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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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TB is confirming that he is a trash person that only cares about the fact that he will be asked to speak out on hate in his industry.

Also I know he lurks GAF. Do better.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

Hmm, guy who makes a living ranting about things he dislikes gets angry when people ask him to rant about racism. Not sure what we could possibly gather from that.

It's insane to see people getting mad that they're being asked to denounce racism. The "Of course racism is bad, so I won't say it!" is ridiculous. There are plenty of other things (DLC, net neutrality, the performance of Agent sof Mayhem!) he's happy to rant about, but racism ... that's too obvious and therefore unworthy of his time.

Also, this line "Wanting to use us and our audiences as megaphones. Well you can sod off on that one, whatever your tribe." is insane. There aren't two "tribes" here, stop acting like this is a minor political disagreement.


At least read every tweet in the chain before saying this, he clearly has condemned it assuming that was related to the drama watchers on youtube plus the channels that thrive off it.
I know he didn't condemn JonTron and he is shitty for doing that but this time he did condemn the person responsive.

The impact of this happening could be massive to advertisers and could result in many more channels/videos etc being declared ad unfriendly or more advertisers jumping ship from YouTube.
That is the implication of the biggest youtuber doing this publicly.
I did read the entire thread, and it stinks. I don't think TB's ire here is directed at drama channels — they're probably racist, too — I think he's taking aim at progressives and so-called SJWs who aren't satisfied by flacid responses such as Boogie's. In the era of Trump, Brexit, and the rise of the alt-right from laughing stock to murderers, it's the height of naivety and privilege to tell others that racism is bad and we should automatically assume that everyone knows that, because that very clearly isn't the case. The majority of people aren't card-carrying members of the Klan, but I've frequented enough forums and spoken to enough people IRL to know that too many people harbour distateful. To simply assume the next person I meet isn't going to vomit racist nonsense at some point would more than likely be an exercise in futility.

And as far as the financial outlook for YouTube or YouTubers goes, I don't care. At this point, if they haven't diversified to the point they can sustain themselves sans ad revenue, then that's a problem of their own making. Small channels that might be negatively impacted missed the gravy train a long time ago.
Good to see Angry Joe call him out. And AJ's twitter feed seems to have a fair bit of tweets/retweets calling out racism in general, which is refreshing for a gaming channel with millions of subscribers.

You'd really think more yt'ers would dislike PDP because he fucked them over by causing the "adpockalypse" and keeps trolling/spouting racism even after that, risking their livelyhood. If I had a yt channel and it was my source of income, I'd be pissed on him for that as well. But no, they want to be friends with the popular guy so can't call them out, it's weak.

Angry Joe is a pretty legit dude, never understood the hate he got on GAF.


Does he just naively believe it's not an problem at all? Seems like he lives in a bubble, or he is gutless.

Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?

But anyway, PDP should never had said that and no one should try to defend him. He fucked up. Once again. End of story. Wether or not he really is a scumbag or just completely lost because of reasons unbeknownst to me.


The ๖ۜBronx;248566217 said:

Honestly find it pretty pathetic he has a little strop over the criticism and feels the need to double down on the insults toward others. He's usually quite considered with his outbursts which just makes it seem like he begrudges having to actually say something about it.

God forbid someone wishes him to use his platform to clarify or spread a message of condemnation, instead of the usual parading he does of topics. Instead, no, have to throw a fit because people expect him to pitch in which – in every other case – he's seemed abundantly happy to do.

Who knew that condemning a horrid word and a person that said it was pandering and vile to do? What a guy.


TBs post is so badly written and his stance is so contrived.

So, between the lines, he's defending PDP saying that of course PDP isn't racist and that this was some kind of accident?

If TB knew anything about structural racism and/or prejudice it's that using a word like PDP did, even casually/"accidentally", is highly problematic even if it wasn't intentional or intended to be offensive. It's still absolutely part of the problem and still absolutely has to be called out and squeezed.

Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?

No, it's still a huge problem over here. It's a huge problem everywhere, at least with some corners of the population.


Come on ya'll we live in a world where TB and Boogie were given awards for being the most influential Youtubers, etc etc.


I'll admit. I defended PDP on his initial controversies. But this? Nah, fuck this. Shut him down. Demonetize him at the very least.


Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?

Actually No


accused: a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.

Seems correct to me?

"PewDiePie is being accused of using a racial slur while live-streaming a game".

That isn't an accusation, that's a fact. He did use a racial slur.
I like TB but don't be fooled by him or others. They only care about this because it can possibly fuck with their bottom line. If a couple of average joes said it, it would have 100K views on worldstar and that would be the end of it.


Certain world views? being a racist is having a world view?

Why are so many idiots around? Wtf is wrong with you people?

What's next, calling a nazist wishing for the extermination of other races a "world view"? You fkn disgust me.

You don't understand at all what I'm trying to say, you are making an assumption about me that I don't deserve, so stop with the name calling. You disgust me for judging me so easily.

I'll see the thread kindly linked in another answer.


Well, he does cater to a large American audience. Also present in any American civil war drama or Quentin Tarantino film he may have watched. It would probably be hard to not come across that slur considering how many Americans he interacts with.

Yes of course, I've been exposed to it just as much through media, movies, rap, whatever, but it's not like that means you automatically adapt slurs of another language as your own, I just find it odd.
Isn't TB from the UK ? I always though the integration of "persons of color" was more natural and less prone to problems over there. Well, at least for black and indian people. So maybe he don't see the problem because of a "cultural bias" ?

But anyway, PDP should never had said that and no one should try to defend him. He fucked up. Once again. End of story. Wether or not he really is a scumbag or just completely lost because of reasons unbeknownst to me.

Indeed, Northern UK too, I might add. Which means if he got that "cultural bias" from here, I'd love to know where that utopia is on the isles. Racism is embedded deep in the UK, it's just doesn't manifest itself so easily or visibly than in the US.

Case and point; I had mentioned it earlier, but MP Anne Marie Morris, who used the term "n***** in a woodpile" during a tory meeting, is still in a job.


I wouldn't be surprised if there's a resurgence in use of the n-word, because there are more and more generations that just don't have the context and understanding as to why it's bad. They know it's a "bad" word, but the context may as well be ancient history, so it's no worse than saying "fuck" to them.

At best, it's just complete blind ignorance.
I did read the entire thread, and it stinks. I don't think TB's ire here is directed at drama channels — they're probably racist, too — I think he's taking aim at progressives and so-called SJWs who aren't satisfied by flacid responses such as Boogie's. In the era of Trump, Brexit, and the rise of the alt-right from laughing stock to murderers, it's the height of naivety and privilege to tell others that racism is bad and we should automatically assume that everyone knows that, because that very clearly isn't the case. The majority of people aren't card-carrying members of the Klan, but I've frequented enough forums and spoken to enough people IRL to know that too many people harbour distateful. To simply assume the next person I meet isn't going to vomit racist nonsense at some point would more than likely be an exercise in futility.

And as far as the financial outlook for YouTube or YouTubers goes, I don't care. At this point, if they haven't diversified to the point they can sustain themselves sans ad revenue, then that's a problem of their own making. Small channels that might be negatively impacted missed the gravy train a long time ago.

Fair enough and well pointed out, yes it is most likely related to all of that. That and personally after reading more into the past with TB, it seems like anyone from his network Polaris gets a free pass or a I don't give a fuck instead.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder if someone like markiplier has the balls to call pew out on this? Doubt it, even though they seem to be friends
Of course not. Same with h3h3, jacksepticeye, boogie, everyone in that crowd.


accused: a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.

Seems correct to me?

That's the noun in the courtroom context "the accused". Like, "may the accused please stand" or whatever.

This is the verb form "he was accused of doing X".

But there is no "accused" here, in the verb sense. It's not an accusation, it's a fact: There is literally video/audio of him calling a guy a n***er. The verb is "PDP DID this" not "PDP is ACCUSED of this".


But the game industry needs to collectively come out and condemn this shit. I'm talking devs, pubs and journalists. They know about it say something. You ignore this and hope it goes away.

This man has been invited to gaming events and gotten awards. It's time for this industry to walk the damn walk now.


Time to delete my youtube account.

I never really had much of an issue with Boogie. I just think he's really... Not that intelligent. TB on the other hand? An actual asshole. He's had me blocked on Twitter since the Used Games debate when he defended corporation's "right" to control that stuff.

I'll never understand why they're "Influential" at all.
Totalbiscuit wants so badly to be a centrist, but now with recent events, he's finding it so hard to sit on the fence, much like Ethan from H3H3:

"I don't want to be on the alt-right and I don't want to be on the left, where it's never OK to say anything offensive. I make what I want, and sometimes my videos appeal to the alt-right, and sometimes they appeal to the social justice warrior left, or whatever you want to call it. I don't identify with either of them.

What you see in the comments is — what can you do, it's YouTube. You can't control who's there. It bothers me when I make a video making fun of feminists, then all the time I see all these alt-right comments, and it's like — I don't want to identify with them. I don't want to necessarily court these people ... It's just, what can you do? It's almost like you're suggesting that you have to choose a side, and that's something that I found really frustrating."

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
lol 100 pages

what did I miss

PewDiePie said the N-word

Every other shitty YouTuber and gaming thinker immedietly jumped to "well it wasn't that bad what are you all freaking out about this is is like a scary mob or something!"

Tons of people got banned

That's....pretty much it


I'm just going to say it. I don't think using a racial slur is the same thing as being a racist. I do think that both are really awful, but also that being a racist is more awful than using a racial slur.
lol 100 pages
what did I miss

A number of people attempting to defend, lessen or excuse what was said, who were subsequently banned. Camp Santo are filing to have his Firewatch videos removed as they don't want him to make money from them any more (this is more nuanced, see the entire tweet feed for the full detail). More recently, reactions from other figures in and around the industry doing the same for the most part, with a few actually having the brass to call it was it is, as it is.


At this point the youtube gaming culture has a serious problem and no one wants to address it

Oh come on. YouTube DID address it. By making ALL content creators pay for the actions of a few. Thankfully, my own channel doesn't cover anything controversial. But other channels like Destiny channels? Bone dry now. And PDP played a key role in that shit.


I'm just going to say it. I don't think using a racial slur is the same thing as being a racist. I do think that both are really awful, but also that being a racist is more awful than using a racial slur.

If your first reaction to someone pissing you off in a game is to call them a racial slur then there is a very, very good chance you are a racist.


I'm just going to say it. I don't think using a racial slur is the same thing as being a racist. I do think that both are really awful, but also that being a racist is more awful than using a racial slur.

You are a racist if you use a racial slur as an insult (or otherwise). Not that hard buddy.


I'm just going to say it. I don't think using a racial slur is the same thing as being a racist. I do think that both are really awful, but also that being a racist is more awful than using a racial slur.
If you unironically use a racial slur in anger, you are racist. Really if you use the word at all other than in explaining the word or background...it's racist.
It's kind of impeccable how predictable Boogie's responses are to this shit. The both sides thing that youtubers keep doing in order to not burn bridges is super disingenuous to me.
Totalbiscuit wants so badly to be a centrist, but now with recent events, he's finding it so hard to sit on the fence, much like Ethan from H3H3:

"I don't want to be on the alt-right and I don't want to be on the left, where it's never OK to say anything offensive. I make what I want, and sometimes my videos appeal to the alt-right, and sometimes they appeal to the social justice warrior left, or whatever you want to call it. I don't identify with either of them.

What you see in the comments is — what can you do, it's YouTube. You can't control who's there. It bothers me when I make a video making fun of feminists, then all the time I see all these alt-right comments, and it's like — I don't want to identify with them. I don't want to necessarily court these people ... It's just, what can you do? It's almost like you're suggesting that you have to choose a side, and that's something that I found really frustrating."

And we've seen what frustration can make people do and say. Waiting for a slip of the tongue from a lot of these now.
I never really had much of an issue with Boogie. I just think he's really... Not that intelligent.

I think it's amazing that he couldn't decipher what Jon was saying in the Destiny debate. People had to pretty much explain it to him afterward and then he kind of backpedaled.

And yea, TB is worse.
PewDiePie said the N-word

Every other shitty YouTuber and gaming thinker immedietly jumped to "well it wasn't that bad what are you all freaking out about this is is like a scary mob or something!"

Tons of people got banned

That's....pretty much it

If you do 100 ppp we've had about a user banned per page.

To defend Pewdiepie.

The ๖ۜBronx;248567546 said:
A number of people attempting to defend, lessen or excuse what was said, who were subsequently banned. Camp Santo are filing to have his Firewatch videos removed as they don't want him to make money from them any more (this is more nuanced, see the entire tweet feed for the full detail). More recently, reactions from other figures in and around the industry doing the same for the most part, with a few actually having the brass to call it was it is, as it is.

It's actually sad to hear that, dude get clearly caught saying some racist shit and he may be getting away with this.
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