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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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I'm terrified of people. Everytime I see someone, I feel they are judging me, or planning something. I've been mugged 6 times in the past 2 years, losing money, getting beat up and having items stolen from me. What I fear most is humans, and I think it will be that way for a long time.

I feel all I can ever do is wrong, so I say sorry for every little thing I do. I honestly think I can't do anything right. I'm surprised I can get a job even, and being able to keep a girlfriend for this long is something. I don't know what she sees in me, and well that goes for everyone. I don't understand. I don't think I'm funny, a good person to talk to, or even someone that could be fun. I'm what I would consider the biggest party pooper in the world. I don't drink and I hate going to bars/clubs or any of that. Why? Because of people.
Let me tell you something. All of this is me. The only difference is I don't have depression, quite frankly, I'm usually the cheerful happy guy. Although I've never had the bad experiences you've had such as being mugged 6 times.

There's nothing wrong with doubting people or believing people are judging you, that's what keeps you on your toes for anything. That kind of pessimism that is inside guys like you and I is what actually helps us go through life. While I know you'll think this sounds stupid, that personality and pessimism has made you who you are and it's what's gotten you your friends and your g/f. Believe me when I say you should go enjoy your life, I know I do.
A robber came to my place once. I shoved the gun away and the guy left me alone.

The gun was actually fake. The robbery was not.

I feel like I've told this story a bunch of times, though.


No Scrubs
Inflatable plugs...why do I google? Why do I always google?!

A robber came to my place once. I shoved the gun away and the guy left me alone.

The gun was actually fake. The robbery was not.

I feel like I've told this story a bunch of times, though.

A robber once came into my house. I chased him off with my nudity. He went home and became a family man.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
A robber came to my place once. I shoved the gun away and the guy left me alone.

The gun was actually fake. The robbery was not.

I feel like I've told this story a bunch of times, though.

I once made fun of my friend for being from a bad part of town.

Her response was "Hey it's not that bad, we've only had 3 break-ins where I had to pretend I was asleep"

..... yeaaaaah if you say that, you live in a bad part of town.


my 19 year-old ex said she could see herself having a three way to get the whole 'girl' experience done at least once.

Did you convince her that it's best to get it over with ASAP? With her hottest friend?hot and steamy? What happened?
I guess what I'm getting at is that even though I'm legally an adult, but I don't feel like one.
This is every person ever.

I've also been the kind of person who has a plan for the future - what I'll be doing, where I'll be going, but for the first time in my life I don't. I'm just not sure how to react to that, and I hate it.
This is every person in their 20s.

Your friends may not show it (like you probably don't) but they're most likely feeling the same thing. Also, what your friends are showing in social media is the highpoints in their lives. You're comparing their stage performance with your behind-the-scenes. (Which goes for any comparing yourself to others, really.)
To the 23 year old freaking out: chill. And probably disable your Facebook for a little while to help you put your own life into perspective. Your life is relative to you and you alone, not your goddamn Friends List.


Ah screw it. Not gonna do the whole anonymous thing.

As a child, I used to steal things. Most of the stuff I stole were Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards from Walmart. Yeah, I was into Yu-Gi-Oh! when it was big. Several other items I stole were Hot Wheels cars, a toy wrestler, and candy. Lots and lots of candy. I think I was 11 when I last stole something. It was a pack of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards featuring the Elemental Hereos.

When I was 4, I killed a cat. The cat was a nuisance to us all. One day, I found it pulling off the clothing my grandmother put out to dry. I took several rocks and threw them at it to stop him. I may have thrown one a bit too hard. I was decent enough to carry the body up the hil next to my grandmother's house and bury it so that the crows wouldn't feast on it. A few days later, while cleaning our hen house, I would find a litter of kittens in the unused toolshed. This was in Puerto Rico by the way.

During my freshman year in college, my roommate desperately tried to get me to attend all the parties. I would lie to him, telling him I was busy with class work and all. Truth was, I hated being in large, crowded places. I also did this to the few friends I made in high school.

Now the following confession ties in with that last one above. There was an event in my life that changed me and not for the best.

Just a few away from my 13th birthday, it came to light that my father was cheating on my mom. Being the oldest of 4 boys, I was forced to be the messenger between the two. My mother didn't wanted to speak to him. Hell, she barely does nowadays. Anyway, neither saw what they were doing to me. They were both so damn focused on the failed marriage that they didn't notice the changes in my personality. I was quite popular in school. I was real friendly with people. Befriending people back then was real easy for me. That all change over the course of the next few months. I shut off every one. I started skipping school which was very surprising to everyone since I was always on the Honor Roll and never missed a single day of class. I became quite suicidal. For a while, every object I came across, I would imagine how I would end my life with said object. After months of going unnoticed, my parents finally took noticed of the changes. My mother desperately tried to help me while my father wanted me locked up for being a danger to my brothers. In late November of that year, my father got his wished. For a month, I was locked up. Only my mother came to visit me when she could. I was released two days after Christmas. This was the first Christmas I did not spend with my family. I was barely two weeks out before being sent back. Now you're wondering what happened, well let me tell you. I was forced to visit my dad. During that visit, I came across a red spray can. Apparently there was a hole in the can and some of the liquid landed on my shoe. During a visit with my physchiatrist, she asked me if that was blood on my shoe. I chose not to respond since I hated going there. Because of that, they thought I hurt myself. So I was locked up for yet another month. Out again, I was slowly becoming more like my old self. Then that shit happened. My Father's side of the family had come up with lies prior to my first lock up, calling my mother suicidal and promiscuous and such. Because of their lies, DCF (Department of Children and Families or some shit like that) got involved. A few days shy of my 13 birthday, my father was supposed to pick up my brothers for the weekend. He never came. Instead, the DCF woman working on my mother's case came. Now my brothers weren't supposed to be alone with me due to being labeled a danger and all. My mother had no one to watch me specifically while she was working. The woman left only to return shortly with police. They took my brothers away to a children's home or some shit. I was on my way there myself before I lashed out. I instead went back to my old room in the hospital. This time, my mother nearly lost all of us. I spent the remaining school year and most of the summer at this place for orphaned kids and whatnot. During that time, my brothers spent the remaining school year with my father after he was granted temporary custody of them. My mother would later gained full custody of us all.

I came out of that ordeal a different person. No longer was I the talkative person I once was. I had a difficult time making friends after that. Hell, I still do to this day. It's been 7 years since then. I'm 20, turning 21 in just 4 months. To this day, I haven't forgiven my family, especially my parents for what they did to me. No child should go through that. Nowadays, I have a difficult time opening up to people. This is probably the first time I put myself out there for the world to see.

Thank you for reading this and to CatGAF, I'm so sorry for what my 4 year old self did.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I still keep in contact with my father. I won't lie, for a while I hated his new wife. I no longer hate her for being a home wrecker and all. In fact, she and I shared a lot of common interests. She's one of the few people I know outside of the Internet that I can converse with regarding Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and several other shows.

Edit #2: I wrote several erotic stories a few years back and yes, Fiction, I used "cum" instead of "come." No, I will not provide any links to those stories. In fact, I would rather forget about them. I tried to delete them several times but once something is on the Internet, it will forever be on the Internet.


Hey, I know this isn't related at all to the subject, but I was browsing your topic as a nonmember and saw your email and figured I'd give this a try.

Do you have any pull in getting new members activated? I signed up (with a work e-mail, not this junk one), but I haven't received any e-mail back to activate my account. I'm not sure if the e-mail I provided was banned for use there or not, and I have been checking the junk/spam folders as well. I would love to join the community; I've browsed the site for what seems like years now, and I've come to love the community there. I signed up under the username "Tomm"

If not, thank you for your time to read this, and I will continue to enjoy silently participating in the community.
Sure thing, hey Mods Tomm wants some special attention. Please give it to him!

You'll probably need to submit a request with a different name now Tomm


Am I evil?

When I was growing up i lived in a poor area with a huge gang problem. I've been mugged before, and I've even been shot at, but always skirted by. When I was 15 I shot and killed a robber in self-defense. I didn't want too, but, he was armed and part of a gang and knowingly went into my room aware there were people inside. I had no way of calling anyone or getting out. I feared for my life and my lil brothers.

The guy was only 16, and went to my school. He was indeed part of gang, and his partner was a suspect (later confirmed) in a homicide. There was a quick investigation, (mainly to find the other guy) and they ruled it as self-defense, which it was. I was never offered therapy, I was never once asked "are you ok?", no, they all assumed I was some hardcore badass like Dirty Harry. I was full of adrenaline when the cops showed, and everything was going fast, I just didn't have time to stop and think, to assess the situation, to think. All i could think was "Are we safe" and "is it over". Killing someone in the real world is nothing like the movies or video games. he didn't die instantly, he took awhile while he bled out, and I certainly didn't feel powerful. I felt evil, I felt wrong.

Once word got out what I did people called me a "hero", I was even on the local news. I didn't know what to do, I was young, but, part of me said I should be happy I protected my family so theirs nothing wrong with what I did. After the shooting, I was the big man on campus. Everyone thought I was so hardcore, and even more badass because I didn't boast about it. I eventually gave in and started boasting about what I did, but, this was more of an escape to distract myself, to pretend what I did was ok.

the killing ruined my life, I started getting into fights, and eventually dropped out of school. I couldn't cope with anything, I hated the hero worship behind what I did, and I hated myself more then anything.

I considered suicide, because I was so disgusted with myself. I couldn't sleep because I constantly thought about that night. But, in the end I was too weak to bite the bullet. Funny how I can kill a man, yet can't kill myself. I ran away from home, but, kept in contact with my family. I thought by running away things could change, they didn't.

it's been over 10 years now, and I still have trouble sleeping. Only my family knows what I did now, and they don't bring it up/ Mostly everyone in my home-town have forgotten. Nobody in my new life knows, and i refuse to talk about it. I don't think anyone could understand, they'd either think me "cool" or "evil". I think gaf is generally more open-minded. I just felt like talking to someone.
I am shocked, genuinely shocked that no one's offered you help. I have a friend that had something similar happen to him and he's been in years and years of therapy. I'm sorry you're going through this OP. No, you're not evil. You were put into a situation you should never been put in, and when people are put into those kinds of situations all bets are off. I sound like a broken record, but get help. Just because nobody offers it doesn't mean it isn't out there. Hang in there.


Its absolutely baffling that no one thought a minor killing another human being isn't worthy of some counseling.

Meanwhile they'll drag you in the counseling office for drawing pictures of killing zombies.


Some of the stories here, jesus christ. Really put things in perspective.

And to those who post them/send them in: Know that you're incredibly strong just by being able to type all that out. I don't know if I would be capable of doing it, what I know for sure is it wouldn't be easy, I can't imagine how hard. But know that just typing that out, it shows you've come a long way. You're already more than halfway out of where you are if you can so lucidly and honestly open up to us like that. You're not alone, help is out there and you just have to reach out and take it.


thank you for your words. from your description of flint it seems like you understand me a lot more than i expected you or anyone else to. it felt so good to write that out and even better to feel heard
I'm glad I was of help. Now that you know take action and change. Don't be a Flint!
As nutty as this thread can get, I have a lot of respect for the people gathering the courage to share some of this stuff.

I know a lot of you are going through things I can't even imagine, but don't give up.

This thread is very sobering.


I was on my way home from school once, around grade 8. I got horny out of nowhere, and it was an unbearable kind of horny.
So I waited until I was 20 minutes or so away from my home, and there were around 10 kids left on the bus, and I was at the very back.
I pulled it out, and started masturbating on my school bus, I went and then realized I had no where to put my cum. So I just put my shirt down, and let it sit there.
15 minutes later I got off the bus, and was headed home.

Easily the grossest thing I have ever done in my entire life, and I feel ashamed and embarrassed about it.
It's the busturbator!


Remember what I said about pacing? So after the little respect/love-in time to reset the levels on this thread:
Back when I was 16, I ended up sleeping with my best friend's GF during a pretty wild party that I don't remember much from. I found out later that she didn't remember who she slept with, but I didn't tell her because she ended up pregnant and I was afraid I might end up responsible for it. In the end, my best friend ended up taking care of the kid with her - either he thought it was his (I don't know if she told him about the cheating) or he just manned up. It's possible it wasn't my kid, that it was some other dude's that she had slept with, or maybe my buddy, but I don't want to find out.

Fastforward a couple of years, and things are pretty rough between the two of them, him being stuck in a shitty job ever since they had the kid, and her doing nothing but stay at home all day. Well, I accidentally slept with her again some time ago, and have continued to do so since behind my buddy's back everytime he's off to work and I got some time free. She's still pretty decent looking, but it's kinda awkward with the kid around who we have to lock up in a room before I come over just to keep things on the down low.

Last week she told me she was pregnant, and that she thinks the kid is mine. I really don't want a child, but she's been very insistent and told me she loves me and that her life is horrible with my buddy.

I told her I would leave her if she didn't have an abortion.


Man, what a mess.


My deepest darkest secret is that I'm 21 and I can't for the love of God tie my shoes. I never learned it. When I was a kid I hated shoelaces like I think most kids, because you have to tie them up and it's boring especially when you have those velcro closures which are so much easier and faster. So I used mostly those. There were occasions though (like weddings, shit like that) when some class was required and my parents wanted me to wear some fancy shoes which always had laces because they're more classy apparently. I, being the spoiled fat brat that I was back then, didn't want anything to do with that, so I went like: "All right but if you really want me to wear those you have to tie them up because I can't nor want to". And they did because it was faster just to make a knot than to teach me or just tell me to fuck off.

This went on since I was like 10-12 years old I guess and my parents just gave up and bought me only shoes with velcro closures. Every once in a while though my mom came up with a lace shoe and told me "Look how beautiful this shoe is, will you use it sometime please?" and I "OK but you know what you'll have to do for this.".

A few months ago I had to dress up for a birthday and I wanted to make an impression. I used only shoes with velcro or directly boots which didn't have anything for years, so I realized I couldn't tie my fancy shoes for this fucking occasion. I thought "All right, it's been 21 years, time to grow up." but I was embarrassed so I searched a fucking tutorial on Youtube to learn how to tie my shoe. I found this tutorial intended for kids which explained how to do that (fuck there's a tutorial for everything). They were a pretty depressing 10 minutes in which a youtuber tried with fucking child talk to make me learn how to tie my shoes. I tried really hard and shockingly I just couldn't do that. I swear to God. I guess it's like when they say a kid is more receptive at learning languages and stuff like that than an adult, because I swear again, I tried like three different videos and finally understood that I simply wasn't intended to learn such action in this lifetime.

With much shame I asked my father for help, and he did tie my shoes while laughing and crying at the same time. It was embarrassing but eh, it was worth it.

I still don't know how to make a knot on my shoes to this day.
I took a line out of this that was against the rules. You know which one it was. You're welcome.

The most important part of tying your shoes is to remember to grab the shoelace by the aglet. Don't forget it!


I kind of have trouble comprehending how someone can't tie his own shoes. It is simply a knot but you have to tie it from a slightly different perspective as you would do with a normal knot. Is it the perspective (looking down, laces sideways, etc.) that is giving you trouble or is it the whole knot making thing itself? The only suggestion I can give is try and keep practicing tying shoes that you aren't wearing. Put them on the table and get cracking. I understand that you might not feel doing so, but I really suggest that you do learn no matter how long it takes. Sure it is not a critical skill, like cooking, but it saves a lot of hassle and embarrassment in your future.


I used to get little dick twitches when vanille would moan from getting hit in FFXIII it was so wrong but so sexy
Yeah, the wife and I would giggle a little when it would sound like she was taking a cock instead of getting swiped at by a monster.


I lost my virginity to my mattress.

I once found my dad's playboy (he left it out for some reason). So I did what any pre-pubescent boy would do; I stuck it in my pants and took it up to my room. I had(and have) a close friend at the time. I think he was my only friend (I think I have autism/ADD so it's kinda hard to keep friendships...but whatever) at the time but I don't remember. Anyway, I took it up to my room; called up my buddy (who was my neighbor); he came over, and we started looking at it (it was the starbucks issue). Long story short, two eight year old boys started humping a mattress while looking at the poster on the inside.
Hrmm...humping bed things seems to be a theme this year. More on this later.
Also, why call your friend over?


Like a few other confessors, I have a really big exhibitionist problem. I love showing my body to random strangers, especially when I'm in a relationship with someone.
So, so far I've gotten tit pics, dick pics and now ass pics.
BTW, nice ass (even ronitoswife agrees and she's more of a boob lady)


Did you convince her that it's best to get it over with ASAP? With her hottest friend?hot and steamy? What happened?

Sigh. Two weeks after we started having sex (about two months into the relationship) I realized that she wasn't what I was looking for so we broke it off. Now that I'm not having sex in retrospect it might have not been my greatest idea.. :(


For about seven years now (around that, at least), on a number of sites (not GAF, though) have pretended to be female. Not for any nefarious reasons like to catfish or cyber or anything, but juts because. It originally started with a person having thought I was female and I just went along with it. I was a teenager, and I saw nothing inherently wrong with it. Maybe that was wrong of me, who knows, but the fact of the matter is, I just went along with it, and it's snowballed onto some other sites, but, relatively speaking, mostly for communities that I've been a part of where this originated, simply extending from that point. Even now, I've created a whole identity, name, background, etc for this alter ego of mine, so to speak. Again, for no nefarious reasons (I promise!) but just because it started and now I really can't get out of it. But aside from that, I do enjoy the alter ego I have. I both have regrets about what's become essentially a double life and no regrets at all. I've been able to make friends, join communities, and be a different person from who I am in my normal day to day life.

Except... at least more lately it's been incredibly taxing on my mental status, I feel. Between school piling up, work, and then my laziness and hobbies of video games and GAF taking the forefront of everything, balancing my real life and fake life has been taxing, especially with "events" that have happened in my alter ego's life. While, as I've said before, I don't regret this necessarily, in a way, but I've started to feel like I've gone too deep and can't necessarily get out even if I wanted to. I feel like my thoughts have started to become affected by this as well a, relatively speaking, my identity and how I see myself. It's been a very disorienting thing for me, both good and bad, and while I would love to be able to admit it, the obvious stigma that would come from it is too much, and as such the only way I feel I can safely reveal this is through the GAF confessions threa.
Online alter egos. Not even once.


I am secretly thinking about making a live action movie about the JBaird thread. It seems like a lot of effort to do with the ideas I have so I dunno if I'll ever do it.

Do it! DO IT! Then go ly dow


I've done the alter-ego thing. Stole pics from my friend's myspace to make some other nerds horny. Then I killed her in a bus accident. Some people, amazingly, fell for the whole thing. One of these people wrote a song for her and posted it on the YouTubes.

I know, it's terrible.
That reminds me, on some small game development community when I was 13 or 14 someone called me 'she' and I just didn't correct them and went with it, just to see where it would go. I didn't change my behaviour at all or made up details about myself; I just went on as normal but didn't correct anyone. I also had some of the people from the site on MSN Messenger (oh man, nostalgia), and started kinda jokingly hitting on some dude without making the connection that he was from the site and thus thought of me as a girl. It only hit me much later that he thought I was a girl and that he seemed a little more into me than just jokingly. I never told him.


Well, he's a terrible person. Fucking wrap it up if you don't want a kid, goddamn.

hahah they're both horrible people. She locks the kid up in a room, so she can get that pipe from the guy who might even be the kid's father. But the kid will never know. The boyfriend will never know. Hahaha talk about a fucked situation.


First, some context: I'm a gay male in my 20s, I've been out of the closet for over a decade, I've had multiple long-term relationships and plenty of satisfying sex with other men. My confession is that, despite all of this, I like to watch straight porn. I have 0 attraction to girls but straight porn gets my engines running much more effectively than gay porn. I've tried to tell myself that it's something incidental that makes the videos more appealing: more variety in angles, more of the types of guys I'm attracted to, more positions. The truth is: amateur videos from bi guys with the exact same physique/camera style have proven that I'd still prefer to see them screwing a girl than another guy.

I feel ashamed about it, like it's an indication that I haven't really accepted my sexuality after all despite the details at the top of my confession, or that I subconsciously view hetero sex as more natural. I think most gay men go through a phase of wishing they were straight when they are younger and I was no exception. My preference of straight porn over gay porn makes me feel like there is a part of me that never got past that phase.

Dude, you're overthinking this. Many (I'd say most, as I haven't found one that hasn't) straight women get off to gay male porn. I know some lesbians that enjoy straight porn and, my god straight men love lesbian/transsexual porn (ok the transexual stuff is less popular but admit it guys). That doesn't necessarily mean they're all not accepting their sexuality. Straight people don't worry about this. I don't see why you should. You know what you like to actually do, and you know who you are and seem confident in that. Go with that and faith in yourself.
I've done the alter-ego thing. Stole pics from my friend's myspace to make some other nerds horny. Then I killed her in a bus accident. Some people, amazingly, fell for the whole thing. One of these people wrote a song for her and posted it on the YouTubes.

I know, it's terrible.


please post the song


...and, my god straight men love lesbian/transsexual porn (ok the transexual stuff is less popular but admit it guys). ...

Aw yeah. Normal straight porn with twice the tits. What's not to like?

But yeah, Confessor. Don't worry about liking what you like. If you enjoy it, what does it matter?
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