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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?
Trust me it's not, not by a long shot.


Oh come on. YouTube DID address it. By making ALL content creators pay for the actions of a few. Thankfully, my own channel doesn't cover anything controversial. But other channels like Destiny channels? Bone dry now. And PDP played a key role in that shit.

You would think that would be incentive to speak out more. They had a keys to the kingdom, a new industry they could write their own tickets with. But they decided being bigots was more important. Pewdiepie already got his, doesn't give a shit about his fellow streamers, and making it worse for everyone. Why folks still championing him?
Check the Gamereactor article but tbf it's always been a racist/sexist place, starting right at the top with the editor In chief

this is the angle they chose to display on the front page


fucking garbage site
Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?

It's about as natural as being a sexist and also a racist is.
TB saying "racism is obviously bad and you're stupid if you don't know that" and others saying similar things aren't taking into account the kids that follow them. Kids don't exactly have a fully working moral compass yet, and are impressionable as hell. This is why it's important to speak out against this shit - EVERYONE needs to know it isn't okay. If that means repeating yourself and feeling like you're shouting into the void, so be it.
The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

It's like these youtubers couldn't form a normal person with integrity between them. There isn't anyone with leadership characteristics among them, they have a problem with everything and everyone else except the actual problem.


Because he does. He honestly doesn't care PDP did this, he just cares that its blowing up

Which is the wrong way of looking at things since Felix saying the "n-word" makes all youtuber look bad and is the whole reason why they are having this advertiser friendly problem because what Felix did before.

But sure Totalbiscuit can continue to stick his head in the sand and ignore what Felix did and blame the wrong people, which is incredibly ironic since a lot of youtuber get frustrated that they don't get taken seriously but yet refuse to behave in a professorial manner.


For someone who prides himself for being so intelligent, it is fascinating to watch how Totalbiscuit doesn't even understand how opposing racism isn't about him.
I'm just going to say it. I don't think using a racial slur is the same thing as being a racist. I do think that both are really awful, but also that being a racist is more awful than using a racial slur.
Like it's been said a hundred times to these kinds of posts. There are different levels of racism. Racism isn't only lynching black people. There is casual racism. Diet racism. Institutional racism. Pewdiepie insulted another person by calling them "fucking nigger", then later in the video he says it again. That's racist, clear as day. Saying the word by itself is racist too (unless in context if you're quoting someone saying it), because of the history of the term and it only being used to denigrate an entire race.


Shocking that these centrist, money hungry YouTuber's don't want to alienate any parts of their base - even if it's the part that's despicable, full with racism and hatred. Got to keep the base happy.

Everything's fine, as long as they can continue to collect that greenback. Instead, they're signaling that people should get off their backs, already. Got to keep that ad revenue flowing in from all fronts.

You're not fooling anyone.


It's actually sad to hear that, dude get clearly caught saying some racist shit and he may be getting away with this.
Who do you hope does something and what are you hoping for?

Expecting YouTube to ban his account is unrealistic. That isn't happening. This is very common on YouTube, you can't just selectively ban the popular accounts as a message.


For someone who prides himself for being so intelligent, it is fascinating to watch how Totalbiscuit doesn't even understand how opposing racism isn't about him.
Asking that TB understand anything not being about him is apparently too much for him.


Good YT need to start calling out all the gross racism being pushed on that site and if they don't, well that's on them because at the end of the day this way advertisers are pulling out of YouTube. That's you're money right there, if you disagree with what's going on let it be known.


Shocking that these centrist, money hungry YouTuber's don't want to alienate any parts of their base - even if it's the part that's despicable, full with racism and hatred. Got to keep the base happy.

Everything's fine, as long as they can continue to collect that greenback. Instead, they're signaling that people should get off their backs, already. Got to keep that ad revenue flowing in from all fronts.

You're not fooling anyone.

They're not even centrist. A true centrist wouldn't even comment. What they're doing is openly dismissing criticism, defending the use of the N-word, and then lazily trying to walk it back to a "both sides" argument.


Who do you hope does something and what are you hoping for?

Expecting YouTube to ban his account is unrealistic. That isn't happening. This is very common on YouTube, you can't just selectively ban the popular accounts as a message.

If a footballer gets caught using racial slurs he gets a massive fine and a suspension most of the time. I don't get why the platform owners don't have any regulations in place, or why there are regulations that for some reason are barely enforced.
You know what really sucks, beyond PDP himself? That generally, the industry is apathetic (if not sympathetic) to this shit. Every time. Tells you all you really need to know about gaming.

The next step should be mainstream media pointing it out and assholes circling the wagons because #notallgamers.

The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.
I love how he doesn't really address PDP but feels the need to have another verbal diarrhea about people who oppose him. Like fucking clockwork.
Shocking that these centrist, money hungry YouTuber's don't want to alienate any parts of their base - even if it's the part that's despicable, full with racism and hatred. Got to keep the base happy.
That's because when you spend years being a gamergater your fanbase is gonna comprise almost only of people with pretty clear point of view on the subject. ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Demands the assumption that he isn't racist.

Continues to demonstrate why this assumption would be foolish.
Yep, his actions (or lack thereof) are exactly why people think that way about Youtubers. Many words wasted on attacking anti-racists, and none spent on criticizing racism itself.

His position is crystal clear.
I mean, this thread is a 100 pages long, but it cannot be said enough... You don't accidentally say the N-word if it is not already in your everyday lexicon. It just doesn't happen... EVER.


lol I love how if an asshole says something vile, being called out on it is 'censorship'. Ironically, the complaints of censorship and people like TB basically telling everyone to shut-up about it sounds a lot more like an attempt at censoring one side.
Yep...sounds like the majority of people who play PUBG sadly.

I had to turn off in-game chat because of idiots like him saying the most messed up shit ever.



here's jim sterlings reply. Was just uploaded and haven't watched it yet. Judging from the description Jim does not seem too happy, which is a good thing.

Edit: it's about Tmartn and ProSyndicate as well and pretty much a new jimquisition...so it will get its own thread either way, sorry for that
Totalbiscuit wants so badly to be a centrist, but now with recent events, he's finding it so hard to sit on the fence, much like Ethan from H3H3:

"I don't want to be on the alt-right and I don't want to be on the left, where it's never OK to say anything offensive. I make what I want, and sometimes my videos appeal to the alt-right, and sometimes they appeal to the social justice warrior left, or whatever you want to call it. I don't identify with either of them.

What you see in the comments is — what can you do, it's YouTube. You can't control who's there. It bothers me when I make a video making fun of feminists, then all the time I see all these alt-right comments, and it's like — I don't want to identify with them. I don't want to necessarily court these people ... It's just, what can you do? It's almost like you're suggesting that you have to choose a side, and that's something that I found really frustrating."

So he's full alt-right, but doesn't want to be one. You know, i mean, i wonder if it's that difficult to not be a misogynistic, racist, homophobe piece of shit in everyday life.

This youtuber gaming scene is really rotten to the core.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

Hahah, what a fucking hissy fit.

These fucking people, man.


I mean, this thread is a 100 pages long, but it cannot be said enough... You don't accidentally say the N-word if it is not already in your everyday lexicon. It just doesn't happen... EVER.

Definitely a generalization. I've let words slip in anger at games that I do not use in any sort of way ever. (Not defending what he did, its really fucked up)
Yep...sounds like the majority of people who play PUBG sadly.

I had to turn off in-game chat because of idiots like him saying the most messed up shit ever.

Same thing I did as well. You would think PLAYERUNKNOWN would address this PDP racist remark using that magical data he uses to detect stream sniping.


Which is how the world works. Even if there was a video of him shooting someone he would still only be accused of murder.

That's different. Death has to be verified through autopsy even if it was caught on video.

Someone saying something on video with a clear voice doesn't need that kind of verification.
I'm currently having a debate with someone on this topic. People in this thread have mentioned that he said "I normally don't say that on stream" or something like that. Anyone know what video contains him saying that? Thanks in advance.


Great that when the WSJ called him out Youtubers were falling over themselves trying to defend him. When it's undeniable, when JonTron starts talking about the gene pool or it turns out that PDP is actually a racist, things are quiet.


Neo Member
Wow, this discussion is getting so fucking disgusting on Twitter and YT. Major news sites seem to start reporting at least.
German news channel and website ntv writes "There goes the career once and for all."

Nice topic for a first gaf post tho lol
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