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GAF: Wii U or Playstation 4?

I appreciate the responses, but I wonder why people are still responding with choices after I put in the OP that I have committed to the Wii U?


The Netflix app looks nicer on PS4, but I'd prefer Wii U version because the console is so much quieter. I'm not sure why my PS4 heats up so much with simple video playback, hopefully Sony fixes some of these system problems at some point.

Whilst true, the Wii U's Netflix doesn't have 5.1 support. :(


The Chuck Norris of Peace
That's just plain silly to say. What have I been playing on my PS4 then? Plenty of games, just more on WiiU.

Its an exaggeration, of course it has games. The question is if any of them are worthwhile - and if so - are they exclusive? The answer to these questions determines if the PS4 has any games worth owning it for, and in my opinion right now, it doesnt. Which is why I said "literally".

As I also wrote in my post, I know this will change in the future, with it getting its first great title in february with Bloodborne. Will take quite a while to catch up to the Wii U though.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
The Wii U IMHO has the best games of any of the new consoles right now. Things may be different in a year's time, but by then, the PS4 might have had a price drop.... (I'm still waiting for a must have game before I take the plunge.)


I got a ps4 at launch and I really enjoy it, but I too am looking at getting a Wii u in the next few months.

Right now I would say get the Wii u, it has a descent selection and the ps4 is still picking up steam as far as game collections go. Also, it doesn't appear as if Ninty is going to pull support for the Wii u.


I actually read the OP. And I own a Wii U.

Even though you're a PC gamer, I still think the PS4 offers better value than Wii U. You said paying for online upsets you -- you can easily track down PS+ year membership cards for like $30 on Black Friday. That's not much at all, and though you said you don't value the free games, trust me, you'll find some value in them.

The Wii U, in contrast, doesn't offer free online -- because it basically doesn't offer online. The only game worth playing that has a decent online system is Mario Kart 8, and even that is pretty gimped. Maybe Smash will be better, but given Nintendo's track record it seems unlikely.

I think the simplest way to make this argument: by the end of its life, the Wii U will have 15 great games. 7 of them will be platformers. By the end of the PS4's life, it will have about 60 great games. Maybe 30 of them will also be on PC, but the other 30 won't, and since you like Japanese games, there's a good chance you'll find many of those other 30 interesting.
I actually read the OP. And I own a Wii U.

Even though you're a PC gamer, I still think the PS4 offers better value than Wii U. You said paying for online upsets you -- you can easily track down PS+ year membership cards for like $30 on Black Friday. That's not much at all, and though you said you don't value the free games, trust me, you'll find some value in them.

The Wii U, in contrast, doesn't offer free online -- because it basically doesn't offer online. The only game worth playing that has a decent online system is Mario Kart 8, and even that is pretty gimped. Maybe Smash will be better, but given Nintendo's track record it seems unlikely.

I think the simplest way to make this argument: by the end of its life, the Wii U will have 15 great games. 7 of them will be platformers. By the end of the PS4's life, it will have about 60 great games. Maybe 30 of them will also be on PC, but the other 30 won't, and since you like Japanese games, there's a good chance you'll find many of those other 30 interesting.

Opinions and all, but... lol.


I actually read the OP. And I own a Wii U.

Even though you're a PC gamer, I still think the PS4 offers better value than Wii U. You said paying for online upsets you -- you can easily track down PS+ year membership cards for like $30 on Black Friday. That's not much at all, and though you said you don't value the free games, trust me, you'll find some value in them.

The Wii U, in contrast, doesn't offer free online -- because it basically doesn't offer online. The only game worth playing that has a decent online system is Mario Kart 8, and even that is pretty gimped. Maybe Smash will be better, but given Nintendo's track record it seems unlikely.

I think the simplest way to make this argument: by the end of its life, the Wii U will have 15 great games. 7 of them will be platformers. By the end of the PS4's life, it will have about 60 great games. Maybe 30 of them will also be on PC, but the other 30 won't, and since you like Japanese games, there's a good chance you'll find many of those other 30 interesting.

This post is the gaming equivalent of a racist saying he has black friends.
This post is the gaming equivalent of a racist saying he has black friends.



Congrats for your choice! :)

I'll be getting my WiiU and New 3DS at some point next year (already have a PS4/Vita.)In terms of exclusives and multiplatform games i can't imagine missing any of these systems.
A PS4/Vita/WiiU/N3DS combo is the perfect way to go for me.


Opinions and all, but... lol.

Of course everything is subjective and the numbers are random guesses but looking strictly at his last paragraph, do you disagree with the general theme of his post? The Wii U will have a large percentage of platformers at the end of it's life. You can expect the PS4 to have more great exclusives (PS4 only and/or Sony exclusives which aren't on PC) than the Wii U. Put your genre preferences aside from this and consider all of the genres out there.
I'd still take the Nintendo exclusives. I think a lot of the Sony exclusives are mediocre to bad with a few exceptions.

That speaks more about your genre preferences rather than the quality of their exclusives. I'd rather play Guilty Gear Xrd, Persona 5, and Bloodborne than everything on the Wii U and the current 2015 lineup. I'm not going to call most of their exclusives bad because of that.
Of course everything is subjective and the numbers are random guesses but looking strictly at his last paragraph, do you disagree with the general theme of his post? The Wii U will have a large percentage of platformers at the end of it's life. You can expect the PS4 to have more great exclusives (PS4 only and/or Sony exclusives aka not on PC) than the Wii U. Put your genre preferences aside from this and consider all of the genres out there.
I'd still take the Nintendo exclusives. I think a lot of the Sony exclusives are mediocre to bad with a few exceptions.


This post is the gaming equivalent of a racist saying he has black friends.

That's pretty offensive.

Everything I wrote was factual. My Wii U is my co-op/party console, and in that role it does a serviceable job, but it simply doesn't have enough games to suffice as someone's main console.

The PC/Wii U combo is attractive, but if you really dig Japanese games, the PC just doesn't get enough support. Maybe that will change; Final Fantasy and VC are nice additions.
The Wii U, in contrast, doesn't offer free online -- because it basically doesn't offer online. The only game worth playing that has a decent online system is Mario Kart 8, and even that is pretty gimped. Maybe Smash will be better, but given Nintendo's track record it seems unlikely.

You read the OP, yet missed the part where OP mentioned being excited about Splatoon? Besides, the majority of the Wii U software I own has an online component (none of which I'm required to pay for).

I think the simplest way to make this argument: by the end of its life, the Wii U will have 15 great games. 7 of them will be platformers. By the end of the PS4's life, it will have about 60 great games. Maybe 30 of them will also be on PC, but the other 30 won't, and since you like Japanese games, there's a good chance you'll find many of those other 30 interesting.

I doesn't take a genius to figure that Nintendo alone won't be able to deliver a greater quantity of games than the combined third party output on PlayStation. However, it would be more helpful if you could point to confirmed exclusives for which OP (and I paraphrase his/her post) "can't get similar and better experiences on PC". Otherwise, you're just pulling generic numbers from your ass.

Besides, OP already made the smart call that he/she could always sell his/her Wii U should the PS4 become more relevant to him/her as a complementary console in the future.
That's pretty offensive.

Everything I wrote was factual.

The only things you wrote that could even possibly be considered a fact is that you own a Wii U and read the OP.

While it's true that the OP can probably track down a PS+ membership for $30 on Black Friday, it isn't a fact.

The rest was numbers pulled out of your ass, ignorant bullshit, outright lies, and recommendations directly against what the OP said he wanted.


You read the OP, yet missed the part where OP mentioned being excited about Splatoon? Besides, the majority of the Wii U software I own has an online component (none of which I'm required to pay for).

I doesn't take a genius to figure that Nintendo alone won't be able to deliver a greater quantity of games than the combined third party output on PlayStation. However, it would be more helpful if you could point to confirmed exclusives for which OP (and I paraphrase his/her post) "can't get similar and better experiences on PC". Otherwise, you're just pulling generic numbers from your ass.

Besides, OP already made the smart call that he/she could always sell his/her Wii U should the PS4 become more relevant to him/her as a complementary console in the future.

What Wii U games do you own? I own pretty much have all the games people consider "must-haves" and none of them have online exception Mario Kart. Can't play SM3DW online. Can't play NSMBU. Can't play Hyrule Warriors. Can't play Pikmin. Can't play Donkey Kong. Can't play Nintendo Land. There's pretty much Mario Kart and Monster Hunter (if that game appeals to you -- it's more a cult title and something I don't think should be put on the list of Wii U "must-haves").

Here are the games that will likely be worth owning on the Wii U:

NSMBU - platformer
SM3DW -platformer
Donkey Kong - platformer
Kirby - platformer
Yoshi -platformer
Mario Maker -platformer
Mario Kart
Hyrule Warriors
Bayo 2
Zelda U
Smash Bros.
Pikmin 3
Zelda WW HD
Captain Toad
Project Robot
Project Guard
Star Fox

That's 19 games. 6 of them are platformers. I suppose you can add a few games like Monster Hunter or Zombie U if you want, but there's no consensus on whether or not those games are quality. We also don't know much about Guard/Robot/Star Fox/Mario Maker. They could digital only titles. Who knows?

My claim that there will be "60 great PS4 games and 30 them will be exclusive to the PS4 (or other consoles)" is based largely on the PS3. As the OP notes, there seems to be clear trend towards porting console-only games to the PC, but they're still delayed for months/years or the online communities are near nonexistent (Titanfall).
My claim that there will be "60 great PS4 games and 30 them will be exclusive to the PS4 (or other consoles)" is based largely on the PS3.

What are the 30 "great" PS3 / Console exclusive titles of last gen?
Bearing in mind you just dismissed Monster Hunter and ZombiU as niche / not generally accepted to be great, so I don't expect to see titles like Siren on that list.


If I had to choose just one I'd say WiiU, but if you can afford both then you're just absolutely set for life. You're seriously missing out on too much by buying just one or the other. Tough call man.


I'm not going to spend the time listing 60 great PS3 games. There are 52 PS3 games alone that have metacritic scores above 90. Like 200 above 80. Many of them did make it to the PC, but not all of them, or as I said -- not for many months/years.


I'm not going to spend the time listing 60 great PS3 games. There are 52 PS3 games alone that have metacritic scores above 90. Like 200 above 80. Many of them did make it to the PC, but not all of them, or as I said -- not for many months/years.

you're aware that OP already bought a WiiU, right?...

just saying, maybe you're wasting energy in vain.


Saint Titanfall
What Wii U games do you own? I own pretty much have all the games people consider "must-haves" and none of them have online exception Mario Kart. Can't play SM3DW online. Can't play NSMBU. Can't play Hyrule Warriors. Can't play Pikmin. Can't play Donkey Kong. Can't play Nintendo Land. There's pretty much Mario Kart and Monster Hunter (if that game appeals to you -- it's more a cult title and something I don't think should be put on the list of Wii U "must-haves").

Here are the games that will likely be worth owning on the Wii U:

NSMBU - platformer
SM3DW -platformer
Donkey Kong - platformer
Kirby - platformer
Yoshi -platformer
Mario Maker -platformer
Mario Kart
Hyrule Warriors
Bayo 2
Zelda U
Smash Bros.
Pikmin 3
Zelda WW HD
Captain Toad
Project Robot
Project Guard
Star Fox

That's 19 games. 6 of them are platformers. I suppose you can add a few games like Monster Hunter or Zombie U if you want, but there's no consensus on whether or not those games are quality. We also don't know much about Guard/Robot/Star Fox/Mario Maker. They could digital only titles. Who knows?

My claim that there will be "60 great PS4 games and 30 them will be exclusive to the PS4 (or other consoles)" is based largely on the PS3. As the OP notes, there seems to be clear trend towards porting console-only games to the PC, but they're still delayed for months/years or the online communities are near nonexistent (Titanfall).
Eh you missed out Devils Third, SMT X FE, also your using an arbitrary ass standard. how many of those 30 PS4 would you consider quality, you haven't put any rating or limiter on them in spite of putting limiters on a much more known quantity, plus your ignoring the fact the Japanese console Japanese is pretty much dead there won't be near as much Japanese support for the PS4 as there was for the PS3 (not remotely) so your base assumption pretty flawed.

This is not to say PS4 doesn't potentially have a pretty great exclusive library, but making definitive arguments on completely unknown quantities doesn't make sense. Let's just say they'll be probably have a great exclusive library and leave more direct comparisons for when the games actually come out.


What Wii U games do you own? I own pretty much have all the games people consider "must-haves" and none of them have online exception Mario Kart. Can't play SM3DW online. Can't play NSMBU. Can't play Hyrule Warriors. Can't play Pikmin. Can't play Donkey Kong. Can't play Nintendo Land. There's pretty much Mario Kart and Monster Hunter (if that game appeals to you -- it's more a cult title and something I don't think should be put on the list of Wii U "must-haves").

Here are the games that will likely be worth owning on the Wii U:

NSMBU - platformer
SM3DW -platformer
Donkey Kong - platformer
Kirby - platformer
Yoshi -platformer
Mario Maker -platformer
Mario Kart
Hyrule Warriors
Bayo 2
Zelda U
Smash Bros.
Pikmin 3
Zelda WW HD
Captain Toad
Project Robot
Project Guard
Star Fox

That's 19 games. 6 of them are platformers. I suppose you can add a few games like Monster Hunter or Zombie U if you want, but there's no consensus on whether or not those games are quality. We also don't know much about Guard/Robot/Star Fox/Mario Maker. They could digital only titles. Who knows?

My claim that there will be "60 great PS4 games and 30 them will be exclusive to the PS4 (or other consoles)" is based largely on the PS3. As the OP notes, there seems to be clear trend towards porting console-only games to the PC, but they're still delayed for months/years or the online communities are near nonexistent (Titanfall).

Don't really want to get in the middle of this, but I noticed you didn't list Wonderful 101. I know, I know, it was a typo. Everyone makes typos. Just want you to be aware.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I'm not going to spend the time listing 60 great PS3 games. There are 52 PS3 games alone that have metacritic scores above 90. Like 200 above 80. Many of them did make it to the PC, but not all of them, or as I said -- not for many months/years.

I just counted the exclusives that I consider worthwhile on the PS3, and the number I got to was 7. Of course this is subjective, but so is your dismisal of Monster Hunter and Zombi U. To be fair though, one of those exclusives is the game of last gen, so its definitely worth it for that, and it seems the PS4 will have similar luck. But just wanted to show that this stuff is highly subjective, and your 60 vs 15 can easily be turned around by people with a different taste.

Demons Souls
Yakuza 3-4
Tales of Graces
Tales of Xilia
3D Dot Game Heroes
Metal Gear Solid 4
What Wii U games do you own? I own pretty much have all the games people consider "must-haves" and none of them have online exception Mario Kart. Can't play SM3DW online. Can't play NSMBU. Can't play Hyrule Warriors. Can't play Pikmin. Can't play Donkey Kong. Can't play Nintendo Land.

"Online" doesn't necessarily have to mean multiplayer in the sense of Mario Kart, Smash, Bayonetta or Monster Hunter. Super Mario 3D World has an asynchronous online play component in the form of ghost runs. Pullblox/Pushmo World allows you to create puzzles and share them with the community, as well as play puzzles that other players have created. Mario Maker, ditto. In NES Remix, you can post recordings of your fastest runs and challenge other players to beat them. On top of that, every first party title I own (along with some of the better third party efforts, like Deus Ex) integrates Miiverse in ways that create a feeling of being connected to the greater world (even if it's just something as simple as the message-in-a-bottle feature of WWHD). Saying that a console that does all this "doesn't do online" really doesn't sit right.

Personally, I actually find myself preferring this asynchronous approach as an alternative to the often noisy, hostile, grief-laden experience of interacting with randoms online. I would like Nintendo to keep rolling out traditional multiplayer experiences, but I'd rather see them concentrate these efforts where it makes sense: Mario Kart, Smash, Splatoon etc. (Hyrule Warriors would have made sense to me, but alas). Instead of treating multiplayer as a check box for each release, I'd rather see them invest those resources into developing and leveraging Miiverse - because it's actually kinda cool.

Anyway, I had no intention of engaging in a list war with you. I merely wanted to point out the futility of using guesstimates instead of concrete examples that would actually be useful to OP. This thread has concluded as far as I'm concerned, and I think OP made a smart choice given his situation and preferences. With that, I'm out.


I just counted the exclusives that I consider worthwhile on the PS3, and the number I got to was 7. Of course this is subjective, but so is your dismisal of Monster Hunter and Zombi U. To be fair though, one of those exclusives is the game of last gen, so its definitely worth it for that, and it seems the PS4 will have similar luck. But just wanted to show that this stuff is highly subjective, and your 60 vs 15 can easily be turned around by people with a different taste.

Demons Souls
Yakuza 3-4
Tales of Graces
Tales of Xilia
3D Dot Game Heroes
Metal Gear Solid 4

What is your Wii U list looking like? I'm curious.
Like I said, this is all subjective, but here goes:

Super Mario 3D World
New Super Mario Bros U +Luigi U
Pikmin 3
Mario Kart 8
Donkey Kong: TF
Zombi U
Bayonetta 2

Np, just wanted to see if Hyrule Warriors would be there since you didn't mention a musou game for PS3. IIRC, you put gameplay above all so I wouldn't expect a musou game to be mentioned in one side but not the other. BTW, you should consider fighting games if you haven't already.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
What is your Wii U list looking like? I'm curious.

Like I said, this is all subjective, but here goes:

Super Mario 3D World
New Super Mario Bros U +Luigi U
Pikmin 3
Mario Kart 8
Donkey Kong: TF
Zombi U
Bayonetta 2


Have you played Bayonetta 2? Uncharted series is good but it will not be better by a country mile. It will be pretty close and Uncharted may edge it.

I love the Uncharted series and have no burning desire to play Bayonetta. It may be enjoyable, and I'll end up playing it anyway (roommate is getting a Wii U), but if I had to pick there's no way I'd go with it over Uncharted.


It's always a good idea to have a Nintendo console. Because it's always unic and fresh. It's a good thing for when you loose your gaming love a bit and get stuck with black and grey videogames.

But with Nintendo, you can just play Mario and feel good again.


Wii U and Xbox One already have great games. PS4 has the promise of great games in the future like Uncharted and Little Big Planet. In terms of great games I'd say Wii U > Xbox One > PS4. I own all 3.


Like I said, this is all subjective, but here goes:

Super Mario 3D World
New Super Mario Bros U +Luigi U
Pikmin 3
Mario Kart 8
Donkey Kong: TF
Zombi U
Bayonetta 2

I would seriously argue that despite being multiplatform, Rayman Legends deserves to be on the list for being lead dev console, plus the boatload of bonuses it got on Wii U over the 360 and PS3


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Np, just wanted to see if Hyrule Warriors would be there since you didn't mention a musou game for PS3. IIRC, you put gameplay above all so I wouldn't expect a musou game to be mentioned in one side but not the other. BTW, you should consider fighting games if you haven't already.

I like fighting games, but have a hard time getting really skilled at them. I will say GG Xrd looks great, and since I have never played a game in the series, I might pick it up! And thanks for the suggestion btw.


I feel like I should have done the PC/WiiU combo. Scooped up a Destiny PS4 bundle a month ago but not really feeling whats available game wise.

The good news is that I have two working 360s and a ps3 I could trade in toward a Wii U at some point!

Someday the WiiU desire will be too great to ignore.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I would seriously argue that despite being multiplatform, Rayman Legends deserves to be on the list for being lead dev console, plus the boatload of bonuses it got on Wii U over the 360 and PS3

1. Rayman Legends is available on everything, 2. Its debateable if the Wii U-version is the best, and 3. The game looks spectacular, but doesnt really play that great and is very forgettable.
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