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Angry Joe Destiny 2 Review

This is a discussion thread; not everyone has to agree with the final score. Please get that through your head, thanks!
Okay man. There's no "discussion" going on here. Just you complaining that people and Angry Joe specifically don't agree with you, therefore everyone else is wrong. But i don't have anything else to "discuss" with you.


Not agreeing with something (disagreeing) =/= "I think this is wrong."

He didn't attack Joe or any of his remarks in the video; he simply said "I think the final score 6 is wrong. I'd personally give it an 8"

Nothing wrong with that; no need to make a big deal out of something so little. He disagrees, lets leave it at that.
Not agreeing with something (disagreeing) =/= "I think this is wrong."
Lmao that's exactly what disagreeing is. What are you smoking?

I don't agree with the score, but he makes a few good points.

As for the Jimquisition, he seemed to love the game and thought it fixed most of the flaws of D1. We share the same lament of microtransaction shenanigans.


Okay man. There's no "discussion" going on here. Just you complaining that people and Angry Joe specifically don't agree with you, therefore everyone else is wrong. But i don't have anything else to "discuss" with you.

You're not discussing anything other than what the definition of "wrong" means to you. Agree with me on what? I respect the time Joe took to make a 45 minute review video. Do I agree with it? Nope as there are several reasons as to why I think Destiny just wasn't his type of game in the first place. You started quoting a post i made to someone else as to what the word "wrong" means.


Commenting on the Raid....hasn't done the Raid...ok then..

I also have to say, I did love his reviews in the deep past: but this intense focus on purely 'value for money' and consumer heroism is so weird to me: gaming costs, it's a hobby, Destiny gives you 100s of hours of gaming...seems like a good deal to me (if you like Destiny though, obviously). This 'give me everything for free/cheap' seems a tad entitled to me.

He is pushing this whole corporate commander thing too far IMO: leave the perceived value to others to percieve a bit more, just focus on the game and it's merits within that sphere.

There was literally a thread dedicated on here to the shady shit going on with the shaders being consumables issue when the game came out. It is absolutely worth mentioning in your review that this is a step backwards from its predecessor, and that it is a shit thing to do. I didn't shade a single damn thing until I reached 270 light because I didn't want to waste good looking ones on gear that you only use for 20 minutes of play before an upgrade shows up.

There is absolutely no reason shaders should've gone down this road at all. Eververse existing is fine and dandy, but again it's a crap design choice to throw shaders in there too along with certain gear to boot. Emotes fine I guess, sparrows/ships whatever, but a line has to be drawn somewhere on how you eek out extra $ from the userbase, and the community drew a line that shaders shouldn't be getting this treatment.


This isn't nor will be the last time for him to insert an opinion from someone he trust in his review , his destiny 1 review has that . It's clear that he is using the opinion from players he trusts and insert in his video.
Doesn't make the critic invalid . Trying to dismiss a critique by saying " but you haven't played it" when he knows people who have played , have accounts from those people and/or has watched it himself is silly.

So now , the minimum for a review is to have played everything ? It's funny since nobody gonna have the receipts

i never commented on the full content of his review or anything regarding any opinion in it other than what pertains to the raid. i do think taking someone elses opinion and posing it as your own when you haven't experienced the activity in question slightly invalidates that opinion. if you can't see why that's objectable then i don't know what to tell you.


I love the specification of "disagreeing with the score" and not actually "disagreeing with specifics of the review" itself. How can you not understand the former being absolutely ridiculous?


Wtf is this? Is this that GAF higher standard?

It will be here until the mods come through and napalm this wasteland. Review threads are consistently embarrassing, especially those with highly reactive fanbases like Destiny's. I've never seen more conversations wind up at "prove you've played XXX number of hours right now" as with Destiny.

If your post has any reference to Joe, as a person, and not his stated views on D2, you should probably


I can't be arsed with Angry Joe but Skill Up will be posting his review sometime this week and, by all accounts, he loves it but it's not the step-forward he wanted.

Can't wait to see that one.
Mmh. So you came in to an Angry Joe thread to tell us that you don't care? Lol.


I love the specification of "disagreeing with the score" and not actually "disagreeing with the specifics of the review" itself. How can you not understand the former being absolutely ridiculous?

Because those specifics of the review have been already explained on previous pages

Maximus P

I always enjoy Joe's reviews. This one is thorough as always and he raises some interesting points. I will continue to keep an eye out for his next game review.
i never commented on the full content of his review or anything regarding any opinion in it other than what pertains to the raid. i do think taking someone elses opinion and posing it as your own when you haven't experienced the activity in question slightly invalidates that opinion. if you can't see why that's objectable then i don't know what to tell you.

He posted footage of someone else playing with said person giving his opinion . It's an opinion he agree with ..so there is no problem on that front .. he isn't posting as his own , he used the opinion of someone who HAS done the activity in question. I believe there is even the logo on the top right corner if my memory is correct

So objectable , indeed

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Listening to Bombcast and Jimquisition and coming away with "everything that was wrong and bad about Destiny 1 is back in Destiny 2 with some additional caveats and some bullshit microtransactions".

And now we also have "It has bad AI" on top of that.

If that's accurate then I wouldn't be surprised if it gets a bad review and maybe it should have more.

But people pissed and moaned constantly about Destiny 1 but wouldn't stop playing it something was done right.

50 hours in myself, and the AI is some of the best I've seen in a shooter.

Jim loved the game too... gave it an 8/10 - but the microtransactions are a bit on the nose for sure (they aren't as bad as first made out however though).


I always enjoy Joe's reviews. This one is thorough as always and he raises some interesting points. I will continue to keep an eye out for his next game review.

Often I have a hard time thoroughly vocalizing or writing down an issue I have with a game. It's easy to praise a game for things it does well and gush, but when a game sucks trying to correctly explain why said things suck about a game can be difficult.

He does a great job in this review explaining some of the things I had issues with and praising the things that the game does well. He even states what it could do better. Joe looks to me like he really wants to like Destiny, but it just hasn't done enough yet to satiate that. The story is getting there to his standards, the quest structure is getting there to not be so repetitive , the AI needs work to have him enjoy the gunplay he likes more, etc. The man isn't going out saying "this thing is bad and there is no hope" and instead is pointing to what should get improved on to not only get him to invest time in it more, but also benefit those like me who will play the game for hundreds of hours more.

Plus, this video review made me laugh really hard when he mimiced some of the emotes within game sitting outside reading the paper while bad ass music from the game played. That's always worth a click if you can get me to laugh with you.
I had fun with the game but I only bought it because I was super bored. I quit playing because the matchmaking doesn't work half the time feels like most of the time I'm in a zone all by myself with no other people on the planet and I saw a bunch of people on reddit talking about this so it seems pretty common.


Main issue with Joe is that he's unbelievably bad at anything he plays while being obnoxious the moment stuff isn't going the way he thought it would.

Like, just watch his Evolve review and you ll never take him seriously ever again. Dude is complaining about the game for mistakes his mates are making all the time, brilliant stuff

Otherwise Cayde 6, Failsafe and Devrim are pretty endearing. Don't know what's the massive hate about toward Cayde, he's just a chilled scavenger who apparently likes to have fun


50 hours in myself, and the AI is some of the best I've seen in a shooter.

Jim loved the game too... gave it an 8/10 - but the microtransactions are a bit on the nose for sure (they aren't as bad as first made out however though).

Maybe the AI issues stem from folks who have played a lot of D1. The only new change up I noticed was with Fallen Captain's darting quick and ducking once they lose shields. Everything else is generally a mindless stand still and headshot me AI, or I am going to rush you AI.

The bosses have some better things going on of course, but that's expected. You can't tell me a regular shank has good AI. It just exists...

Having learned these "patterns" for enemies in D1 they do feel like they stand still and eat shit.

It definitely isn't the worst AI in a FPS, but it wasn't an improvement over D1 AI I think is the more critical thing to look at. It goes back to Joe saying where did the resources get put into? No resources in character customization for create a character, little to no retweaking AI for known enemies, and new enemy types follow patterns already built in by other enemy types.

Bungie Activision has the people, time, and money to do it much better than what we got in D2.


For me, scores are a point of reference, yet I think scores are garbage. I'd rather stick with the "would you recomend this?" with a % of people who do or don't.

I kind of agree with the score though, played the beta and I saw a friend play the game on his ps4, the pvp felt bland and the story didn't captivate me. I'm not eager at all to buy this on PC. Hell, even if the game was gifted to me I doubt I would play it, the beta did a really poor job at catching my attention. I'm not spending 50 euros (or 60) for a game that ask me to spend even more money after that.

I think Warframe is the game to go if you want a grindfest shooter, and... it's free.


After putting some time in I'd say 6/10 is about the right score for the game. It does nothing new. It has nothing special to offer. It's an extremely bland, competent AAA shooter. There are no surprises, there are no risks. It's enjoyable enough playing with friends but there are far better games to spend your money on.


Bungie Activision has the people, time, and money to do it much better than what we got in D2.
This is pretty much what it comes down to. Bungie seems to have resolve some of the major criticism of the first game, but also didn't bother to do anything else. I have not played D2, but I have watched a lot of streams and reviews. Going to get the PC version, but I am a bit worried about the state of the game.

For the most part I am worried about the changes to the PC version, because I think the game has too little depth to its mechanics and enemies for KB/M controls. A really good group of PC players should be able to hit most critical shots as soon as an enemy appear on the screen. Even while jumping around doing simple mechanics.

I have not seen any info in regard of any changes to the PC version on that area.

To me there are lots of mechanics I really hope they would change. Or even make boss encounters much harder and mechanics heavy. But I guess I can't hold my breath for that.
This is pretty much what it comes down to. Bungie seems to have resolve some of the major criticism of the first game, but also didn't bother to do anything else. I have not played D2, but I have watched a lot of streams and reviews. Going to get the PC version, but I am a bit worried about the state of the game.

For the most part I am worried about the changes to the PC version, because I think the game has too little depth to its mechanics and enemies for KB/M controls. A really good group of PC players should be able to hit most critical shots as soon as an enemy appear on the screen. Even while jumping around doing simple mechanics.

I have not seen any info in regard of any changes to the PC version on that area.

To me there are lots of mechanics I really hope they would change. Or even make boss encounters much harder and mechanics heavy. But I guess I can't hold my breath for that.
At this point im just hoping the DLC brings some substantial upgrades to the base game along with much larger story expansions.


At this point im just hoping the DLC brings some substantial upgrades to the base game along with much larger story expansions.
For sure. The first DLC for D1 got my pissed (stopped playing), so I am definitely going to have some high standard here. If it doesn't give some great content, I am out again.
For sure. The first DLC for D1 got my pissed (stopped playing), so I am definitely going to have some high standard here. If it doesn't give some great content, I am out again.

D2 is a huge step up from D1. D1 base game is fucking garbage compared to D2 base game.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Wait, you're not going to debate, refute, or counter-point me with sound logic?

Oh... wait--

Oh... yeah you're probably better off not

Calling gamers whiny for talking about shitty DLC (not good DLC like the Witcher, or even Tekken or IJ2), means you're well past sound logic.

And also it seems like you're a Trump supporter too, so that's Strikes 1-3 right there.

Commenting on the Raid....hasn't done the Raid...ok then..

I also have to say, I did love his reviews in the deep past: but this intense focus on purely 'value for money' and consumer heroism is so weird to me: gaming costs, it's a hobby, Destiny gives you 100s of hours of gaming...seems like a good deal to me (if you like Destiny though, obviously). This 'give me everything for free/cheap' seems a tad entitled to me.

He is pushing this whole corporate commander thing too far IMO: leave the perceived value to others to percieve a bit more, just focus on the game and it's merits within that sphere.

.....Bruh where the hell am I??? I'm starting to think Activision is cutting checks.


I would sincerely hope the new expansions are on par or just slightly less than what we got with The Taken King.

We need a new planet, new story, new raid, new gear, and a retweak of what is here already.

Anything else will be a letdown.
As a first-time Destiny player I have no 'baggage' from the previous game (unless a quick playthrough of the demo counts, I guess), and I'd probably give it a 6 or 7 as well. Everything was new to me so whether something was in the previous game didn't really matter. From what does matter, though, I can say ot's definitely a fun mindless shooter, and I was looking for one of those. However, the level and encounter design rarely feels very inspired (despite some pretty-looking environments), and the 'sandbox' of combat is hampered by restrictive gameplay systems.

Ditto. I'm just shocked at how lame the enemy AI is. Like... I keep wondering if I'm on extra easy. This is the company that made halo? Really? I can literally stand in one spot and use a rifle to pick off mobs one by one. No movement. No tactics. No damned personality to them at all. I'm genuinely shocked given how much my friends like it. I'll caveat and say I'm only level 10 but I'd have hoped to see *something* fun from the ai by now. I will say the graphics and level design is top notch, but the game itself is just leaving me a bit cold.
50 hours in myself, and the AI is some of the best I've seen in a shooter.

Opinions eh? 😂
For sure. The first DLC for D1 got my pissed (stopped playing), so I am definitely going to have some high standard here. If it doesn't give some great content, I am out again.
Only played the legendary edition of the game for Destiny 1 and skipped RoI but even then it left a substantial amount to be desired, so i at least hope what they cobble together this time is coherent and gels with the main game (along with actual new content). Bungie hasn't earned my trust to get me to buy anything anywhere near launch.


Maybe the AI issues stem from folks who have played a lot of D1. The only new change up I noticed was with Fallen Captain's darting quick and ducking once they lose shields. Everything else is generally a mindless stand still and headshot me AI, or I am going to rush you AI.

Bungie Activision has the people, time, and money to do it much better than what we got in D2.

Fallen: Vandals crawl on all 6 of their arms and legs to move around quickly, Marauders go invisible and charge at you with a spear, Wretchs are dregs that also charge at you with spears, captains do what you said,
Cabal: Psions now run on the ground with a propelled jet pack moving around quickly, Phalanx now have a big shield that covers a lot (having to shoot the middle point to break it), War beasts are a new dog like enemy, Incendiors are a new flamethrower enemy, Gladiator are a new enemy who wields dual axes and rush you, Centurions can hover in the air and fire their cannon at you.
Hive: nothing has changed much except for Acolytes looking different, Knights having different weapons, and Shriekers projectile traveling faster.
Vex: basically the same, only difference is minotaurs have weak spots now. And Fanatics.

Lots of people comment on how there are no changes at all with enemies, but there are some there (might've missed some), they need to introduce a new faction though.
Vex: basically the same, only difference is minotaurs have weak spots now.

Were Fanatics in Destiny 1? For some reason I don't remember them - although functionally they aren't much different from Cursed Thralls.

Joe is entitled to his opinion like everyone else. He gets some things wrong in the video, but overall his points are valid. I would personally argue this is not 1/3 of the game for full price (especially compared to Destiny 1), but I'm enjoying the game. It's my new podcast game while I run public events/patrols and challenges. I look forward to the first DLC.


Were Fanatics in Destiny 1? For some reason I don't remember them - although functionally they aren't much different from Cursed Thralls.

Joe is entitled to his opinion like everyone else. He gets some things wrong in the video, but overall his points are valid. I would personally argue this is not 1/3 of the game for full price (especially compared to Destiny 1), but I'm enjoying the game. It's my new podcast game while I run public events/patrols and challenges. I look forward to the first DLC.

Yea forgot about them, thanks. Yea basically just cursed thrall.
What? Just because publishers are doing an anti-consumer thing and may not stop we shouldn't complain? Wtf? That's stupid. If you want to just take it, fine. I appreciate Joe for fighting the good fight even if it's a lost cause.

I can never figure out why we're so pro-corporation. People now are arguing for MTX because game prices are static, as if if they raised the price of games to $69.99 or $79.99 they wouldn't keep doing MTX and DLC. :p. It's weird.

The "flaws" you pointed out aren't real. D2 apparently
has shit AI so they make up for it in waves. They didn't START with waves and tossed good AI, because nobody would do that.

And no, like Joe I was quite hopeful D2 would be a superior game that fixed all the flaws. I hoped it would deserve a 9 when all was said and done. If anything I left disappointed when I learned they hadn't improved nearly enough given they had 3 years and hella budget and leeway given they're one of the most well-known and financially successful games this gen.

They had 3 years? Funny I remember them launching and creating content for a game 3 years ago.


Were Fanatics in Destiny 1? For some reason I don't remember them - although functionally they aren't much different from Cursed Thralls.

they were one of the mechanics in vault of glass before the templar fight. i can't remember if they were in the campaign any or not, but the glowing yellow gooey explosions still haunt some of my friends.
People that say GAF is too Left leaning clearly don't visit the gaming forums much.

Stepping out of Off Topic into the gaming side of the forum is like entering a whole new world sometimes lol. I don't mean that previous statement literally, but the switch in tone can be a little jarring.


I'm not "pro" corporate practice or "pro" micro transaction. They fucking suck. Destiny 1 was fucking horrible with they're shit DLC strategy. Though I'd also call it a stretch to say it's "anti-consumer" if the MC's aren't P2W. Actually, there are games that handle MS's just fine, at least on the grounds of compromise. Overwatch, Siege, Halo 5, etc. so having MC's isn't enough to call it anti-consumer. I mean, just how "anti" is it when millions are consuming it?

It's just fact. The pubs are going to find a at to shit up their games with further monetization

Exactly my point.
the issue is that destiny 2 does microtransactions wrong.

Other major AAA games make post launch content free as a compromise for adding loot boxes (gears 4, halo 5, overwatch, battlefront 2, titanfall 2, uncharted 4, future battlefield games)

Destiny doesn't do this, they add loot boxes but still want people to pay a ton of money for future content. It's stupid and worth pointing out.
Just wanna point out that he never played the raid or trails , yet in his review he states that he did also in his tweet where he says he needs more time with the raid/trails.It would be more fine if he didn't say he did and reviewed the game as it is but he went and lied about he doing the raid lol
The thing is he never started both of those activities according to destiny tracker .He is 252 Light with Blue Gear on , lmao

Link to tweet:


Link to DestinyTracker:


Xaero Gravity

Sure mature is a bearded grown up dressed up like a character trying to stand out by giving an unfair 5 to a game that deserve at least 7
Are you seriously this upset over a review you don't agree with?

Just wanna point out that he never played the raid or trails , yet in his review he states that he did also in his tweet where he says he needs more time with the raid/trails.It would be more fine if he didn't say he did and reviewed the game as it is but he went and lied about he doing the raid lol
The thing is he never started both of those activities according to destiny tracker .He is 252 Light with Blue Gear on , lmao

Link to tweet:


Link to DestinyTracker:

Are you discounting all those other reviews because they too didn't play the raid? Or is it just this one?

And for the record, Joe did play the raid, he just hated it so much that he didn't bother to finish it.
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