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Guy Made A Fake Tinder Profile To Prove That Girls Never Think Hot Dudes Are Creepy

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Two Words

That was the same in 2001, too. If anything, one of the most important things the Internet has done is help provide a platform for disadvantaged groups and help connect them in ways that used to be more inconvenient or effectively impossible. A lot of early specialized dating websites helped cut through that bias by catering specifically to minority groups that were otherwise overlooked and under-served. That doesn't change the racial bias on Tinder or other popular apps today, but I believe it's easier and more convenient for minorities today than it was in 2001, too.

I don't really see racially-oriented dating services as much of a solution.
Hot chicks get away with everything too. Probably more.

Being attractive = win in pretty much everything in life. Easy to get laid. Easy to make friends. Easy to get jobs. I mean sure they still gotta try, but not nearly as hard as an average or god forbid ugly looking person

Actually, ugly tall guys are in better shape than good looking short guys.



That was the same in 2001, too. If anything, one of the most important things the Internet has done is help provide a platform for disadvantaged groups and help connect them in ways that used to be more inconvenient or effectively impossible. A lot of early specialized dating websites helped cut through that bias by catering specifically to minority groups that were otherwise overlooked and under-served. That doesn't change the racial bias on Tinder or other popular apps today, but I believe it's easier and more convenient for minorities today than it was in 2001, too.
Yeah... you really just should defer from speaking about minority experiences if you aren't well versed in what they're going through. All dating apps have done for minorities is show them how much more racist the world is than previously thought. In 2001 we could get away with hiding racist attitudes and prejudices far more than today. Just because some minorities are getting laid on Tinder and SoulSwipe doesn't mean its working out for them as a whole. Or you can just tell me again how minorities were underserved and impossible to connect with before the savior that is online interaction came about.
I don't really see racially-oriented dating services as much of a solution.
I don't think they should be considered the "solution." There's no single realistic solution to racism. There's nothing that's gonna solve the realities of racial bias in the dating world in the next 16 years, just like It wasn't solved in the last 16.

It's just another option. Options can still improve without the options having to be a single solution to a wider human problem.
Yeah... you really just should defer from speaking about minority experiences if you aren't well versed in what they're going through. All dating apps have done for minorities is show them how much more racist the world is than previously thought. In 2001 we could get away with hiding racist attitudes and prejudices far more than today. Just because some minorities are getting laid on Tinder and SoulSwipe doesn't mean its working out for them as a whole. Or you can just tell me again how minorities were underserved and impossible to connect with before the savior that is online interaction came about.
I said it was easier and more convenient, not a savior. And this viewpoint is directly influenced by minorities sharing their experiences, either directly or indirectly.

Yeah, the Internet also shines a light on our racist culture, but that culture was racist in 2001, too. I was never claiming that things are all peachy now that the Internet came along and solved racism. I just said that racism existed in 2001, too.

Edit: Double post because I'm an idiot.
Hot chicks get away with everything too. Probably more.

Being attractive = win in pretty much everything in life. Easy to get laid. Easy to make friends. Easy to get jobs. I mean sure they still gotta try, but not nearly as hard as an average or god forbid ugly looking person

Quantity vs Quality tho


Junior Member
I have 91 matches on tinder. Not super sure race is a factor. I mean obviously it is. But it doesn't seem as harsh on Tuesday as on other dating apps/sites. >_>

I think its a bit different when you have an foreign/African sounding name that people may not be able to pronounce that's different than a name that sounds more common. Or at least, I'd like to believe that considering how few matches I've had over the past two years.


I said it was easier and more convenient, not a savior. And this viewpoint is directly influenced by minorities sharing their experiences, either directly or indirectly.

Yeah, the Internet also shines a light on our racist culture, but that culture was racist in 2001, too. I was never claiming that things are all peachy now that the Internet came along and solved racism. I just said that racism existed in 2001, too.

Edit: Double post because I'm an idiot.
You said it was outright impossible for minorities groups to connect in "some ways" circa 2001, that apparently Tinder and speciality based apps have solved but there is no such way. You tried to sell this experience as a universal positive and studies show that minorities are getting rejected in far greater numbers than anyone else.

How exactly has online dating helped the minority dating experience in ways that were harder and less convenient in 2001? Tinder is full of racist white people. It was created for them and by them. Speciality apps were created in response to the overwhelming racism minorities faced and are knockoffs of a wholly white expectation. Minorities succeed on Tinder in spite of its existence.
I'm in the Midwest and race isn't much of a factor. If you are attractive and have your life together, getting women is like shooting fish in a barrel because there is almost no competition from other men of your race.

I have 91 matches on tinder. Not super sure race is a factor. I mean obviously it is. But it doesn't seem as harsh on Tuesday as on other dating apps/sites. >_>


I once got a message from a guy who said he fucked dogs and wanted me to watch him fuck a dog and I only entertained his bullshit for a bit cuz he was fairly good-looking, true story.
You said it was outright impossible for minorities groups to connect in "some ways" circa 2001, that apparently Tinder and speciality based apps have solved but there is no such way. You tried to sell this experience as a universal positive and studies show that minorities are getting rejected in far greater numbers than anyone else.

How exactly has online dating helped the minority dating experience in ways that were harder and less convenient in 2001? Tinder is full of racist white people. It was created for them and by them. Speciality apps were created in response to the overwhelming racism minorities faced and are knockoffs of a wholly white expectation. Minorities succeed on Tinder in spite of its existence.
I said effectively impossible in some ways. This opinion was formed in part based on the experience of a kid I grew up with. He's Muslim with immigrant parents, and while growing up the only access he had to other Muslims in a very white and Christian community was through his parents and their religious circle, which wasn't very big. Nothing about the Internet changed how terrible it us to be a Muslim today, or how terrible it us to have brow skin today (look how happily white America voted in Nov.), but it did help facilitate him finding other young Muslims that were largely isolated in other white Midwest communities just like him, and he insists on that being vital to forming his identity and his pride in it. There just weren't any other real options for that kind of communication for him that weren't online.

I never said Tinder solved any of that. I don't think Tinder elevates minorities or solves racism. I think Tinder and other apps show the racial bias of its user base.

As for ease and convenience, it's just the basic stuff. No longer being limited to who is at the bar that night, or who your friends know, or who you run into. That and being able to use the app at any time. I don't think it's any easier on comparison to white people. I don't think it's any easier for an Asian dude or a black woman to overcome the racial bias they will face on apps. That is still very real and very troubling. But the process compares to 2001? Using an app versus not? I think apps are easier and more convenient, yeah. That racial bias was still there in 2001.

Edit: tl;Dr - I don't think the Internet made it any easier in comparison to white people.
I think its a bit different when you have an foreign/African sounding name that people may not be able to pronounce that's different than a name that sounds more common. Or at least, I'd like to believe that considering how few matches I've had over the past two years.
In short, you are assuming correctly. Name bias is very real.

This article is concerned with the issue from a broader perspective, but people are biased toward names they can easily pronounce: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/07/who-wins-in-the-name-game/374912/

So of you are black and have a less Anglo name, you've got that extra hurdle on top of the racial bias.



I've seen that study and I think a lot of it has to do with perception and stereotypes. If you have pictures and a profile that break those stereotypes, you will do incredibly well.

With that being said, I can see where you are coming from. Minorities who are good-looking and have figured out the game are taking the vast majority of the women who date minorities, leaving almost none for minorities that aren't in the top percentiles. With minorities, it feels more like a winners take all scenario.


I said effectively impossible in some ways. This opinion was formed in part based on the experience of a kid I grew up with. He's Muslim with immigrant parents, and while growing up the only access he had to other Muslims in a very white and Christian community was through his parents and their religious circle, which wasn't very big. Nothing about the Internet changed how terrible it us to be a Muslim today, or how terrible it us to have brow skin today (look how happily white America voted in Nov.), but it did help facilitate him finding other young Muslims that were largely isolated in other white Midwest communities just like him, and he insists on that being vital to forming his identity and his pride in it. There just weren't any other real options for that kind of communication for him that weren't online.

I never said Tinder solved any of that. I don't think Tinder elevates minorities or solves racism. I think Tinder and other apps show the racial bias of its user base.

As for ease and convenience, it's just the basic stuff. No longer being limited to who is at the bar that night, or who your friends know, or who you run into. That and being able to use the app at any time. I don't think it's any easier on comparison to white people. I don't think it's any easier for an Asian dude or a black woman to overcome the racial bias they will face on apps. That is still very real and very troubling. But the process compares to 2001? Using an app versus not? I think apps are easier and more convenient, yeah. That racial bias was still there in 2001.

Edit: tl;Dr - I don't think the Internet made it any easier in comparison to white people.
Fair enough in regards to the Internet at large. Dating apps introduce deep prejudice in ways that alot of minorities aren't introduced to in physical circles, which is essentially a microcosm of internet culture as a whole.
Fair enough in regards to the Internet at large. Dating apps introduce deep prejudice in ways that alot of minorities aren't introduced to in physical circles, which is essentially a microcosm of internet culture as a whole.
That's true, and I could have been more clear on the comparisons and addressed that concept more. It's like Tinder is a country club, except everybody can look in now and see exactly what's going on and experience that example of racism first hand.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
And this is why I normally don't waste my time around here.
Let me just reply to the first guy then gtfo: girls have a harder time than men admitting what they really want and for a good number of reasons, one being society as I say later. They will, convincingly, lie, and for a lot of guys that will come off as double standards. As a matter of fact, I see it more as lack of transparency which results in distrust.
As for the rest, have fun swimming in your golden intellectual superiority. I'd love to be less polite but ehi, rules.


You made (and are still making) a bunch of massive negative generalizations about women and in the same sentence you complain about women "painting men with the same brush".

Are you so utterly lacking in self-awareness that you can't even realize the irony?


Love how there is a rush of posts that "guys are the same way". Not that I don't agree, I just wonder if there would have been a bunch of women are shallow too posts if the story would have been about men.


While average looking guys like me are quick to get riled up by stuff like this how is it different to how guys would behave? If an unattractive girl messaged (maybe overweight, maybe just not pretty) you would likely ignore as well.

The only difference I think there is seems to be females generally have a much higher standard in mind. The height thing instantly is one of those criteria that can end a guys chances, and I'm sure it's been shown girls pretty much ignore anyone under 6 foot or in the high 5's, which is pretty harsh, especially when the woman in question is like 5'2! A lot of guys would be happy with a much more average looking female than the reverse, us guys just have lower standards! However I don't think there's anything too weird here. Plenty of women just want sex, just the same as guys, so someone highly attractive to them offering it is all they need to go ahead.

Where are you from that girls ignore guys under 6ft? I am 5'10 and never had much problems hooking up with good looking girls. And im not extremely good looking either.


pretty sure this is old story.

and it's not the first example where you have dude trying to post as attractive hunks to see the reactions of some women.


Back when I had it, I just used to send any old shit as an opener. There's little point thinking of something interesting to say because ultimately their engagement with you is gonna be based on how attractive you are to them.

My gf has told me that she didn't even understand what I was saying at times but hey, she kept on replying.
I, for one, am shocked to learn that people don't care about what you do as long as you're sexy.

That's why everyone cares about what I do :(


semen stains the mountaintops
Hello fellow Gaf members, who would like to sit on my face? I promise that my looks are that of a man who has been in a Taylor Swift video.


Hot chicks get away with everything too. Probably more.

Being attractive = win in pretty much everything in life. Easy to get laid. Easy to make friends. Easy to get jobs. I mean sure they still gotta try, but not nearly as hard as an average or god forbid ugly looking person

I have been considered 'a hot chick' for most of my life, barring high school and now middle age (fuck I just turned 35 I'm a cougar argh) and I can tell you this isn't true at all.

Now, being kind to folk has got me some things that otherwise I wouldn't have, but I would never be able to walk up to a hot guy and say 'Let's fuck.' and be successful.
It's has been funny to watch how much stock some people are putting in this "experiment" :D I may ask if I can borrow a brush from one of you next time I do some painting.

As an aside, I love a bit of dirty talk. You'd be tempted to call an exorcist once I get started.


Hello fellow Gaf members, who would like to sit on my face? I promise that my looks are that of a man who has been in a Taylor Swift video.

someone with some calculus could probably work it through.
crass, crude, sexually forward, presumptive... then add some modifiers for looks and demeanor and presentation. crudeness from Tom Cruise in a BMW versus Jim Beam in a nice sweater, or even better, a dirty t-shirt, would have very different results.

there's probably some type of sweet spot from boring to naughty to offensive adjusted for level of attraction. and the number received should give you some idea of how likely it is a positive response would result.

but where would creepiness fit in? an extreme on the line way behind offensive, or would it be a modifier of the comment points.



Turns out you can savescum IRL if you are hot.
For an app used for hooking-up, I don't think he proved hot guys can say "anything." Sex and/or coffee with a model? I'm straight as fuck but would consider fucking that guy.

I want to see him say he he's a strict scat fetishist, is a practicing Lukumi Babalu Aye requiring ritualistic blood sacrifices, or some shit like that.
This is just psychology at play. You're more than willing to look past creepiness if the person saying those things, is a beautiful model that for some reason wants to spend time with you.

Works both ways too, i think thats why guys are willing to hook up with really attractive women, even if they are "crazy"
Works both ways too, i think thats why guys are willing to hook up with really attractive women, even if they are "crazy"

I think guys are a bit more cautious when it comes to dealing with the crazy, with understanding catfishing and being rather pessimistic about when an attractive girl is talking to you for little to no reason. Especially if they are coming in strong.
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