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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Unconfirmed Member
We're the cesspool for condemning fuckers using the N word? Or course.

No, this place is a cesspool for hating pineapple pizza.

On topic, what an ignorant fool. To have this much reach and publicity and still nonchalantly drop slurs like this is ridiculous. Worse even when you consider the fact that he knows who his target audience is.


Wasn't TB throwing on the cape for JonTron too?

It's a fuckin good ol' boys club at the top of the Youtube hierarchy

Hat Man has the same insular world-views as all of them (his comments about a lack of racism in the north of england made me do a triple-take) - It's just he's slightly more media savvy than either of them to know not to create controversy himself - just have really awful opinions about them.


Seriously, scrolling through his timeline, it's basically whining that people are asking him to speak up, complaining that this will drive more advertisers away and a lot of stuff about copyright claims. Shows his priorities right there.

All these guys care about is money. It's why you'll see some of them come out against PDP or just stay quiet. They either want this to be accepted or blow over. Because right now they are scared their livelihood is threatened. Ironically because of PDP based off his last racist stunt. This will make things worse on that ad front for a lot of them.

It's why you have other youtubers coming out against him. Because he's fucking up their money.

I also think it's rich Boogie even tried to put that "content being pulled is scary as hell"

How about calling out your friends for being racist, disgusting humans. Call them out for messing this up.

Many of us said Youtube needed to step up and step in a long time ago because a lot of the content on there isn't ad friendly and a lot of their audience are younger people. Now it's infected gaming for a while now and LP'ing has had a free ride for a while.

Now you're seeing advertisers take the reigns and don't want to associate this behavior with content that's supposed to be aimed at children.


We are snowflakes and a part of a 'cult' because we think racist shitbags shouldn't have a platform.

I've been called many things, some of which this thread have addressed, but never a snowflake. That gave me a chuckle. Thanks.

If people don't realize by now that this guy is a shitbird, then they aren't paying attention. Making one suspect comment should raise an eyebrow. Making multiple objectionable comments directed at multiple groups makes you a piece of shit.


We'll probably have a talk about this guy as a fence-sitter, though.

Yup, having had this conversation with a coworker pseudo recently that really loved his content I would recommend just planting the seed. My coworker came back to me at work a few weeks later feeling similarly to me once I planted it.

Everyone is different though.


Serious question, did you guys at least read ALL of his tweet about this bullshit or just hottake that tweet chain so you can put certain hat on TB?

He sounds like he's mad that people aren't automatically assuming he finds PDP's actions contemptible and not using his platform to a larger extent to directly strike it down....

Which i find really ironic given that his pinned tweet is about how Tmartn and prosyndicate will forever be scumbags.


From what I've read it's mostly posts saying that people are overreacting but you have to understand that the whole n-word and other racism hasn't really had the same history in Sweden as it has in America so people who aren't aware or doesn't care about other countries or issues doesn't understand the big deal.

With that being said there is also a surge in racism right now and it has been happening for a couple of years with a racist party (Sverigedemokraterna) being the second largest right now in the polls so people are starting to come out of the woodwork so to speak.

Are you Sweedish?



"Being accused", "appears to", "according to"....

for fucks sake Kevin Lui, grow some fucking balls
He's not even reporting his own story. He's basing the article on reports from other outlets. I guess Time wants to independently verify the footage before they let people actually wrote their own stuff. But this isn't really anything new. Msm always says noncommittal shit like allledgedly to limit liability even if there's footage of someone doing something, stating their name, while holding two forms of legal id.


Only place I've seen this discussed is the Feber.se disqus comments for the mini-articel they put up. And the disqus comments seem to overall be a pretty shit place, so nothing really to go by imo. Didn't see a thread about this on either Minhembio (granted much smaller community) or Sweclockers. So I reiterate, nothing much to go by, and of the swedes posting on Neogaf and in this thread, I'm seeing most come out against any notion that this was a simple mistake.

Check the Gamereactor article but tbf it's always been a racist/sexist place, starting right at the top with the editor In chief

Are you Sweedish?



Dude probably can't do much in regards to PUBG. The people yall need to be getting on is google, youtube or whoever.

They can ban that mans account if they want to for language like that.


Exactly what is it that people like about Boogie again? Every time I see something about him he reveals himself as a moron or a scumbag.
On behalf of every youtuber who apparently didn't 'condemn PDP' enough for the cultists likely allow me to say, go fuck yourselves.

Assuming someone condemns racism isn't a fucking test you get to put people through, it's a default position that should be assumed.

And if you're too dense to see that you aren't worth a moment of time to pander to.

Bunch of fucking drama addicted purity-testing little assholes. Nothing but tribal cultists out for blood.

Wanting to use us and our audiences as megaphones. Well you can sod off on that one, whatever your tribe.

Apparently these people are too stupid to get the message unless you spell it out in neon 200 foot high. RACISM IS BAD. WOW NO SHIT

So hey, thanks if you don't do that and know that we know, you're the good guys and the majority. We haven't forgotten that.

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

Because he does. He honestly doesn't care PDP did this, he just cares that its blowing up


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

No surprises here.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

That really tells you all you need to know. It's not about pandering. It's about doing the right thing.

Because he does. He honestly doesn't care PDP did this, he just cares that its blowing up
Also this.


It's a bit weird as a fellow Swede I can not relate to that slur being used in by Swedes at all, I wonder where he picked it up.


Check the Gamereactor article but tbf it's always been a racist/sexist place, starting right at the top with the editor In chief


Lol, sorry, it was kind of a dumb question. Should have been obvious to me since you were talking about the political party there.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

Yeah, just telling how much energy he put into this response when he could have just said.

Man, PDP messed up. I hope he apologizes soon. Etc etc.

And left it at something like that.
It's a bit weird as a fellow Swede I can not relate to that slur being used in by Swedes at all, I wonder where he picked it up.

The bridge from "neger" to "nigger" isn't exactly that far. Also it's not like american movies, culture and whatever isn't everywhere here in Sweden.

"Being accused", "appears to", "according to"....

for fucks sake Kevin Lui, grow some fucking balls

PewDiePie Is Being Accused of Using a Racial slur?

shit like this only normalizes this trash behaviour. Really sickening.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

The irony of his pinned tweet labeling Tmartn as an eternal scumbag makes it all the more poignant

Swindling kids out of money is worth taking a hard stance about. Racism? Not so much apparently


It's a bit weird as a fellow Swede I can not relate to that slur being used in by Swedes at all, I wonder where he picked it up.

Well, he does cater to a large American audience. Also present in any American civil war drama or Quentin Tarantino film he may have watched. It would probably be hard to not come across that slur considering how many Americans he interacts with.


Like I said. TB would happily stay quiet if he could. Like he's probably only mad PDP said it out loud. Not that he said it.

It's quite telling TB goes on some stupid rant against liberals and 'cultists' rather than the guy who is the fucking racist.

Being against racism should be the default position, it's a shame 95% of his audience doesn't feel the same way. And he knows, which is why him and Boogie and the rest take this middle of the road, both sides, alt left, bullshit route. And if they keep doing this it's going to lead to game devs bailing on them en masse as they don't want their IP associated with racist shitbags.
The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

TB has, IMO, never said anything of worth. If he, PDP, Boogie, etc all disappeared forever tomorrow, the world will have lost nothing of value.


Good to see Angry Joe call him out. And AJ's twitter feed seems to have a fair bit of tweets/retweets calling out racism in general, which is refreshing for a gaming channel with millions of subscribers.

You'd really think more yt'ers would dislike PDP because he fucked them over by causing the "adpockalypse" and keeps trolling/spouting racism even after that, risking their livelyhood. If I had a yt channel and it was my source of income, I'd be pissed on him for that as well. But no, they want to be friends with the popular guy so can't call them out, it's weak.


Like I said. TB would happily stay quiet if he could. Like he's probably only mad PDP said it out loud. Not that he said it.

Of course. His response is about how he doesn't like being asked to condemn PewDiePie's actions. Poor him, people won't let him turn a blind eye to it.


TB reacted ten times more emotionally to vocal anti-racists than to PDP's racism 🤔

It's hard to say racism is BAD! Damn liberals forcing the words out of me!

Boogie is a scumbag that hides behind his "aw, shucks" act. It's amazing some people still haven't seen through the facade.
So he's the Jeff Sessions of Youtubers?


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

Such anger. Seems he more mad that people are calling it out then that it happened. And folks that use "tribal" when it comes to social matters is always a red falg
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