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GAF: Wii U or Playstation 4?

Glad to hear you're getting a WiiU. It easily has the best library of exclusives right now, by a landslide.

PS4 will be worth owning down the line, but it'll be cheaper, and the library will be bigger, and since (for now) most of its compelling stuff are cross-platform, I really doubt they'll be hard to track-down even if you go with PC instead.
OP chose wisely. I own both and knowing what I know, I wouldn't jump on PS4 for a while yet if I had to choose. Uncharted & Final Fantasy look great, though who knows when the latter will hit. Waiting a year should yield about 4-5 really worthwhile games to check out on PS4, but Wii U will easily have double that with Xenoblade, Zelda & hopefully Fatal Frame hitting next year.


"Online" doesn't necessarily have to mean multiplayer in the sense of Mario Kart, Smash, Bayonetta or Monster Hunter. Super Mario 3D World has an asynchronous online play component in the form of ghost runs. Pullblox/Pushmo World allows you to create puzzles and share them with the community, as well as play puzzles that other players have created. Mario Maker, ditto. In NES Remix, you can post recordings of your fastest runs and challenge other players to beat them. On top of that, every first party title I own (along with some of the better third party efforts, like Deus Ex) integrates Miiverse in ways that create a feeling of being connected to the greater world (even if it's just something as simple as the message-in-a-bottle feature of WWHD). Saying that a console that does all this "doesn't do online" really doesn't sit right.

Personally, I actually find myself preferring this asynchronous approach as an alternative to the often noisy, hostile, grief-laden experience of interacting with randoms online. I would like Nintendo to keep rolling out traditional multiplayer experiences, but I'd rather see them concentrate these efforts where it makes sense: Mario Kart, Smash, Splatoon etc. (Hyrule Warriors would have made sense to me, but alas). Instead of treating multiplayer as a check box for each release, I'd rather see them invest those resources into developing and leveraging Miiverse - because it's actually kinda cool.

Anyway, I had no intention of engaging in a list war with you. I merely wanted to point out the futility of using guesstimates instead of concrete examples that would actually be useful to OP. This thread has concluded as far as I'm concerned, and I think OP made a smart choice given his situation and preferences. With that, I'm out.

It's a really old debate, and there's no point rehashing, but I have no idea why you wouldn't want to play co-op SM3DW or NSMBU with your friends. Would've improved both games immensely. Thankfully, I had someone to play couch co-op with me, but I would argue that both games are barely even worth owning (SM3DW in particular) if you're only going to be playing by yourself.


Unless you're a huge souls fan and are incapable of missing bloodborne, go for a Wii U. If you own a good gaming pc, the ps4 is near useless.
It's a really old debate, and there's no point rehashing, but I have no idea why you wouldn't want to play co-op SM3DW or NSMBU with your friends.

Like some other Ninteno "co-op" titles like 4 Swords, part of the fun of the multiplayer is being able to dick over your friends in hilarious ways.
That becomes a very different experience playing online than it does with that person in the same room as you.
Like some other Ninteno "co-op" titles like 4 Swords, part of the fun of the multiplayer is being able to dick over your friends in hilarious ways.
That becomes a very different experience playing online than it does with that person in the same room as you.

But it also keeps the same experience when you're playing online with your friends. Which I tend to do a lot.
I have all 3 next gen consoles, and the Wii U gets played the least. But I am a PS4 game mainly. I would not get a Wii U until the new Zelda game, or new real 3D Mario game comes out.
They're so completely different that the only answer is BOTH.
really true...

I feel like it's easy to say WiiU but honestly, it's a handful of amazing games. If you don't have an X1, you need a PS4 or PC to really play a lot of good content. Don't let the slow start (it happens EVERY gen) fool you, PS4 (and X1) and really about to heat up in 2015 as third parties take advantage of the hardware better. And the proof is right around the corner.


The Wii U has much better games right now, and honestly Bayonetta 2 is good enough to justify a system purchase.

$200 for a refurb that's literally like new? You can't go wrong.

Well I've all but decided that I'm going to get a Wii U. I mean after all worse come to worst I can always just sell the console and games for $200 to 300 and put that towards a PS4.

Now I'm just debating whether or not I should wait for the refurbished Wii Us to get back in stock or go on Ebay and find a good deal like this.

Thanks for the help GAF!
Great choice.
Well it took a while to finally take the bite, but I did.

Whichever has more exclusives you want and can afford.

I'm personally not too keen on the PS4 yet because of mandatory PS+ and the potential extra fees such as a JP PS+ subscription on top to play online and the fact that there's no guarantee that Online Passes are gone.

We might just see Online Passes pop up again, especially with Bandai Namco games. 360 owners still had to pay for an online pass on top of Gold for TTT2 and the risk of this being the case is really unappealing to me.

As a person who mostly plays imports, potentially paying for 2 PS+ subscriptions kinda blows.

I'm sticking to my PS3 until I know that Sony won't be scum with their subscription practices.

Yup, same here. They need to drop these shenanigans already.
The Wii U has a worthwhile library of exclusives.

The PS4 currently has such hits as Knack and DriveClub.

Get a Wii U, get a PS4 later when the non-mediocre exclusives come out. That's what I'll be doing. Gran Turismo 7 where art thou?


Wii U because Sony has the worst ips. Syphon Filter and Crash were great, but they are never coming back.

Read the OP much....?

Anyway, to the OP himself - enjoy! Even seeing that Bayonetta cover gets me excited. It taunts me every time I open my desk drawer, haven't gotten into it yet, still working through a replay of the first one.

So much good stuff on Wii U, enjoy!


I have both. You should have went with the PS4 now and a Wii U later imo. The Wii U is a great "second console" so to speak. But then again that depends on the games you're interested in. Still, in terms of general variety, you'd be missing out on a lot not having a PS4.
I have both. You should have went with the PS4 now and a Wii U later imo. The Wii U is a great "second console" so to speak. But then again that depends on the games you're interested in. Still, in terms of general variety, you'd be missing out on a lot not having a PS4.

I'd argue the Wii U library has the best games you can play right now. If the PS4 catches up it will have been through a couple of price drops. Makes sense to get the Wii U unless you can only get one and you want to get in early.


I have both. You should have went with the PS4 now and a Wii U later imo. The Wii U is a great "second console" so to speak. But then again that depends on the games you're interested in. Still, in terms of general variety, you'd be missing out on a lot not having a PS4.

I disagree. As an owner, I've found that the wiiU has a much stronger lineup of games than the ps4. The ps4 has actually been a bit weak if anything, as the games lack a certain polish, lack of filler and interactive Fun that some Nintendo games really nail. The other strong titles like bayonetta etc are just a bonus. I didn't think I would ever say this, but the wiiU is a better console than the ps4 to me.


Unconfirmed Member
Bayonetta 2 is a fantastic game. Be sure to get Mario Kart 8 as well.

Neo Dark

Yes. It is ontop of the Wii Pro Controller. However I kind of regret buying it. I got it from Ebay and don't know how to tell if it's legit.

Ahh. Didn't even see it with the picture being that dark.
But yeah. There's some pretty good looking knockoffs. Probably read through this and see if you spot anything that might make you claim it's fake. http://gaming.stackexchange.com/que...nintendo-wii-accessories-are-genuine-official

Honestly, if it plays the game rather well and the motion plus seems to work correctly then it possibly is. Of course there's not many games that use the motion plus to begin with and most people don't know how to use the motion plus correctly anyways so... yeah...

Good luck!
I disagree. As an owner, I've found that the wiiU has a much stronger lineup of games than the ps4. The ps4 has actually been a bit weak if anything, as the games lack a certain polish, lack of filler and interactive Fun that some Nintendo games really nail. The other strong titles like bayonetta etc are just a bonus. I didn't think I would ever say this, but the wiiU is a better console than the ps4 to me.

He has a point though, in general variety the Ps4 is much stronger. And yes the WiiU has a stronger line-up as of right now, but it does lack in variety.

The "better" part is subjective. I can't play games like Transistor, DOA5 , Fifa, PES 15, Battlefield or the soon to be release RE:RE2 on my WiiU. Plus it has an actual online infrastructure. When I play Smash4 me and my friends actually make the chat room on the ps4.

Don't get me wrong I love my WiiU, but as a gamer who like different genres I'll rather have the ps4 or even an XBone than a WiiU.

P.S. PS4/WiiU is a great combo to own.


Kills Photobucket
Wii U for now. I know I'll buy a PS4 eventually, but right now, there's just not enough.

I am hoping for a price drop before I get hungry for one.


Factually incorrect, PS4 has more games while being on the market half as long. By next year it won't be close.

Sorry to hear that OP but I'm just you'll have some fun with it.
A quick check of their US sites says otherwise. Wii U currently has 436 available games (149 of that being Virtual Console admittedly) while PS4 has 208. PS4 will undoubtedly pass Wii U but it hasn't yet and might even not this year really.
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