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Alcohol drinks are gross

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Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I really can drink basically any alcoholic drink (though not stuff like proper Whiskies and such things as i'm not accustomed to them. Someday, someday).

But personally i'm an ale man.

Strongbow and "Good Cider" doesn't go for me. It's not bad, but it's no Gaymers ;)


Forever Platinum
There are certain things I dislike, but for the most part alcoholic drinks are just something else to drink.

Some beers are really fantastic, many many mixed drinks are pretty good, and once you develop a taste for it enjoying a whiskey or another liquor can really hit the spot sometimes. I really doubt anything needs to be said for a good wine, and I seriously doubt anyone here who claims a universal distaste for it has tried the right wine.

Nothing beats a tall glass of milk with dinner though.


I don't really like the taste of most alcohol drinks either. The taste is not why I drink them though. Get through the first 4 and the rest go easily. :lol
Second said:
I love to drink coke. It's one of my favourite drinks. But I can't stand 'baco' drink. I love caramel, but I can't drink Bailieys. I like apples and love to drink apple juice, but I can't drink Apfelkorn.

Lindemans Pomme for you. You will like it.

To fellow beer geeks: yes I know I took the easy way out. But it's sure to work.


Alcoholic drinks are so varied that I find hard to believe people don't like a single one, its almost as saying you don't like food of any kind. Beers and wines alone cover a huge range of tastes, textures and even alcoholic levels.

People who dismiss alcohol as a whole completely are, in my experience, not doing it because of the taste, but for personal convictions: "I'll never get drunk", "its against my values", more than once is simply "I'm just a better person than you drunks" etc ,etc, etc. There might be exceptions but I've never met one.


I am not much of a fan of beer but I'd recommend trying Lambic. It's expensive but the framboise is incredible.

Try some cider too. Strongbow, Magner's, green apple Woodchuck cider, etc. Delicious.
Meier said:
I am not much of a fan of beer but I'd recommend trying Lambic. It's expensive but the framboise is incredible.

If you read this post: make sure you understand he's talking about the Lindemans brand of lambics, and the fruit flavored ones, not the cuvee renee. Most regular old lambics have an incredibly intense, sort of lactic sourness to them that can come unexpected.


Im not a drinker. If i want to catch a buzz ill light up some green. The older i get the less i like alcohol.

But i love the cider recommendations! Ive always had a soft spot for cider, even though here in America not too many people drink it. You hardly even hear about cider here... i had forgotten its existence until this thread.

Newcastle is about the only beer i can tolerate. Blue Moon has some nice stuff going on, too.


Snuggler said:
Beer is the greatest invention of man kind. It takes a little time to acquire the taste, especially if you're used to sugary drinks, but a good beer after a long day of work is nothing short of godly.

yep. i only like drinking full-bodied beers though, light beer can eat a dick.

Meier said:
I am not much of a fan of beer but I'd recommend trying Lambic. It's expensive but the framboise is incredible.

i drank two huge bottles of that raspberry framboise in like little less than an hour and that shit just lingers in your stomach like no other. fucking tastes delicious though.


andymcc said:
yep. i only like drinking full-bodied beers though, light beer can eat a dick.

I actually like the light beer, but then again I drink Diet Coke because I like the way it tastes so what do I know.


i actually enjoy the taste of alcohol.. well, good whiskeys (bourbon, scotch included) and rums.. hate tequila and gin and don't really care about vodka.

beers and wines are also nice :D and champagne.. c'mon, how does someone dislike all of these?


It took me about a year but I finally got the taste for beer down pretty good (I do dislike most fancier beers though, not sure why). Had an Irish Car Bomb last night, so good.

I can deal with almost anything that has vodka in it. I do straight shots of things without being a pussy or chasing or anything. I'm kind of manly.

Fuck tequila though.


Cindres said:
EDIT: Strongbow and "Good Cider" doesn't go for me. It's not bad, but it's no Gaymers ;)
Point taken- Strongbow is the best cider I can get easily. I certainly wish better options were readily available in the States.
Retro said:
Alright, I'm game. Contrary to what people have said, not everybody enjoys beer. However, I chalk it up to just not having found the right kind yet because beer isn't something I actively seek out; I prefer to stick with the hard stuff I know I like.

So, favorite food and drink flavors. Food-wise, I'd say salty snacks over sweet. Robust flavors like good (read: not pizza) Italian food. Cheeses, very few meats. I like spicy foods but not tear-inducing spicy.

Drink wise, citrus flavors, but nothing too syrupy. I swore off colas a while ago, but will drink a few if it's mixed into something. Orange / Grapefruit juice. Sprite, not Mountain Dew. Lemonade and Ice Tea too.

The beers I've tired are Pale Moon Ale (unpleasant), Heineken (absolutely didn't like) Budweiser (disliked) and MGD (tolerable). Those are all kind of in a really limited scope, I realize, so... that's why I'm asking.

My main dislike of beer so far has just been the way it seems to sit in your stomach, it's heavier than liquor so I get that sort of "I ate too much" sick/full feeling. But I'll try anything you want to suggest.

The reason beer gives you that feeling as opposed to liquor is obviously that you are likely to drink higher quantities of beer than liquor, but also because of carbonation. The fact that you're sensitive to that makes this a bit harder.

It sounds like Blue Moon might be up your alley, but you say you didn't like "Pale Moon Ale" and I can't find any beer listed under that name, so if you're meaning Blue Moon, then disregard this. Blue Moon has a very orangey fruit flavor to it. They brew it with orange peel and coriander seed, true to the style of a belgian witbier, and it combines wonderfully with the wheat in it. A lot of beer snobs thumb their nose at the stuff but I have to give it credit for being a well-crafted and very drinkable witbier. However, you will get that carbonation sick/full feeling from this if you got it from the other beers you've tried.

I guess I have to ask: if you're going to drink beer, how important is it to you that you'll feel the alcohol? Fruit beers like Lindemans and Samuel Smith Organic Fruit Ales (both kinda pricey), as well as the aforementioned Blue Moon (not really a fruit beer by strict classification) would be great for your palate, but they're in the 4%-5.5% ABV range so you need several to feel anything, and that's obviously not what you want.

You could go the route of stronger beers. There are quite a few beers in the 9%-13% range, which means you need to fill yourself up less in order to feel it. But stronger alcohol generally accompanies stronger flavor, and this can often be an unpleasant shock to the palate.

Get a small bottle (or big if you want to share) of Chimay Blue (alternatively Goose Island Pere Jacques at $9-$10 a 4pk) and pour it into a chalice/goblet/red wine glass/snifter if you have them, or any old glass if you don't. Serve that with a robust, cheesy Italian dish and/or a steak and get back to me. It's a very unique flavor, and I've seen many eyes widen (in a good way) drinking a strong trappist ale with a good meal. It is very high quality stuff and quite delicious. At the very least it will vastly broaden your horizons on what beer can taste like and be an interesting experience. Downing MGDs will hardly ever be described as a unique experience. That's the beauty of constantly trying new beer. There are so many different flavors out there, and many people will sadly only ever try one or two of them.

ONE more thing: do you like bourbon?


I'm not a fan of learning to like anything. You shouldn't *need* to develop a taste for things. So alcohol is out of the question for me as well. It's either good or it's not.



Hit all the usuals: Beefeater, Tanqueray, Sapphire, and of course Hendricks. Make martinis and g&t's, or drink it straight, see what you like. Gin is underappreciated.
Minamu said:
I'm not a fan of learning to like anything. You shouldn't *need* to develop a taste for things. So alcohol is out of the question for me as well. It's either good or it's not.

I used to hold this opinion. It seems natural to think "if you need to develop a taste for it, then doesn't that mean it's really just... not good?"

This seems logical, but it's crap. I've found that the biggest reason we find ourselves disliking certain flavors is because they're foreign and our brain doesn't know what to do with them, forcing us to interpret them as unpleasant. These are often huge, robust, overpowering flavors, which means that when you don't understand them, they come off as disgusting, but when you do understand them, they suddenly elevate to heights of flavor you didn't previously know were possible.

Spayro said:
Well mountain dew DOES go well with beer, so. try that.

I nearly vomited D:


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Look, it's just a matter of time. I lot of people think the same way, eventually you will be drinking. Marketing and social obligations will make sure of it.


Snuggler said:
Ah, the suicide rum.
I tried mixing that stuff into some cola once and it all floated up to the top and tasted like fire when I drank it. Yuck.
If anyone wants to start drinking beer I'd personally recommend Newcastle as a starter. It's so smooth and sweet.

I tried this stuff on a recommendation. It was good, but could be better. The sourness kind of bugged me.


HappyBivouac said:
I used to hold this opinion. It seems natural to think "if you need to develop a taste for it, then doesn't that mean it's really just... not good?"

This seems logical, but it's crap. I've found that the biggest reason we find ourselves disliking certain flavors is because they're foreign and our brain doesn't know what to do with them, forcing us to interpret them as unpleasant. These are often huge, robust, overpowering flavors, which means that when you don't understand them, they come off as disgusting, but when you do understand them, they suddenly elevate to heights of flavor you didn't previously know were possible.
That might be very true & all, but I got better things to do :) I think it's just as silly as "you need to eat something disgusting every now & then so you'll enjoy the good stuff even more". My mom does that shit all the time. I hate it :lol I've had the body of third world child all my life because of it :p
Minamu said:
That might be very true & all, but I got better things to do :) I think it's just as silly as "you need to eat something disgusting every now & then so you'll enjoy the good stuff even more". My mom does that shit all the time. I hate it :lol I've had the body of third world child all my life because of it :p

Well that's just crazy. That's nowhere near the same thing.


The only thing I've been able to drink without too much trouble is sake, and I prefer soda or a random juice or any other type of nonalcoholic drink over that.
I've tried so different stuff and it all taste bad, doesn't matter if it's the finest ale in existence, some 50+ old red wine or even champagne - it's all bleh.

I'd rather have a nice glass of cold milk.


Spayro said:
Well mountain dew DOES go well with beer, so. try that.
If mountain dew is similar to ie. Sprite (I don't think I have seen real MD can in my life) it goes good with brandy.


I love beer and spirits but damn even though it might mostly be for pansies cider is fucking incredible. I'm sad that the consumption of massive dangerous quantities of it passed from american culture. I feel like it's getting popular again though. People on my campus are obsessed with Woodchuck and Hornby's


The first alcoholic drink I liked the taste of was Jack Daniels. Then I moved on to single malts and never looked back! :D


Shanadeus said:
The only thing I've been able to drink without too much trouble is sake, and I prefer soda or a random juice or any other type of nonalcoholic drink over that.
I've tried so different stuff and it all taste bad, doesn't matter if it's the finest ale in existence, some 50+ old red wine or even champagne - it's all bleh.

I'd rather have a nice glass of cold milk.

Eh... do you know why people drink booze?
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