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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Choose your waifu

They turned Australia into a prison continent of sorts, as all the representatives were once criminalized for various reasons. I'm super excited for this game, and I tried the demo, it's definitely mechanically solid and pretty fun as well. It's sad to admit but it's one of the games I've really been looking forward to playing this year.
Also Kamehameha is mai waifu

Holy shit. They have Faust. Dibs on Jheanne Darc.

They're missing quite a few for UK/Britannia. Thought for sure they'd have William Wallace


With Gintama coming to an end I can't help but look back. Shinpachi always makes the best faces. And so is the role of the straight man.






American prices are pretty cheap. Like, really cheap. Japan charges about $75 for 2 episodes of a new show on BD, or around $300-400 for a 20+ episode boxset. Movies are about $60-80ish.

Which animes were you looking at that were expensive? Depending on which site you look at the prices can be pretty different. I usually use Amazon or Rightstuf only though.

High School of the Dead ($50 on Amazon and $60 on Best Buy). I was wondering if Cross Game ever came out. I know Viz was releasing the manga. The other anime was Angel Beats and the price is reasonable compared to others I saw.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
High School of the Dead ($50 on Amazon and $60 on Best Buy). I was wondering if Cross Game ever came out. I know Viz was releasing the manga. The other anime was Angel Beats and the price is reasonable compared to others I saw.

Those are good prices.


High School of the Dead ($50 on Amazon and $60 on Best Buy). I was wondering if Cross Game ever came out. I know Viz was releasing the manga. The other anime was Angel Beats and the price is reasonable compared to others I saw.

Anime is often more expensive, minute for minute, then live action television. However it isn't painfully expensive (unless you wander into HMV and try to buy it that way) and it's certainly far, far cheaper than at any other point in history.


Thanks for all the replies. I really don"t know the market for this but since you guys seem to say it's reasonable, I will probably make my first purchase shortly


there's also a HS 4koma based on Azusa/Ui/Jun/new girls, from what i've read it's much more popular amongst the fanbase

Do you know if that's because people consider it better than the other manga, or is it just that the audience for this stuff is more interested in the high school setting?

Or, do people consider it better because the audience for this stuff is more interested in the high school setting?
Black Rock Shooter was exactly what you all described.

I'll just stick to waiting for Guilty Crown to save anime, kthnx

Thank you for disproving all those ugly rumours that folks in this thread are deceptive.
Eh, there are(is?) entire episodes with totally no Azusa. You can't say the same for the other 4.

Something something anime thread cycle.


Fate/Zero 1


It's impossible to have too much exposition!

Waver Velvet is like the best name ever. His name explains everything about him, he doesn't even need a backstory; you just have to imagine what would happen to any kid named "Waver Velvet."


new PA Works anime "Tari Tari", starts in summer
director : Hashimoto Masakazu (Kemonozume, Layton movie)
character design : Sekiguchi Kanami (Hanasaku Iroha, True Tears)
music : Hamaguchi Shiro (Hanasaku Iroha, Ah! My Goddess)
click for pretty pictures here

As with the recent movie announcement, I feel like there's no reason to get excited at this stage based on that information. I'm sure that art is going to prove horribly deceptive as well. By which I mean, the first couple of episodes might look similar to that in places, but then they'll start to simplify things a bit.
It was time to mix things up, it was hard deciding whether to have Cure Moonlight, Ami, Rei, or Utena. :(

You could just rotate them.

By hand. It would be worth it.
I'm totally watching this.

Hope it's as good as Hanasaku Iroha!

Shouldn't we be getting some more Hanasaku Iroha stuff eventually?


No they really didn't, this episode was basically monster of the week, add in a child from Natsume's past calling him weird etc etc, with the topic that they hinted at last week, looking to be tackled next week for the finale.

No idea why they just didn't just do a 12 episode season.

I can only imagine that the arrangement they have means that they have to produce 12 episodes for this season and this is how they've achieved that goal.
In exciting upcoming show news, an adaptation of the josei manga Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi has been announced for summer. It will be directed by Kenichi Kasai (Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile) at TYO Productions. The manga is an interpretation of the 100 Poems anthology karuta is based on. I'll be watching.

Hmm, that does sound like it would be up my ally. At least there'll be one non-trash show for summer then!
Thank god we dodged that bullet.

Howl's a far better movie then that piece of shit "girl who leapt through time" and "summer warzzzzz"

Hosoda has become the M. Night Shyamalan of anime with digimon being his "the sixth sense" and ""girl leapt throught time" being his "the happening".

Hosoda lost it

Well, those are some words. They seem a bit too bizarre to be fighting words, though.


So Ponyo looks like Arrietty looks like Umi?

More like Nausicaa looks like the girl from On Your Mark who also looks like Sheeta from Laputa. Some of those facial designs are rather similar to each other.

I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing because I find that type of design fairly charming, but I can understand where the complaints of sameness are coming from.
It's my least favorite of pre-Howl's Miyazaki. Which is not to say I dislike it - all his movies were very good until he fell off the cliff.
Not to say I dislike Porco Rosso, it's quite good. I just like Laputa, Mononoke, and Spirited Away more.
Porco Rosso isn't in my top 3 Miyazaki works, let alone Ghibli.
II can understand this point of view. It would seem unusual to place Porco Rosso over something that's a 'pure' adventure like Laputa, Castle of Caglisotro.
Finals? What finals? Why study when I can watch an 100 minute movie?

Ah My Goddess: The Movie
So, it was a very, very pretty movie. I mean very pretty. I really liked all the special effects to show the powers and the music was also just lovely. I also really liked the story, I mean, it's not exactly new of Keiichi possibly losing Belldandy and such, but it was presented really nicely, it was pretty much drama free and it had a good ending.
Oh, boy, now there's only another 48 full length episodes of this series plus random OAVs left to go!


Now that I've finished watching Ano Hana, it's time to pick up something else from my backlog...

Bakemonogatari 1

Just wondering: am I supposed to pause and read all that stuff?

That's a life choice, sir. We can't make it for you.
Anyway, I just finished watching The 08th MS Team for the first time since I watched it as a kid on Cartoon Network. I even watched Miller's Report too. I can't believe Cartoon Network didn't air the last episode. >:| The writing isn't as great as I remember, of course, but it's still pretty good. Then there's the action. God damn. Episode ten is just fantastic. Looking at the credits on ANN, I had no idea that the original director died during or after the production of episode six. The second director did a great job, even better I'd say. I can't believe I never realized that it had the same character designer as Cowboy Bebop.

The writing in 08th MS Team is a step up on the usual Tomino twaddle, but you could say that really isn't saying much because we all know how bad his stuff can be. The major shift is clearly in terms of tone and focus - rather than writing about 'aces' the notion of focusing on a one particular unit pushes the writing towards rather more generic soldier banter. Still, the show manages to be rather self-aware in terms of it's scenario, and it even pokes fun at itself in the tribunal scene.
High School of the Dead ($50 on Amazon and $60 on Best Buy). I was wondering if Cross Game ever came out. I know Viz was releasing the manga. The other anime was Angel Beats and the price is reasonable compared to others I saw.

I always thought that was pricey for that Anime or either Ive been too cheap hoping for it to get in the <$40 range.


Anime is often more expensive, minute for minute, then live action television. However it isn't painfully expensive (unless you wander into HMV and try to buy it that way) and it's certainly far, far cheaper than at any other point in history.

for that show its a bit steep but fair. plus hollywoods blu-rays are subisded to the hilt - i.e. the same way the NFL does it (and punishes teams for...breaking a rule that wasnt even there in the first place because of a new contract was being worked out?)with its teams and players. To come in line with the rest of the blu-ray they need a tv show and its gonna fall 15 to 30 dollars in price.


A Good Citizen
II can understand this point of view. It would seem unusual to place Porco Rosso over something that's a 'pure' adventure like Laputa, Castle of Caglisotro.
But that's why it's good though. It does everything it sets out to do really well. Still not as good as Cagliostro, but definitely the second best movie Miyazaki has made.
The writing in 08th MS Team is a step up on the usual Tomino twaddle, but you could say that really isn't saying much because we all know how bad his stuff can be. The major shift is clearly in terms of tone and focus - rather than writing about 'aces' the notion of focusing on a one particular unit pushes the writing towards rather more generic soldier banter. Still, the show manages to be rather self-aware in terms of it's scenario, and it even pokes fun at itself in the tribunal scene.
Yeah, I made a nice reaction .gif out of that scene.


The Light of El Cantare
Smile Precure 07:

I love that they're still surprised by the extent of their own power. WTF HOW DID WE JUMP THIS HIGH?

Okay episode with Reika
toting around that scroll and eventually deciding that the summit of Mt. Fuji would be the best place for the hideout
being the highlight. Below that refined, reserved exterior we'll find some silliness yet, it looks like.

Looks like
Miyuki and Candy
are going on a
curry high trip
next week. Could be amazing.

And a little reminder to cajun to start watching again:



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ano Natsu de Matteru 11:

So as with the end of the last episode, we have Ichika's
show up and wondering where she's been all this time. Meanwhile she's introduced to Kaito, and she is shocked at the revelation about their
basically dating at this point. Cheek pulls are always funny in anime, so apparently dating the natives of another world is against space law or something. XD

As expected, while she is super polite, she's here to
take Ichika home regardless of their dating status. Apparently the destruction of the Emergency Pod lists Ichika as a missing person so it's all super serious in a "we need the end of this show to have some dramatic tension now that Ichika and Kaito are together" kind of way.
Kaito smartly suggests that now that
she's seen that Ichika's perfectly okay that there shouldn't be a problem anymore, Ichika adding she can just inform them she's okay. But apparently there's some problem about the fact that she got stranded on a remote planet blah blah blah we're going to make this a plot point at all costs so sit down and just accept it, Mr. Viewer. Obviously Ichika doesn't want to leave, but yeah, she's so going to have to according to her sister, lest she face prosecution for interacting with us dirty Earthlings.

So Ichika takes Rinon and
teleports away, running into Kanna who had been sent by the other three to find Kaito and Ichika. Kaito meanwhile pleads with Ichika's sister to let him go with Ichika so they can be together. As expected, Kanna does her best to guilt Ichika for not fighting back or whatever, Kaito and onee-san discuss Ichika, and she says it's not possible blah blah yeah yeah I get it you're not going to let him. And of course Remon knows all about Ichika's sister because she's JUST THAT AWESOME! :3

Meanwhile, Tetsuro and Mio are
seemingly left behind waiting for the others. Kanna finally returns and briefs them on what's going on. Ichika angsts as Kaito joins them. Predictably, after a cute peck on the cheek Ichika attempts to disappear. BUT THEN, holy shit Tetsuro and Mio! YOU TWO FUCKING ROCK!! XD Ichika and Kaito end up reconfirming the obvious; they would rather die than be separated. And then Remon shows up with good news!

Uu fu fu fu fu...

Remon, the master of masters, informs the group that Ichika
may not have to leave, but the possibility is slim. The fact that Ichika has the image in her head suggests people of her planet have been here prior. They just need to prove it. Ichika apologizes to her sister who informs her she doesn't have much time.

Tetsuro is such a bro. That's all I can say. XD

And then Mio to the rescue! She finds the spot! But the search team is near OH NOES! D: Rinon tries to teleport them to the spot, but an anti-linkage barrier gets in the way. And then Remon shows up with a FUCKING VAN!! She's totally MIB or something, she HAS to be! I love her line about the driver's license. "I have quite a few!"

You know, for a show that clearly isn't an action show, the action is really really well done! :D
Tetsuro leaves to be a decoy and Mio insists on joining him. And yay, in the rush of it all he asks Mio out on a date when it's all over! :D But this means Kanna will get no one. D: But she does take one for the team, which makes her awesome. :D


Next week is the end.... so why isn't it next week yet?? :mad:


I'm not even going to bother saying anything after that this week; let's just hope we get a good finale.

All I know is that at this point if they don't reveal some distinct connection to the Onegai series I'll be slightly dissapointed, even though I've never actually seen the latter.

Also great god do I need the OST from this series soon.


Subete no aware
Ano Natsu/Boob Alien 11:

This show is so tightly scripted that I think it must be one of the best shows in recent years. I don't think I've seen a show that has had 11 consistently good episodes in a row since... I dunno, maybe K-On!! or Aria The Origination.
(It's also more proof that Okada-bot ruined AnoHana, I suppose).

I don't think I've been genuinely invested in a story's climax in forever to the point where I'm shutting down all speculah brain cells in order to just enjoy the ride however it plays out. The crazier part is that it's a god damned RomCom and I'm actually invested in the coupling! Jeez.

Also, I can't help but laugh at
Kanna being the friendzoned loser forever
. It'd be sad if it wasn't so funny. I guess let that be a warning to everyone. :p

Or maybe there will be Ano Natsu SS++ and they'll make an ending just for her!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ano Natsu/Boob Alien 11:

This show is so tightly scripted that I think it must be one of the best shows in recent years. I don't think I've seen a show that has had 11 consistently good episodes in a row since... I dunno, maybe K-On!! or Aria The Origination.
(It's also more proof that Okada-bot ruined AnoHana, I suppose).

I don't think I've been genuinely invested in a story's climax in forever to the point where I'm shutting down all speculah brain cells in order to just enjoy the ride however it plays out. The crazier part is that it's a god damned RomCom and I'm actually invested in the coupling! Jeez.

Also, I can't help but laugh at
Kanna being the friendzoned loser forever
. It'd be sad if it wasn't so funny. I guess let that be a warning to everyone. :p

Or maybe there will be Ano Natsu SS++ and they'll make an ending just for her!

Yeah I feel the same. Let's put it this way. Project Mirai arrived today (points to his avatar). However, instead of playing that first, I instead watched Ano Natsu 11 first. I mean, damn, I put Project Mirai ON HOLD to watch this.

It's just great! ^_^


Natsume Shi 12

Really, two-follow up episodes? Ugh, maybe the last episode will make it worth it but going by this past shows record with non episodic stories I wouldn't bet my money on it.

new PA Works anime "Tari Tari", starts in summer
director : Hashimoto Masakazu (Kemonozume, Layton movie)
character design : Sekiguchi Kanami (Hanasaku Iroha, True Tears)
music : Hamaguchi Shiro (Hanasaku Iroha, Ah! My Goddess)
click for pretty pictures here
Looks promising but I'll wait until more than pretty concept art comes out before hyping myself up for it.


AnoNatsu 11 - I had a smile on my face throughout the entire duration of this episode. Have some serious HYPE for the finale next week!
Mirai Nikki 22

I think since entering this final arc or whatever, the series has really taken a turn for the worst, plot has gotten to being unrealistic and just lacking any sort of epicness to pull me in and this episode with a friendship moment unseen since No. 6 failed to bring the anime to a good point. Regardless it was still a fun episode especially with revelations brought forth by
Akise during his time with the god, through the shock of him being a created entity, where did that even come from, gaining a diary, and even more his epic near defeat of Yuno through doing everything for his beloved yukiteru, and the final message, it was pretty tear jerking. Even worst, Kousaka the brilliant died, totally never imagined he would put himself in harms way like that, my second favorite side character. Curious how Yuno and Yuki will face off in these remaining three episodes. He has no allies left
Maybe I was a bit too harsh on the episodes existance, but it is a weirdly placed episode, considering the subject that they started to setup the episode previous.

I'm not trying to defend the episode, just pointing out that the precise number of episodes of a certain show is not necessarily within the director's control. The production committee buys a late-night slot for so many weeks, and that number of episodes has to be produced no matter what. There are quite a number of cases where an adaptation is either rushed to fit into a small number of episodes or padded out to fit into a large number.

Instead of asking "Why wasn't this a 12-episode show?", the better question would be "Why weren't these 13 episodes better structured?" Since it doesn't have an overarching plot, Natsume has a lot more liberty in arranging its stories than other series. I'm not familiar with the manga, so I can't speak to the adaptation choices. It does seem like there's been poor planning on Omori's part.

Fate/Zero 1


It's impossible to have too much exposition!

It gets better.


I'm not trying to defend the episode, just pointing out that the precise number of episodes of a certain show is not necessarily within the director's control. The production committee buys a late-night slot for so many weeks, and that number of episodes has to be produced no matter what. There are quite a number of cases where an adaptation is either rushed to fit into a small number of episodes or padded out to fit into a large number.

Instead of asking "Why wasn't this a 12-episode show?", the better question would be "Why weren't these 13 episodes better structured?" Since it doesn't have an overarching plot, Natsume has a lot more liberty in arranging its stories than other series. I'm not familiar with the manga, so I can't speak to the adaptation choices. It does seem like there's been poor planning on Omori's part.

I remember something similar happened with Mayo Chiki, where the last episode was better suited as an OVA to which the real last episode was the penultimate one.

And it might all come back to it being the source material's fault, granted it doesn't excuse the latest episode feeling like a strangely placed episode all things considered.


II can understand this point of view. It would seem unusual to place Porco Rosso over something that's a 'pure' adventure like Laputa, Castle of Caglisotro.
But that's why it's good though. It does everything it sets out to do really well. Still not as good as Cagliostro, but definitely the second best movie Miyazaki has made.
Having categorized inside the genre and accepted as different those movies, to later compare and rank them seems rather incongruent, isn't? Can't we just say that each is an unique experience with their own merits?


Having categorized inside the genre and accepted as different those movies, to later compare and rank them seems rather incongruent, isn't? Can't we just say that each is an unique experience with their own merits?

Are you trying to singlehandedly kill list wars?
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