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Flower (PSN)

Did anyone else experience goosebumps during I think stage 3 or 4, when you heard the sound of thunder mixed with the crackling of downed electrical lines and the sky suddenly went black? The music went from light whimsical to foreboding and instantly my exhilaration turned to complete dread. Genius game transition. I remember a film that had the exact same affect on me: Million Dollar Baby(film spoiler ahead). I was on a high when Hillary Swank beat up that girl, only to spiral down in the doldrums when she got hit from behind and cracked her neck on that stool.
I'm still having issues with the Pure trophy. I only have enough patience now to just try it once a day since it pisses me off every time I get burnt.

I've tried holding the controller back to slow it down, but the current takes me to fast regardless. I try going high to the left or right, I still get burnt. Grrrr


-xBerserker- said:
I'm still having issues with the Pure trophy. I only have enough patience now to just try it once a day since it pisses me off every time I get burnt.

I've tried holding the controller back to slow it down, but the current takes me to fast regardless. I try going high to the left or right, I still get burnt. Grrrr
How about actually doing it the way it was meant. It's really not that hard you just have to not be intimidated.
neight said:
There are three phases. The first phase is easy to speed through with the red flowers. The second phase spikes start coming slowly from all sides this one's easy to get past just take it slow and keep a high level. The final phase is the hardest but all you have to do is keep hugging the ground and going from one red flower to the next.

Edit: Hmm although on second thought if you're having trouble doing it the cheap way the right way is going to be impossible for you. :lol


Area 1 of the last stage was just so :O :O
only missing the 10,000 petal trophies now.

-xBerserker- said:
I'm still having issues with the Pure trophy. I only have enough patience now to just try it once a day since it pisses me off every time I get burnt.

I've tried holding the controller back to slow it down, but the current takes me to fast regardless. I try going high to the left or right, I still get burnt. Grrrr

hug the wall while u move slowly. you can touch/fly through those things that are breaking apart, and not get zapped

-can you only get one special flower per stage, ie: have to play it thrice to get all 3?

on stage 4, when i get to the part where the power line burns out and everything goes dark, did i do something wrong? or is this how the level ends? going down a dark scary path until i go into the portal that finishes the level... i kept thinking i did something wrong.

im dreading getting the pure trophy. i heard the guides on how to get it aren't exactly right in that going high and left doesn't work. :(


Commanche Raisin Toast said:

-can you only get one special flower per stage, ie: have to play it thrice to get all 3?

on stage 4, when i get to the part where the power line burns out and everything goes dark, did i do something wrong? or is this how the level ends? going down a dark scary path until i go into the portal that finishes the level... i kept thinking i did something wrong.

im dreading getting the pure trophy. i heard the guides on how to get it aren't exactly right in that going high and left doesn't work. :(

- You can get all specials on one pass through the level... well at least two, on a couple of levels I got one the first time and got both the others on a subsequent attempt

- that's how it's supposed to be :)

- The Pure trophy isn't that hard, the main thing I noticed was that going slowly was more important than going high and left/right. I did go high *and* slow and it worked very well for me.
I think one of my favourite moments in the game is the level with the broken wheel barrel. I was looking for a secret flower when I brushed up against the wheel and when it turned, the sound and everything....I dont know why but I was so immersed.


Yeah the Pure trophy is a real pain in the ass. 6 attempts and I don't think I've come close. I haven't even started the 5th stage because of this goddamn trophy.


-xBerserker- said:
I've tried holding the controller back to slow it down, but the current takes me to fast regardless. I try going high to the left or right, I still get burnt. Grrrr
Worked every single time for me when I held the controller at an angle, just high, not even that much to the right or left, just up. Go up before flying through any pink acceleration flowers and you literally can not be fast enough to hit anything.
GeoramA said:
Yeah the Pure trophy is a real pain in the ass. 6 attempts and I don't think I've come close. I haven't even started the 5th stage because of this goddamn trophy.
Don't press any buttons. Just let the wind take you.

I got it my first try. I don't know what's giving everyone so much trouble.
Blu_LED said:
Don't press any buttons. Just let the wind take you.

I got it my first try. I don't know what's giving everyone so much trouble.

im seeing two theories on the internets (here and on a youtube description as i didn't watch the video):

-let the wind push you (don't push any buttons just steer) and stay really high


-let the wind push you (don't push any buttons just steer) and stay low/hug the walls

so i guess leave the damn buttons alone is the key... :D


Commanche Raisin Toast said:
im seeing two theories on the internets (here and on a youtube description as i didn't watch the video):

-let the wind push you (don't push any buttons just steer) and stay really high


-let the wind push you (don't push any buttons just steer) and stay low/hug the walls

so i guess leave the damn buttons alone is the key... :D
if yo go as high as you can go in the valley there is literally no way for any of the towers to hit you.

i 100% this game yesterday, GOTY 2009
Ok, 1 key thing, the flowers are easier to control when you have most or all of the flowers in level up to that point. I stayed high and left and didn't get shocked except for that first falling one! Are you just supposed to get the pink flower and zoom past it or go slow there as well?

So flower gets 1 play a night until I get the pure trophy (that's all the patience I have for flower and that pure trophy right now) and that was it's chance tonight. I'll try again tomorrow night.


-xBerserker- said:
I stayed high and left and didn't get shocked except for that first falling one! Are you just supposed to get the pink flower and zoom past it or go slow there as well?

if u're getting zapped by the very first one
just stay completely still and slowly inches toward it. it will crash infront of you


hulot said:
No, industrialization is the process by which a society changes from a primarily agrarian one. Alternative energy is an industry, one that falls within the secondary sector of an economy. Despite the many branches technology can take, it is ultimately a linear affair. To say that we could have had wind power instead of coal at the turn of the 19th century would be obviously be misguided. And again, Flower feeds on this common conception of 'bad' industrialization. It's message is that of an impossible utopia, 'saving' cities from what is essentially it's own growth. There can't be one without the other.

But my issue, as outlined above is why depict one as 'evil' or despairing and the other as some bright future. It lacks perspective and again, latches onto the easy preconceived notions we all have because of hindsight.

Flower isn't making a distinction between bad industrialization and good industrialization beyond the tacit approval of wind power. You'll note that what's essentially tagged as 'bad' in the game isn't factories or strip mines, but twisted, rusted metal debris. Other than that, you can hardly blame a flower for wanting to add a little color to things, right?

Now my question, to those who can actually give some thought to this: what does Flower mean to make an ontological distinction between the city and what I'll temporarily call 'rampant industrialism'? I've never thought of the two as separable.

Flower isn't trying to save cities from their own growth, it's cleaning up the decay, presumably from neglect. I guess you could say Flower is pro-urban renewal, which might be difficult if you're a rampant environmentalist and think anything man-made is evil. Think of it as more Princess Mononoke than Nausicaa.

By the way, I find it amusing that you're dismissing Flower's artistic merit simply because you find the implicit message difficult. :) If Flower is the Meegeren, what game is the Vermeer? I might want to play it.


androvsky said:
Flower isn't making a distinction between bad industrialization and good industrialization beyond the tacit approval of wind power. You'll note that what's essentially tagged as 'bad' in the game isn't factories or strip mines, but twisted, rusted metal debris. Other than that, you can hardly blame a flower for wanting to add a little color to things, right?

Flower isn't trying to save cities from their own growth, it's cleaning up the decay, presumably from neglect. I guess you could say Flower is pro-urban renewal, which might be difficult if you're a rampant environmentalist and think anything man-made is evil. Think of it as more Princess Mononoke than Nausicaa.
Which is why I brought up my points. Honestly, the interpretation of it as pro-urban renewal hadn't occurred to me; I saw it as an advocacy for replacing an old, maligned form of industry with another newer and more sustainable one but your point about the towers as debris definitely changes my view on the matter. I want to say that the debris is not literally debris, that it is a placeholder for a more general concept of the 'bad industrialization' I had denoted in my previous post but the fact that wind power is explicitly visualized in the game and does not stand as a representative for all alternative energies (no solar panels for example) denies it.

But the distinction made between what the metal debris and the wind generators is definitely unequivocally so, not a benign and implied approval of the latter, especially considering that the portrayal of the debris and towers were not of form that implied neglect but rather malice.

I am now more inclined to think it's a mix of both, and seeing your points, it seems we're simply on different sides of the same coin; instead of my 'saving the cities from their own growth' comment, renewal might be the more apposite term.

I'd like to return to your debris comment and ask, in the fifth level, the area with three towers which the player is required to transform to open up the path to the maze, what does this signify? Were the towers inactive and we're simply revitalizing them? It doesn't seem like they're getting replaced and if it is an issue of renewal, then wouldn't it be a renewal of an industry which had created such debris in the first place? The sixth level has the player actually destroying and not transforming those tower/spikes so I'm trying to reconcile the two levels. Obviously it could just be some allegory for the long road to complete renewal, but I'm reluctant to grant it that considering the almost messianic status the player attains right from the start of the last level.

By the way, I find it amusing that you're dismissing Flower's artistic merit simply because you find the implicit message difficult. :)
I don't think I was dismissing it because I found the message difficult, but rather because of the message. :)

If Flower is the Meegeren, what game is the Vermeer? I might want to play it.
You caught me responding to someone with a loose analogy for something else. I would also like to play a Vermeer.


hulot said:
I'd like to return to your debris comment and ask, in the fifth level, the area with three towers which the player is required to transform to open up the path to the maze, what does this signify? Were the towers inactive and we're simply revitalizing them? It doesn't seem like they're getting replaced and if it is an issue of renewal, then wouldn't it be a renewal of an industry which had created such debris in the first place? The sixth level has the player actually destroying and not transforming those tower/spikes so I'm trying to reconcile the two levels. Obviously it could just be some allegory for the long road to complete renewal, but I'm reluctant to grant it that considering the almost messianic status the player attains right from the start of the last level.

I wonder if this whole discussion should be spoiler tagged, but I'll hope anyone who hasn't played it yet will have bailed out already.

Reconciling the fifth and sixth levels can be difficult. Due to the way the levels are selected (and fortunately confirmed by the director's comments to reporters), we can assume that we're entering the dreams of different flowers. Is the fifth flower having a nightmare? Does it fear the debris so much that it can't even dream about destroying it, settling for neutralizing it so the flowers growing nearby will be safe? It's a trope in gaming that the player will have gained more power towards the end; in this case, switching the player to control the dream of a flower with a stronger, more positive sense of self might not be a bad way to do it. Assuming, of course, one doesn't mind thinking of the flowers as sentient. :D

I might not be the best person to argue the artistic merits of anything, since I'm quite cynical in that area, I just felt that Flower was good enough that it at least merited a better discussion.

By the way, I find Noby Noby Boy to be a bit more interesting, even if it's not as refined an experience.


So I finally got around to downloading it... AND THE DOWNLOAD IS STUCK AT 46%!!

What do I do?!

EDIT: turned out the damn PS3 wasn't connecting to anything. Restarting it solved the problem.



Got 100% trophies.

I thought I'd hate a game like this, but it was pretty awesome ...let me just say too this is some of the best material I've heard in my sound system as well.


Didn't know where to post this, here or in the flower made me buy a ps3 thread.

Just wanted to say that this game is pure bliss in every possible way.
Played it on the weekend with my wife, who had no idea what the title was about and we were floored. I don't remember the last time i caught myself outright smiling in awe at what we were experiencing.

Anyways kudos, we're going to play it again tonight and very much looking forward to it.


Will Flower ever release on Asia PSN? I am fucking annoyed now and do not want to purchase an American PSN card with a hefty 50% markup through the retailers here.


jiggle said:
finally got it and is positively smitten
this is so fantasia 2000
had to stop playing after stage 2 cuz i didn't want it to end so fast :X

I felt the same. I felt the game was a mix of the Firebird section in Fantasia 2000 (my favorite part of that movie) and De Blob. Wonderful experience.
So I think the hype train really ruined this game for me. I understood the basic gameplay dynamics and knew there was going to be some kind of progression/storyline throughout, but the entire time I was playing I couldn't drop the de Blob vibe I was getting: ie, dynamic music affected by a basic coloring/flowering dynamic. The final stage was so far in the de Blob clone direction that I can't appreciate it on its own terms.


reggieandTFE said:
So I think the hype train really ruined this game for me. I understood the basic gameplay dynamics and knew there was going to be some kind of progression/storyline throughout, but the entire time I was playing I couldn't drop the de Blob vibe I was getting: ie, dynamic music affected by a basic coloring/flowering dynamic. The final stage was so far in the de Blob clone direction that I can't appreciate it on its own terms.

The only thing you're doing right now is making me want to play de Blob.
can anyone tell me if the 2nd to last flower is supposed to look wilted over, and if the stage is suppsed to end
right before you reach the actual end point

I wasnt sure if I failed the level or if it's scripted this way


Gryphter said:
can anyone tell me if the 2nd to last flower is supposed to look wilted over, and if the stage is suppsed to end
right before you reach the actual end point

I wasnt sure if I failed the level or if it's scripted this way
Yep, it's meant to look like that, and you're not meant to reach the 'end'.


hide your water-based mammals
reggieandTFE said:
So I think the hype train really ruined this game for me. I understood the basic gameplay dynamics and knew there was going to be some kind of progression/storyline throughout, but the entire time I was playing I couldn't drop the de Blob vibe I was getting: ie, dynamic music affected by a basic coloring/flowering dynamic. The final stage was so far in the de Blob clone direction that I can't appreciate it on its own terms.
It's all subjective. Make your own opinion up. The game was great for me.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I like the game alot better now after I finished it. I can play it without going all OCD to get every possible flower I can. Now I can just "play" instead of collecting.
Gryphter said:
can anyone tell me if the 2nd to last flower is supposed to look wilted over, and if the stage is suppsed to end
right before you reach the actual end point

I wasnt sure if I failed the level or if it's scripted this way

Yeah, I had the same initial reaction.
I wish thatgamecompany would at least tease us with even a HINT at some kind of expansion/DLC.

I know it hasn't even been a whole month since release, but damn I'm greedy for more Flower!!:(

Hopefully at E3...
Just finished this game and good gracious me, what a relaxing experience. After wanting to shoot myself in the face during my Killzone 2 Elite run, playing this game calmed down my homicidal emotions. I'm glad I didn't "spoil" the game either, extremely glad. While that might sound a tad silly, each new level in this game is a new adventure and the simplistic narrative the game presents is striking!

The final..."level" in the game has got to be one of the most thrilling sessions of gaming I have ever sat down to. Play this game, enjoy the flow, you owe it to yourself.

I think the tag line for flOW says it the best:

Life...could be simple


y'all should be ashamed
Just a quick note that a Flower patch is coming in a few weeks (possibly next week) that should fix the sound issues people have been having.

Quick update: QA was able to reproduce the sound problem on a test kit, which means we were able to test our fix. On the test kit, the problem went away entirely. I'm not sure if the fix will be so effective on all consumer units, but at the very least it will significantly reduce the problems. We're sending the patch off to QA tonight, so, barring any catastrophes, it should be out in a week or two.

Definitely a very cool game.

Though this kind of game makes me wish we didn't hype games around here the way we do.

I didn't read anything about it so I wouldn't be 'spoiled', but I couldn't help but read various posts about how emotional people were getting playing it. So I went in expecting...well, something else I guess. I figured I was in the perfect spot...going in knowing nothing about it. Able to be taken aback in surprise, if you get me.

I really enjoyed the serenity while it lasted, and my daughter loves it so that works out well. It's a relaxing little game with a unique idea, and that's what makes it worth the purchase.

But man, reading threads about how it justifies buying a system for this one game? I didn't get that experience...at all.

All in all I think it's priced perfectly at 9.99 and is definitely something to check out if you're interested in the concept.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
gregor7777 said:
But man, reading threads about how it justifies buying a system for this one game?
You shouldn't blame GAF, it was really an editor on a site (that if I remember correctly wasn't about gaming), who said he primarily bought the console for it.
Lord Error said:
You shouldn't blame GAF, it was really an editor on a site (that if I remember correctly wasn't about gaming), who said he primarily bought the console for it.

Well...I don't blame GAF. It's just that games, particularly exclusives, are so over-hyped these days by everyone. That was just an example.

I enjoyed the game. Probably won't play it again, but my daughter will. She loves the final stage.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
gregor7777 said:
Though this kind of game makes me wish we didn't hype games around here the way we do.

This. It's an amazing game and worth the price of entry, but I bought it based on the "ZOMG PILOTWINGS x 10000 for the NU GENERATION11111!!!!"

See also: God Hand.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Justin Dailey said:
The sound bug???
Bug fix patch , nice
Im gonna play it again, lovely experience

EDIT:I got the 'Welcome Back' trophy...i feel kind of bad :(
Any details on this patch? I didn't see any changes.

Hachimaki said:
I have a request. Does anyone have a hi res picture of the final scene in Flower where the big tower turns into a tree with all the pink leaves? I want to have it as my desktop. That scene alone makes Flower worth every penny. Visually stunning!
I'm working on this right now. Also gonna try to grab some images from the screensaver/memories mode that plays after you complete a level.

For anyone who wants it, I have taken photos of the window scenes. They're not screengrab quality, but until an official one is implemented, this is as close as I can get. They make great PS3 wallpapers. Each picture is in 1920x1080 resolution.

Thumbnail Preview: http://i41.tinypic.com/34rdegn.jpg

Download "Flower.rar" (8 images, 12341 KB, no password): http://rapidshare.com/files/220657337/Flower.rar

Enjoy :D


I let my casual gaming girlfriend play this a few days ago and she was quite bewildered. It may have looked somewhat soothing to her but she took a long time to get accustomed to the Sixaxis flying controls and didn't like the controls that much. Then she asked, "Is this all to it?" when we went around touching flowers.. :lol

I don't think she was all that impressed or interested.


gantz85 said:
I let my casual gaming girlfriend play this a few days ago and she was quite bewildered. It may have looked somewhat soothing to her but she took a long time to get accustomed to the Sixaxis flying controls and didn't like the controls that much. Then she asked, "Is this all to it?" when we went around touching flowers.. :lol

I don't think she was all that impressed or interested.

Play RE5 with her. ALL girlfriends love RE5 (they all loved watching RE4, and now they can play as the girl and scream).


y'all should be ashamed
Nintendo Playstation said:
Any details on this patch? I didn't see any changes.

I'm working on this right now. Also gonna try to grab some images from the screensaver/memories mode that plays after you complete a level.

For anyone who wants it, I have taken photos of the window scenes. They're not screengrab quality, but until an official one is implemented, this is as close as I can get. They make great PS3 wallpapers. Each picture is in 1920x1080 resolution.

Thumbnail Preview: http://i41.tinypic.com/34rdegn.jpg

Download "Flower.rar" (8 images, 12341 KB, no password): http://rapidshare.com/files/220657337/Flower.rar

Enjoy :D
You are so awesome. Thanks!!!
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