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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

Same here on my main account. Im at like 700 sr difference on it (2700 vs 3400 last season). Meanwhile on my alt I'm at 4100 because fuck, why not

SR gains are absolutely bloated when you understand that to climb easily, you should only play two heroes MAXIMUM
It definitely feels like I get punished for playing certain characters sometimes. I need to check again to confirm, but for my character I most consistently win with, Zen, I swear I earn about 20 SR maximum each win vs when I win on my Reaper and I get about double that. That would be fine if I could play Reaper with an actual team but more often then not I pick Reaper and I see 2 other DPS picks or a defense character in slots that should be for tanks or support.
maybe youre just at the elo level your skill deservers? the fact that you main 3 situational characters should be kind of a of a giveaway
I mean, I'm not a prideful guy, y'all can check my stats right here and tell me if stuff checks out,


There's definitely spots I can improve still but I really do feel like more often than not at this rank that I'm at the mercy of my team's picks and I'm struggling to pick up the slack. I felt like I was playing with equals around the 2900-3200 range when I was there, I can admit when I almost made Masters I was playing my ass off and still probably was getting carried a bit.

I can understand thinking Reaper is situational as I definitely agree there's times he really isn't the move, but I disagree as others have said that Winston is situational with this meta, and personally when I'm on Winston I really rather have a Zen on healer, it's just way easier knowing you can jump on a enemy support, get some good tickle damage in and not worry about your Lucio or Mercy getting bodied before you get out. The only time I really feel like Zen is iffy is when the enemy team has persistent Genjis or Tracers or when my team is on attack since Lucio's speedboost is really helpful, but I feel like I manage pretty well with him all things considered.


Neo Member

he's not wrong

Hmmm, I dunno. It's generally pretty easy to pull Rein up and backwards into the air so he can't Earthshatter, and then reset your shield further back so he has to walk even further to cross through it. Same goes for yolo charges past the chokepoint into Earthshatter, though the shield placement on those is a little trickier.

The main thing that keeps Orisa from being meta (on a non-pro level) is just that no one has invested any time in learning how to synergize well with her. People don't use her shields at all and almost always ignore Halt even though it's basically free headshots.


Hmmm, I dunno. It's generally pretty easy to pull Rein up and backwards into the air so he can't Earthshatter, and then reset your shield further back so he has to walk even further to cross through it. Same goes for yolo charges past the chokepoint into Earthshatter, though the shield placement on those is a little trickier.

The main thing that keeps Orisa from being meta (on a non-pro level) is just that no one has invested any time in learning how to synergize well with her. People don't use her shields at all and almost always ignore Halt even though it's basically free headshots.

She's also butt at the moment.

Once her buffs come through, she might not be as much butt as she is right now.
It's so, so easy to design a scoreboard that doesn't show kills.

How do you compare a Genji to a Rein to a Mercy?

If you use a points system how do you balance is? Rein shield damage blocked? What if enemy doesn't shoot it but it being there is an effective deterrent? No points despite helping the team.


Neo Member
She's also butt at the moment.

Once her buffs come through, she might not be as much butt as she is right now.

Ehh I disagree, I think she's roughly on par with Rein at current. Her shield placement is way more flexible, and being able to negate Winston's jump with Halt is a pretty big point in her favor given how common he is these days.

Certainly I'm not complaining about the buffs though, she's gonna be even better with improved accuracy and that enormous shield.


Hmmm, I dunno. It's generally pretty easy to pull Rein up and backwards into the air so he can't Earthshatter, and then reset your shield further back so he has to walk even further to cross through it. Same goes for yolo charges past the chokepoint into Earthshatter, though the shield placement on those is a little trickier.

The main thing that keeps Orisa from being meta (on a non-pro level) is just that no one has invested any time in learning how to synergize well with her. People don't use her shields at all and almost always ignore Halt even though it's basically free headshots.

If a rein gets outplayed like that by an orisa, I suggest he never plays rein again in his life.


I think I'm starting to hate Soldier and McCree. I peaked a soldier for like two seconds and I just got melted from his helix/spam survive with 2 hp. It's insane. When did ppl get such good aim all of a sudden?
How do you compare a Genji to a Rein to a Mercy?

If you use a points system how do you balance is? Rein shield damage blocked? What if enemy doesn't shoot it but it being there is an effective deterrent? No points despite helping the team.

It's never going to be perfect, but you can get a pretty close approximation that is at least good enough outside of organized play (and in organized play, it's hopefully not necessary).

Like, you have to admit that this hypothetical Rein that single-handedly carries his team to victory but ends up bottoming the scoreboard because the enemies are so disoriented that they don't fire any shots is a pretty unlikely scenario. What's more likely is that people will stop screaming at the Hanzo on their team and maybe start looking at the Rein that's just mindlessly charging into the enemy team and feeding ult (who, in turn, will probably think twice about yelling at his team).

Beyond reducing toxicity, stats are crucial in telling stories that are easily missed in normal gameplay, and can help players improve massively if they know what to do with that information. Stats are also useless if you don't have any context (eg. how the rest of the server performed relative to you). Not having a scoreboard in a game getting pushed as a serious competitive shooter is laughable.


Neo Member
If a rein gets outplayed like that by an orisa, I suggest he never plays rein again in his life.

Well, tell that to basically every Rein I play against, I guess? Dudes Earthshatter into my shield constantly. I can't speak to pro or grandmaster level play, but for master ranks and below Orisa is really not that bad.


When I get halted by an orisa I just stand my ground and stay there until she has another halt for me to not shatter

I mean when a crossing guard says stop what do you do?


Neo Member
You find people running Rein in masters?

Generally not, no, it's usually D.Va and Winston if our team hasn't instalocked 4 DPS. Was just talking about the Rein matchup because someone brought it up

Obviously D.Va and Winston are the premier tanks right now, I win more with Winston than I do with Orisa because he's better at basically everything and far less reliant on his team. I'd just say Orisa hangs out in the B-tier with Rein rather than in her own separate trash tier.


Orisa gets flanked way too easily and is a huge reason she's not very viable. I love playing Orisa, but she has her issues. Rein can easily swing his shield around or swat away flankers that are on his ass. Orisa is screwed if she has to move her shield to counter the flankers and her gun isn't the great against them. The upgrade to her gun should help a lot when dealing with flankers plus her orb moving at a faster rate.

It'll be interesting to see if the shield being bigger ends up being a nerf or a buff. In the end I think it's a buff because of the low cooldown on the shield, but with it being bigger it could go down faster because DPS will hit it more than they do now. It's pretty rare for a team to focus her shield when I play her.


Does anyone else experience issues with PSN? For the past 2-3 days i'm getting seemingly randomly disconnected. Party chat is uninterrupted. I just get booted from the game and getting errors that the game cannot connect to the server.

I just wasted 2 minutes on our attack round of Numbani trying to reconnect and as a result we drew the game. To say this is infuriating is an understatement.


Man fuck Doomfist on console. Easily the most overpowered character.

Also I feel like the loot box changes have been a double sword. I'm not getting any duplicates anymore which means I can't buy any of the skins because I can't get 1k gold more to do so.
Orisa gets flanked way too easily and is a huge reason she's not very viable. I love playing Orisa, but she has her issues. Rein can easily swing his shield around or swat away flankers that are on his ass. Orisa is screwed if she has to move her shield to counter the flankers and her gun isn't the great against them. The upgrade to her gun should help a lot when dealing with flankers plus her orb moving at a faster rate.

It'll be interesting to see if the shield being bigger ends up being a nerf or a buff. In the end I think it's a buff because of the low cooldown on the shield, but with it being bigger it could go down faster because DPS will hit it more than they do now. It's pretty rare for a team to focus her shield when I play her.

Yeah, Orisa is great if she's supported by the team and can hold the line. But as soon as she gets flanked, or enemies get into close combat, she is pretty fucked. Reapers can Wraith in and just tear her apart before she can do anything - if she has no help. Fortify just doesn't mitigate enough damage.

Looking forward to her changes though.


Unconfirmed Member
What it's like fighting against Doomfist on Total Mayhem:


You're the one being combo'd endlessly.


How do you compare a Genji to a Rein to a Mercy?

If you use a points system how do you balance is? Rein shield damage blocked? What if enemy doesn't shoot it but it being there is an effective deterrent? No points despite helping the team.

The biggest quandary being how to judge the effectiveness of Lucio's speed boost.
I dive on anas, cause I like the risk reward of making them miss sleep dart or not. 7 times out of 10 I make them miss (especially when using barrier when you think they are gonna sleep u) but man...those times they get me.....I pray my team helps. lol

what is this nonsense? People in plat understand the game and know how to coordinate......for the most part at least.

Also, Winston isn't situational. Perhaps your skill level and understanding of the game is higher than that of every team in Apex last season and this current season using Winston (which was/is every team). Robert Kraft maybe needs to sign you.

hahaha good one


I've just loaded up a game of Lucioball to try and get a win for a weekly lootbox. I'm the only one of the six players in the game who isn't idling for XP.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I sometimes wonder how many people one trick a hero just because they know it'll get them views of what is otherwise a pretty average masters player


I sometimes wonder how many people one trick a hero just because they know it'll get them views of what is otherwise a pretty average masters player

I don't know. I mean, I definitely like it when Seagull takes a break from Genji & plays McCree or Soldier, as it's fun to see his mechanical skills and the work he puts in.
/shouts from the mountaintop



/cries tears of joy

hang on, I just remembered something...

2. The report system is a joke. If somebody throws even twice, they should be banned all season. Period. Do it again next season, perma. Etc. Having things go unpunished for so long is absurd.

4. Did I mention you can throw 10 game sin a row, go on insane tirades, and even just leave with no penalty? The reporting system is a joke.

6. Somebody called me a faggot about 100 times while jumping off the map as Torb 2 games in a row. He got mass reported and only received a chat ban. The reporting system is a joke.

8. Did I mention the reporting system literally doesn't function correctly?

....I'm just gonna not get my hopes up quite yet, but hey it's a start right?
Most of the problems I faced when playing comp and made me not want to play anymore (without a full-stack) are not something that can be reported unfortunately. People weren't trolling for the most part, some of them were just really bad and ruined the games.

It feels like there's a huge disparity of skill in the same range. Don't know if it's because people got boosted by grouping up or because some of them can climb with winrates way below 50%, it just doesn't feel right.

I guess a soloq ladder with a fixed SR for winning/losing would help fix this problem.


Most of the problems I faced when playing comp and made me not want to play anymore (without a full-stack) are not something that can be reported unfortunately. People weren't trolling for the most part, some of them were just really bad and ruined the games.

It feels like there's a huge disparity of skill in the same range. Don't know if it's because people got boosted by grouping up or because some of them can climb with winrates way below 50%, it just doesn't feel right.

I guess a soloq ladder with a fixed SR for winning/losing would help fix this problem.

You playing tonight? I'll be on soon. If no Comp, we can play something else for lootboxes.
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