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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League


Maybe I'm insensitive

But I laugh this kinda stuff off in rocket league

Yeah I used to love hearing this stuff on Halo 3, people losing their shit over losing or not getting their way was pretty hilarious, I mean that's what my 4 year old nephew does at times, a 21-40 year old doing it is hilarious.

It would only get creepy weird if it spilled out onto other social media and they started bringing it up there and not letting it go. Not that that's ever happened to me.
I usually respond to this with:

a. will do
b. k

b. is highly recommended. It works for almost all insults people throw at you, it's very easy and quick to type and it's also easy to spam if they keep coming back with more nonsense. "k" also seems to make these people leave the game or it tends to infuriate them even more. Both of which I consider mission accomplished.
Your solution helps absolutely no one

Actually - it helps everyone?

Ignoring it takes the power away. If you want to reduce this kind of behavior, drawing attention to it and acknowledging it is not the way. All that will do is give them power and in the end, satisfy them by letting it get under your skin.


I enjoy the old "no, you". Then say it over and over and more and more forcefully to anything they say. And depending on the game specifically seek them out and target them. This is immature and it brings me great joy.
It absolutely helps because it gets you in the right mental state before you see it. You're going to see it, so it's helpful to know going into it that you're going to see it and to not let it bother you. It's just someone trying to get an emotional response out of you. Don't let it get you worked up—that's exactly what they want.

Trying to act like this is some fixable problem is what's unhelpful. You can curtail this behavior but you can't stop it.
it depends..if you can tell 100% that the person is just trolling you then it's easy to just phase out. but you hear the person's voice sometimes and you hear the hate in their voice when they say you sound like a sand nigger (like they've done to me) you would want some reprimanding out of it
Actually - it helps everyone?

Ignoring it takes the power away. If you want to reduce this kind of behavior, drawing attention to it and acknowledging it is not the way. All that will do is give them power and in the end, satisfy them by letting it get under your skin.

To guarantee things stay the way they are is to do nothing, as you advocate. That applies to almost any issue in our world. Your solution enforces the idea that people can say whatever they want without consequence because no one does or says anything against them.

Forums and private servers have moderators for exactly this sort of thing, because some things are not acceptable and people need to be harshly reminded sometimes. Keeps things pleasant and perhaps gives people an actual reason to change their behavior: confrontation.

Not interacting is the same as doing nothing. Do nothing and, as you say:

Nothing will ever change.


Whenever someone tells me to kill myself in rocket league I usually just use quick chat to say "Okay." + "No problem." and report them.
yeah, like i'm gonna "deal with it" because some guy on the gaf who I never met is telling me to and finds it hilarious

you do you. but i'm never gonna be okay with this shit

Isn't this whole thing about having an emotional response to 'some guy you never met saying some shit'?

Me trying to change the world: Please stop saying 'you do you'. Most played-out fucking phrase of 2017 already. It doesn't make you sound cool.
Not interacting is the same as doing nothing. Do nothing and, as you say:

Like I said, it's about picking your battles. If this is really a high priority for you - go for it

I can't even begin to imagine how disappointing life would be if random insults from children over the internet really shake your core... Enjoy? Gonna be a fun ride.
Isn't this whole thing about having an emotional response to 'some guy you never met saying some shit'?

Me trying to change the world: Please stop saying 'you do you'. Most played-out fucking phrase of 2017. It doesn't make you sound cool.

GAF is supposed to be better than what the subject of this thread is, but i'm not trying to impress you. 2017 is not even a full quarter in anyways


I prefer that to:

what a save!
what a save!
what a save!
what a save!
what a save!
what a save!
what a save!

For some reason spam of that gets on my nerves more than kys or of all of tha nonsenset, even worse when it comes from teammates, I just never get close to our own goal after that. They can't spam what a save if you don't try to save one.

The best option is to calm down and just remember that's an annon that you are probably never ever find again online, much less irl. words can only hurt you if you let them get into you, I had the same problem with a player that unfortunately I was being matched like 5 times in a row cuz it was not a time with a lot of players. And something that I feel people are forgetting because social media and always being connected, everyone doesn't have to like you just like you don't have to like everyone.


They are pretty good at dealing with stuff like this on Xbox, everything is key logged so if people are abusing text chat . Ban.


I don't really see any reason to take negative things people say on the internet seriously. Not saying its okay, but just report it and move on and it may get taken care of.

I personally think its funny when people talk like that to me. Bonus points if its a young child. I used to get a kick out of playing TF2 online and some 8 year old comes on and starts cursing at everyone yelling profanities and other junk at people. Always wonder where are these people's parents. It might mean more to me if I regularly interacted with these people and knew them, but if its just one off people I'll never see again in an online game, it doesn't come off as personal at all. Just someone getting overly worked up over a game or someone being overly immature.


Rocket League has gotten waaay worse in the last year or so. You can still find good and fun people, even enjoying some banter but there are so many times where they just enjoy trolling. Yesterday one teammate was so salty about losing 1-4 after two minutes that he went on a huge rant and quit, leaving us 2v3 with two minutes remaining. We said sorry for him to the other guys, even tho we didn't know him, and just juggled the ball for fun, whatever.

Some people are so dumb they even stop playing and miss the ball to write shit.
It's about picking your battles and not allowing yourself to be bothered by something so meaningless & ridiculous (yes, shedding a tear over a spoiled 9 year old sitting in his poopy pants calling you names is ridiculous).

It's counterproductive. You will never win. Nothing will ever change.

But by all means...

Is it more productive to pollute a thread with your garbage?
No. Yes.

Do you have anything to contribute to this topic, or do you just like one-line trolling? Would love to hear your take on this issue.
No, that's me replying to a troll.

My contributions are above.

Let us examine your 'contributions':

Oh god, it's 2017 and we're still bothered by faceless people behind a screen typing 'kill yourself' (gasp!) 'WITH A GUN'?!??!!

Be the bigger person, ignore - move on.

This is a non-issue.

Your first post is you noticeably offended by the idea that people taking umbrage with 'faceless people behind a screen' and declaring this a non-issue.. The delicious irony aside the thread exposes that is quite clearly is an issue. Maybe not an issue for you, but certainly many other and you're not so selfish to assume the world is all about you are you?

Hilarious. What sheltered alternate pleasantville reality do you come from? Life sucks. Deal with it.

Your next 'contribution' is an attack on someone calling them sheltered for taking issue with something. You again end it with your dismissal of it being an issue even though that is factually incorrect.

And I'm confident you will completely eliminate this problem. Great use of time and energy.

Where are you drawing this confidence from? Do you have some studies or links you can provide to support your hypothesis?

It's about picking your battles and not allowing yourself to be bothered by something so meaningless & ridiculous (yes, shedding a tear over a spoiled 9 year old sitting in his poopy pants calling you names is ridiculous).

It's counterproductive. You will never win. Nothing will ever change.

But by all means...

You talk about being careful on how you pick your battles and not being bothered by meaningless and ridiculous things, but here you are being bothered with half your post history in a thread you've previously deemed a non-issue.

Actually - it helps everyone?

Ignoring it takes the power away. If you want to reduce this kind of behavior, drawing attention to it and acknowledging it is not the way. All that will do is give them power and in the end, satisfy them by letting it get under your skin.

Again, want to provide us with some evidence that ignoring an issue will go away? Would you stop existing if we all ignored you?

Isn't this whole thing about having an emotional response to 'some guy you never met saying some shit'?

Me trying to change the world: Please stop saying 'you do you'. Most played-out fucking phrase of 2017 already. It doesn't make you sound cool.

Can't even parse what point you're trying to make here.

Like I said, it's about picking your battles. If this is really a high priority for you - go for it

I can't even begin to imagine how disappointing life would be if random insults from children over the internet really shake your core... Enjoy? Gonna be a fun ride.

Again, not very good at picking your battles. Why did you make this 'non issue' your battle?

Yes, it's more productive.

Also - I'm engaging in conversation.

What are you doing exactly? You have nothing to offer.

No. Yes.

Do you have anything to contribute to this topic, or do you just like one-line trolling? Would love to hear your take on this issue.

The only time I ever talk shit on Rocket League is if someone on my team keeps asking in the text chat to trade, and not helping the team.

I'll say something like "how about you help the f***ing team. who cares about trades."


Here's my potentially worthless 2 cents on the topic.

Just report them, don't respond to them, and move on. Most of them are simply looking to get a reaction out of you because that's their stupid little form of entertainment. Acknowledging their behavior, to them, is the reward. Yeah, it sucks that it happens, but beyond reporting them and ignoring them (if there's a block option) there's not too much else you can do. People are assholes and while I don't want to normalize that kind of behavior, there's usually not much else you can do.


I get similar shit talking messages after madden games. I honestly laugh out loud at most of them. The more crude the insult the more hilarious and accomplished it makes me feel lol.

I use to play a lot of basketball at public parks. "Kill yourself" would be considered tame. Develop a tolerance and you'll start to ignore it.
You know theres a message on every game by the esrb saying ONLINE MULTIPLAYER NOT RATED.

People are scum, no matter how much you moan, piss and cry about it , it will never end. People hate muslims, hate on blacks hispanics on whites. People harras woman , gays and so on. Being a girl i just MUTE and keep playing, if someone says shit i block them. Thats it?
No matter how mad it makes you, or how much people denounce it. It will NEVER GO AWAY PEOPLE.

It's like saying to a white supremacist to not do his hate speech. Yeah like you word is gonna stop him. You have the tools to block. Just use it. It wont! Go away people. This is the internet were talking about for crying out loud.
Back when I first got Xbox 360, my wife and I would plug in the headset and turn on CoD just to laugh at the little kids threatening each other.

That was the first & only time I had audio / chat turned on in a multiplayer game.

I don't get the appeal of having all that shit turned on. It's so damn irritating! But I also don't play co-op.


Honestly, I've run into more griefers in Rocket League than I ever have in any other game. I just turned off the text chat after a while.
You know theres a message on every game by the esrb saying ONLINE MULTIPLAYER NOT RATED.

People are scum, no matter how much you moan, piss and cry about it , it will never end. People hate muslims, hate on blacks hispanics on whites. People harras woman , gays and so on. Being a girl i just MUTE and keep playing, if someone says shit i block them. Thats it?
No matter how mad it makes you, or how much people denounce it. It will NEVER GO AWAY PEOPLE.

It's like saying to a white supremacist to not do his hate speech. Yeah like you word is gonna stop him. You have the tools to block. Just use it. It wont! Go away people. This is the internet were talking about for crying out loud.

Well put - I totally agree.

Don't let anyone ruin something you enjoy - don't give them the power to do it!


Does the "grow a thicker skin" suggestion sound more acceptable in this case than it does with instances of girls being harassed ?
I use to play a lot of basketball at public parks. "Kill yourself" would be considered tame. Develop a tolerance and you'll start to ignore it.

Question: Was this withpeople you are familiar to?

I think we can all agree 'trash talk' among people you associate with is generally more acceptable than with strangers. Meanwhile in most games you're usually against people you've never met.

And if the basketball games were against strangers I do not know why that behavior should be tolerated there either.
Report them, mute anyone who even seems like the might think about being toxic. They aren't worthy your time or even worth thinking about. Report them. Others will do the same. Eventually they will reform or get banned. It takes a while though. I've played league for years. It's just a shitty situation. Not much you can do about it beisdes let it roll off you and report them. Be vocal with the developers, let them know how it impacts your experience, and hopefully others will do the same.
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