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Cry On (xbox360) is canceled

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Honestly the more I look into it the more I realize how doomed Cry-on was.

I mean really when their last couple games were Bullet Witch and Vampire Rain it's kind of hard to imagine them being capable of anything remotely close to what Cry-On was going to accomplish(or attempt to anyway)

I'm really not sure how this reflects poorly on Mistwalker either.
Cavia only did Bullet Witch, it was Artoon that did Vampire Rain.

AQ Interactive sucks in a big way, they spent around 10 million working on this title.


Master of the Google Search
Boulayman said:
Say what ? I believe you are overreacting to the Cry on news, I mean you picked the wrong game to compare LO with... I mean are you seriously thinking that FF XIII cutscenes will be like the work of a fanboy in his parent's basement with a old copy of 3d studio max compared to LO?
Zyzyxxz said:
Maybe if they decided to develop for PS3 I'd care but whatever.

If they wanted to cater to western audiences then how about getting rid of turn based combat. Thats the reason I don't play JRPG's as I feel they are outdated and my tastes have changed.
Cry On wasn't going to be turn based.

And if you don't like JRPGs why the hell would it matter if they developed for the PS3?
Obviously. But given the fact that they released stuff for 360 tells me what kind of direction they wanted the company to go in. Taking that into consideration, they should have went with PS3 in Japan.
They went with the ones who were ready to put money into the company.
SimpleDesign said:
Cavia only did Bullet Witch, it was Artoon that did Vampire Rain.

AQ Interactive sucks in a big way, they spent around 10 million working on this title.

Which is what I'm saying. Both Artoon and Cavia were tagged to develop Cry-On. And if that's the best they can do how can anyone expect them to get a huge project off the ground even with the assistance of Mistwalker?(which admittedly wouldn't do them any favors since MW typically doesn't develop their own games. Blue Dragon was handled by Artoon and Feelplus did Lost Odyssey)

Lousy situation anyway you slice it.


Junior Member
Lost Odyssey is amazing (finishing it up now). The amount of content packed into those 4 discs is really something. And considering MistWalker is a brand new studio and this was only their second game ever, you can't help but see the huge potential there. I really hope to see a LO 2 soon.


Boulayman said:
Lol, well done but we're talking about the cutscenes of FF XIII ?

Well... one would imagine the relevance of the same developers working on FFXIII having worked on FFXIII would be suggested.

Boulayman said:
And that game you quoted also has what I believe is one of the best directed jrpg cutscene of all time:


Way way disagree here, but seeing as how Aaron has clarified his ideas of subtly and ability to make use of real-time, I don't think I'd be the only one to disagree.



i hope we're going to see more next-gen games from Sakaguchi this gen. i know i'm part of a minority, but i enjoyed both Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon. i'd like to see his team paired wit ha really good dev team and see how the games turn out.
This news really sucks. I love both LO and BD and was looking forward to more. Then again, with the JRPG's disappointing sales on the X360 and the lack of information on this game, I am not all that surprised.


batbeg said:
Well... one would imagine the relevance of the same developers working on FFXIII having worked on FFXIII would be suggested.

Way way disagree here, but seeing as how Aaron has clarified his ideas of subtly and ability to make use of real-time, I don't think I'd be the only one to disagree.

I was reacting to grand jedi's reaction to my reaction to my initial understanding of Aaron's post. (Quite a confusing sentence :) ) so when I put that scene what I was putting forward was what I personally believe to be it's artistry, sheer beauty and quite clever plot foreboding since I felt that using the HAHAHA scene was quite unfair to Final Fantasy X (or maybe it is not fashionable to like that game around here ?)

Now that Aaron has clarified his meaning, I do agree that Final Fantasy games are certainly not a pinnacle of subtlety, Lost odyssey (in the flashback parts) reached far deeper.
PseudoKirby said:
so there is still a chance MS can pick this up and publish it right?

its just AQ canceling it right?
I seriously doubt it, the fact that Microsoft did not step in to publish shows how big a clusterfuck this project must have been. AQ Interactive and Microsoft are close so they could have just handed it off to them.
grandjedi6 said:

one scene regurgitated over and over again, original thinking there

I have watched quite a few of the cutscenes in LO, and FFXII >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. LO, in that regard

Anyway, this is unfortunate...some of the art work for this was pretty spectacular


Master of the Google Search
Boulayman said:
Lol, well done but we're talking about the cutscenes of FF XIII ?

And that game you quoted also has what I believe is one of the best directed jrpg cutscene of all time:


(Man I had a hard time finding a clean version with the original music)
FFX does best when it focuses on scenary scenes like that. But the second anyone opens their mouth, everything goes downhill.


This is highly disappointing, but I guess if this title is being cancelled its for good reasons, it would have been even more a shame if this game was released and turned out to be a total disaster.


grandjedi6 said:
FFX does best when it focuses on scenary scenes like that. But the second anyone opens their mouth, everything goes downhill.

I was about to say that the voice cast wasn't particularly impressive but I wanted to check how that sounded in japanese, I thought the japanese version might be better... It's actually even worse !

He sounds like a seagull in that one !


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't FF X the first voiced Final Fantasy ? Final Fantasy XII has far stronger cut scenes in comparison I think.

(It had a weaker plot but that's a different story)


grandjedi6 said:
FFX does best when it focuses on scenary scenes like that. But the second anyone opens their mouth, everything goes downhill.

That's because english dub sucks. Especially for emotional scenes.

Anyway, sad news.. ;(


Haha good thing I prepared myself for this a long time ago. Pretty sad though but yeah expected Aq to mess up with the amount of bombs they've been having. It's also funny reading the first page with ''oh noes this is doom for Ms and Mw relationship, they're obviously going to be on another platform...lol''.


flabberghastly said:
That one gets all the recognition, but I don't think it's even the worst in the game. This one is (spoiler alert): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=417QdAmrRy4&feature=related
Holy shit. I knew SE's localization blew, but I didn't think it blew that hard.

Bad news, I don't think 13's is gonna be any better. The script has zero consideration for the localization at all. I think LO actually sacrificed on the original JP script due to having at least a hint of "This is going to have to be translated" in mind, so it ended up just being very awkward instead of downright cringeworthy.

In any case, I pity anyone who has to play any JRPG in English. It's bad-anime dub at its best.


Awntawn said:
In any case, I pity anyone who has to play any JRPG in English. It's bad-anime dub at its best.

Well I mean... we have FFXII which is every kind of awesome. And DQVIII which is not only ridiculously awesome, but... you know, voiced.


Gold Member
lol. Cry On, that's all that was intended. At least there's hope for a Blue Dragon 2 now, right? :p
Shadowlink123 said:
I guess I did but I want to know why he left Square, did he ever say why?

He's never really explictly said, but I think it was a combination of the feeling of failure from spearheading the biggest movie bomb of all time (it actually holds the record for most money lost) and I think after that debacle some at Square began to question his judgement anyway and freeze him out of the process in favor of Nomura. Uematsu then left because Sakaguchi left, so it was a pretty nasty double whammy for Square.
Well the devs probably couldn't stand it anymore to cry every 15 minutes.
too late for this one?

It's a shame, really. I hope BD2 and/or LO2 are still in the making...


listen to the mad man
Just started Away: Shuffle Dungeon. 2 hours in. Seems to be a very cute, fun game with some great ideas. It's a shame Mistwalker never really transcended to that top level studio people thought it might.


Oh wow, I did not expect to see this today... The last cellshaded artwork that they released kind of sparked my interest in this game, but I don't feel too sad over it being canceled.
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