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Guy Made A Fake Tinder Profile To Prove That Girls Never Think Hot Dudes Are Creepy

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I'm more surprised at "let's fuck". A "no way", followed by "how bout coffee?" And then an "ok."

That's not normal behavior in my book. Someone comes out to me asking to knock some boots first their intention is clear. Like damn. The coffee really gonna change things all that much? That's a red flag to me.
Ha! I used okcupid for two years when I went back to school in my early 30's, before tinder was a thing. I went on a little more than two dozen dates, and every single one ended with first date sex. Several of those dates started with coffee. ;) Most were women leaving a marriage/recently divorced who were just looking for fun.

And I look nothing like the fake profile image that guy used:


A little charm and the ability to converse in a fun and engaging way goes a long way.
Are you sure it wasn't the implication?
It's no different from real life. I would say the more attractive the other person perceives you to be, the greater your margin for error is.


Well selection bias at play there too.

While Tinder is used for fostering long term relationships now, online dating, especially for Tinder, has become mostly a visual meet market.

Eventually, everyone settles, though. They just may be at the age where they can be picky.

Compare Tinder profiles to Match,com and eHarmony ones? Very different lol.

But statistically, there are not enough 6 feet and up dudes to go around. Average male height in the NA is 5'9''.

Very true, and on tinder, we have A LOT of choice, so you can filter out whatever you decide. Height was never a thing for me though, if you're just hooking up, who cares how tall he is?
My Overgeneralization is..........

Everyone can be thirsty and the hotter a person is , the more lenient they will be with said beautiful person



I'm more surprised at "let's fuck". A "no way", followed by "how bout coffee?" And then an "ok."

That's not normal behavior in my book. Someone comes out to me asking to knock some boots first their intention is clear. Like damn. The coffee really gonna change things all that much? That's a red flag to me.

More like the social norms that say "boys are always out to get laid, but you need to at least make them buy you something first" at play


Seems like Tinder just drops the pretense and allows people to hook up. I don't really see how Tinder is substantially different than online dating sites/real life in terms of dating.
lmao DUDE.

Apart from your receding hairline you could pass as a model.
Tinder is an app to hook up, there should be no surprise that plenty of women are interested in hooking up with a man they find attractive.


I bet putting that you have an exciting/dangerous career does wonders too. Imagine if GermanLyfter was also a Firefighter.


The average man walks out in the middle of the street and proclaims, "I want sex!". Good luck.

The average woman walks out in the middle of the street and proclaims, "I want sex!" She'll have 20 suitors.
Ha! I used okcupid for two years when I went back to school in my early 30's, before tinder was a thing. I went on a little more than two dozen dates, and every single one ended with first date sex. Several of those dates started with coffee. ;) Most were women leaving a marriage/recently divorced who were just looking for fun.

And I look nothing like the fake profile image that guy used:


A little charm and the ability to converse in a fun and engaging way goes a long way.

Seems like Tinder just drops the pretense and allows people to hook up. I don't really see how Tinder is substantially different than online dating sites/real life in terms of dating.

I noticed this about OKCupid, too. The women there tend to be ready to go, and not that interested in a big commitment. I guess you have to go to E-Harmony for the marrying kind.

As far as the creepy profile, I guess it's important to remember the women on Tinder are making the same calculation as men. It's not, "Is this my soulmate?" but "Can I fuck this person without getting killed?" I know guys that are willing to overlook pretty much any personality flaw for the time it takes to have sex if the partner is hot enough, so I'm sure women do too.


I'm just wondering how the hell did they buy that fake profile. I mean those are some really obvious model/fake account pics.


The average man walks out in the middle of the street and proclaims, "I want sex!". Good luck.

The average woman walks out in the middle of the street and proclaims, "I want sex!" She'll have 20 suitors.

This is the future Liberals want.


-Let's fuck
-You think I'm a slut ?
-Ok ok, what about coffee and then fuck ?
-Much better, what time ?
Consider this though:

An attractive woman asks you, straight out of the gate, if you want to have sex?
You might think it's a set up. Someone catfishing to write an article. So you say no.
They offer to meet for coffee, which is a potentially non threatening environment and you can test your hypothesis regarding whether or not you're being taken for a fool.
And if coffee goes well, chemistry is there, they are the person from the photo, and the offer is still the table then it seems like you're good to go.

Seems pretty smart to me. Besides, if you're on tinder, you're probably into fucking.
Not surprising really. The opposite is just as valid if not more. Hoes be on both sides.

I think the opposite is just as valid if not more, because the pool of desirable women is much bigger with a wider spectrum for men, then it is for the pool of desirable men is for women. Not to mention, culture and society often times defining and limiting masculinity to your ability to bang hot chicks.


May I have a cookie?
I am a 37 year old man.

Ha! I used okcupid for two years when I went back to school in my early 30's, before tinder was a thing.

Both of you from the US? If so what area?
I'm not convinced things are quite so simple in other countries. By which I mean: yes, it's possible to have some success with the no nonsense "sex or coffee" approach for sure, but for every woman that agrees to go along with it the number who will be pissed off may be too large to make it worth your while.

Lets make woopie until the sun comes up.

I mean hi.


This I could see myself trying.


Super Sleuth
Friend of mine just got married to someone they met on Tinder. They are both super hot and successful though so they hardly count.


At first I didn't even get what #? meant until I realized he didn't even have to write number to ask for theirs.

Yeah, the double standrd is not surprising at all.
People who are claiming that most women are on Tinder to hook up: a couple of questions...

Do you use Tinder? How often, When was the last time you used it?

If yes to the above questions...
Do you live in Slutville, Nevada?

As for saying "men do the same thing"

Not necessarily, most men separate the sex from dating, thus they are willing to ger laid for the sake of getting laid, even if the willing lady is slightly unattractive and fat. They just want to know if you're down for a Bj tonight, they don't care what modeling school you went to or what's your waist and bust size.


If that guy messaged me like that, I would delete the message. :/

I would delete any messages like that, good looking or not. :/


some people in this thread come off as butthurt.

Do people really expect other people to not be at least somewhat salty about things that didn't work out for them as well as they do for others? I mean, why wouldn't they be? Who would be elated about knowing they might have a harder time at X than others?


I'm still reading through the original thread and it's hilarious.
Now, I feel uncomfortable to take the OP seriously, given your replies, but I'm a little surprised at how people diminish what he did back then. It's not about "hot guy get laid easier", we know that. It's about women's double standards, the constant bullshits they tell, how easily they can throw away any kind of caution.. and complain about it later, painting us with a broad brush.
Are men different, meaning that they would reject a hot girl who's asking for company? Nope, not for most at least. But we don't lie about it either.
And let me state this unpopular opinion: if relationships are often down to a game of tricks and lies (e.g. men being nice just to fuck, women being cute just to take advantage of men), it's also due to this lack of honesty from both side.
Mind you, this is me talking from my experience which is made of few good relationships (with or without love involved) and a lot of disappointments and it's kind of frustrating to know that if I were taller and more attractive (face, I work hard to keep my body in shape), who I am would be perfectly enough to have a easier life with girls, as it often really comes down to those first 2 minutes. But how much of yourself can you reveal in 2 minutes?
Wut? Tinder is a hookup app, it's not the same as everyday harassment.

This thread is fucking embarrassing.

For someone who's been using Tinder for the past four years, in major cities (I travel within NA a lot on business) such as LA, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, New York and even Las Vegas (terrible idea) I can assure you...
Tinder is NOT just a "hook up" app. (are there some women there who just want to fuck? Sure, but that's everywhere) And even if it was, you cannot get away with that kinda shit talk to women on it in 2017. On social apps or on the street ...Chances are they block and report you, unless you looked like the dude in the OP, as the story proves.


In this remarkable aphorism by myself:

"on the beach,
the handsome dude stares at the horizon and has wind in his hair
the ugly has a blank stare and the wind blows sand on his face"

eso76 summer 2001

I promise it sounds better in my native Language

Consider this though:

An attractive woman asks you, straight out of the gate, if you want to have sex?
You might think it's a set up. Someone catfishing to write an article. So you say no.
They offer to meet for coffee, which is a potentially non threatening environment and you can test your hypothesis regarding whether or not you're being taken for a fool.
And if coffee goes well, chemistry is there, they are the person from the photo, and the offer is still the table then it seems like you're good to go.

Seems pretty smart to me. Besides, if you're on tinder, you're probably into fucking.

Yeah, I was just having fun. This is completely expected.

I might add that you'd probably perceive handsome guys as less likely to be psychos because you wouldn't think the had to suffer through major social issues that developed into weird or creepy social behaviour. Not saying you'd always be right


May I have a cookie?
it's kind of frustrating to know that if I were taller and more attractive (face, I work hard to keep my body in shape), who I am would be perfectly enough to have a easier life with girls, as it often really comes down to those first 2 minutes. But how much of yourself can you reveal in 2 minutes?

Welcome to life. This isn't a sign of women being hypocritical.
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