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Final Fantasy 15 Dungeon and Wildlife videos.


This is where being liberal would really help with the English voice acting even if the script is terrible. It's not the translator's job to rewrite bad writing, but hey.
I mean, given its timing and placement, there may be a context for it, but if there is it's definitely not apparent in the trailer. They showed goblins so maybe those lines are coming from the perspective of them being chased? I would hope something like that's the case. The characters just fumbling about in a cave make those lines sound really strange. And yeah, in general if characters are disconcerted with something, spoken monologue doesn't tend to make sense unless it's a big occurrence. Dialogue should be necessary on some level to facilitate a conversation and it sounds like these lines are being delivered in absence of any context for the characters to be speaking them.


It sucks that XII's dub was lightning in a bottle.

I really got primed to believe they'd make more than just an "okay" anime dub.

I'll wait for the final product to judge, though.

I think of any game localized out of Japan having a bad dub, FFXV is the least excusable. They really can afford to give this some quality performances. But maybe they think it doesn't matter.

Honestly, the JP dub may not be too much better. I'm looking forward to this game for many reasons, but their dialogue has been pretty bad for awhile. I'm not really sure what they're aiming for.


I mean, given its timing and placement, there may be a context for it, but if there is it's definitely not apparent in the trailer. They showed goblins so maybe those lines are coming from the perspective of them being chased? I would hope something like that's the case. The characters just fumbling about in a cave make those lines sound really strange. And yeah, in general if characters are disconcerted with something, spoken monologue doesn't tend to make sense unless it's a big occurrence. Dialogue should be necessary on some level to facilitate a conversation and it sounds like these lines are being delivered in absence of any context for the characters to be speaking them.

For one thing, the translator's trying way too hard with that drifting into the deep end line. I'm pretty sure a simple "We're really going in there, aren't we?" or something would sound way better.

The bunch of wh-words line (or all of them for that matter) reeks of a literal translation to me.

Anyway, I'm not even a good translator, but these lines are outright terrible and a little creativity in the English could easily make them sound way better than they are now (accuracy be damned!). Then again, I don't know the actual spoken Japanese, so this is just me talking out of my ass.


For one thing, the translator's trying way too hard with that drifting into the deep end line. I'm pretty sure a simple "We're really going in there, aren't we?" or something would sound way better.

The bunch of wh-words line (or all of them for that matter) reeks of a literal translation to me.

Anyway, I'm not even a good translator, but these lines are outright terrible and a little creativity in the English could easily make them sound way better than they are now (accuracy be damned!). Then again, I don't know the actual spoken Japanese, so this is just me talking out of my ass.
That was kinda the fun of Woolsey translations. They were never literal but they always gave the language a unique flavor. Spoony bards and sons of submariners forever.
Could that dungeon possibly look any worse aesthetically and level design-wise?
It's generic but I wouldn't call it bad. At the same time, it's weird how as graphical fidelity has gone up, creative environments and characters seem to have gone down. Too expensive to take risks I guess. Lots of investors to please.

Though maybe that's just a lack Yoshitaka Amano at the helm.
What I wouldn't give to see him work on videogames in a guiding capacity again...


I don't know how you can really judge the level design or even the aesthetics based on a minute of mashed up clips of the dungeon.


I don't know how you can really judge the level design or even the aesthetics based on a minute of mashed up clips of the dungeon.
It's really easy to critique a game's aesthetics based on clips. Less so with level design, so that's a fair point.


The part where Noctis was walking through the gap made me feel claustrophobic. Damn the realism, animations and graphics in this Final Fantasy :(



Crystal Bearer
It sucks that XII's dub was lightning in a bottle.

I really got primed to believe they'd make more than just an "okay" anime dub.

I'll wait for the final product to judge, though.

That's what sort of boggles my mind... I mean they spend millions on their games but when it comes to the English dubs they've fallen flat for the good part of a decade now. What do?
That's what sort of boggles my mind... I mean they spend millions on their games but when it comes to the English dubs they've fallen flat for the good part of a decade now. What do?

That's down to the west branch of SE, isn't it? A bunch of their games lately seem to be coming out with an alright translation...

I don't even need FFXII's level of translation, the bar there is way too high. Something on the level of KH would be fine.


That's what sort of boggles my mind... I mean they spend millions on their games but when it comes to the English dubs they've fallen flat for the good part of a decade now. What do?

Funny thing is, like Rockstar, they don't do International Dubs. It's either Japanese or English and yet they still manage to get it wrong. I mean how ?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Impossible to hate the guy, seriously.

This scene is creepy as fuck.
This might be the darkest FF yet simply because is the scariest one lol
They made it easy as hell for me to hate him. Sooooo tired of that anime archetype that embodies his characters. That super laid back clumsy goof of the group. Cannot stand it anymore.


Crystal Bearer
That's down to the west branch of SE, isn't it? A bunch of their games lately seem to be coming out with an alright translation...

I don't even need FFXII's level of translation, the bar there is way too high. Something on the level of KH would be fine.

They handle most of their localization in house which typically involves non-native English speakers making the calls.


They handle most of their localization in house which typically involves non-native English speakers making the calls.

I reckon its the demographic/target audience.

Apart from XII it seems they believe the teen audience is important for mainline FF.

Versus always seemed like it would have a mature rating. Tis a shame.
They handle most of their localization in house which typically involves non-native English speakers making the calls.
in-house as in Japan? Damn, that's awful.

But it makes me wonder if they do this to save money or just because of lack of talent. The latter would be weird, since SE is hiring so many foreigners lately, hire someone to translate games too >.>

So what's the release date looking like for the golden copy of the game?
Next year.


in-house as in Japan? Damn, that's awful.

But it makes me wonder if they do this to save money or just because of lack of talent. The latter would be weird, since SE is hiring so many foreigners lately, hire someone to translate games too >.>

Well, it's not like SE has a technical team working on the Japanese games out West like KojiPro does. The lip-synching and everything has to happen in Japan for that reason.


that puzzling face
I don't even need FFXII's level of translation, the bar there is way too high. Something on the level of KH would be fine.

KH is a bad example to use in context of a comparison to other franchises. The way VA and dialogue is recorded/translated for KH isn't very typical.


EDIT: Battle theme sounds fantastic.

Not using hyperbole - I feel like this is the weakest battle music I've heard in an FF. Maybe I need time for it to sink in, but I am not a fan after listening a couple times. It just doesn't capture a sense of tension or grandeur in my book.
I really do hope the dungeons are more open and leaves room for exploration. I'm loving the combat. Final Fantasy revisionists love to pretend that past FF combat were extremely complex when they were for the most part simplistic. The combat seems to draw inspiration from Dragons Dogma, Dragon Age Inquisition, and Kingdom Hearts BBS.
Interesting how at the first trailer people were comparing it to Xenoblade, but now that they show how different it is, then people say it's "uninspired". That is the most uninspired criticism someone can have towards something.

KH is a bad example to use in context of a comparison to other franchises. The way VA and dialogue is recorded/translated for KH isn't very typical.

Sure, I just picked KH as an example of a Square game that doesn't have a translation that transcends space and time, but it's not bad at all either.

Heck, Crisis Core was well translated, something on that level would be fine.


Do we have any information if -for once- the character customization will have actual visual feedback?

I am sick and tired of Final Fantasy games where I change my armor and yet there is no visual representation and all I get is the same looking character skin during the duration of the entire game.

It might sound nitpicking to some, but I consider it very important to see actual changes depending on what I have equiped. What is the whole point of character customization and loot if it has zero visual impact. Playing with the same skin for 100 hours becomes boring. And it is kinda lazy to be honest.

So any info on that?
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