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'Batman: Arkham Asylum' (PS3/X360/PC) Officially Announced

ashbash159 said:
It's too easy. It's too simple - I mean that you just press a button and then you do a lethal thing (like gide kicking) also the on ground combat is easy, square square square, triangle, that's it. Also the stealth kills are deadly but all you have to do is crouch and press triangle. The bat claw throwing things aren't that good and are pointless.

Am I the only one on this thread who doesn't think it's that good?

Ugh. Please tell me you realise what is infuriatingly oversimplified about your criticism. This could actually be stretched to fit every sodding game in every genre if you wanted.


GAF's Bob Woodward
ashbash159 said:
It's too easy. It's too simple - I mean that you just press a button and then you do a lethal thing (like gide kicking) also the on ground combat is easy, square square square, triangle, that's it. Also the stealth kills are deadly but all you have to do is crouch and press triangle. The bat claw throwing things aren't that good and are pointless.

Am I the only one on this thread who doesn't think it's that good?

I think it depends what you put into the combat yourself.

But yeah, in the 'regular' brawls you can just hit the same button over and over, even, and achieve ultimately the same result in terms of easily dispatching the bad guys.

It becomes better when you're somewhat forced to do more interesting things with the combat, like the gargoyle swooping though. Then it's cooler and you feel more like you're doing the cool stuff.
ashbash159 said:
It's too easy. It's too simple - I mean that you just press a button and then you do a lethal thing (like gide kicking) also the on ground combat is easy, square square square, triangle, that's it. Also the stealth kills are deadly but all you have to do is crouch and press triangle. The bat claw throwing things aren't that good and are pointless.

Am I the only one on this thread who doesn't think it's that good?
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Ugh. Please tell me you realise what is infuriatingly oversimplified about your criticism. This could actually be stretched to fit every sodding game in every genre if you wanted.

I suppose you could say that about every game in the genre, but from this certain game it just seems that you can do the most lethal things with the simplest of button presses. I don't think I've expericened many other games on this genre that gives you a great reward from just pressing a button.
gofreak said:
I think it depends what you put into the combat yourself.

But yeah, in the 'regular' brawls you can just hit the same button over and over, even, and achieve ultimately the same result in terms of easily dispatching the bad guys.

It becomes better when you're somewhat forced to do more interesting things with the combat, like the gargoyle swooping though. Then it's cooler and you feel more like you're doing the cool stuff.

Even just swingling on the gargoyles is easy, you point and click, too simple for me.


Revolutionary said:
Yep. There's only 2 as far as I know.

Then there's 2 high vents I can't reach and an explodable wall. I'm trying to get my XP high enough so I can upgrade something but it doesn't seem like it's possible in the demo. :lol

Yeah. Picture me trying to take the wall down with batarangs:lol


God what a great demo. Combat is a bit easy but hey even Joker, er, jokes about how wimpy the scrubs you're fighting are. I'm sure the later grunts won't have counter windows that last nearly a second, but it's handy for the first few fights. ;)

The stealth elements are fantastic, looks and runs great (I play on 720p so if there was any tearing it was minimal enough that I didn't notice) and the exploration/movement was bang on. Oh, and the demo was also good at showing off the actually interesting collectibles, bios and unlockables.

Can't wait for the full game, I was day 1 before now I'm even more excited. I'm off to play it again, I want to try out the big area by going into the rooms through the glass and trying to get those guys in there. :D
ashbash159 said:
I suppose you could say that about every game in the genre, but from this certain game it just seems that you can do the most lethal things with the simplest of button presses. I don't think I've expericened many other games on this genre that gives you a great reward from just pressing a button.

I do see what you mean and I apologise for being a little testy.

I suppose I'm naturally assuming that, as this is the start of the game, it's always going to be a little easy and so ramp up the challenge throughout so that manoeuvring into these 'takedown' positions is bloody difficult. That, and I can see the fighting sections have a lot of room for increased difficulty and complexity.
If anybody is thinking I'm being overly critical of the demo, I'm sure there's more in the full game and I do actually enjoy it. It's more of a rent for me though.


bish gets all the credit :)
Very good demo. I enjoyed the stealth parts the best, which I hope make up the majority of the game. The standard walk is way too slow (hello we have analog sticks, no need for a run button), and the camera is too close when doing the normal walk. Other than that, the atmosphere was great, as were all the character bio things in the menus.


Neo Member
I wasn't totally blown away by the demo, but I definitely enjoyed it.

It's great to hear the animated series voice cast and the plot seems intriguing.

I'm not sold on the Gears-style roadie run and finger in the ear slow walk cutscene thing, and just walking around feels a bit stiff, but I suppose it's the fighting and ziplining about that are supposed to feel fluid.

The last section where you get to do all the hanging from gargoyles and silently taking guys out is definitely where this game seems to shine. Hopefully it will be developed as the game goes on and become a bit more challenging.

Actually it must have been a pretty impressive demo because I'm looking at the collectors edition on Amazon and wondering whether I need a 14inch Batarang. I don't think I do.


Fantastic demo. I didn't really expect much but I enjoyed every second of it. Stealth was superb and graphics look great. Definitely will buy this game day one.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Upon replaying the demo I was glad to find out that everything is skippable, from cutscene to dialogue to Oracle chatter.


Comics, serious business!
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.


RSTEIN said:
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.

Bat's beat the hulk once. Wolvie.. well..

Ephemeris said:
Bat's beat the hulk once. Wolvie.. well..

Please tell me where I can read that..

On-topic: I can't wait to try out the demo tonight when I get home.. Is it possible we have the 2nd coming of The Dark Knight.. in video game form?!?


RSTEIN said:
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.

I bet Batman can beat Wolverine with enough preparation. :lol

Captain N

Junior Member
RSTEIN said:
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.

Wolverine isn't even as good as this demo.
RSTEIN said:
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.



y'all should be ashamed
You know why this game is awesome? The AI. I'm not calling it the smartest AI in videogame history, but it's coded well enough to make me actually watch what it will do next.

If I'm playing another random game and shoot a guy, and a guard is alerted but doesn't see me, I simply hide in the shadows and wait till he goes to the body, maybe say a few lines of dialogue, and then either go back to where he was, or continue his patrol route.

In this game, I don't know how the AI will react. When a guard spots a body, he calls his buddies over. Should I wait till they split up, if they do? What if they find the other body around the corner? While they're investigating, should I run to the other side of the stage and pick them off one by one? Create a diversion? Run in, macho style? Whoops, they just split up. Should I pick off the guy on the catwalk? What if the guy below it sees me? Should I go the risky route and go through the glass to get the third guy?

This game is thrilling, despite the demo being on easy mode (if there was ever a game that deserved to be played in hard the first time you start, it's this one). Being able to see your enemies heartbeats, not knowing what they might do, with no guns whatsoever...this is an exciting gameplay challenge, and the Batman license is all the delicious icing.

Awesome, awesome stuff.
Great demo, easy game yes but very enjoyable. The fighting is good when you are fighting just a few enemies but when its vs 4+ it can feel a bit messy. A lot of the situations are more "hit this button to do cool thing" but like I said its enjoyable and fun so its hard to really care. Camera is close which takes some getting used to but I liked the cinematic feel it gave. Stealth was fun too, even though I felt I wasn't really being all that sneaky sometimes (like I knew another enemy should be able to see me but they kind of ignored me). Voice acting is generally good but some small characters weren't as well done. Great job of really making me feel like I was Batman (however silly that may sound). Gliding and hanging from a high place are just too cool. :D

This may make it sound "meh" but it really isn't. I enjoyed the whole thing and hope I have the funds to pick it up on release.

Looks great visually too, didn't think I saw any screen-tearing. (will check again since I plan on playing again). Only visual thing that stood out was the opening. That was pre-rendered correct? Seemed overly compressed. B3D says its 720p with a heavy blur, blur is noticeable but overall it looks sharper than the screens do (well some of the screens). I didn't find it to be an issue.
EDIT: Don't recall any framerate issues either.


RSTEIN said:
you guys do realize that Wolverine is better than Batman, right? For Christ's sake. Not only do I have to put up with Bale/BatGAF but now that you actually have a decent game to play your incorrect opinions are never going to end.



Thrakier said:
Wow, nice demo, graphics on gears 2 level. great gameplay. Will buy cheap.

Well to be honest it's not even close to the first Gears in terms of visuals but it's still a decent looking game for an UE3 engine game, the presentation is top-notch, runs pretty smooth and has good IQ - a little jaggy but still sharp.

About the gameplay, the demo was really good, the brawling is fast and fun, the animations were really nice and the stealth bits were the best thing about it IMO..definitely getting it though I still don't know for which system yet. :p
ashbash159 said:
Even just swingling on the gargoyles is easy, you point and click, too simple for me.

I can see what you're getting at but also remember this is early on in the game. Even in the original challenge mode combat demo, stuff got harder towards the end when guys had weapons and there were more people around. It took a lot more effort than taking on 3 guys who are unarmed. Also some of the simplifications of things is what makes the game good. You know what you want to do and by making it simple to do certain things, you can chain a bunch of stuff together to do things without making it completely complex. If you had to aim everytime you wanted to swing to a gargoyle, it's just adding a layer of complexity that isn't needed and would get in the way of quickly doing some other things. Swinging on the gargoyles with the hit of a button is a great design choice not a bad one because of this.
At first I was kind of underwhelmed because I didn't like the combat camera so much, as it seemed to be constantly spinning around, but after that first room when the stealth stuff came into play, I was in love, and it makes the combat a lot better. Don't recall the last time I didn't like a game at first but was in love within the next 2 minutes :lol


You guys were right, look like two minutes to make a UK account. Still witnessing the slow mighty installing of the game now! I'm really excited for this game, I hope it doesn't disappoint.
dralla said:
you can turn off the camera assist so it doesn't constantly swing around

yep after messing with it again, I found this. again, I only had a problem with it in the very first room, after that it was smooth sailing :D

by the way, I'm glad that they didn't fuck up the controls by over-complicating things. the fact that I can effortlessly grapple shit and fling Batman around and kill stuff with only a few button presses is one of the game's main attractions for me. this could have easily been a convoluted gameplay setup, but the simplicity saves it.


Nice demo, the game seems very promising, the stealth parts are pretty good and the combat is awesome. The only very minor criticism I have is that you can easily see it's an Unreal Engine game. Still looks great though.
I wanted to buy this anyway, so I was afraid a bad demo might dampen my enthusiasm - but it didn't, instead it heightened it slightly as a demo should.


Demo seemed good, shame it's been delayed on the PC though, means I'll probably end up getting the 360 one now.


I'm salivating at these impressions. Can't wait to try out the demo
a week later than everyone else!
and buy the game day 1.

It comes out the week I head back to school too, which should make the end of summer blues a little more bearable
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