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Mob Psycho 100 TV Anime |OT| From ONE to 100



He may be giving his customers something different than he promised, but in the end he's giving his customers exactly what they want.

This is not a con in my eyes

He's conning Mob, flat out. He's also giving him good advice, but make no mistake the dude's a bullshit artist.
i understand
Come on man, he is conning people, lol. Maybe he's doing it because he really wants to help and this is all he knows.

I always took him as kind of a scumbag, but with a moral code. Or just like a harmless crook with a heart of gold. idk.

He's lying to people. How we the audience or he in the universe, justify it though, that's the fun of the discussion.

I do feel he is helping Mob, but he is not 100% upfront, and he is getting something out of the deal.

I thought they were showing this point with the flashback. He gives good honest advice, say's have a good one, but I am to busy to talk all the time when Mobs asks if he can come over tomorrow, then sees what he can do, then says yea, come over tomorrow, with a glimmer of profit in his eye.


i understand

He attempts to sympathize with Sakurai and tells a completely vapid anecdote. He doesn't care.

I was hyped for the episode because I thought killing off Reigen would give a lot more leeway, but instead the show decided to be preachy using a con artist.

Only plus is that Reigen and dimple have some funny interaction now that Reigen can see spirits.
Just watched it, thought they were calling a double bluff with Reigan and he actually did end up with powers.

Reigan is Saitama without powers, fucking love it



That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.


Talk no Jutsu is when you stop the fight for exposition dumps or flashbacks, not when you actually talk the enemy down...

You get my point. I had enough of Reigen building up Mob's character in the past ep and we've had a great amount of his backstory with Mob meeting him and building him up.
Him nonchalantly wiping the floor with everyone w/ no challenge, while the kid took out the boss eventually just felt anticlimactic.

Furthermore, the show is Mob Psycho 100. We haven't had anything awesome since the alley fight, while in the final episode for a show that (probably, but we don't know) hasn't gotten a S2 confirmed, for Mob to give his 100% to Reigen? Reigen Psycho 10000 was just a boring finale.
Could barely watch the episode after counting down the hours on the plane ride home.



That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.

So you wanted Mob to become a huge murderer?


So you wanted Mob to become a huge murderer?

If that's the only way you could see him going 100%, sure, but has he ever murdered someone going 100% in the series so far? Even at ???%? I wanted him to actually finish the fight, since the whole thing was about him saving his brother and protecting him/everyone else because he is the only one strong enough.
You could have it happen any way - he could fight the division leader and been stopped by his brother/Reigen, you could have his brother/hair guy (forget his name) protect Reigen w/ a barrier with all his strength, you could have the son of the head of Claw break up the fight or get Mob to stop. There's a million ways he could have written it (maybe the manga is better, I haven't read it) but Reigen Psycho 10000 was a pretty lame finale tbh.

Apologies for the lazy spoilers, been temp. banned for stuff accidentally in the past and trying not to repeat it.

Permanently A

Junior Member

That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.

yes, let this middle schooler murder some people and have to live with that burden for the rest of his life. that's what we came here to see.


yes, let this middle schooler murder some people and have to live with that burden for the rest of his life. that's what we came here to see.

Literally just responded to a murder thing. ONE could easily have written a scenario where Reigen/younger brother stops Mob after he goes 100%. It's creative laziness to assume if he goes 100% that's insta-death for his opponent. Also, I didn't even mention him killing the division leader in my original post?
Literally just said him donating to Reigen was lame instead of him using his powers.

He hasn't killed anyone at 100% or ???% in any of the past episodes, so why would he do it here when it seemed to be his most conscious 100+% transformation in any of the past eps?

Permanently A

Junior Member
Literally just responded to a murder thing. ONE could easily have written a scenario where Reigen/younger brother stops Mob after he goes 100%.

He hasn't killed anyone at 100% or ???% in any of the past episodes, so why would he do it here when it seemed to be his most conscious 100+% transformation in any of the past eps?

what do you think the emotion of "murderous intent" means?

mob has always been holding back. instead of meteor diving koyama, he could have snapped his neck. if mob's murderous intent is released, there is no situation where he just beats up the bad guys before he is stopped.


what do you think the emotion of "murderous intent" means?

mob has always been holding back. instead of meteor diving koyama, he could have snapped his neck. if mob's murderous intent is released, there is no situation where he just beats up the bad guys before he is stopped.

I think it means what it means, but there's a difference between attempting it and following through with it and there's myriad ways for them to have stopped Mob using his dual (duel?) pillars to me.

I just think it's lame lol. I love the show, but finale ;\


I think it means what it means, but there's a difference between attempting it and following through with it and there's myriad ways for them to have stopped Mob using his dual (duel?) pillars to me.

He was filled with murderous intent, and was going to murder everyone in that building. Mob had already accepted what he was about to do. Someone else pulled him back. That's the arc's story.

If fighting is all you really want, read up on the future (these really are spoilers)
mob kicks fucking ass in the stories to come, goes ???, has tons of 100 percents in one fight... no other arc so far has ended like this one, so you won't be disappointed anymore.


I think it means what it means, but there's a difference between attempting it and following through with it and there's myriad ways for them to have stopped Mob using his dual (duel?) pillars to me.

I just think it's lame lol. I love the show, but finale ;
God forbid a series does something different. The climax is Reigan finally getting involved, and in an unexpected way. Mob isn't a shonen wankfest, and you shouldn't expect it to be one.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I think it means what it means, but there's a difference between attempting it and following through with it and there's myriad ways for them to have stopped Mob using his dual (duel?) pillars to me.

I just think it's lame lol. I love the show, but finale ;\

I have no idea what these duel/dual pillars you are referring to are.

All I know is, if Mob is 100% murderous intent, nothing will stop him. You saw how he was giving into that primal thing inside of him. His face never warps like that. Ritsu and Teru begging Mob to stop wouldn't have any effect in that state.


I think it means what it means, but there's a difference between attempting it and following through with it and there's myriad ways for them to have stopped Mob using his dual (duel?) pillars to me.

I just think it's lame lol. I love the show, but finale ;

See you're being EXACTLY like Sho.



God forbid a series does something different. The climax is Reigan finally getting involved, and in an unexpected way. Mob isn't a shonen wankfest, and you shouldn't expect it to be one.

Yeah. I can't believe people actually want this to follow the structure used by nigh every other series out there.

It did something different and it worked, it was amazing.

Reigen's verbal beatdown was just brutal anyway.


I like what happened... just maybe not as a finale to the season. I wan't some crazy action sequence! If there was another 12 episodes to go, starting next week, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
old Murata (Eyeshield author that draws for the manga version of OPM) art of Mob Pshycho 100

seeing as the season is done I just wanted to post this image

glad they stuck with the One art for this one since it wouldn't have been as amazing if the art was more serious like the OPM manga and anime


Yeah. I can't believe people actually want this to follow the structure used by nigh every other series out there.

It did something different and it worked, it was amazing.

Reigen's verbal beatdown was just brutal anyway.

He hurt them more mentally than it could have ever been possible physically.
Yeah. I can't believe people actually want this to follow the structure used by nigh every other series out there.

It did something different and it worked, it was amazing.

Reigen's verbal beatdown was just brutal anyway.
Indeed. A lot of people not getting the point of the show, or thinking they were watching, I don't know, Bleach or something.


Junior Member
I didn't like the ending because now
Reigen can see spirits like the others.

He was better without this but hey...dat Reigen + Dimple combo might prove me wrong in season 2!


Not being able to pin down Reigen is why he's great. He's a good guy but scummy in some ways. If someone isn't actually being haunted by a spirit, he still gives them closure (fitting to give a fake haunting a fake exorcism), and he doesn't seem to be raking people across the coals for his services
God forbid a series does something different. The climax is Reigan finally getting involved, and in an unexpected way. Mob isn't a shonen wankfest, and you shouldn't expect it to be one.

I'm assuming that the ones who are disappointed with the swerve in the finale have been conditioned by so many battle shonen anime where the MC wrecks shop in a "badass" final fight. Anything that goes against that expectation is considered anti-climactic.


Junior Member
The great thing about Mob is definitely the characterization. I have no problem rooting for a scum artist. I have no issues with a ghost thqt may or not nay take my soul. Body building guys? I hate the gym and gym guys always rubs me off the wrong way so why am I cheering and laughing with those guys?

Just few notes why I love the characters here and can't wait to see them in season 2.

P.s. White T. Poison is my boss.


Fight scenes are dope, but you wouldn't have gotten a fight scene. Mob would have just killed them. Simple as exorcising a spirit.

Yeah, unlike Saitama he isn't looking for a challenge so he won't let them show their moves, he'll just let his murderous intent take over and slaughter them and maybe even the others.


Indeed. A lot of people not getting the point of the show, or thinking they were watching, I don't know, Bleach or something.

Yup. And I mean, were people really expecting mob to go berserk after last week's episode? Half of it was essentially about Reigen trying to prevent him from doing so.

Mob going over the edge and being pulled back to reality by Reigen in the last episode was a great emotional moment that would have been completely meaningless if he then immediately went back into going berserk again.

This is the most logical conclusion to the way things were set up. This makes this finale really satisfying in my opinion. We get to see some actual character development here.

We have been conditioned by most shōnen anime to expect a big fight between the protagonist and his opponent(s) to cap off a series/season, but it's not the end-all-be-all of storytelling.



Reigen walking into the base, and convincing the followers that he was the boss without telling a single lie. Simply manipulating their own words. The sign of a true master.

Then walking into he battle all cocky, without realizing the magnitude of what's going on.

Then, in Ep.12, the swagger as he subconsciously uses Mob's powers, to psychologically wreck his foes, without even knowing he has them.

Reigen is a legend.


So I don't think the finale was bad, in fact it fits with the show quite well. The issue I have is that I was expecting something completely different, and can't help be at least a little bit disappointed, partially because of the end of the previous episode on the silent 100% felt pretty ominous. The show overall was very good and well worth the watch though, I think it has one of the best opening songs ever.

Now I don't know what to watch next yet... I have Crunchyroll and Netflix. Any ideas? I've already seen OPM and HxH. There's some stuff I've really wanted to re-watch but I don't know how to do it legally without dropping $$$ on physical copies... one of them is Hellsing Ultimate, and maybe Bebop.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Mob is the best.

Fantastic first season. Can't wait for more.

Unless they completely drop the ball second season should really build on everything from the first and surpass it with ease. Some great character development, some incredible villains and even the action really picks up an escalates in some crazy ways. I can't wait to see it after how well done the first season was, even surpassing the webcomic in a lot of places.

That episode was almost as disappointing as the Soul Eater finale to me. Had been hyped for Mob going 100% with a good, long fight ever since the fight in the alley but he's had like jack shit since then. Really not a fan of him
giving Reigen powers - it's completely different having a monster like Mob tear through the enemies unconsciously while having Reigen lecture them and act like kids and confused as to how he's doing it.
Not a big fan of talk no jutsu and it felt like a "to be continued" bullshit hook.

Had enough Reigen talk the past ep when freeing the kid and telling Mob to not use his powers. Shit was lame.

So you, like, haven't been watching or what?

The show has been very very clear that Mob going all out is something that it's actively trying to avoid.


Mob is the best.

Fantastic first season. Can't wait for more.

I am 4 eps in and am still not feeling this show.. Mob is kinda dull and the side characters aren't really any better so far. Especially the blonde office guy who seems like an exploitative jerk.
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