fact that Charlie Hebdo made terrible (also racist and unfunny) cartoons, and Sonic made a terrible (or at least misguided) joke.


I love Sonic Boom. The humor doesn't always make me burst out laughing or anything, but when it does, I'm happy that it exists. A good Sonic cartoon was something I really missed.


I love Sonic Boom. The humor doesn't always make me burst out laughing or anything, but when it does, I'm happy that it exists. A good Sonic cartoon was something I really missed.

Missed? One never existed.

The closest thing was the opening to Sega CD.


I love Sonic Boom. The humor doesn't always make me burst out laughing or anything, but when it does, I'm happy that it exists. A good Sonic cartoon was something I really missed.

It's certainly better than Sonic X was, and that's not taking into account 4Kids' butchering of it, as I watched a first dozen or so episodes fansubbed.



Sonic 06 was really bad, eh everyone?

The worst part of bad Sonic games is that they're almost all victims of short development cycles.

If Sega wasn't so determined to get Sonic games out for the holiday season we wouldn't have gotten so many bad ones.

Don't get me wrong, Sonic '06 still would have been jank in the character design and story department, but with another six to nine months of development time it would have at least reached the "mediocre but playable" level.

Same goes for Sonic Boom.
Quick and dirty text edit.


Lol perfect

The worst part of bad Sonic games is that they're almost all victims of short development cycles.

If Sega wasn't so determined to get Sonic games out for the holiday season we wouldn't have gotten so many bad ones.

Don't get me wrong, Sonic '06 still would have been jank in the character design and story department, but with another six to nine months of development time it would have at least reached the "mediocre but playable" level.

Same goes for Sonic Boom.

Fortunately, from now on, will not be the case


So I haven't visited thread since all this went down.

Are the people being offended actual transgendered people or is it a bunch of non-transgendered people virtue signalling?


Did you guys hear what Bubsy said about Black Lives Matter?
"Paw-ll lives matter" - Bubsy Bobcat 2016

As was explained by a trans friend of mine (you'll understand if I don't name them, for their sake), even if it's aimed at otherkin and not transgendered people, there's a lot of overlap. Many otherkin are transgendered. Where otherkin go "I identify as a fox", transgendered people go "I identify as a [male/female], despite being born with a body of the other gender". The similarities are there.

With regards to it being a stretch, it'd be very easy for me to say it is - but as a cisgendered, heterosexual white male, I'm not the one being slighted; would it really be fair for me to tell the ones who actually receive such slights all the time whether they're being slighted or not?

I will say that I sincerely doubt Ruby meant for this to offend people the way it did, intending it only as a lighthearted jest. Likewise, I doubt he's very likely to follow up on it with similar remarks in the future, especially given the backlash. The last thing a company wants their PR person to do is to turn their brand into damaged goods.
I don't think it's unfair to call out a company's twitter for saying something offensive. Brianna Wu's point was that jokes like this play into a larger system that is responsible for the alarming suicide rate. It does not mean people are committing suicide over poorly conceived jokes from Sonic's twitter. It doesn't mean the account is bad or even that it's not incredible. They just said something offensive, the professional thing to do would be apologize, otherwise the least they could do is be a little more careful in the future. So it isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, people make mistakes, but they should hold themselves accountable for those mistakes when they are an official sega twitter account, for example.

EDIT: To be clear, I don't think this is something anyone should be fired over. That isn't what I meant in those last couple statements.

That tweet is transphobic.

The blame lies squarely and uniquely on otherkin and other tumblr subcultures that appropriated trans vocabulary and victimhood.



Rolling Girl
So I haven't visited thread since all this went down.

Are the people being offended actual transgendered people or is it a bunch of non-transgendered people virtue signalling?

I'm trans and while I'm not personally offended I know a few people who would be. I don't really think asking for a sorry is too much is it?


Do you cancel vacation plans for paper cuts too

They're trolling it should be obvious.

The Sum of Zero

Gold Member
So I haven't visited thread since all this went down.

Are the people being offended actual transgendered people or is it a bunch of non-transgendered people virtue signalling?

If I had to guess, 15% the former, 85% the latter.

I thought it was just a reference to SA2.
Y'know, when Sonic jumps out of an attack helicopter and notes that airlines suck.

But no its totally in poor taste and let's act like we know how transgenders would react.

This is what I thought, too.


I'm trans and while I'm not personally offended I know a few people who would be. I don't really think asking for a sorry is too much is it?

They're trolling it should be obvious.
No I'm asking because I don't really know. To be honest I had no idea attack helicopter was a transgendered term. I had to look up the meme. Perhaps Ruby didn't know either.

But my post was a legitimate question, are the ones outraged, offended, and asking for apologies actually transgendered or is it the cisgendered people virtue signalling? The former is completely justified, the latter is not.

That being said, the tweet should be deleted and an apology issued.


I thought it was just a reference to SA2.
Y'know, when Sonic jumps out of an attack helicopter and notes that airlines suck.

But no its totally in poor taste and let's act like we know how transgenders would react.


Rolling Girl
No I'm asking because I don't really know. To be honest I had no idea attack helicopter was a transgendered term. I had to look up the meme. Perhaps Ruby didn't know either.

But my post was a legitimate question, are the ones outraged, offended, and asking for apologies actually transgendered or is it the cisgendered people virtue signalling? The former is completely justified, the latter is not.

That being said, the tweet should be deleted and an apology issued.
Yeah I don't think Ruby knew either which is why I don't particularly care myself but that kinda reasoning has been used to attack trans people as well so I can understand some push back on that.

Honestly don't see the problem about other people sticking up for trans people even if some of them are... overzealous. Also transgendered is an improper term you can just use it without the "ed" in your usage.
It's a meme. Holy shit some people have victim complexes.
It's a joke look at the intent. People can spin whatever they want into what fits their agenda. You're asking someone get fired for this?
This so much.

People always trying to find a way to be offended... it's a damn shame if the Sonic twitter guy is given less freedom now in what to tweet.
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