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SONY banned someone based on his real name


I brought up the Swastika earlier because its a similar situation where a symbol that had nothing to do with hate and so forth and used in many Asian countries, was pretty much forever tainted in the West because of its associations to the Nazis. Many Buddhists still use the symbol but it'd be foolish to say many in Europe, the US, etc. wouldn't see it as something else entirely despite the long history and rich meaning of it before the Nazis stole and warped it.

These rings were sold for charity to help raise funds for war veterans in Finland. It was even talked about in German media, I don't know in which tone though.

Just wait until the cops show up to take all your physical games too.

This is just ridiculous, he can prove his name is Jihad and he's had the account for years. I truly think the bigger crime here is that a permaban locks you off from already purchased content, whether it's for a good reason or not. I understand locking someone out from future use of the service and store but forking over the cash to purchase something is supposed to mean it's yours. Having that looming gatekeeper over all your digital purchases on any service is should be looked down upon and voiced against whenever possible.


Perfectly understandable that people on the west find the term Jihad offensive. I didn't realize that it held other meanings beyond the mainstream connotation until reading this thread. So I can't fault Sony for doing SOMETHING about it. But what they decided to do was just wrong.

You can't just let a guy set an account up. Collect money from him for 10 years. Then say, we are taking all of our shit back because we no longer accept your name. The best case scenario is that whoever handled this case is a complete idiot.

After seeing his passport, the only acceptable option would have been to let him change it
He had a point and by an extension I agreed with him. Trying to negate that by going,"Its prejudiced" doesn't change the fact that a large portion of the West that is not of Islamic background associates the word Jihad with terrorism and a war against non Muslims. Its nothing new, its not pretty, its not right, its ignorant and so on but its definitely there and being an asshole to someone trying to state that, doesn't at all change that point. It sucks that the word is thought of like that by a lot of people but it is still something that has to be taken into account.

SPE had been making the point of insensitivity for people who are ignorant, and frankly, that is a lot of energy to expend on that. We need to be able to establish why this is okay, but say, being offended by people for their religion (or presumed religion) is not.
I'm sure it got flagged automatically.

Yes, once he proved it was his name he should have been offered the chance to change it, and I bet it eventually does get resolved.

But expecting a multi-national corp to allow potentially offensive names is silly. If your name is Hitler, good luck trying to get a username with that in it. Why? common fucking sense.

It was in 2006 that he had this name, so he definitely wasn't auto-flagged. And if Sony auto-flagged it with a ban system instead of a "choose another name" system, then I might have to ask how a multi-national corporation is THAT incompetent.


Why even give him the option to change his username and then immediately rescind the offer afterwards? Are Sony really not able to change anyone's usernames at all? And a permaban to boot? How is any of this his fault? He even provided proof that it /is/ his real name via a pic of his passport and they still went ahead with the ban. Take a look at his billing information or something if they're still not satisfied with that.

I understand why Sony intiated the first ban (terroism is serious and sensitive issue that we're dealing with right now) but the ban should have been lifted once they realised that it was his real name.

i love how you skipped over and completely forgot to mention any of the devastating terror attacks in the Muslim world.. like recently in Beirut, Istanbul, Baghdad etc. it's almost as if you dont give a fuck about brown people =)

Some people just see what they want to see I guess. Doesn't help when the western media itself tends to gloss over the terror attacks in the various Mulism nations,


It wasn't until the very end of the PS3 life and the PS4 that proper reporting tools were available directly from the system (had to go to a obscure web address buried in the knowledge base of Playstation Support prior)

My guess is he finally got reported...


Honestly this seems like a pretty easy mistake. If you did not know that was a name you may think it's kind of offensive. I mean there are kids here in Thailand named Porn (which means courageous) I doubt they will be able to use their name on PSN.

That said he should have been given the option to change it before a ban.


Jihad is a common name, Osama is a common name, and they will continue being common names. A whole culture isn't going to change because some ignorant people on the other side of the world think they are bad.

Stalin was a monster, but Joseph is still a very common name.

The same thing can mean wildly different things to different cultures. Like a swastika, which is still used in asia (I think its asia) despite the horrible connotations it has in the west.

Like it or not, the word "jihad" does have those connotations. Its shitty, but thats just the world we live in.

Sure, we know its the guy's actual name. But players online, lacking in context? they're gonna see that and instantly think "radical terrorist" jihad.

I think its pretty reasonable for them to ask him to change it. Sucks for him, I can sympathize. But ultimately probably the right call. For them to revoke that offer was wrong though.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
These rings were sold for charity to help raise funds for war veterans in Finland. It was even talked about in German media, I don't know in which tone though.


This is what I was getting at though. The symbol has a tainted history that isn't that old because of what the Nazis did and stood for and because this was one of, if not the primary symbol of the Nazi regime. There are Buddhist temples all over that use the reverse and original version and it means nothing similar, not even close, to what the Nazis stood for. Its like the word thug being turned into an easier to say version of the n word.

SPE had been making the point of insensitivity for people who are ignorant, and frankly, that is a lot of energy to expend on that. We need to be able to establish why this is okay, but say, being offended by people for their religion (or presumed religion) is not.

I'm just saying you can't ignore how a lot of people see the word, ugly as that is to say or look at that fact. I'm not trying to push buttons either but the word has connotations in the West, ugly as that is to say, that have been there for a long time and color a lot of folks opinion on the word.

Edit: I'm guessing is someone reported him after seeing his name and that's what got the ban despite him having the name for a decade.


The same thing can mean wildly different things to different cultures. Like a swastika, which is still used in asia (I think its asia) despite the horrible connotations it has in the west.

Like it or not, the word "jihad" does have those connotations. Its shitty, but thats just the world we live in.

Sure, we know its the guy's actual name. But players online, lacking in context? they're gonna see that and instantly think "radical terrorist" jihad.

I think its pretty reasonable for them to ask him to change it. Sucks for him, I can sympathize. But ultimately probably the right call. For them to revoke that offer was wrong though.
It's a Buddhist sign in Asia. I still see them in temples randomly with dots in-between the lines, means infinity or something. It is not called a swasticka though.
That REALLY sucks, but it's also interesting news because it means that they might be making progress towards allowing account name change.
They offered him a name change? The thing that is supposed to be technologically impossible?

It is and isn't. While his name will be changed, the system and database are so messed up that apparently in other games his original name will still show up and he might be banned again based on that. The best thing Sony can be if they can't fix this issue is refund him on all the games on his current PSN ID or transfer them all onto a new account. It's a lot of work, but this is a situation that will force them to make that decision otherwise there will be a lot of controversy.

As for people getting mad at Sony banning them for the name itself, even in 2006 the word Jihad was not seen properly, primarily after 9/11 but that's not the point as he was banned recently, not 2006. He was young, and wasn't banned for many years, but with the advent of people reporting left and right nowadays online for the past couple of the months, it's possible that this issue only recently became a target for Sony. There are over 100 million PSN ID's after all. Also in general, I do think that parents after 9/11 should think about naming their kids. Not for their cultures sake, as it is upsetting that other cultures prominence should have an affect on yours, but for the kids sake. Racism is a real thing and people should consider economic, career and educational choices if you're about to name your child Jihad, Osama or other controversial names in the west after the events of 9/11.

Best wishes.
So, is there anything being done to try to rectify the situation in any way? I haven't followed the whole thread. I would like to help if I can. Put in a word wherever it would matter and so on.

I see both sides of the situation and I think like others have said that the best outcome here is probably going to be some kind of refund or something. Maybe a new account with all of the previous games credited to it. I don't know. All I do know is that the guy shouldn't be screwed out of his investment and Sony would be making a big gesture by addressing the situation instead of ignoring it.
It's just sad when a couple of people take words - mostly good ones - and twist them. I wonder what's next for them to go and choose their next target. That's life I guess.
if i were him i'd send a bill to his parents and be done with it

unfortunate roll of the dice as names go, but probably don't use your name as a username if it's Jihad or the like 5 years or so after an international tragedy where your name is plastered all over all media with negative connotations

just because nothing happened until now doesn't mean anything. you can drive to work at 90 mph everyday and 9 times out of 10 you won't get a ticket, but the one time you do, don't cry about it.


Junior Member
Seems like he knows it's 2016 and the meaning of his name can be interpreted in a different way. Probably should have used that knowledge when picking his user name. Sony should at the very least allow a name change so that he doesn't lose all the stuff tied to his account.

?? he says hes had that accpunt since ps3 which launched ten years ago.


So what you are saying is people should be able to be banned just because we don't like their names or think they could possibly be controversial without even giving them the option to change their name.

Thats some really bad reading comprehension


This shit it why I'm hesitant to invest in PSN digital games. Anyone know if the owner can sue Sony and have a chance to win the case?
if i were him i'd send a bill to his parents and be done with it

unfortunate roll of the dice as names go, but probably don't use your name as a username if it's Jihad or the like 5 years or so after an international tragedy where your name is plastered all over all media with negative connotations

just because nothing happened until now doesn't mean anything. you can drive to work at 90 mph everyday and 9 times out of 10 you won't get a ticket, but the one time you do, don't cry about it.

Intentionally endangering the lives of people around you sure is the same thing as using your real name in your PSN id. He should talk to his bank and charge back every psn purchase he's made over the last ten years.


good job sony for striking down someone without giving him the chance to change his username. what a major fuckup from sony. this is the company everyone loves.

i have the feeling i have to fear for my stuff in the future. it might get inappropriate in the future, so should we all only use numbers instead?

such a sad story, i hope this poor guy will get back his account and get a chance to change his username.


It is and isn't. While his name will be changed, the system and database are so messed up that apparently in other games his original name will still show up and he might be banned again based on that. The best thing Sony can be if they can't fix this issue is refund him on all the games on his current PSN ID or transfer them all onto a new account. It's a lot of work, but this is a situation that will force them to make that decision otherwise there will be a lot of controversy.

As for people getting mad at Sony banning them for the name itself, even in 2006 the word Jihad was not seen properly, primarily after 9/11 but that's not the point as he was banned recently, not 2006. He was young, and wasn't banned for many years, but with the advent of people reporting left and right nowadays online for the past couple of the months, it's possible that this issue only recently became a target for Sony. There are over 100 million PSN ID's after all. Also in general, I do think that parents after 9/11 should think about naming their kids. Not for their cultures sake, as it is upsetting that other cultures prominence should have an affect on yours, but for the kids sake. Racism is a real thing and people should consider economic, career and educational choices if you're about to name your child Jihad, Osama or other controversial names in the west after the events of 9/11.

Best wishes.

Agree, just as you cannot name your child Adolf for more than 60 years now.
Intentionally endangering the lives of people around you sure is the same thing as using your real name in your PSN id. He should talk to his bank and charge back every psn purchase he's made over the last ten years.

i'm not directly comparing the two, but you understand what i'm saying.

if someone makes a new username called 'ISIS' and it gets banned, and they complain because it's an Egyptian goddess (or what their parents happened to name them), well....fair point, but it's still unfortunate in our current political climate if it gets banned


I don't know what's worse:

- that probably dozens of people reported this person's name as offensive;

- that someone at Sony CS thought it was okay to ban a 10 year old account with thousands of dollars in purchases because of its "offensive" name;

- that they thought a common name is offensive, and continue to do so after being presented evidence to the ridiculousness of that;

- that people on a gaming forum actually feel the need to defend that display of ignorance.

I can only hope one of the Sony PR people that watch these forums will have this issue fixed as quickly as possible, but what an embarrassment all around.

nel e nel

Hey teabagyourmom, if you're reading this, and that is your real name, I'm sorry for reporting you. Same goes for you azzraypur.


Sad thing is he probably got reported after owning someone in Overwatch.

Playing any PvP these days is risky to one's account because of reports of salty people... goddamn.


Bans on PSN are weirdly common. I was banned for 2 days for streaming an unreleased The Order on Twitch, like I get it if you ban me on Twitch but banning my PSN account was weird. Also I once got a warning for telling a racist idiot on PSN to fuck off. Shit's messed up.


Bans on PSN are weirdly common. I was banned for 2 days for streaming an unreleased The Order on Twitch, like I get it if you ban me on Twitch but banning my PSN account was weird. Also I once got a warning for telling a racist idiot on PSN to fuck off. Shit's messed up.

They don't own twitch


I don't know if it was mentioned earlier in the thread but Jihad is somewhat of a common name around these parts, I know quite a few people who have it.


I don't know what's worse:

- that probably dozens of people reported this person's name as offensive;

- that someone at Sony CS thought it was okay to ban a 10 year old account with thousands of dollars in purchases because of its "offensive" name;

- that they thought a common name is offensive, and continue to do so after being presented evidence to the ridiculousness of that;

- that people on a gaming forum actually feel the need to defend that display of ignorance.

I can only hope one of the Sony PR people that watch these forums will have this issue fixed as quickly as possible, but what an embarrassment all around.

This. Cannot agree more. I understand this forum is heavily western and English speaking (as am I) but Sony is not, and a multi-national corporation should be far more liberal that they have appeared to be here. I find it disgusting that we (non-arabic speaking) westerners think we can redefine a word from a different language and then have the audacity to ban it.

I'm a military member who was not only serving in 2006, but had already spent two tours in the Middle East by the time the PS3 came out, in fact, I bought my PS3 over there from a local market ahead of release! We were always told in our pre-deployment training that the word jihad was being misused by certain elements, and that it did not always mean an act of violence or war, and was not inherently anti-western. I'm literally stunned* that 10 years later this is still a point of confusion. Thanks Fox media and all the dumbass ignorant xenophobes you create, this is the result.

*Question: I didn't read all 9 pages, but I did check the reddit. Are we sure this isn't just a huge troll? I haven't seen a screenshot or any proof that this guy's story is actually true. I hope it's not, terrible response by Sony if true.


*Question: I didn't read all 9 pages, but I did check the reddit. Are we sure this isn't just a huge troll? I haven't seen a screenshot or any proof that this guy's story is actually true. I hope it's not, terrible response by Sony if true.
Seems like he knows it's 2016 and the meaning of his name can be interpreted in a different way. Probably should have used that knowledge when picking his user name. Sony should at the very least allow a name change so that he doesn't lose all the stuff tied to his account.

In this new exciting episode of "I didn't read the OP". He's had it for many years and why should they completely ignore the original and actual meaning of the name?

It's as weak as saying people named Jeffrey are associating themselves with Jeffrey Dahmer.
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