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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2 |OT| Class Reunion


It feels like ever since Alisa had that talk with him about head patting way back in CS1 Roer, he just got bolder and more aggressive at head patting. Deep character development.
Kinda soldiering through this now and making an OP party of "AT Delay Til the End of the Day" Rean, "Never Get Hit By Physicals, Auto-Critical Counter" Fie, "Everything's Dead" Laura and "Walking CP Battery" Alisa just to finish it so I can get to other Vita games I'm more interested in playing. I must just have weird tastes or something because these games just do not do it for me; I really don't see what a lot of others see in them. Or I see it but at much less volume.
Kinda soldiering through this now and making an OP party of "AT Delay Til the End of the Day" Rean, "Never Get Hit By Physicals, Auto-Critical Counter" Fie, "Everything's Dead" Laura and "Walking CP Battery" Alisa just to finish it so I can get to other Vita games I'm more interested in playing. I must just have weird tastes or something because these games just do not do it for me; I really don't see what a lot of others see in them. Or I see it but at much less volume.
I'm sure you've read enough of the thread to realize what people are enjoying.

I get my favorite combat system of at least the last 5 years, a world that is constantly intriguing, characters I truly give a shit about (including Rean), A story with fun and clever twists, and some of my favorite character moments

I have some problems with things like the finale dungeon and its story telling beats, the quartz system being dumbed down from TiTS, and the low production values detracting from certain scenes especially when it comes to voice acting amount. Overall though these things are a minor detraction to what is definitely my favorite game of this year (sorry uncharted 4)


It feels like ever since Alisa had that talk with him about head patting way back in CS1 Roer, he just got bolder and more aggressive at head patting. Deep character development.
Dude needs to learn about consent of head patting. He's a monster I tell you.


oh got 2
gauges now forgotten about that, but im not sure how to use them together right?

Can you chain an
to another
when you swap characters mid

And im still not a huge fan of the tweaked accuracy. even with hit quartz, i still miss too much for my taste.

Accuracy is still the worst mechanic in rpgs imo.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
How long till I finish the game? I'm at
Celdic, second act. Just saved a Twin Dragon Bridge. 21 hrs in.
This being NeoGAF, if and when we get a domestic release I'm sure someone will find something to nitpick about it. It's what we do.

You say that as if people can't find legitimate issues or problems that they have with games, specifically of the genre "that I enjoy"


This being NeoGAF, if and when we get a domestic release I'm sure someone will find something to nitpick about it. It's what we do.

Ao is extremely good but it does have problems. Overall, it's a pretty damn exciting game though.



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This being NeoGAF, if and when we get a domestic release I'm sure someone will find something to nitpick about it. It's what we do.
I get the sentiment that Japanese speaking Trails fans are a bit at odds with GAF's general reaction to the series. There's some overlap in opinion (Elise being annoying, Estelle being likable) and both groups seem to enjoy the series but some of the complaints of English speaking fans seem to come as a surprise to those who played the games in Japanese and have been discussing them for ages. The overly sweet writing for one seems to be a "new" complaint set forth by English speaking fans, as does the slower pacing and characterization of certain characters like Gaius. This is only from my anecdotal experience and may not be entirely accurate, however.


I get the sentiment that Japanese speaking Trails fans are a bit at odds with GAF's general reaction to the series. There's some overlap in opinion (Elise being annoying, Estelle being likable) and both groups seem to enjoy the series but some of the complaints of English speaking fans seem to come as a surprise to those who played the games in Japanese and have been discussing them for ages. The overly sweet writing for one seems to be a "new" complaint set forth by English speaking fans, as does the slower pacing and characterization of certain characters like Gaius. This is only from my anecdotal experience and may not be entirely accurate, however.

I wasn't aware that Japan, or even the Japanese-speaking fans here, generally disliked Elise. Outside of her crush on Rean, I don't dislike her at all. As for stuff like the pacing, I feel like that has more to do with how invested someone is in the series. The more of the games you play, the more invested you'll be in the universe, and the less you'll mind slow, gradual worldbuilding. Similarly, with Gaius, it's not that his characterization so far is necessarily perceived differently - it's more that the Japanese-only games give us an idea of where his characterization is likely to go in the future, so he has never felt like a waste of space.


You say that as if people can't find legitimate issues or problems that they have with games, specifically of the genre "that I enjoy"
No, you *read* that as if people can't find legitimate issues or problems that they have with games. Nitpicks are perfectly legit. All I did was state a NeoGAF Truth Fact™.

Are you really complaining about the mild criticism that's been in this thread?
Not so much complaining as pointing out the obvious.
No, you *read* that as if people can't find legitimate issues or problems that they have with games. Nitpicks are perfectly legit. All I did was state a NeoGAF Truth Fact™.

Not so much complaining as pointing out the obvious.

Ah, I misread your tone then. Yeah, we'll nitpick it like everything else even if we love it.

I get the sentiment that Japanese speaking Trails fans are a bit at odds with GAF's general reaction to the series. There's some overlap in opinion (Elise being annoying, Estelle being likable) and both groups seem to enjoy the series but some of the complaints of English speaking fans seem to come as a surprise to those who played the games in Japanese and have been discussing them for ages. The overly sweet writing for one seems to be a "new" complaint set forth by English speaking fans, as does the slower pacing and characterization of certain characters like Gaius. This is only from my anecdotal experience and may not be entirely accurate, however.
I'm glad this thread hasn't been full of snark from Japanese players unlike the CS1 thread. It's actually nice to discuss things and state an opinion without getting a "but but but unlocalized game tease" or a complaint about how disappointing English players are.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I wasn't aware that Japan, or even the Japanese-speaking fans here, generally disliked Elise. Outside of her crush on Rean, I don't dislike her at all. As for stuff like the pacing, I feel like that has more to do with how invested someone is in the series. The more of the games you play, the more invested you'll be in the universe, and the less you'll mind slow, gradual worldbuilding. Similarly, with Gaius, it's not that his characterization so far is necessarily perceived differently - it's more that the Japanese-only games give us an idea of where his characterization is likely to go in the future, so he has never felt like a waste of space.
Glancing over the import threads shows a few posters upset with Elise's characterization and role in the games. It's not everyone, of course, and like was mentioned, I don't know what Japan itself thinks - only Japanese speaking fans who post their impressions on English sites.


Junior Member
Elise isn't even shipped as a main love interest really lulz. I don't know where they were planning on taking her character when the other females, especially Alisa, arguably get more shipping with Rean.

Wonder what Elise thinks about me already making out with Alisa! Does she just move on from Rean at some point? Does she feel lifelong resentment? Does her negative energy end up razing Ymir to the ground? Will we ever know?
No, you *read* that as if people can't find legitimate issues or problems that they have with games. Nitpicks are perfectly legit. All I did was state a NeoGAF Truth Fact™.

Not so much complaining as pointing out the obvious.

Then Imma nitpick the FUCK outta AOwhatever.


Elise's role is "that person Rean must protect at all costs" which plays right into his character arc. Of course due to how the narrative is structured Elise can't be the love interest so she just has to be the cute sibling by default for it to work.

Elise crushing hard on Rean is just Japan being Japan though from all appearances.

I get the sentiment that Japanese speaking Trails fans are a bit at odds with GAF's general reaction to the series. There's some overlap in opinion (Elise being annoying, Estelle being likable) and both groups seem to enjoy the series but some of the complaints of English speaking fans seem to come as a surprise to those who played the games in Japanese and have been discussing them for ages. The overly sweet writing for one seems to be a "new" complaint set forth by English speaking fans, as does the slower pacing and characterization of certain characters like Gaius. This is only from my anecdotal experience and may not be entirely accurate, however.

Yeah if there's one thing I'll always defend it's the tone of the writing. I feel like some people wouldn't be satisfied unless this game was like Saving Private Ryan-lite or something to that effect.
Yeah if there's one thing I'll always defend it's the tone of the writing. I feel like some people wouldn't be satisfied unless this game was like Saving Private Ryan-lite or something to that effect.
I can get where people find it jarring, because it definitely can be, however its nice to just have a long epic story that isnt trying to make you feel like shit most of the time like every other modern fantasy story
After 10 hours, I genuinely believe I would've quit playing if I weren't already invested due to my enjoyment of CS1.

Poor writing (really feels phoned in, particularly since I know the folks making this game can do a lot better), boring characters (I've JUST got back one of the characters I actually liked in the original), bland scenery, slow pace, fetch quests, limited engagement with the stuff that actually makes the world interesting (the political scene and the deep characters).

On the plus side, good battle system and music.

I'm very forgiving of slow starts. Suikoden V is one of my favorite games of all time. But man are they pushing it here.

I'm hoping after another 80 hours I'll have enough positive things to say that "slow start" can be viewed as just a relative nit-pick.


I hear Ao no Kiseki is hype as fuck.

Do the games take place concurrently?

For some reason I was under the impression that Cold Steel took place after Zero and Ao, and every reference to current events in Crossbell was to be covered in either a Cold Steel game or a new arc.


Do the games take place concurrently?

For some reason I was under the impression that Cold Steel took place after Zero and Ao, and every reference to current events in Crossbell was to be covered in either a Cold Steel game or a new arc.

Yes, they are concurrently


Yes, they are concurrently

But then...they must take place at some point after FC or SC, right? I haven't played SC yet but I'm towards the end of Cold Steel 1 Chapter 5 and I feel like the way the reference some events the game must be at least after FC.
I can get where people find it jarring, because it definitely can be, however its nice to just have a long epic story that isnt trying to make you feel like shit most of the time like every other modern fantasy story
It's like they want to keep the cake and eat it, too. If they wanted to keep the grand adventure tone of Trails in the Sky, perhaps don't set a story in a country engulged in civil war with classism problems?


But then...they must take place at some point after FC or SC, right? I haven't played SC yet but I'm towards the end of Cold Steel 1 Chapter 5 and I feel like the way the reference some events the game must be at least after FC.

Yeah, it's after those games.
I believe it's like
an year after. I remember characters in the game mentioning the "last year crisis in Liberl"


But then...they must take place at some point after FC or SC, right? I haven't played SC yet but I'm towards the end of Cold Steel 1 Chapter 5 and I feel like the way the reference some events the game must be at least after FC.

Cold Steel/Zero are year or so after the end of SC iirc.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
It's like they want to keep the cake and eat it, too. If they wanted to keep the grand adventure tone of Trails in the Sky, perhaps don't set a story in a country engulged in civil war with classism problems?
This is my problem with it. I don't mind the lighter tone as long as it fits the narrative. It doesn't really fit in CS2. It's like they are constantly skirting the edge of the real consequences of war without going there. I would have actually been happier had the war been entirely confined to western Erebonia and Rean and co. weren't involved at all. I know that would make no sense with the way the story is structured, but it would at least provide some tonal consistency.

Nyoro SF

I think everyone is ignoring the elephant in the room, which is the fact that Elliot's outfit in the epilogue is truly hideous.

You think so? I thought it was pretty funny lol.

I think I like every single outfit for Class VII. Probably the only one I don't like is Millium's... hat.

The real elephant in the room is that (act 1 spoilers)
Rean was sleeping in his school clothes for one month, he probably smelled like death incarnate when Toval and co. found him


Gaius is indeed more interesting for people who played all seven games because The 3rd and Ao provide him with a framework. Without that framework I can see why people think he's a simple... is wind fetishist a word?

And of course you'll be experiencing Cold Steel differently depending on whether it's your first, third or fifth game in the series; if you came from SC, the battle system will be a huge improvement but stars a protagonist that can't live up to Estelle's legacy. Coming from Ao's brilliant Enigma II orbment and Lloyd, you'll be looking at ARCUS and Rean differently.

The most important thing I think is that we all discovered and thoroughly enjoy this series, allowing us to get together and speculate what will happen next - it reminds me of the annual Harry Potter releases at high school, a boat I myself completely missed.


Junior Member

Mega story spoilers post final boss

Osborne is Rean's dad?!!???!!!

Yooo he played Crow and the Imperial Liberation Front big time!

And Rufus is an Ironblood too wtf? Sorta explains his ungodly strength earlier in the game.

This some Aizen shit. Baron Schwarzer know about this shit?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Gaius is indeed more interesting for people who played all seven games because The 3rd and Ao provide him with a framework. Without that framework I can see why people think he's a simple... is wind fetishist a word?

And of course you'll be experiencing Cold Steel differently depending on whether it's your first, third or fifth game in the series; if you came from SC, the battle system will be a huge improvement but stars a protagonist that can't live up to Estelle's legacy. Coming from Ao's brilliant Enigma II orbment and Lloyd, you'll be looking at ARCUS and Rean differently.

The most important thing I think is that we all discovered and thoroughly enjoy this series, allowing us to get together and speculate what will happen next - it reminds me of the annual Harry Potter releases at high school, a boat I myself completely missed.
I can only assume one is meant to experience the games in order of release. I agree, though, I'm glad we got to play these games at all. Best case scenario has
me learning Japanese
us enjoying them all eventually.


Mega story spoilers post final boss

Osborne is Rean's dad?!!???!!!

Yooo he played Crow and the Imperial Liberation Front big time!

And Rufus is an Ironblood too wtf? Sorta explains his ungodly strength earlier in the game.

This some Aizen shit. Baron Schwarzer know about this shit?
Baron Schwarzer knew. If you visit Ymir before the last battle he tells Rean he'll explain everything when he returns.
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