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Dragon's Dogma Demo Impressions


Party Pooper
Were you on a slim, by any chance? I thought they fixed the problem with those?
Edit: Oh a refurb, ok.

Way out of warranty, and they want $99

I'll try the x-clamp fix (gave life to my last xbox for 8+ months), and if that doesn't work, I'll just buy a slim for 200.
This demo is horrible as far as conveying the game in the proper context, and far too limiting. I'm still buying it, but only because I've seen enough footage elsewhere to get a good idea on how it will play. For people on the fence, going in blind, I think it gives a mediocre first impression. It just doesn't have enough meat on it's bones to make casuals sit up and say, "Wow, I've gotta get this game!"


( ≖‿≖)
This character creator has some hideous options lol.

Small torso + huge legs = hands clipped inside hips at all times.


Be sure to explore all the nooks and crannies; kept finding gold and potions everywhere in my quest to squeeze through unexplorable areas.


Neo Member
I loved it. Didn't summon the pawns in the prologue and that made the fight much longer and more interesting.

Combat mechanics feel good, and you get a lot of moves that seem to be as much for utility as they are for damage - using the upward slash to swipe at Harpies just felt right. Helm Breaker also felt right! Everything's got a good feeling of weight to it, and the pawns really are helpful. It feels so good to be on the other side of what always happened in the Ninja Turtles arcade game - having enemies hold you down while they beat you up. I also liked that you get two basic light attack strings like in Devil May Cry - the kicks on the Strider were sweet.

Overall I wish they'd have let us experience what it's like to take a quest from beginning to completion since that's such a big part of the game, but for now I'm satisfied to see that the combat the game will probably hinge on works well.

Edit: As far as showing people some of the reasons I got interested in this game to begin with, though, yeah this was not a good demo. It satisfied me only because I was fed other information. The average XBL user seeing it on the demo list? They have to pray that the combat is enough, but unfortunately following the directions the game gives you will make your fights really short.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Truly one of the biggest missteps. How no one on the dev team saw the potential of co-op within the first 6 months of working on the game is beyond me. It seems obvious to absolutely everyone that isn't on the dev team.

HEY! Not every game should be co=op or multiplayer! Why are you shoving it down our throats! SHEESH!

Sorry, that reaction has been beaten into me by the official thread.


uhoh could something bad have happened during the install process? I'm stuck at 69% and PS3 fans have been at full gear for a while now...

edit: whew after like 2 minutes we are finally at 71%...
I won't be able to play the demo this week (traveling).

What classes can the player be (warrior/strider?) Do striders get bows and arrows? How does combat feel being the effective "archer".

What classes can your pawn be? Can you get a sorc or mage pawns from the rift? How helpful were they? How helpful are warrior pawns compared to other pawn types?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Played through it 4 times last night before I had to crash. Fuckin stellar. Exactly what i was expecting and hoping for. Just waiting on the rest of the world to open up ...

First game I got up on top of the Manticore and was holding onto the lions mane with my shield hand staring directly at the goats neck with my blade hand... hacked the living SHIT out of him .. this is of course after getting a good running jump and landing like a buckin bronco style to cut off the snake head. So good...

And my pale, tall, skinny but ripped as shit assassin begins his dubious career! lol

Fuckin a this game. So good.
I played through the demo in a bit of a rush. I barely tried most of the more complicated combat features, it was pretty much all grab n stab, or arrows, or weak attacks. I was hoping for some more down time before the big battles, I really wanted to soak in the beauty and atmosphere of those grassy plains. I love that fire attacks will knock out the wings of the target, and in painful detail with great battle damage. Not being able to see where the hell the griffon was once it got dark outside was a rather insane feeling (and I loved it).

I felt a little exasperated by all the battle chatter from my pawns. I would love to turn that down a peg, but also can see I will prefer smaller parties, at least for now. I cannot stand events that trigger the mini-cutscenes, especially constant ones like your party members announcing they're holding a goblin so you can hit them. Isn't that what all that damn battle chatter is for, letting the player know important things? Leave the camera alone please.

I'm sounding negative, but I loved the demo. I don't plan on going through it again, and I hardly touched the character creator. I just wanted a taste, I know I will buy it, I look forward to release day.


Switching my preorder to the ps3 version. The framerate is not even that much better to justify that 80% tearing.

So tearing is still present in the 360 version then? I still plan to play the demo on the 360 later, but I knew last night that it was going to be the PS3 version for me. Zero tearing and it runs more than fine. Could not be happier with it.
HEY! Not every game should be co=op or multiplayer! Why are you shoving it down our throats! SHEESH!

Sorry, that reaction has been beaten into me by the official thread.

What there isnt some kind of Monster hunter style online quests?
No way on earth they haven't thought of that? Surely?!!? I mean this is Capcom for the love of god!


I've played them both. If you have a ps3 and 360 the choice is easy, ps3 if the demo is indicative of the final build.


I just took that, 360 version. Yuck, you can even see double tears sometimes. Or maybe it's just two happening right after another, either way it's nasty.

LOL, maybe that is why the 360 is getting all of the incentives. Kind of like Red Dead on the PS3.

*For the record, I am kidding. Other than the tearing, it looks fine on the 360.


Why is the demo letterboxed? WTF.

Fun game, will buy, but that demo was horrid. Can't wait to actually get my hands on the full game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"Well, gosh, my experiences with the demo turned me off the game, but, Game Informer gave it a 9/10! They know what I like better than I like! I'd better buy it anyway!"

That might be a completely feasible scenario for those who realize that the demo consists of two short combat encounters with zero context.


What there isnt some kind of Monster hunter style online quests?
No way on earth they haven't thought of that? Surely?!!? I mean this is Capcom for the love of god!

There's no online play. You can summon the pawns of your friends into your game, though!


Wasn't impressed with the demo at all.
Having played the demo on 360, as a gamer who absolutely loves the combat in Dark Souls, I see the combat in Dragon's Dogma as a fine alternative.

The ability to grab enemies, ride them, attack them in different areas is a genius mechanic. The bow is also much more intuitive and flexible, great looking graphics in my opinion.

This is going to make the wait impossible now!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Meaning: "Japan doesn't understand the Internet."

Or maybe the developers really just wanted to design the game like this? It's not like Capcom doesn't have experience creating online co-op multiplayer experiences. I wouldn't be against multiplayer, but I think the system they have is awesome for a single player game.


Just played both quests the default quest and default character does not show off the game imo. That is what most people will just do first so hopefully people will still play it more and give it a chance. Countryside quest and picking a character with archey shows the game off better, gameplay seems very solid. Screen tearing is pretty bad turning the camera in any direction and I am not comparing it to PC games just for a normal console games the demo has way too much of it. Not a fan of the black bars but can live with it, I still gonna buy it just maybe not at launch, will give the ps3 version a try later.


This is a really weird game. I had fun with the gryphon fight but found the other quest to be a little boring, and I think overall it has a flat look to it. I'll probably pick this up down the road, it's coming out at too busy a gaming time for me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The demo's definitely too short. It barely gives you enough time to loot anything. The only interaction with inventory you get is equipping the lantern, and they don't show anything about leveling.

They could've done better with the demo, but I still think the game looks awesome. I do think that the closest comparison would be a 3D version of the old CPS2 beat em ups.


That griffin battle was pretty epic, I almost died. :p I didn't notice any fps issues, and no tearing, and it also uses some aliasing effects. Very smooth looking graphics. Of course it will have some pop in, but most open world games has that, no way around it. This was the PS3 version. I don't like the letterboxing, but I know why it was used, a more cinematic look I guess.
Looked good to me, but wow it was kinda short.

And lol at the character creator. I just couldn't build pretty characters. They were always ugly :((


Combat was mediocre and confusing. Graphics are not impressive and UI is bad. Sad, i was having high hopes for this game. Liked the idea alot.


Am I the only who who is not phased by it being letterboxed? Hell, I am so used to seeing letterboxing in movies that I don't even notice it anymore. Even if it is in a game.
Killing the goat on the lion's back and watching its ragdoll flop around lifeless while still attached to the raging Chimera..

Wow this game is going to be something else, I'm so excited.


I'm still just gonna wait for US PSN to update. Seems like the demo isn't really much, which is a shame.

All the different impressions are strange as people seem to be claiming it feels like one thing and not another and someone else will say the exact opposite, haha. I really do wish they included a little more into the demo to show off the game better. I have a feeling this game shines much more when you've created your own character and purchased skills for them and tweaked them to your liking, rather than just throwing you in with a bunch of pre-set skills.

Also seems like they made it a little too easy. Though, one quest is a prologue quest so I suppose it should be easy.


That's not the reason why, the game is sub hd but by letterboxing they don't have to scale the game up and lose picture quality.

Eh. Still would have like the option to full screen it, no biggie.

Also, during the griffin battle, is that a strider you are using? I haven't been following to much with the game.
Playing without pawns is 10000000x's better.

If the full game feels like the demo I will not be using pawns.
The chimera battle feels like a proper boss fight now.
Yeah..I think I'll just play through Dark Souls again. I wasn't that impressed with the demo as far as look and control. I did enjoy throwing my pawns, but their constant chatter is annoying. Kinda takes me out of the game world.


Playing without pawns is 10000000x's better.

If the full game feels like the demo I will not be using pawns.
The chimera battle feels like a proper boss fight now.

From what we've seen of the game you will need your pawns outside of the prologue. You can get wrecked in 1 hit by so many creatures.

I'm just worried that the game's answer to that will be simply grinding and overleveling yourself instead of doing mild grinding and mostly using tactics like Dark Souls.


Eh. Still would have like the option to full screen it, no biggie.

Also, during the griffin battle, is that a strider you are using? I haven't been following to much with the game.

Yes, it's a Strider and it is badass. Fast and nimble stabby bastard with daggers, martial arts and a bow. I love it.
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