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BF Hardline, All Maps, All Modes.



Is $69.90 the correct price for the PC version of the regular game?




Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
No Rush? Hard pass.

The Heist mode had potential to be a spin off of Rush, but from what I played in the beta, it was executed terribly.

Nailed it.

That said I'll give the beta another try, but given how half-assed said new modes are, it's mind boggling why they just don't stick with the classics (Rush, Conquest) and throw in BF4's one new mode (Sabotage) and call it a day.

Dead Man

The main thing that appeals to me about it is that they're going back to a Bad Company style. If you haven't played BC, it means that they're going back to a style where it's less linear and more about choosing your own path to objectives. BF3 and BF4 were driven by set pieces, so the paths to different objectives basically felt like you were on rails. Here's a full campaign mission that they've released for Hardline



They are saying the right things, but I'll still be waiting to see reviews and GAF impressions before buying. A good, tactical SP mode would be awesome.
I'm tentatively interested.

The new modes sound pretty good, especially that "protect/kill the VIP" one. I played a bit of Hotwire at Eurogamer, was really fun actually. Sort of like Conquest but with vehicles acting as mobile flags. It's fun to have shootouts between moving cars and seems like it would play a little differently each time since the objectives aren't static.

I'll definitely play the Beta.
BF4 is hardly built for destruction. It was built for "levelution", which hardly changed the flow of the game. You couldn't destroy nearly the same amount of walls as you can as bfbc2. In fact it changed destruction from a common occurrence to a pointless spectacle.


Man.... I do like me some Battlefield. I'm going to wait and see on this one but it's at least back as a blip on my radar.

Is multiplayer still capped at 32 players?


Gold Member
You know what, I think it will be fun but I won't be getting it, not because of some American police issues in real life (oh please), but mainly because it looks too similar to BF4 and I am kinda' burned out on that.


Man.... I do like me some Battlefield. I'm going to wait and see on this one but it's at least back as a blip on my radar.

Is multiplayer still capped at 32 players?

Conquest has 64 players as usual. But the question is rather, are the maps designed for that player amount?
I think I'm starting to turn around on this game. Maybe its just been so long since I played BF4, but I feel BF4 is usually too much of a clusterfuck and this seems more focused for its primary mulitplayer gameplay modes. I can't see myself biting at full price though. I have no interest in the story at all, and I might still be burnt out on the BF style of multiplayer at this point. I feel like I should probably skip this and wait for Battlefront for my next big shooter fix.


I played so many hours of Battlefield 4, but this doesn't hit me at all. The thing is that its not a BF game, i get more of a Vice vibe from it.


Probably gonna pass on this. Battlefield has burned us in the past and I'm not cool playing as cops shooting civvies or the other way around.
I see zero reason to even look at Hardline when DICE is supporting BF4 for another year and by the time they stop Star Wars Battlefront will be out.

EA set up Hardline to die, and it will. I will be happy when it does because I can't support any glorification of the militarization of police.


Guys, this is not the game by Visceral that made Dead Space 1 or 2. Most of that team is present at Sledgehammer games and actually made COD:AW. This Visceral is just a leftover. Kind of similar situation to Infinity Ward when they made MW3.
I must be one of the few who thinks this is actually looking pretty decent. Wait and see, I guess.

Yeah, it doesn't look that bad or anything; in some ways, there's some good new ideas in there. I'll wait and see though, because BF4 has at least another year of life in it and they just got that one right.

I'm curious if there's going to be a Premium membership for this game, too. I know, I know, this is EA we're talking about, but I remember that sort of thing being announced several months in advance of the release date for the past two games.

Probably gonna pass on this. Battlefield has burned us in the past and I'm not cool playing as cops shooting civvies or the other way around.



I think Battlefield (and other games) need to offer up a premium cross over service for these games. "Hey you're a premium member for Battlefield 4? You get Hardline premium for 50% off!"

I always wait so long to get premium because its expensive and a year or two later the new game comes out. And I risk that time just getting burnt out playing the game.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Cops vs Robbers is too politically incorrect now, even for children.

Thanks American police!


I'm going to pass on this unless the beta blows me away. I had BF4 and the pass for both XB1/PS4 to play with all my friends. The game was a mess and everyone stopped playing.
I've gotten over the part where Hardline isn't even close to what I thought it'd be. The multiplayer is practically a BF4 expansion, but it looks like it might be an alright one. Battlefield has been my jam for a decade. At this point I don't know that I'll ever get tired of it. And the campaign could be the best one since Bad Company. Unless reviews and impressions convince me otherwise, it's something I'd be willing to spend some amount of money on.


Is $69.90 the correct price for the PC version of the regular game?


EA has senseless prices in some regions. The standard edition is 599:- ($73) in Sweden.
No thanks EA. Think I'd rather get it for 399:- ($49) from elsewhere.
This thing looks like it would have been great for an old school big ass expansion pack, but I'm really not interested in paying full price for it and buying another season pass.
BF4 is hardly built for destruction. It was built for "levelution", which hardly changed the flow of the game. You couldn't destroy nearly the same amount of walls as you can as bfbc2. In fact it changed destruction from a common occurrence to a pointless spectacle.

It depends. Basically, big building, small destruction.
The north part of Golmud Railway for all intents and purposes behaves like a BC2 map, and the south part has this big building under construction where you can only take out a couple of lower walls. BF4 doesn't have the some consistency or prevalence of destruction as BC2, but it's definitely an improvement from BF3, which was quite garbage in this area.
still a ridiculous price for a pc game that subject to 0 platform fees or royalties.
Of course it is but several publishers have pushing that console price bullshit. That's the last thing I would bitch at EA about since acti and ubi are guilty too.

I've slowed down on my pc purchases specifically because of that price bullshit.


I'm honestly so over the modern-day city setting for FPS. It is so boring to me now. This looks essentially exactly like BF4 when I look at the screens of those maps.


I enjoyed the alpha, for the little bit I played. This is looking better.

But, they should have cut all those mini trailers into one longer trailer. They are too short on their own.
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