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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Honestly, D.va is in a fine position right now, DM is supposed to be like that because she is a tank and tanks are supposed to provide protection for their teammates and push for an attack.
ended up lower than my season final for 4 despite having a winning record and doing well in pretty much all of the games?

now I remember why I stopped playing comp this dumb as shit ranking system lol


ended up lower than my season final for 4 despite having a winning record and doing well in pretty much all of the games?

now I remember why I stopped playing comp this dumb as shit ranking system lol

What was the SR? Everyone got dropped 100-300 SR this season hence the salt.
speaking of d.va, i had 412 hp in my mech and got one shotted by a scatter arrow


This (sudden loss of 400+ hp when hit with a weaker attack) happens to me a lot as DVa. When I watch the playback (if DVa pilot died immediately after ejecting) I always notice I got hit with something else at the same time (Widow or Hanzo headshot is the usual culprit).
There's nothing in the game that's a real counter to the current implementation of DM, there's nothing as easy as an on/off switch that any character can do to properly counter her. Zarya has to get high charge; Symmetra Mei has to survive in near-melee range; Sombra needs to be in range and channel her hack in about a second without taking damage after announcing publicly she came out of stealth, hoping the team can burst her down in 6 seconds; Winston gets destroyed while he takes 10 minutes tickling her out of her mech; Rein can't get close since the triple tank meta is not a thing anymore. The amount of effort it takes to counter that ability is incredibly disproportionate to what she has to do in order to negate 95% of the damage output in the game.

The thing is, nobody was complaining about this stuff back when DVa wasn't considered a meta character. She still was able to DM anything that was thrown out back in season 2/3 once her DM ability was changed. And yet nobody said anything then, but all the same issues you just stated were there then.

The fact is OW is a team game, and DVa is easily outmaneuvered if you have a flanker distracting her DM. Just like Reinhardt gets into trouble if people are on opposite sides of him and he can't shield both directions, all you have to do is approach DVa at two diagonals and at least one person can get around her DM. If there's a Pharah in the air, DVa can't do horizontal and vertical at the same time either. Okay, yeah, sure, she deletes all incoming fire if your entire team is all shooting from the same direction. But that's the whole point of switching up strategies.

The fact that there isn't a character that can solo delete DVa with ease doesn't mean she's OP. And besides, Symmetras and Tracers have done really well against me if they are super mobile, and I run away from most Zaryas in a 1v1 fight. And good Sombras fuck me up too.

i'd probably be fine with DM if they put in a visual indicator regarding how low dva's DM meter is. shields have cracks to tell us the health of them, dva's DM should show something similar. and increased the cool down slightly

I'd be okay with this.


Everyone uses the same heroes in the World Cup. This is boring....

Audience got excited when they picked offmeta heroes as a goof. Lol


That lvl 1 turret was quite scary.


The thing is, nobody was complaining about this stuff back when DVa wasn't considered a meta character. She still was able to DM anything that was thrown out back in season 2/3 once her DM ability was changed. And yet nobody said anything then, but all the same issues you just stated were there then.

The fact is OW is a team game, and DVa is easily outmaneuvered if you have a flanker distracting her DM. Just like Reinhardt gets into trouble if people are on opposite sides of him and he can't shield both directions, all you have to do is approach DVa at two diagonals and at least one person can get around her DM. If there's a Pharah in the air, DVa can't do horizontal and vertical at the same time either. Okay, yeah, sure, she deletes all incoming fire if your entire team is all shooting from the same direction. But that's the whole point of switching up strategies.

The fact that there isn't a character that can solo delete DVa with ease doesn't mean she's OP. And besides, Symmetras and Tracers have done really well against me if they are super mobile, and I run away from most Zaryas in a 1v1 fight. And good Sombras fuck me up too.

I'd be okay with this.
S2 had Zarya being OPso running Dva was just feeding her grav and S3 Dva was broken for different reasons.
They then buffed her DM after S3 I think to what it is now.

Regarding flankers genji and tracer don't do much damage to her due to armour anyway. Pulse bomb is the most reliable way to get her out of mech though.


The thing is, nobody was complaining about this stuff back when DVa wasn't considered a meta character. She still was able to DM anything that was thrown out back in season 2/3 once her DM ability was changed. And yet nobody said anything then, but all the same issues you just stated were there then.
Because the balance changes, she wasn't an issue when you could run certain comps, now that those characters aren't viable anymore she became an issue. Remember triple tank, the Reins that went off into a team swinging their hammer on everyone? Think you can do that now? No. But it's not like Rein is a different character. Genji was useless back then, and now is super strong, but they did nothing to him.
The D.Va defense matrix is very oppressive (abafadi uses her at top 500 PS4 & GM PC levels, these are his words...). It's not fun to play against, I stopped using ana because DM + monkey shield = no heals. I used her a lot this season because I like winning but it wasn't a lot of fun running around just matrixing everything.

You probably got hit by someone else while getting hit by scatter.

Scatter is the only normal ability in the game that can 100% one-shot Zarya and Orisa (400HP heroes). His scatter does 450 total (max) damage, so it's definitely possible the scatter took him out of the mech with no one else firing at him.


The D.Va defense matrix is very oppressive (abafadi uses her at top 500 PS4 & GM PC levels, these are his words...). It's not fun to play against, I stopped using ana because DM + monkey shield = no heals. I used her a lot this season because I like winning but it wasn't a lot of fun running around just matrixing everything.

Scatter is the only normal ability in the game that can 100% one-shot Zarya and Orisa (400HP heroes). His scatter does 450 total (max) damage, so it's definitely possible the scatter took him out of the mech with no one else firing at him.

Same. :(


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If only we had a hook of some kind that pierced DM.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Defense matrix lasts too long and encompasses too large of an area. It's also bullshit that you can be DMed from behind (facing the same direction as you).
I really want to vent about mouse and keyboards on console right now, but really I have no proof its as widespread as my salty self fears. Yet my gut feeling when I keep seeing these crazy killcam movements among the legion of Widow/Hanzo/Genji players tells me that something has to be up.

Have I become paranoid console OW GAF? I'm just so tired of getting one shot by these flick movements when I'm not a tank.

If only we had a hook of some kind that pierced DM.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

New changes report that defence matrix now permanently eats Hog's hook, he only has one after all.


Jesus. I can easily tell what SR some posters are by hearing their thoughts on DVA, because they've actually never played a good one before. In GM and Top 500, DVA is by far the MOST oppressive player on the map. But what makes it worst, is the fact that it takes pretty much zero mechanical skill to counter entire teams strategies.

Edit: And people keep saying no one complained before? Well of course, because she got buffed. Plus a few of her natural counters didn't just get nerfed once, but twice!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
also i hope you people asking for dm nerfs know what you're asking for
I think displaying her DM meter to opponents would be a good change.

It really is just a pain to fight against unless you're Zarya or Winston because it feels like no matter what you do she's gonna block it and you have no visual indicator of how low it is unlike all the barriers in the game.
I think the whole thing with defense matrix is one of those things that becomes much more potent and utilised well the further up the ranks you go.

I had the misfortune of going up against a six stack yesterday in quick play that were on attack in Anubis but this wasn't some jobber six stack of friends just chilling, they were masters and grandmasters that meant business moving as a roaming block of destruction with Defense matrix devouring all we threw at it before we got steamrolled.
Typically in the wildly inconsistent world of solo queue I don't see D.Va players get to use defense matrix for anyone but themselves and the most the team benefits from it is when she gobbles a few ults like tactical visor and Bastion tank configuration, so I can imagine how some people aren't seeing much of an issue.

Meanwhile, what's this I'm hearing about double jumping Genji having an even smaller hitbox? because if that's true it would explain so damn much and give me more reasons to hate his stupid cyborg face.


semen stains the mountaintops
Man, I'm getting royally screwed with these summer boxes. The only thing I've gotten was a win pose for Reaper and not a single other thing.

Dad76 is not looking likely unless I spend 90% of my credits.
Everyone uses the same heroes in the World Cup. This is boring....

Audience got excited when they picked offmeta heroes as a goof. Lol

Yup, that's why I can't watch too much of the Pro scene. Teams are almost always exactly alike due to the meta. OW needs a draft mode!
Is Pharahs "I am the Rocket Queen" a reference to the Gun 'n Roses song, 'Rocket Queen'?
Its the only other time Ive heard the term "Rocket Queen" used anywhere else.


Is Pharahs "I am the Rocket Queen" a reference to the Gun 'n Roses song, 'Rocket Queen'?
Its the only other time Ive heard the term "Rocket Queen" used anywhere else.

It's also a reference to one of her design names when she was in development (Pharah was also known as Rocket Dude, Jet Pack Man, etc.)

BTW, I wish D.Va was more of a Dive Tank than a Defense Matrix bot as she is ATM. While I didn't like her super-duper tanky nature before her Armour and HP was reversed, I do miss the fact that she could bully players into submission.
Because the balance changes, she wasn't an issue when you could run certain comps, now that those characters aren't viable anymore she became an issue. Remember triple tank, the Reins that went off into a team swinging their hammer on everyone? Think you can do that now? No. But it's not like Rein is a different character. Genji was useless back then, and now is super strong, but they did nothing to him.

That's exactly what I'm saying. Rein went down in the meta without too much done to him (outside the stupid bugs) and Genji went up without any buffs. Same for D.Va. So why does DVa's DM ability need to be the one nerfed? Why not change how other characters can deal with it and balance it in other ways?

I think if you change her DM too much she becomes useless as a tank (as is evident by her initial release and change to the DM in the first place). I'd much rather have something like Zarya get more energy from bubbles or Symmetra being more viable or Doomfist becoming part of the meta or any other myriad of options. But nerfing her DM is gonna likely fuck her up enough that she'll not even be a part of the meta anymore and if they keep making all tanks bad it'll kill the whole game.

My guess is there's a good chance when Orisa's buff goes live there will be a spike in Barrierwatch. And eventually we'll get a bunch of people complaining about things people didn't care about before like her clip size or how quickly she can place her shields. But what do I know.


BTW, I wish D.Va was more of a Dive Tank than a Defense Matrix bot as she is ATM. While I didn't like her super-duper tanky nature before her Armour and HP was reversed, I do miss the fact that she could bully players into submission.

Thats the only way I can see a big DM nerf not taking her out of the game. A significant buff to her damage. Which....might be kinda cool, actually. After all, those guns she's firing are shotguns, but they're pretty shit ones other than being able to fire infinitely.

If she was firing Reaper's Hellfire shotguns, instead of whatever she's got now then I'd be okay with a big nerf to DM. She'd swoop in like a psychotic killer rabbit and destroy anyone she found. But then people will complain about D.Va killing you, so....


I wish I could understand the Junkrat obsession in these high plat/low diamond games on PC. Instalock in every single game, ugh.


Thats the only way I can see a big DM nerf not taking her out of the game. A significant buff to her damage. Which....might be kinda cool, actually. After all, those guns she's firing are shotguns, but they're pretty shit ones other than being able to fire infinitely.

If she was firing Reaper's Hellfire shotguns, instead of whatever she's got now then I'd be okay with a big nerf to DM. She'd swoop in like a psychotic killer rabbit and destroy anyone she found. But then people will complain about D.Va killing you, so....


Well, I had a bunch of players yelling at me for killing them as Zenyatta, claiming he was "overpowered" and "cheap". Comes to show that no matter what you do, there are some players that refuse to adapt and learn from their mistakes.

But I honestly would like to try out D.Va with a nerfed DM in exchange for her Fusion Cannons to get a damage buff. Because I had a lot more fun harassing players as D.Va, instead of my team baby sitting me.



Well, I had a bunch of players yelling at me for killing them as Zenyatta, claiming he was "overpowered" and "cheap". Comes to show that no matter what you do, there are some players that refuse to adapt and learn from their mistakes.

But I honestly would like to try out D.Va with a nerfed DM in exchange for her Fusion Cannons to get a damage buff. Because I had a lot more fun harassing players as D.Va, instead of my team baby sitting me.

We can try it out if we can get a big enough gaf group together. I already have a modified preset with some alterations in characters I like. I can't change the recharge rate of DM, but I can set it to have a much higher cooldown and up the damage of her guns. We just need 10 other people to try it out.

Well, I had a bunch of players yelling at me for killing them as Zenyatta, claiming he was "overpowered" and "cheap". Comes to show that no matter what you do, there are some players that refuse to adapt and learn from their mistakes.

But I honestly would like to try out D.Va with a nerfed DM in exchange for her Fusion Cannons to get a damage buff. Because I had a lot more fun harassing players as D.Va, instead of my team baby sitting me.

Night of the lepus?


We can try it out if we can get a big enough gaf group together. I already have a modified preset with some alterations in characters I like. I can't change the recharge rate of DM, but I can set it to have a much higher cooldown and up the damage of her guns. We just need 10 other people to try it out.

Send me an invite when it's ready, 'cause I'm down to try it out.

Night of the lepus?

Well, it's either choosing that or making a gif from the films Celia, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, or Donnie Darko for expressing the idea of D.Va becoming a "Killer Bunny Rabbit".

Because the bunny from that Monty Python movie is overused at this point.


Ooooooooooh, I was wrong. They must have updated it, because now I CAN alter the recharge rate and the maximum time.


Edit: Maybe they didn't change anything and I just remember it wrong, because I can't actually change the cooldown, just the max time and recharge rate. So that limits my options because no matter what, D.Va is always going to be able to DM after 1 second. Hm....

Edit 2:

Okay, those are the changes that I made to each heroes. Does anyone want to come test them out?

D.Va: She can only now hold her DM up for 2 seconds and I upped her recharge rate so it takes 12 seconds to fully recharge, though she can obviously put up a partial DM in 1 second because I can't change her cooldown.

Junkrat: It's kinda the best I can do to mimic what Blizzard have done.

Mei: I just want to see if a slight buff to her damage will be a big change for her.

Mercy: I can't do anything about her health regen, which is the nerf I'd really like to see, but I'm curious to see how she might survive as a 150HP hero. I did give her a boost to her projectile speed so that she can defend herself a bit better, but she's VERY squishy now .

Orisa: Basically how she is on the PTR right now sans the shield.

Roadhog: I've done my best to restore him to his former glory, but I can't do anything about the fire rate.

Soldier: Fuck Soldier

Sombra: Like Mei, I'm curious if a slight damage buff will break her or push her where she needs to be.

Widowmaker: I buffed her more than is maybe necessary, but I want to try her out.

Winston: It's not a big nerf, but I want to see how he fairs with his barrier on a slightly longer cooldown.


Ooooooooooh, I was wrong. They must have updated it, because now I CAN alter the recharge rate and the maximum time.


Edit: Maybe they didn't change anything and I just remember it wrong, because I can't actually change the cooldown, just the max time and recharge rate. So that limits my options because no matter what, D.Va is always going to be able to DM after 1 second. Hm....

Edit 2:

Okay, those are the changes that I made to each heroes. Does anyone want to come test them out?

Darn. I want to, but I only have the PC version. :(
Send me an invite when it's ready, 'cause I'm down to try it out.

Well, it's either choosing that or making a gif from the films Celia, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, or Donnie Darko for expressing the idea of D.Va becoming a "Killer Bunny Rabbit".

Because the bunny from that Monty Python movie is overused at this point.

Oh, I approve, I just didn't know anyone else had even heard of it. I saw it when I was a little kid in the theater. The scene of the lone produce truck driving down the deserted country lane still haunts me.


standing on the payload as Rein, lone Hanzo firing at me

"hi" "hello"

he ults, I charge and kill him

I get spammed about 60 invite notifications for two minutes



Darn. I want to, but I only have the PC version. :(

Okay, wow, um....I can't say for sure how much Blizzard should increase her DPS if they decide to Roadhog her DM, but it should not be 50%. That's...it's unfair, yikes.

I think they'd have to lower her health too if they are going to make her a Dive tank, because she is very survivable for the power and escape she has in my playtest. (Granted, I was up against AI, but just how much damage I was putting in them, I saw how it'd work in practice)

And they need to up the actual cooldown. Because a good D.Va doesn't just spam her DM, a good D.Va uses it as select moments. As such, 2 second is PLENTY of time. I think even a 1 second DM might be good for her. Except when other characters are using ults, in which case she's no longer going to be able to counter Soldier's, roadhogs, and Pharah's ult.

This would make her a complete lone wolf character like Roadhog used to be. Other than defending against teamkilling oneshot ults, like a graviton, her protection against enemy fire would be minimal. It'd be better to use that for herself and when she goes ham on the enemy team with her power shotguns.

Honestly, trying out this gun powered, DM nerfed D.Va kind of re-enforces that she's in a really good place where she is currently right now for me. Call her DM boring or whatever, but it serves the team. If they decide to actually make D.Va a predator, she gon be scary af.


The thing is, nobody was complaining about this stuff back when DVa wasn't considered a meta character. She still was able to DM anything that was thrown out back in season 2/3 once her DM ability was changed. And yet nobody said anything then, but all the same issues you just stated were there then.

The fact is OW is a team game, and DVa is easily outmaneuvered if you have a flanker distracting her DM. Just like Reinhardt gets into trouble if people are on opposite sides of him and he can't shield both directions, all you have to do is approach DVa at two diagonals and at least one person can get around her DM. If there's a Pharah in the air, DVa can't do horizontal and vertical at the same time either. Okay, yeah, sure, she deletes all incoming fire if your entire team is all shooting from the same direction. But that's the whole point of switching up strategies.

The fact that there isn't a character that can solo delete DVa with ease doesn't mean she's OP. And besides, Symmetras and Tracers have done really well against me if they are super mobile, and I run away from most Zaryas in a 1v1 fight. And good Sombras fuck me up too.

Most people didn't think Roadhog was OP until season 3 and that's because the meta showed everyone how broken he was. The fact a character can be untouched for a season doesn't mean they are balanced. And DVa has received buffs that have made her broken.

DVa has far more abilities that allow her to fend off flankers than Reinhardt does lol. Not even a comparison.

And if the flankers start to focus DVa instead of focusing the Zen/Ana/Winston she is DMing, you've already lost the fight.

Symmetras shouldn't be doing anything to a DVa...


semen stains the mountaintops
I just saw the best POTG, it was a Mercy watching their team die and then hitting some like twice with their gun.
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