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NFL Super Bowl XLVII |OT| Where The Magic Happens

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Did I miss FMTs meltdown post yet? I think it's clear by now that Jim is FMT. That'd explain why he's batshit insane and why he can't post during the game. And Jim totally looks like someone who would let someone shit on his chest after a stressful day. FMT/Jim is going to need a massive one after tonight's embarrassment.

Great win by the Ravens. Their offense looked impressive. Who knew Caldwell was such a good OC? Flacco made some killer throws, especially the first two TD throws. Their defense was disciplined and punishing, everything the Packers were not. Special teams ended up playing a pretty big factor in the win as well. Theyve looked like a complete team the last few weeks and it really gelled today.

Overall it was a pretty shitty Superbowl though. Commercials were absolute shit. Beyonce put on a good show and looked damn fine doing it.

He's a broken man living in the past now.


Gold Member
Ray Lewis, an innocent man and saint, went out on top in a cleanly called game. Wonderful!



come in my shame circle
LOL Kave Man made a commercial

Kave_Man was in that commercial

Kave in a commercial LOL!!!


Who saw the Caveman commercial?


That's where he went!

Kave Man got a commercial, great.

Man, I'm ready for the Psy phase to end.

Kave made it y'all.

Kave made it!!!

Kave's commercial was pretty good.

How did Kave get a role in the T shirt commercial??

Congrats Kave you made it man. How you spending that money?

Kave don't forget about your fellow Brownies when you're in Hollywood

Kave remember your Toronto bros!


This is embarrassing...
Still can't get over how bad the play calling was at the goal line for SF. Those were the kinds of plays you run with Alex Smith. How do you not try and spread things out and run a couple read options? A fucking fade to the end zone? Really? Weak. Niners deserved to lose for losing their balls.

Hey, there's only so many plays you can run when you have the greatest WR in the history of football on your team!


GG Ravens-GAF. It was a damn good game.

Can't continually pull ourselves out of huge deficits. First half was inexcusable.

I guess I'm not too salty because that last safety won me $300. Thanks John!

Oh, Chris Culliver was getting toasted all game. Boldin routinely ate him up. We need to get younger on the DLine and get some OLB depth. Hopefully we can also get a cover guy in the draft.

What was the general consensus about the 49ers 4th down play at the BAL 5? Was that holding or a good no call?


GG Ravens-GAF. It was a damn good game.

Can't continually pull ourselves out of huge deficits. First half was inexcusable.

I guess I'm not too salty because that last safety won me $300. Thanks John!

Oh, Chris Culliver was getting toasted all game. Boldin routinely ate him up. We need to get younger on the DLine and get some OLB depth. Hopefully we can also get a cover guy in the draft.

What was the general consensus about the 49ers 4th down play at the BAL 5? Was that holding or a good no call?

Good no-call. Crab was pushing off too. That's the way football should be played.


GG Ravens-GAF. It was a damn good game.

Can't continually pull ourselves out of huge deficits. First half was inexcusable.

I guess I'm not too salty because that last safety won me $300. Thanks John!

Oh, Chris Culliver was getting toasted all game. Boldin routinely ate him up. We need to get younger on the DLine and get some OLB depth. Hopefully we can also get a cover guy in the draft.

What was the general consensus about the 49ers 4th down play at the BAL 5? Was that holding or a good no call?

Would you say Boldin dominated Culliver? Bent him over? Made him his whipping boy? Made Culliver call him daddy?


GG Ravens-GAF. It was a damn good game.

Can't continually pull ourselves out of huge deficits. First half was inexcusable.

I guess I'm not too salty because that last safety won me $300. Thanks John!

Oh, Chris Culliver was getting toasted all game. Boldin routinely ate him up. We need to get younger on the DLine and get some OLB depth. Hopefully we can also get a cover guy in the draft.

What was the general consensus about the 49ers 4th down play at the BAL 5? Was that holding or a good no call?
Crabcakes initiated the contact - basically held to push off.


I think one guy who didn't get credit was #59 (i believe) for the Ravens.

when Gore had that big run on that last drive, he broke an Ed Reed tackle and still stayed in bounds and was heading into the endzone to take the lead....but #59 was hustling that whole time and stuck with the play and forced Gore out.

I know some feel wasting time before scoring is important, but like I said over and over and over...when you are down by 4pts...you score a TD when ever you can...first chance you get.


I don't know what the deal was this game...

but we have had our players ejected from a game for something like this...heck it wasn't even as obvious as this one.



Ravens better thank the replacement refs for this one.

Packers beat Seattle. win the bye week. Vikings beat 9ers. Packers beat Vikings. Packers beat Falcons. Packers beat the Ravens to win the super bowl.

it's that simple.


Just got home. The streets are madness. Pretty exhausted from drinking/dancing/celebrating. Have work in six hours.



The police Winnebago, blocking the street and keeping things in check.


Can someone compile the salt?

FMT included since people will ask. Just did a quick runthrough and might have accidentally listed sarcasm in some cases!


That was one of the longest and most obvious holds I've ever seen lol.

Another no call on holding.

Fuck this league.

That was a hold holy fuck lol

Sad to see the referees affect the game like that. Oh well.

And you don't call holding on that punt either where the dude had the guy completely wrapped up.

Fuck this shit.

Holding like 30 times in this game uncalled. Rigged worse than nba

Super Bowl was rigged. Called it weeks ago.

This fucking game.

He fucked up everyones boxes.

Flacco got a ring, there is no god.

Well I know how Seattle fans feel. Fucked out of a Super Bowl by refs. Blatant hold and helmet to helmet on two plays. Fuck the NFL.

The NFL has just been tainted to hell from this one superbowl.

ON the bright side....uh.

Refs for MVP where can I vote NFL

This is how the 49ers tarnish the legacy of Montana and Young. If they had actually showed up to play the game before the power went out in the Superdome, things might have been different.

I just hope to God we won't have to wait another 18 years before we make it back to this thing.

Yeah, but there was a LOT of no calls the whole game, often (but not always) in the Ravens favor. 49ers fans are going to have a lot of bitching post-season where they can point to legitimate issues. Dunno that it would have made any difference, but it's there.

Would have won $300 if it wasn't for that safety. Fucking Ravens, coward pieces of shit.

Right, but the hold is what let the punter kill more clock. And being as obvious as it was, there's no excuse not to call it.

This was a garbage game that fluked into one of the most interesting happenstances of all time in NFL history. I did not watch two elite squads duke it out for the grand title, I watched a boring blowout turn into an oddity and then into a cheesy sports movie.

Got to love refs changing the rules of the game in the final seconds

This. Game was awful. 49ners had this, yet they somehow lost. Ugh.

Whatever Ravens, enjoy your second ring, we don't need it, we had that back in 83.

Hai gais Remember when Baltimore lost 4 of their last 5 and backed into the playoffs?

so that guy is the owner of the team? why do they give the trophy first to the rich guy who does nothing to win the trophy except pay some money?

Effing refs blew this. you can't not make a call because it's going to affect the game when it affects the game.

It's only fitting that a season dominated early by a ref lockout would end on such a blatant non-call.

Niners fans have every right to be pissed off. That could have changed the game. If I was the coach, I'd be fearless enough to say that that was a blown non-call. Fuck the fines. The Niners were robbed of a chance to win it.

I'd put an asterisk beside this championship for Baltimore.

Refs decide another game. Sometimes I don't know why I watch sports anymore...

My team lost. Oh well, such is life.

I was thinking this might just be the last football game I watched, I've grown exceedingly casual over recent years, to almost a non-fan of the sport. As it turns out, I didn't even make it through the first half (which is more than I've watched of the last 2 or 3 Super Bowls). Nice to see that the Niners made it interesting down the stretch (I did watch the last couple of minutes), but they dug themselves too big of a hole early.

I think I'm done.

Kills people and gets 2 superbowls as punishment. No way in hell does god exist.

I have no problem with the Ravens winning, but they didn't need to finish on a coward's play. It's like watching Italy in the world cup.

Man ofGod.


Self-made caricature.

Fuck you Ray.

Get outta here Ray with your BS God routine...

Because people think it's a bunch of bullshit, especially coming from a possible murderer & a dude with four kids from six women.

Sure and Italy can win a world cup by passing the ball in between them for half the game.

But they were called cowards for it. Don't see the diff.

ok nfl we've had shitty reffing all season long.

let's get this figured out so that next year games aren't being won and lost on incorrect calls.

that's true I guess. One's a man's sport and the rest of the sentence will get me banned.

That it's egotistical as fuck to think that God gives a shit about your game of football and prefers your team over the other team. And that's not even considering his murder involvement and amount of kids by different women.

Nah but for real guys, we could have the equipment and manpower to determine the accuracy of plays in real time, why isn't that employed? Why do calls come down to one ref? The NFL has to move up here.

Fuck football. I'm out. Never watching a game again.


but in all seriousness this sucks. felt like we had some bad calls against us but that's how it goes. i don't expect to get that penalty call on crabtree but then its not fair to give the ravens a call on far less of a "hold" the drive before. but still, just an awful set of play calls from the 5. why would you cut the field in half with kap? don't make no sense! i'm glad we didn't get blown out and i'm glad we didn't lose on an akers missed fg! next year we'll win the superbowl since i see the pattern here: harbaughs first year lose NFC title game. second year get to the superbowl but lose. third year get to the superbowl and win!

now if you'll excuse me, in the immortal words of mike patton, I'm a swingin' guy, throw a belt over the shower curtain rod and swing... toss me inside a hefty and put me in the ground!


congrats blarry. although i wish nothing but the worst for the ravens in this game i hope you can talk shit to your neighbor who vandalized your house! pm me my avatar.... when it's ready!

good night sweet prince harbaugh avatar. see you in september!

well if ray lewis's consept of a all loving god can give you after all the stuff he "did", then humanity is in bigger trouble than we thought.

Sad that a murderer won. But happy that Jimmy, the lesser Harb, lost. Congrats Baltimore-GAF.

Any predictions on how the Puppy Bowl ratings spiked during superpower-gate '13?

I was okay with the game until the Ravens made that play in the end. I found it very unsportsmanlike and cowardly. I was happy for them because I felt like they earned their points, but in the end they turned their console off. 11 seconds left in the game, if someone has the chance to win in 11 seconds then they deserve that chance. It doesn't matter how likely it would have been, they still deserve that chance. And if someone can win in 11 seconds they also deserve that win. I get that it was a legal move but it was still a cheap move. I really was happy for the Ravens. They earned their points especially with that run by Jacoby Jones! Holy cow that was incredible and really exciting to watch. As exciting as the game was to watch however, it ended in disappointment. Not because the 49's lost but because the Ravens stopped playing.

Not a Niners fan, but I thought I was watching NCAA basketball the last 2 minutes by the way the refs swallowed their whistles.

You know for the one of the few times they should probably give the MVP to someone on the losing team

That guy who cut the lights and stalled the blowout

As someone who doesn't care much about football or either team it certainly seemed to me that the refs called things in favor of Baltimore. (Intentional or not) Multiple cases of extreme holding on important plays, including the kick return touchdown and that final punt/safety.

Not a fan of any sport where refs routinely decide the outcome.

We need to petition ESPN not to hire the murderer/accomplice. I watch too much ESPN and him being an analyst would be terrible.

The Bay Area streets are empty as fuck right now. It's beautiful. It almost makes up for the fact that the murderous Ravens some how won another Super Bowl without a QB, almost. I'm pretty sure I'm the most hated man in Santa Cruz right now, because my shit talking was next level since about noon today.

At least I can take refuge in fair weather Bay Area fans not being able to celebrate another "victory." Y'all can jump back on the Warriors bandwagon now, they're good again.

Yeah, it should have been a 15 yard penalty instead of 5.
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