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DirectX 12 is on the way

It might have been a slight mistranslation, but last year one of AMD's VPs said there would not be a DirectX 12 anytime in the near future as far as they could see.

Apparently, even Microsoft said DirectX was no longer evolving as a technology, but soon changed their statement.



I wouldn't be surprised if this is a stunt to get people to upgrade to the latest version of Windows. Just because it's called DirectX 12 doesn't mean it isn't just 11.3 or something minor like that.
I'm surprised that hardcore gamers who are all about performance over anything seem to hate windows 8. Once I saw how damn fast windows 8 rebooted i could never go back to win 7. Metro or no Metro. Also Windows refresh will save you more than once!

Hardcore gamers who are all about performance have SSDs, making boot times on W7 moot.


I'm surprised that hardcore gamers who are all about performance over anything seem to hate windows 8. Once I saw how damn fast windows 8 rebooted i could never go back to win 7. Metro or no Metro. Also Windows refresh will save you more than once!

I reboot my computer like once a month. 30 seconds isn't going to make or break me.


My opinion? USED.
im on w7 with an ssd. im excited to upgrade to 8.1 because of the insanely fast boot time on my surface pro 2, which has an ssd as well.

As long as you can live with the Start screen, Windows 8 is clearly better than Windows 7 and the performance additions are just icing on the cake. I dont even use the Metro apps and the Start screen feels second nature to me, so its win win.

Demigod Mac

Yeah, lets just be real. I'm fucked, it's just how the beast goes. I have gotten real comfortable with this OS, that's all really. Windows 8 or 9, will simply be something I'm going to have to deal with it seems.

Radical Acceptance. Meh . . . whenever I do the inevitable motherboard upgrade (running 1366), I'll grab a damn copy.

I predict you'll be fine. It takes remarkably little effort to make 8 look and feel functionally identical to 7, and you'll never have to deal with Metro.

The more likely scenario is that by the time DX12 cards roll around, we'll be on 9 and that will be celebrated as the "true" sequel to 7.


The Detective
Also Windows refresh will save you more than once!

No it won't.
It only saves your personal files and settings, it will get rid of all your programs (unless they are windows store apps).

If anything, it is flat out worse than doing a repair install (which does not nuke your programs).


Hurry up, man!
SMH at the Windows 8 hate.

More support (W7) is always better though, but the hate W8 gets because of the Metro panel is really bad. Like, I don't think I even use the metro panel for more than ten seconds a day.

I never use it

But that may change if I get a 2nd touch screen monitor, have that one on metro at all times

What if dx12 takes advantage of the architecture in xbone, move engines, esram, seperate audio chip etc and future dx12 pc cards use xbox one architecture? I can't imagine microsoft engineers ignoring dx12 on xbone knowing full well it is on the horizon


aka IMurRIVAL69
If it's exclusive to win8, nobody will use it. What is the percentage of current PCs running win 8? I have to imagine it's well under 10%.


I imagine it's either A) meant for low-end mobile hardware, or B) another pathetic attempt by Microsoft to control the market by introducing something exclusive that requires all kinds of upgrades and investments, but ends up being a product that no one actually wants and it won't even remotely take off for another five to ten years. It's DX9>DX11 all over again. How old is DX11? And we're only now getting to the point where those features are starting to be standard in PC games.

Developers will go where the established hardware and software base is. Which is, for the foreseeable future, DX11.
I'm kind of still hoping openGL makes a big comeback so I can abandon windows altogether. I suppose that might suck for amd video card users though :( get your shit together amd...


I imagine it's either A) meant for low-end mobile hardware, or B) another pathetic attempt by Microsoft to control the market by introducing something exclusive that requires all kinds of upgrades and investments, but ends up being a product that no one actually wants and it won't even remotely take off for another five to ten years. It's DX9>DX11 all over again. How old is DX11? And we're only now getting to the point where those features are starting to be standard in PC games.

Developers will go where the established hardware and software base is. Which is, for the foreseeable future, DX11.

Wouldn't it be funny if it's exclusive to Windows 9, and ends up being the thing that causes a lot of devs to start moving more toward OpenGL in conjunction with SteamOS?


Trucker Sexologist
SMH at the Windows 8 hate.

More support (W7) is always better though, but the hate W8 gets because of the Metro panel is really bad. Like, I don't think I even use the metro panel for more than ten seconds a day.
Hate is too strong. The word you're looking for is apathy.
Windows 8 scares me. It's not the start screen or anything, I just get fucking confused when I try to format a computer and the internet tells me that I have to do some funky factory reset type deal instead. My brain is full of fuck.


If it's exclusive to win8, nobody will use it. What is the percentage of current PCs running win 8? I have to imagine it's well under 10%.

I believe it broke 10% right around New Years

That being said... Win8/8.1 is awesome and anyone who likes games and hasn't upgraded is missing out



Hardcore gamers who are all about performance have SSDs, making boot times on W7 moot.

My Windows 8.1 boots much faster than my Windows 7 and both have the same SSDs.

Also I never even see or notice Metro with Start8 installed. All the performance benefits of Windows 8.1, none of the downside.


Are people getting in-game performance improvements with W8, or just general computing stuff like rebooting and opening programs?


My opinion? USED.
Windows 8 scares me. It's not the start screen or anything, I just get fucking confused when I try to format a computer and the internet tells me that I have to do some funky factory reset type deal instead. My brain is full of fuck.

Don't worry about the factory reset (or writing zeros to a drive). A simple format is fine. Most of the time windows 7/8 is smart enough to get the disk alignment correct as well.

My advice is to jump into it if you want a fresh coat of paint with some performance improvements, otherwise just wait for Win9.
Windows 8.1 is okay with Classic Shell installed, with start menu returned and edge shortcuts disabled. Otherwise it's not as useful for power users or productivity, and it's confusing to new or casual users.


Cannot wait to see first hardware properly support DX12, I really hope that there are some significant changes to allow developers do what they dream of. (Changes to ROPs, TEX units overall programmability.. etc.)
It's silly that we haven't seen any progress for nearly 5 years.

Currently it seems that the most feature rich hardware is from Intel with their Pixel Sync tech..
well when dx 11 dropped it was exclusive to hd 5000 series and gtx 400 series cards.
DX11 API has paths for dx9 and dx10 class hardware as well.
This means that one can program their game using single API to old target hardware.
Of course one cannot use Shader Model 5 based things like tesselation etc.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
reduce by... up to... 10x... or more

make up your mind and make a fucking statement


My opinion? USED.
Are people getting in-game performance improvements with W8, or just general computing stuff like rebooting and opening programs?

Absolutely, depending on the game its up to 10fps, but usually around 5 or so. The big thing is micro-stutters no longer occur for my machines after the win7 > win8.1 switch. All AMD cards by the way.
Are people getting in-game performance improvements with W8, or just general computing stuff like rebooting and opening programs?

In general its very minor improvements. However if a game takes advantage of DX11.1 or 11.2 in Win8 then you see noticeable increases. Bf4 for example has better performance on Win8 compared to Win7 because they take advantage of DX 11.1/11.2.


I'm not really seeing why people are excited about this. It's just an API. It's not like as an enduser you turn on a DX12 targeted game and it's suddenly something completely new and improved over a DX11 targeted game.

The vast majority of games still, and will continue to, support DirectX 9c.


Aren't developers supposed to switch to Mantle anyway? DirectX 12 seems redundant

No, Mantle is terrible crap because it works only on AMD GPUs. The only good thing about this is that it will push general Windows APIs to get better performance. When this happens Mantle needs to die and die fast.
People seem to be giving increasingly less of a damn about DirectX considering OpenGL powers everything not-Microsoft. I guess I'll just mop up The Last Generation Of MS Platform Games on a Win9 PC.


Windows 7 already functions like Windows 7 with less time and money invested

Lol. Indeed.

I hope win 9 is metro only, just to piss off all the people stuck on 7.

I don't think you understand. Im not moving to 8, but Ill be there for 9. They have rolled back a shitload of the stuff I hated about 8 in 8.1. They seem to have gotten the message loud and clear, but right now I still don't have a need to upgrade. I can wait until 9 just fine.

And you havent been paying attention if you think Win9 would be Metro only. They have gone out of their way to accomodate the people who dislike metro. Expect more of that in Win9. Metro won't go away, but they will damn sure make certain that the public doesnt have to fiddle with that hot mess unless they want to. You get to keep your colored squares and I get to never see them again. Perfect compromise, and everyones happy.

If DirectX 12 offers a significant performance boost over 10/11, will those of you staunch anti Windows 8 people upgrade?

When 9 comes sure, but you aren't going to get me to bother with 8. I remember all of the previous DX roll outs. Itll be Win9 time before devs get good and rolling on DX12 anyway, and we all know it.

Its not going to be released and suddenly and instantly supported and properly used by every PC game ever.... theres a lag time on DX support. Ill be just fine gaming until Windows 9. All games that will be relevant will support 10/11/12 for a good long while.
I hope win 9 is metro only, just to piss off all the people stuck on 7.

Microsoft actually does like money and the users have made it crystal clear in their wholehearted rejection of Metro on the desktop, especially the corporate users who are their profit base. MS has already started de-emphasizing Metro and rolling back trying to force it on users in 8.1. Win9 will probably go back to a straight traditional desktop and relegate Metro to an optional UI that you have to toggle to enable.

Metro Everywhere has been an abject failure and really MS shouldn't have tried to cram a UI designed for touch devices like phones and tablets down the throats of the keyboard and mouse crowd.


I'm critizising Microsoft quite often, but in my eyes, Windows 8 was a step in the right direction from the corporation's point of view. This OS was designed for Surface and I expect Surface to be the future of PCs. Not the brand "Surface", but the concept behind it: You use it as a tablet wherever you want and at home when you need to work, you plug it into the docking station and use mouse and keyboard and a nice, big IPS monitor.

A phone makes much more sense in this scenario than a big ass tablet.
What a nice and informative thread about Dx12 Winblows Metro no desktop interface suxxing intelligent speculation omg Winblows 8 sux


Sometimes you have to upgrade your operating system. Welcome to PC gaming.
And sometimes the upgrade requirement is artificial and neither players nor devs follow and you end up still using DX9 features for all games two OS upgrades in. Welcome to DX10-requires-Vista.
AMD wanted something like this to happen. MS would never create something like this if they did not feel pressured. Developers begged them to do something for years, and they did almost nothing.

Just as a reminder, DX11 appeared in late 2009. 4.5 FUCKING YEARS ago.

And mantle was ~2 year project. DX12 will not come anytime soon. It's a year away at least.
It's a bit depressing to see how much the hardware development has slowered down due to increasing cost of development and the consoles being so popular in comparison to PC gaming.

If nothing changes this generation, it won't matter if DX12, DX13 or DX14 are released during those next years, because we will be stuck with DX11 hardware as the basis of game development.
I'm glad W8 is adding better support for mouse / kb users... But in general I really like Win8. Imo it absolutely shines on a tablet, and being able to dock that tablet and have full fat desktop Windows is v useful. I have pinned my most used apps to the task bar and rarely need to use the start screen.

I have my tablet start screen organised into sensible groups of live tiles and it's genuinely useful for an at-a-glance view - Imo we should have done a better job walking people through start screen customisation.

edit: Be interesting to see what platform we launch dx12 for. I rather suspect it'll be windows 8.1 only as that would be in keeping with past decisions. Wonder if Mantle being os agnostic (ish) will influence that though.
I feel like since Direct X 10, direct X features are those things you turn off so they dont kill your fps

Pretty much my experience too .... I have never seen a game suddenly look graphically way more impressive, or perform significantly better running on DX10/11.

I don't think this is the API's fault, more developer time spent on them (additional tech features thrown on top of a developed DX9 game, vs built from the start as a DX10/11 game).

I still remember getting excited for DX10, having a nice 8800GT, and waiting for those DX10 patches to come out for games. Nothing but problems when they did, drivers had to mature, games were just putting DX10 features in and crippling performance for no significant benefit.

As a techy, i can see why this stuff can be exciting, but as a gamer, i just see it as something that gets in the way for no real benefit.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I'm glad W8 is adding better support for mouse / kb users... But in general I really like Win8. Imo it absolutely shines on a tablet, and being able to dock that tablet and have full fat desktop Windows is v useful. I have pinned my most used apps to the task bar and rarely need to use the start screen.

I have my tablet start screen organised into sensible groups of live tiles and it's genuinely useful for an at-a-glance view - Imo we should have done a better job walking people through start screen customisation.

edit: Be interesting to see what platform we launch dx12 for. I rather suspect it'll be windows 8.1 only as that would be in keeping with past decisions. Wonder if Mantle being os agnostic (ish) will influence that though.

Metro on a tablet makes sense. But on a desktop it's shite. It's like trying to use a android tablet with a mouse. It just feels wrong and awkward.

What were MS thinking.
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