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Dead Risng 2: Case West announced (360 Exclusive)



1) The epilogue will probably be the same length as Case Zero but twice the price.

2) This game should have been 360 exclusive if they were going to screw over ps3/pc owners this much.

3) Thinking that the PS3 version is going to blow still

4) Sillymonkey is not amused.


sillymonkey321 said:

1) The epilogue will probably be the same length as Case Zero but twice the price.

2) This game should have been 360 exclusive if they were going to screw over ps3/pc owners this much.

3) Thinking that the PS3 version is going to blow still

4) Sillymonkey is not amused.

I agree with your first two points but I don't think the PS3 version will be bad at all, it's probably gonna be just as good as the 360 version.


I didn't mind what they did with Case Zero - its a god enough standalone game, it was cheap, and it gave me a good taste of DR2. However, I'm not sure how I feel about this one - it seems to me that it really should be on the disc content. Hell, I'd even be happy if it was on the disc but required you to have both DR2 and Case Zero to unlock it. But doing it like this seems a little money hungry.

....that being said, I will buy this, I know I will.
After thinking a bit, it would be interesting if Capcom did try to combine the Cases on Disc and sell them to PS3/PC users as an afterthought... throw in a Case Isabella and I'd be sold.
Beer Monkey said:
360 gets left out of Medal of Honor Frontline HD, Dead Space Extraction.

Like I said, you want to play all the games, you have to own all the systems.
It always has been like that, so people should stop complaining.


Since I'm buying the PS3 version, I must admit I'm a bit pissed at the news of this epilogue being exclusive. Do they even care about the other versions of the game besides the 360 one? Yeah, probably butthurt right now.
Oh, well guess I shouldn't complain at least I'll be able to play the game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
Capcom is off to a great start on "alienate the fans' day.

Indeed. So no Frank West on the PS3 version of DR2?

Fuck you, Capcom. :|
Coin Return said:
Hah, awesome. I'm glad I have a 360 for all this exclusive content.
I am too but quite honestly it sucks that not everyone will get to play this stuff. If I were a betting man I'd say someday all this stuff will be available to PS3 owners but whether they'll care by then is the question.
My god! And to think there was a moment where I was going to pass on getting Dead Rising 2.... even though I loved the first game... but after Case Zero , I changed my mind. This only re-affirms my feelings on it all!
Blue Castle is on a roll. Watch the four-part developer presentation they did in Vancouver and realize that these guys love the shit out of their job and having to work with the DR series. Case Zero was incredible. Can't wait for more.


C'mon folks, exclusives (timed or otherwise) happen. How is this not surprising? I guess since this is a gaming forum, the bitching will commence and that's fine. I'm not going to buy either DLC products, but if I do buy DR2, it's gonna be PC. I did enjoy DR1 and I found it to be surprisingly good. But really, there's only one solution to this...one console future! Dyack was right all along.
KibblesBits said:
I think it's funny how people were doubting Blue Castle and there were only a few supporters at first.
It's always better to keep your expectations low and then be pleasantly surprised.


KibblesBits said:
I think it's funny how people were doubting Blue Castle and there were only a few supporters at first.

I've been telling everyone the whole time the game looked at least true to Dead Rising. Pretty much most of what fans should want was their. Of course, I still wanted to play Case Zero to be convinced ultimately, but I still didn't see all this something doesn't look right stuff(which was a plenty). Then again no one really had an answer when I asked them what wasn't looking right. Frank being gone sucked(though I like Chuck as well) and I would like the photos back other than that am pleased.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Coin Return said:
Hah, awesome. I'm glad I have a 360 for all this exclusive content.
I'm less concerned about missing out on story segments and more concerned about the lack of a 'demo', paid or otherwise on PC. DR2 is a game I am interested in, but I haven't played the first one and so a decent sized taste of the game for a low price would be ideal. This release just makes it more apparent that case zero could have been released multiplatform and they would still have had exclusive content for the 360.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, why is DR2 on PS3 and PC again? Why does Capcom deny itself more money? Why does it hate expanding the fanbase? I'm sorry, I have a 360 and I have a bomb ass PC. I want to play the complete DR2 experience on my bomb ass PC. I'm not going to play any of this (the Cases or the game) on the 360 and now that PC DR2 purchase is looking unlikely. I think I'll give the money to another game.

I'll revisit DR2 on PC during this holiday's Steam sale for $15 or something.
Awesome, I am all over Case West day 1. Hopefully it's like Case Zero, a nice town to run around in, good amount of time, survivors, etc... I think that it being exclusive to 360 does suck, kind of goes against Inafune saying he wants DR to be the biggest Capcom franchise. Can't be that big when you release so much exclusive DLC for 360.

I really want me some Case West though. Co-op with Chuck and Frank, not much can be better than that.


Do you need the game to play this?

I want to get DR2 for PS3, as I never play my 360. I did however pull it out of the closet to play Case Zero, and would do so again for this.

But if it requires the disc... forget about it. I can only hope that this DLC is a timed exclusive and PS3 will get it eventually.

Kintaro said:
So, why is DR2 on PS3 and PC again? Why does Capcom deny itself more money? Why does it hate expanding the fanbase? I'm sorry, I have a 360 and I have a bomb ass PC. I want to play the complete DR2 experience on my bomb ass PC. I'm not going to play any of this (the Cases or the game) on the 360 and now that PC DR2 purchase is looking unlikely. I think I'll give the money to another game.

I'll revisit DR2 on PC during this holiday's Steam sale for $15 or something.
Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous. It's a bad move. If I only had a PS3, Case West would not have me running to the store to buy a new 360, period. Not going to happen. Capcom is indeed denying themselves more money and pissing off loyal fans by doing this. I'm still excited to get DR2 (for PS3, thanks), but I just lost a little bit of respect for Capcom.
So... on the 360 you have to pay 15$/€ to play the beginning and the ending of your full price game, while on the PS3 and PC you simply don't get a beginning or ending for your full price game.



BobTheFork said:
Yeah, how did people enjoy DMC4 on 360, they didn't even know who Dante was.
Well, I'm sure skilotonn wasn't too thrilled with DMC4 on 360 annoucement..Oh..

Anyway, when is dr2 demo supposed to come out?


SolidusDave said:
So... on the 360 you have to pay 15$/€ to play the beginning and the ending of your full price game, while on the PS3 and PC you simply don't get a beginning or ending for your full price game.

You don't need to play Case Zero to understand DR2, it's just a short set of events that would take only a few sentences to summarize (I'd imagine Case West is no different). It's just that for the game's creator to say they want DR to be Capcom's biggest franchise, it's pretty pathetic that PC and PS3 gamers aren't able to get the DLC.

Exclusive DLC is bad for everyone involved except MS in this case. Capcom gets less money from the downloads and gamers are denied something that makes DR2 all the more enjoyable. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


360 owners deserve their bonuses because they got the DR franchise to where it is.

:lol that's funny, I don't see how you could be serious about this but exclusivity for something like this and case zero shouldn't happen.
Kintaro said:
So, why is DR2 on PS3 and PC again? Why does Capcom deny itself more money? Why does it hate expanding the fanbase? I'm sorry, I have a 360 and I have a bomb ass PC. I want to play the complete DR2 experience on my bomb ass PC. I'm not going to play any of this (the Cases or the game) on the 360 and now that PC DR2 purchase is looking unlikely. I think I'll give the money to another game.

I'll revisit DR2 on PC during this holiday's Steam sale for $15 or something.
I can only imagine Microsoft paid Capcom for some exclusive DLC for DR2. Now whether that amount of money is more than they could have made selling Case Zero/West multiplatform is the question.

Really though, as much as I love Dead Rising, I can't but help to think Capcom is just plain stupid for keeping Case Zero/West on 360 only.

It's obvious by this thread that people with PC/PS3 want to play these Case's, so why not let them and make that money and increase your fanbase at the same time.....
Diablos said:
You don't need to play Case Zero to understand DR2, it's just a short set of events that would take only a few sentences to summarize (I'd imagine Case West is no different). It's just that for the game's creator to say they want DR to be Capcom's biggest franchise, it's pretty pathetic that PC and PS3 gamers aren't able to get the DLC.

Well, you can probably summarize the whole story of DR2 in a few sentences, but both episodes could easily be in the full price game (all versions) ...


Lothars said:
:lol that's funny, I don't see how you could be serious about this but exclusivity for something like this and case zero shouldn't happen.

When should exclusivity happen?


I was planning to get Dead Rising 2 on PS3 despite Zero, now that is not an option.

Nicely done indeed Microsoft.

Need to switch my pre-order!


nods at old men
KibblesBits said:
I think it's funny how people were doubting Blue Castle and there were only a few supporters at first.
Sounds like they were being realistic to me.

Case Zero is what people needed.


Why is everyone saying this game is gonna be $10. I'm pretty sure they know the $5 price of case zero was a big factor in how many sales it made. I'd be willing to bet that its $5 as well
in Fortune City dollars

I think I might just get the PC version anyways since it will probably be cheaper/better looking... then rent or borrow a 360 version if its needed for Case West.
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