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Dead Risng 2: Case West announced (360 Exclusive)


Junior Member
hamchan said:
Why isn't it on PS3 again?

Because DLC sells better on Xbox. Plus Dead Rising was made a success on the 360 so they probably think it's fitting to give the original fans a lil something extra (at a cost of course).


I can understand the alarm but this is business.

Luckily for me i own a PS3 and 360 so i'll be getting this like i got the first bit of DLC.
PSGames said:
Because DLC sells better on Xbox. Plus Dead Rising was made a success on the 360 so they probably feel it's fitting to give their fans a lil something extra (at a cost of course).

Probably a mix of the first part and a deal with MS now that we've seen 2 exclusive DLC packs.

A little bummed but only if it feels like this SHOULD have been the ending when I play DR2 on mah PS3. Otherwise I don't have a problem with more DR if people want to pay for it.


BobTheFork said:
I think I'm going to slide my pre-order money over and get DR2 used. I'm tired of this half-assing.

edit: wait, how the hell do the rest of use 'not know who Frank is'?

Totally with you Bob. Fuck this shit.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Capcom seems hellbent on preventing this franchise from getting any sort of a foothold on the PS3.

They knew that DR2 was in the pipeline for 360/PS3 but instead of porting DR1 to PS3 and establishing a fanbase on that platform they put money/resources into developing a watered down port for Wii (which they should but probably will not follow-up on in some way/shape/form to grow the franchise).

And now they are locking PS3 users out of DLC.

Seems almost counter-productive to spend money developing an engine so that its easy to develop for both 360 and PS3 if you aren't going to take full advantage of it and release everything for both platforms.

I was thinking about buying the PS3 version of DR2 but I'm tempted to hold off now to see if a Gold Edition gets announced 6-8 months from now with this content on the disc since I dislike DLC in general. I could kind of ignore case zero but now it looks like the DLC will just keep stacking up. I'd buy the 360 version just to be safe if I wasn't worried about my 360 needing to be replaced again (on my 3rd one, 2.5 years old). There is really no incentive at all for people with both platforms to pick this up on PS3 at this point. Kind of makes you wonder why they even bothered porting it to the PS3. Must have been relatively inexpensive for them to do.
The amount of pieces this game has is disgusting. First there's the different retailer pre-order in-game bonuses, then there's the various collectors editions (one of which comes with the 360 exclusive movie) and then two stand alone DD games (again, 360 exclusive)?

Good luck to people that gotta have it all. Christ.


Junior Member
Baron Aloha said:
Capcom seems hellbent on preventing this franchise from getting any sort of a foothold on the PS3.

They knew that DR2 was in the pipeline for 360/PS3 but instead of porting DR1 to PS3 and establishing a fanbase on that platform they put money/resources into developing a watered down port for Wii (which they should but probably will not follow-up on in some way/shape/form to grow the franchise).

And now they are locking PS3 users out of DLC.

Seems almost counter-productive to spend money developing an engine so that its easy to develop for both 360 and PS3 if you aren't going to take full advantage of it and release everything for both platforms.

I was thinking about buying the PS3 version of DR2 but I'm tempted to hold off now to see if a Gold Edition gets announced 6-8 months from now with this content on the disc. I'd buy the 360 version if I wasn't worried about my 360 needing to be replaced again (on my 3rd one, 2.5 years old).

Suit yourself. I'll be playing DR2 day one. Case Zero was fantastic don't get me wrong but it was merely a small side story. In the grand scheme of things you're not missing much. And I'm sure there will be DLC that comes to both platforms.
ThirstyFly said:
The amount of pieces this game has is disgusting. First there's the different retailer pre-order in-game bonuses, then there's the various collectors editions (one of which comes with the 360 exclusive movie) and then two stand alone DD games (again, 360 exclusive)?

Good luck to people that gotta have it all. Christ.

That's the present-day gaming market for you.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Dabanton said:
I can understand the alarm but this is business..

:lol Yes, this is business. Good business would indicate that you use these cases on each of the platforms you're releasing Dead Rising 2 for. Hell, good business would also indicate re-releasing the original game on these platforms as well. Thus, growing the franchise and ensuring a fanbase for future games to come.

Case Zero could have no only broken sales records on XBLA, but also PSN and Steam.

Yes. This is business..just not very good business.


erotic butter maelstrom
Eh, I'd bitch about the whole exclusive thing but instead I'll just plan on getting the 360 version. Life goes on.
I guess I understand why some folks are upset, but Capcom is surely not going to suffer for a smaller exclusive that they were likely compensated for. Until DR2 hits, there's still no indication that a userbase outside of X360 will buy a decent number of copies. The franchise is still an X360-only phenomenon and I really don't think it's ever seemed likely that it would break big on PS3 or PC. Rest assured, Capcom will milk those platforms for money if the demand seems to be there (judging from DR2 sales). Otherwise, I'm hyped for Frank's return.


Snuggler said:
Eh, I'd bitch about the whole exclusive thing but instead I'll just plan on getting the 360 version. Life goes on.

Life only goes on after i get done complaining. Your cat shades avatar will not distract me.


Barakov said:
Capcom is on a roll today. First, Devil May Hipster now this.

This is true! Also +1 for Golgo 13 avy!

I really liked the demo for Case Zero and plan on getting it soon. Will get this aswell. Have a few other games to finish first.

Barakov said:
Capcom is on a roll today. First, Devil May Hipster now this.

It'll be $5-$10 and will have shitloads of replay value. As a supplement to the main game (which in turn will have equally insane replay value) I fail to see anything really negative about this. It is a shame for PS3 owners, though.


Skilotonn said:
You say this like there can't be a stand-alone game with an established character that can have nothing to do with the main storyline, and unless there have been more info than what they've shown with that trailer, it looks to be just that.

If you have more info than me, please feel free to post it and I'll see that I was wrong.

And what do you think Dead Rising 2: Case West is going to be? It's an extension of Chuck's story with Frank as an additional character.


stupei said:
When should exclusivity happen?

First party only. Bad third party exclusivity deals hurt everyone, including the third party making the deal.

Edit: A bit of explanation is necessary:

Third party makes a DLC exclusivity deal. The exclusivity deal may cover the estimated difference of not releasing said DLC on any other platform.

Consumers who own competing platforms see that DR2 has no beginning or end and decide not to bother. They do not switch consoles, they do not buy another console, they simply pass on the product. Now, if that exclusivity deal does not cover the estimated unit sales lost, it's a bad deal for the third party.

Edit II: The only time the above doesn't apply is if the first party offers to pay an extremely stupid amount of money out of idiocy, like when Microsoft paid R* 50 million for GTA4 episodes.


disappeared said:
It'll be $5-$10 and will have shitloads of replay value. As a supplement to the main game (which in turn will have equally insane replay value) I fail to see anything really negative about this. It is a shame for PS3 owners, though.

Yeah, sucks for both PS3 and PC gamers. I bet they probably didn't expect Case Zero to have nearly the success it did before they made the deal and are probably kicking themselves for not making it multiplatform.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Talamius said:
Edit II: The only time the above doesn't apply is if the first party offers to pay an extremely stupid amount of money out of idiocy, like when Microsoft paid R* 50 million for GTA4 episodes.
Loan - MS were extremely smart in how they apparently negotiated the deal for the GTA4 exclusivity.


I understand some of the complaints but really, it's nice to even have DR2 coming to PS3. They probably want to see how it performs sales wise. I hope that it does well then i'm sure we won't have to worry about things like this in the future. No need to go boycotting or rioting over it. If you want to do that go after DmC with the rest of us :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I just came back and saw some of the posts - I'm going to answer them and go on about my business elsewhere because this has gone on way too long, plus I'm done repeating myself.

BobTheFork said:
It does have to do with the main story. It was already referenced and partly extended upon in MGS4. It's a missing part of the story we've been waiting for.
IT's a perfect example of the same thing; saying 'non-fans won't get it' is a really bad argument in both cases. But then again, 'I'm right you're wrong' is a pretty compelling argument too.

If you're right about Rising actually continuing the story, then so be it.

But my point still stands - it's not about the full game itself, which by entertainment standards begin and end on their own, it's this DLC that I'm talking about, which bridges part one to part two, on a console that didn't have part one - why is this so hard for people to get this?

In fact, you all are making this into something bigger than I ever felt it should be. Should have been finished ages ago.

Xater said:
No what you are doing is having one of the most bullshit arguments ever. This is part of the Dead Rising 2 story, so of course people care about. It doesn't matter that Frank is in it or not. Personally I already know Frank that why I would like to play it even more (Yes I did play through Dead Rising! OMG!) And this thread already had alot of examples games that continued stuff on other consoles. You just make yourself look like a fool.

I also already expressed my feelings towards this. Even if it was released on every other platform this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. If I really want to see how shit ends I have to pay up even more? Fuck that!

If you played DR1, you're not even in the group of people I'm talking about.

Again, I'm talking about the link between the sequels - the only fool here is the one not reading what I wrote and making me waste time repeating myself about something I was already done with.

poppabk said:
You are being deliberately obtuse if you think that the business decision being made here involves anything more than moneyhats. If Case West was the only episode that was platform exclusive you may be able to make some semblance of an argument. They have already ported the engine, assets and everything else for the main game to the PS3 and PC, the episodes would not be a big deal. The only other reason for exclusivity would be if the other versions are terrible and they don't want to miss out on the first day, limited review sales.

This "moneyhats" nonsense gets thrown around so much that it's a damn meme now - I'm not going to pretend to be at the MS/Capcom meetings when these things go down, and neither should you - who's to say that these DLC's would even exist if it weren't for Microsoft asking them to do this? The way you're saying this is as if Capcom planned these DLC's for both consoles, MS came in, saw what they were doing and bought them out.

Stop assuming things, it's not smart to do.

Besides, Case Zero was exclusive - why is it that only AFTER Case: Frank is announced that it's a moneyhat? Is there an unwritten rule that states that one exclusive = normal, two = moneyhat?

mintylurb said:
Well, I'm sure skilotonn wasn't too thrilled with DMC4 on 360 annoucement..Oh..

Anyway, when is dr2 demo supposed to come out?

And guess what, years later after I said that it 1) it was expected and 2) that I'm not a fan of DMC, I'm STILL not a fan, and haven't even bought or played the game aside from the demo version.

I'm sorry that me finding it hilarious that a forum that is somewhat populated by adults catch feelings over electronics meant primarily for our entertainment isn't to your liking - I really am.

Especially when it didn't really prove a point here either.

Red Blaster said:

You continue to show that you aren't the brightess bulb in the box Blaster.

Let me ask you something, when you see text, do you actually read what they say before you give a reaction? Or do you just make an assumption based on the first few words and just wing the rest of it?

Let me help you out in case it's the latter - I was saying in that post that it was stupid of them to port ME2, an RPG where the story and decisions of the first game were crucial, to the PS3 without porting ME1. I was "angry" as one of the biggest fans of the game around that people buying the sequel without the original would be missing out on what made Mass Effect what it is, and how you got to ME2, and no catch-up summary video could replicate that.

But no, somehow you, and this mintylurb, are the ONLY ones to somehow come to the conclusion that I'm just mad that it went to PS3. Only you two.

The only reason I bothered to respond to this was in the off-chance that someone else with your reading skills also just decided to take your word and brand me as a "hypocrite".

The way people act over video game consoles, what a joke.


miladesn said:
No, think of it as an XBLA game.
Oh, good. In that case I'll just download it once I finish it for PS3.

PSGames said:
Because DLC sells better on Xbox. Plus Dead Rising was made a success on the 360 so they probably think it's fitting to give the original fans a lil something extra (at a cost of course).
So what if it sells better? IT WOULD STILL SELL FOR PS3. It's DLC. Not a hard thing to get out there.

"Original fans"? I'm an "original fan" too, but I would prefer to play it on PS3 as it is now my platform of choice and really don't care for 360 anymore.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Skilotonn said:
Stop assuming things, it's not smart to do.

Besides, Case Zero was exclusive - why is it that only AFTER Case: Frank is announced that it's a moneyhat? Is there an unwritten rule that states that one exclusive = normal, two = moneyhat?
Well we very rarely get any insight into the business decisions beyond what we can deduce from the general motives of companies - to make profit/revenue - and the means to do this - sell things. If the numbers for exclusivity on the xbox versus multiplatform favored exclusivity without substantial incentives from MS I would be very surprised.

Its not the number of releases but the type. Case West does make some sense as an xbox exclusive given the cross over character. Case Zero being fan service seems less likely given the second episode that more adequately serves this purpose, and so as it would serve well as an introduction to DR gameplay and the new game it makes little sense as a non coerced exclusive.
KibblesBits said:
I think it's funny how people were doubting Blue Castle and there were only a few supporters at first.
after all the other failed attempts, some quite recently, people just didn't feel it was safe to believe in Blue Castle. i know that i had ZERO faith in them until i played the Case Zero demo the first time.


I love Case Zero, but is it necessarily to announce this so soon? DR2 is not even out yet and announcing this now will only make people ask "why is it not in the disc?".

Never understand what the marketing team think.


PSGames said:
Because DLC sells better on Xbox. Plus Dead Rising was made a success on the 360 so they probably think it's fitting to give the original fans a lil something extra (at a cost of course).

WTH, it has nothing to do with DLC selling better on 360, its a esclusive deal. Microsoft is paying for capcom exclusiviness.

Have a exclusive game because a given system sells better makes perfect sense, but a exclusive online add-on of a multiplataform game dont!

Even if PSN addons sold a third of live similars, it whould still be profitable to capcom release on both system, because the costs whould be virtually the same! It only makes sense when an external player puts money for one of the sides, in this case Microsoft.
seady said:
I love Case Zero, but is it necessarily to announce this so soon? DR2 is not even out yet and announcing this now will only make people ask "why is it not in the disc?".

Never understand what the marketing team think.
Microsoft's marketing team wants to remind you that the complete Dead Rising experience is only on Xbox 360™.


a Master Ninja said:
Microsoft's marketing team wants to remind you that the complete Dead Rising experience is only on Xbox 360™.

Exactly, if you paid for that you have the right to use it. Announcing the exclusive content after ps360 owners got the ps3 version makes no sense.
There's no such thing as multiplatform games anymore. You just have the same game with varying levels of quality and features. DLC exclusives, pre-order bonuses, and even limited editions need to die in a fire.


Skilotonn said:
If you're right about Rising actually continuing the story, then so be it.

But my point still stands - it's not about the full game itself, which by entertainment standards begin and end on their own, it's this DLC that I'm talking about, which bridges part one to part two, on a console that didn't have part one - why is this so hard for people to get this?
Well..then it would make just as much sense to release this DLC with some brief summary of part 1 on the ps3.

Skilotonn said:
In fact, you all are making this into something bigger than I ever felt it should be. Should have been finished ages ago.


The only reason I bothered to respond to this was in the off-chance that someone else with your reading skills also just decided to take your word and brand me as a "hypocrite".
Your reasoning as to why this DLC should be exclusive is basically the same argument that sony fans used to try to justify why sony's 3rd party exclusives should've stayed as sony exclusive instead of going multi-platform. Considering your history, I just found your justification of this exclusive amusing hence my little post.

Skilotonn said:
The way people act over video game consoles, what a joke.
I know. You should take it easy.


Normally my Xbox owning friend would be crowing about this but he's banned from Live so he doesn't get to play it either, teehee.
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