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Guy Made A Fake Tinder Profile To Prove That Girls Never Think Hot Dudes Are Creepy

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I think guys are a bit more cautious when it comes to dealing with the crazy, with understanding catfishing and being rather pessimistic about when an attractive girl is talking to you for little to no reason. Especially if they are coming in strong.
That's definitely the case for me. Don't get me wrong, I'd put up with equally hot and crazy, but I'm honestly never in the mood for being catfished or mugged/robbed/scammed, etc, so whenever a red flag is raised I just nope.gif out of there.
I think its a bit different when you have an foreign/African sounding name that people may not be able to pronounce that's different than a name that sounds more common. Or at least, I'd like to believe that considering how few matches I've had over the past two years.
Sorry bruh, I think you just might be yo daddy's son
I've seen that study and I think a lot of it has to do with perception and stereotypes. If you have pictures and a profile that break those stereotypes, you will do incredibly well.

With that being said, I can see where you are coming from. Minorities who are good-looking and have figured out the game are taking the vast majority of the women who date minorities, leaving almost none for minorities that aren't in the top percentiles. With minorities, it feels more like a winners take all scenario.
Tbh I do pretty damn well in real life. Full disclosure, I've actually never had a Tinder before. I'm just talking through experiences from my mostly black friends and then my published model best mate. Shit's crazy at the top man. He's seen heights that Dwight Howard couldn't reach nigga
I have been considered 'a hot chick' for most of my life, barring high school and now middle age (fuck I just turned 35 I'm a cougar argh) and I can tell you this isn't true at all.

Now, being kind to folk has got me some things that otherwise I wouldn't have, but I would never be able to walk up to a hot guy and say 'Let's fuck.' and be successful.
How would u know if u haven't tried? If you're as attractive as you claim, u prolly could walk up to a guy and they would want to smash on sight.
I'm straight as fuck but would consider fucking that guy
Pause on that my dude


This is just psychology at play. You're more than willing to look past creepiness if the person saying those things, is a beautiful model that for some reason wants to spend time with you.

Yeap. Studies have shown that attractive people are more likely to be considered trustworthy, gracious and a whole lot of other positive things just because of their appearance. They even get paid more.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, I won't speak for other guys, but I would disagree with the idea that it would be the same situation of the roles were reversed. I actually stay away from profiles of women who have pics of themselves in lingerie or bikinis plastered over their profile and check off the "casual sex" option. In my experience, those types of profiles turn out to be 1) fake, 2) really shady characters 3) dudes.


How would u know if u haven't tried? If you're as attractive as you claim, u prolly could walk up to a guy and they would want to smash on sight.

I am not anymore, so no chance now, and I've been married since I was 18. I honestly think if I had done that dudes would have thought I was a hooker or crazy or something.

My avatar is a drawn version of me






Dating is ridiculously easy for very attractive guys ?

I am shocked !


People only care about looks, that's how it is, always has been and always with be. Wanna subconsciously pass on strong genes, so if nature didn't make you look like you have some, you're fucked, but the wrong kind.


Same shit applies to rich guys. Why do you think so many women have no problem voting for Trump?

I once over heard a mom tell her late teens/early 20's daughter that even if a guy is casually dressed she could still tell if he has money by his shoes and watch. This was over breakfast at a hotel in London.
I wear hiking boots all the time.

Except when I'm running.

I guess that's why I'm single.

I don't think I've owned a watch for the past 20 or so years. Perhaps I should get one?
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