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Halo 3 is now FREE for XBOX Live GOLD members. Come JOIN US IN MULTIPLAYER!!!


The game says 2250 people are playing Team Slayer right now. Is that accurate, probably?

Nope, the population counter has been absolutely shot since Bungie migrated Halo 3 to live on Halo Reach's servers. Then it just completely froze after it migrated again to 343.

View the TS spread on ranked playlists (go into the search parameters) and you'll see a gigantic population difference between what the search screen says and what the rank distribution screen says the population is.

Would be nice if the counter could at least get fixed. I guess it might be tied into Halo 3 stats which are also still MIA from 343, and Halo 3's population counter worked by digesting games and seeing how many UUs there were.

Somebody at 343 needs to go unplug the Halo 3 arbitration server, wait 30 seconds, then plug it back in.


Ugh, stupid games on demand thing.

Every time I have my ODST Mythic Multiplayer DVD in the tray I can't play single player, launching the GOD Halo 3 launches the disc instead.

Just a heads up to anyone else running the MP off the ODST disc.


Ugh, stupid games on demand thing.

Every time I have my ODST Mythic Multiplayer DVD in the tray I can't play single player, launching the GOD Halo 3 launches the disc instead.

Just a heads up to anyone else running the MP off the ODST disc.

ODST multiplayer has all the DLC for Halo 3 MP right?
More people need to get the DLC, I need some more Lockout (or Blackout, I guess) in my life



Best halo game and best multiplayer game ever, man I had so much fun. Too bad my gold ran out a week back :/ will stick to disk i guess.
I really hope this game gets a huge resurgence, I've missed playing classic Halo. The Anniversary playlist in Reach is close but it feels like something is off and I could never put my finger on what it was. Maybe the jump height? Iunno.
recently went back to 1000/1000 and finish those firefight achievement(vidmaster). LOVED IT, great time.

I'm not big on achievements but 3 other mates wanted to do Vidmaster when it initially came out and we got dismayed on the first attempt losing in the final wave/rounds. Like two months later we tried again and I was literally the last guy standing in the final round and died against the final 2 remaining hammer brutes (one with OS).

Then one of our mates admits to being drunk the whole time and we see his KDR in the post report...it was not pretty and he received a nice little trash talking session for that one. Still great times were had and I never went back for to help someone achieve vidmaster ever again.


Yeahhhhh I'm not gonna lie, the people who are still playing this game combined with the matchmaking and lag are kinda killing this for me. Almost every single match is half people that are max rank gods who clearly either never stopped playing, or at least not for any great length of time. The other half are people who have either clearly never played or not played in years and years. Once we actually get into a game most of the time one team consists of a sinle group of high level players who just completely dong on the other team until most of them quit. Like right now I am in a 5v1 match on the Pit where the other team is spawning killing me nonstop while I'm watching them teabag me repeatedly and call me words that would get me banned on GAF. The only reason I have not quit is because I'm forcing the game clock to expire and I take small victory in forcing them to play the full 15 (?) minute match.

This has been my experience literally almost every single match, and in the matches where the teams aren't hilariously lopsided skillwise it's been a lagfest most of the time. This kinda sucks. Normally I'd say there just needs to be more people on to balance things out, but the high level people are always rolling together it seems like. Even in games where I've been able to hold my own it's hard to do anything when you're outnumbered two to one or more. I think I'm going to stick to FFA honestly.

This is kind of an interesting experiment though; you rarely see any sizable population bump going back to a very old game, so there's an interesting dynamic with the people who never completely stopped playing with a ton of new or severely lapsed people. If this has mid-game joining this would all probably not be nearly as big of an issue.

Also pushing RB to melee instead of B has gotten me killed dozens of times already :(


I microwave steaks.
I'm not big on achievements but 3 other mates wanted to do Vidmaster when it initially came out and we got dismayed on the first attempt losing in the final wave/rounds. Like two months later we tried again and I was literally the last guy standing in the final round and died against the final 2 remaining hammer brutes (one with OS).

Then one of our mates admits to being drunk the whole time and we see his KDR in the post report...it was not pretty and he received a nice little trash talking session for that one. Still great times were had and I never went back for to help someone achieve vidmaster ever again.

That achievement was majorly stressful, I kinda lucked out when I was matched up with a few others who already attemtped (and failed) the achievement. Takes some major planning and dedication.
Yeahhhhh I'm not gonna lie, the people who are still playing this game combined with the matchmaking and lag are kinda killing this for me. Almost every single match is half people that are max rank gods who clearly either never stopped playing, or at least not for any great length of time. The other half are people who have either clearly never played or not played in years and years. Once we actually get into a game most of the time one team consists of a sinle group of high level players who just completely dong on the other team until most of them quit. Like right now I am in a 5v1 match on the Pit where the other team is spawning killing me nonstop while I'm watching them teabag me repeatedly and call me words that would get me banned on GAF. The only reason I have not quit is because I'm forcing the game clock to expire and I take small victory in forcing them to play the full 15 (?) minute match.

This has been my experience literally almost every single match, and in the matches where the teams aren't hilariously lopsided skillwise it's been a lagfest most of the time. This kinda sucks. Normally I'd say there just needs to be more people on to balance things out, but the high level people are always rolling together it seems like. Even in games where I've been able to hold my own it's hard to do anything when you're outnumbered two to one or more. I think I'm going to stick to FFA honestly.

This is kind of an interesting experiment though; you rarely see any sizable population bump going back to a very old game, so there's an interesting dynamic with the people who never completely stopped playing with a ton of new or severely lapsed people. If this has mid-game joining this would all probably not be nearly as big of an issue.

Also pushing RB to melee instead of B has gotten me killed dozens of times already :(

Games like Halo fall victim to this community splintering, the top 1-5% rule all and when the populations drop the matching of players/teams creates the issues you describe. It's no fun.

Try searching in a team party of 2 or 3 players or a playlist with tighter restrictions on party matching and it should help somewhat.


Games like Halo fall victim to this community splintering, the top 1-5% rule all and when the populations drop the matching of players/teams creates the issues you describe. It's no fun.

Try searching in a team party of 2 or 3 players or a playlist with tighter restrictions on party matching and it should help somewhat.

Most of the time I haven't had friends on, and honestly the friends I could get on are actually way worse than I am so that doesn't really help there.

I literally can't get Waypoint to load (surprise surprise), does it actually not do Halo 3 stat tracking? My lifetime K/D in Halo 3 was positive with over 20 days played so I wouldn't consider myself awful at the game or anything, but I've probably gotten donged on harder in the last day than I have in any game ever. I've gone positive like two games, and have literally won only once. I'm doing okay in FFA but I keep getting weirdass gametypes like Oddball and since I actually try to play to win instead of getting my K/D up it's not helping. Nothing like pistol and AR starts! The bigger problem really is that I don't think I've had a single game were multiple people didn't drop out. I think people aren't used to no in-progress matchmaking anymore, and are used to CoD match loading. Outside of SWAT and maybe Snipers or something your team being down people hurts in this game pretty bad. Game still plays pretty great though, having a good time despite getting completely reamed.


FFA Oddball on Assembly three times in a row whyyyyyyy

Did Halo 3 not have the thing where you wouldn't get the same match/gametype twice in a row, or was that introduced in Reach? It all jumbles a bit for me at this point.

Edit: Yeahhhhh I'm just gonna wait until this weekend until we get some GAF customs going or something. Gave BTB another shot, 6 of the 8 opposing team all have clan tags and max rank. Less than 30 seconds into the match we've lost 4 people and gotten two separate black screens of death. Within another 2 minutes the four of us left at that point are getting spawn killed. I left to go take a quick shower and make a batch of iced coffee, and the match is literally still going right now. One of the 4 people left on or team is betraying another one repeatedly, and the third guy has been pushing me into a wall the entire time I've been making this edit. While this is pretty hilarious, Halo pls
Yeahhhhh I'm not gonna lie, the people who are still playing this game combined with the matchmaking and lag are kinda killing this for me. Almost every single match is half people that are max rank gods who clearly either never stopped playing, or at least not for any great length of time. The other half are people who have either clearly never played or not played in years and years. Once we actually get into a game most of the time one team consists of a sinle group of high level players who just completely dong on the other team until most of them quit. Like right now I am in a 5v1 match on the Pit where the other team is spawning killing me nonstop while I'm watching them teabag me repeatedly and call me words that would get me banned on GAF. The only reason I have not quit is because I'm forcing the game clock to expire and I take small victory in forcing them to play the full 15 (?) minute match.

This has been my experience literally almost every single match, and in the matches where the teams aren't hilariously lopsided skillwise it's been a lagfest most of the time. This kinda sucks. Normally I'd say there just needs to be more people on to balance things out, but the high level people are always rolling together it seems like. Even in games where I've been able to hold my own it's hard to do anything when you're outnumbered two to one or more. I think I'm going to stick to FFA honestly.

This is kind of an interesting experiment though; you rarely see any sizable population bump going back to a very old game, so there's an interesting dynamic with the people who never completely stopped playing with a ton of new or severely lapsed people. If this has mid-game joining this would all probably not be nearly as big of an issue.

Also pushing RB to melee instead of B has gotten me killed dozens of times already :(

It makes me wonder if the skill-based matchmaking is broken.


It makes me wonder if the skill-based matchmaking is broken.

not sure if serious

Even if trueskill (tm) actually worked, the problem here is that there's probably no way for it work properly in this scenario. You have a sudden (relative) large influx of players leading to the following groups:

-Have higher ranks but haven't played in literally years so the rank and existing trueskill are actually hilariousy wrong
-People who have never played the game
-People who never stopped playing the game
-People who may have played the game before but not on their current gamertag (the game is 6 years old) so even though the game may think their trueskill/rank is zero that's inaccurate

None of these are unique to Halo 3, but usually it's a much greater and gradual decline. Here there's a huge spike in the opposite direction throwing all of these in at the same time. This stuff fascinates me, I wish we could get concrete player numbers. I DO see that the player population number is actually changing now, it's showing 9011 gamers online so maybe they did something? It was showing 2505 I think every time I looked the last day or so.

Really the biggest problem is the quitting and no in-game joining though. In other games you can make a bigger impact/turnaround by yourself, but not so much in Halo. In most of my games we've lost people before the match even starts, and that combined with already mismatched teams skill-wise is kinda fucking things up at the moment. Over the weekend an even larger influx of new players will certainly help though. My problem is that the game seems to want to match me with mostly Colonels and Generals since my highest rank is a Colonel, but it keeps putting me against groups at that level where most of my team is a mix of skill levels, or even if they're higher level once one or two people quit everyone else quits. I'm tempted to get on with my wife's account to see if that actually makes a tangible difference.


I played a bit of ranked Team Slayer. I'm pretty terrible since I haven't played in years and, being rank 46, all the competition is pretty good. It's kind of sad since I constantly played the MP for at least two years after the game came out. Definitely too scared to hop into MLG, I think my rank was 36 or so?

And I got to hear someone in the mic constantly ranting about how awful his team is. Classic :)


Not sure I follow about the Halo 2 thing,
Halo 2's dynamic lights don't seem to cast specular reflections off of very many environmental surfaces. I've never worked with the development tools, but even stuff like warthog headlights in the metallic Outskirts tunnels seems purely diffuse.

The main boost Halo 2 gets over Halo 1 is the use of specularity on dynamic objects. The only "specularity" that Halo 1's dynamic objects had was the reflection maps, and those things interestingly didn't react to dynamic lights at all. The end result was that dynamic objects illuminated by flashlight in a dark area could have a somewhat "ghostly" look against their specularity-infused environments. It's extremely sketchy, but kind of cool in its own way.

Halo 4 didn't have dynamic specular? Dont you mean baked specular like how Halo 3 bakes in the specular direction and intensity per pixel in their SH lightmaps?
As with all 360 Halo games, the environmental lightmaps in Halo 4 give off a specular reflection. Halo 4 actually does some neat stuff with this, in that some levels have animated baked lighting maps.

However, yeah, Halo 4's dynamic lights seem to be diffuse-only. From the moment I first played Halo 4, something seemed "wrong" with its dynamic lights. The system could push lots of them, but they were really small, and they had this "hazy" look to them. A little while ago I decided to investigate why, and was surprised to find that Halo 4's dynamic lights seemingly came right out of a Playstation 2 game.

Which leads me to wonder: what's up with the lack of things like flashlights and warthog headlights? Did they get cut because they weren't looking very good without a specular component?

In terms of precision though, I remember Bungie talking about this trade-off in their Reach DF interview:

It didn't seem all that slight to me, though...

Seems to me like few games, even today, match Halo 3's lighting in terms of awesome, colorful HDR. Maybe Halo 3 just had a better tonemapper and didn't post-process everything to shit afterwards, ala BF3. (Well, and most games don't bake dominant lighting direction and intensity so the indirect specular is non-existant)
I thought Reach and 4 also baked lighting direction.

What was the bit depth of Halo 3's HDR anyway?
That's a good question, and I'd love for Bungie to explain it. That they say "~128x over white level" despite 8 bits (256 possible values) of HDR means there might be some overlap in range between the top of the LDR buffer and the bottom of the HDR buffer.

It might be best to just say "~128x over white level" and leave it at that.

What is it compared to games released on PC nowadays, with something like Cryengine or UE3/4 for example?

So, they had 2 8-bit Buffers, right? Or was it higher than that? 2 8-bit buffers would make for 16bit lighting, which doesn't seem too high compared to what we see on PC today, no?
8 bits per colour channel in each of the two buffers. It's R8G8B8. I'm not sure what PC games tend to be using today, but 16 bits per colour channel is 48 bits per pixel of colour depth.

But, the dual-buffer approach and the fact that a lot of said "depth" isn't in the LDR range means that talking about it in terms of colour depth might be weird. If there is one bit of overlap between the ranges of the two buffers, then "45 bit depth" might be closer, but even that might not be a very useful way to represent what's happening.

Was it just that their content and lighting was designed from the beginning for the high precision buffers rather than being pulled down to the least common denominator of multiplatform games?
Who knows. As a developer, Bungie takes pride in twisting their engines to the needs of the particular game. Presumably Evidently even if it requires inefficient silliness.


One thing I will say about Halo 3's look: the deep HDR means that Bungie was able to crank up the strength on dynamic lights (and their reflections) really high without worrying about stuff like bloom clamping. No matter what they throw at it, the HDR effects flow smoothly in action. People might argue that the game takes too much advantage of this, but it's certainly a game that can handle more of than most games without looking like garbage.


Just had my very first game where no one quit, 7v7 Splockets. Apparently the key to making people happy is giving them lasers and rockets! We ran them pretty hard too, 100-64. My 23-3 makes me feel a little bit better haha.

Hopefully we can get some good shit going this weekend. Not having a match that was laggy with mismatched teams and BSOD was actually awesome.


This game is still unplayable online. I would play that piece of trash H4 or even Reach with bloom before I touch H3 again.


Ha yeah I think the nostalgia has worn off a little for me with this game. Can't get used to any controller schemes anymore, fishstick on h4 is what I'm used to now. And I do hate many things Reach/H4 brought to the table, but adding drop-in in 4 is a good idea. I lose at least one person usually even before the game gets voted on. And don't hate me gaf but I kinda miss sprint too. Ha


Played some matches earlier tonight. Game is still great, but is definitely aging. I still had more fun than anything I played in Reach or 4 for the last few years. Its still the best multiplayer on the 360 in my opinion.


I microwave steaks.
Ha yeah I think the nostalgia has worn off a little for me with this game. Can't get used to any controller schemes anymore, fishstick on h4 is what I'm used to now. And I do hate many things Reach/H4 brought to the table, but adding drop-in in 4 is a good idea. I lose at least one person usually even before the game gets voted on. And don't hate me gaf but I kinda miss sprint too. Ha

This was my feeling. Gave the game a good hour, going through playlists and overally I just really felt like playing Halo 4, Halo 3 was great at the time but besides local matches, I can't see myself playing this again. Already got all dem achievements a while ago.


Halo 2's dynamic lights don't seem to cast specular reflections off of very many environmental surfaces. I've never worked with the development tools, but even stuff like warthog headlights in the metallic Outskirts tunnels seems purely diffuse.

The main boost Halo 2 gets over Halo 1 is the use of specularity on dynamic objects. The only "specularity" that Halo 1's dynamic objects had was the reflection maps, and those things interestingly didn't react to dynamic lights at all. The end result was that dynamic objects illuminated by flashlight in a dark area could have a somewhat "ghostly" look against their specularity-infused environments. It's extremely sketchy, but kind of cool in its own way.

Ah, I see what you mean now, I totally remember the flashlight thing in the darker covenent levels shining as though there was dust all over the floors.

Also of interest:

So there can only be specular from point light sources but based on my experience with the editor, this feature is turned on for a select few surfaces/shaders.

The real problem with Halo 2's lighting that I dont like is the fact that bump maps disappear on most darker surfaces. It basically flattens your materials where your lighting is likely to have contrast, AKA, exactly where you want your bump maps to shine...

As with all 360 Halo games, the environmental lightmaps in Halo 4 give off a specular reflection. Halo 4 actually does some neat stuff with this, in that some levels have animated baked lighting maps.

However, yeah, Halo 4's dynamic lights seem to be diffuse-only. From the moment I first played Halo 4, something seemed "wrong" with its dynamic lights. The system could push lots of them, but they were really small, and they had this "hazy" look to them. A little while ago I decided to investigate why, and was surprised to find that Halo 4's dynamic lights seemingly came right out of a Playstation 2 game.

Which leads me to wonder: what's up with the lack of things like flashlights and warthog headlights? Did they get cut because they weren't looking very good without a specular component?

I dont remember any of this from Halo 4 so I will have to give it another look next time I load up that game before I comment on this further. Its been months since I last touched it.

That's intriguing though...

I thought Reach and 4 also baked lighting direction.

So here is my understanding of how Halo 3's Lighting is different based on their Presentation "Lighting and Materials of Halo 3":

Halo Reach and 4 did bake the direction, but perhaps they used a more primitive version that required less memory. (Radiosity normal mapping ala Source engine for example)

Why? Because Halo 3 baked 9 term Spherical Harmonics for every texel in the lightmap. at least half of those terms each required a 3 channel textures, and I think all of these were baked at the full resolution of the lightmap.



So, I guess its stored as 5 x 1024^2 x 3 channel float textures.


My understanding is that this is basically like using an environment-map/cube-map (as with older techniques for specular) except instead of whole segments of your environment sampling from a single cubemap or the nearest single environment probe, ala source engine, you pretty much had a unique 'cubemap' for every texel of your lightmap. This is represented as a 9 term SH that comes within < 3% error when compared to what the actual memory prohibitive cubemap would look like.

They wanted their bump maps to work well this go around as one of there goals:

Part of this is getting the specular to work with their lightmaps and getting proper indirect lighting baked in that included indirect specular. With, for example, radiosity normal maps (Which is what I imagine Reach and 4 use) you only really get directional information suitable for diffuse lighting (I believe with Radiosity normal mapping you could only get the dominant diffuse light for each of the 3 directions and most engines would still just use the nearest cubemap/environment-probe for specular).

However, when you use 9 term SH lightmaps you get essentially a unique 'cubemap' for every texel. So you can know all the lighting coming at a texel from every angle, pretty much the irradiance, and therefore this allows them to not only precompute direction diffues lighting, but also specular that would change with your viewing angle (the way specular should be) per texel.


This is my understanding of how it works, but I may be oversimplifying or missing some of it, but If I am understanding this right this is fucking genius.

SHs are so cool. (But I hear Wavelets are even more fun.)


That's a good question, and I'd love for Bungie to explain it. That they say "~128x over white level" despite 8 bits (256 possible values) of HDR means there might be some overlap in range between the top of the LDR buffer and the bottom of the HDR buffer.

It might be best to just say "~128x over white level" and leave it at that.

8 bits per colour channel in each of the two buffers. It's R8G8B8. I'm not sure what PC games tend to be using today, but 16 bits per colour channel is 48 bits per pixel of colour depth.

But, the dual-buffer approach and the fact that a lot of said "depth" isn't in the LDR range means that talking about it in terms of colour depth might be weird. If there is one bit of overlap between the ranges of the two buffers, then "45 bit depth" might be closer, but even that might not be a very useful way to represent what's happening.

Who knows. As a developer, Bungie takes pride in twisting their engines to the needs of the particular game. Presumably Evidently even if it requires inefficient silliness.

Does this help? :)


One thing I will say about Halo 3's look: the deep HDR means that Bungie was able to crank up the strength on dynamic lights (and their reflections) really high without worrying about stuff like bloom clamping. No matter what they throw at it, the HDR effects flow smoothly in action. People might argue that the game takes too much advantage of this, but it's certainly a game that can handle more of than most games without looking like garbage.

Yeagh, I find the precomputed lighting to be equally impressive, perhaps even more than the dynamic lighting.

(Intersting aside: According to Bungie in that Reach DF Interview, the actual reason for sub-720p Halo 3 was more due to the dynamic shadow depth buffers, not the double framebuffer as commonly stated.)


Wierd, Halo 3 just started searching for a match with the main menu background instead of the usual planetary background ostensibly because of host migration during the last second of a match:


All these years and I have never seen that happen...
Just got done playing a few rounds. Honestly it felt a huge step backwards after Halo 4. Where is the sprinting? Where are the jetpacks? Who thought it was a good idea to make B the melee button? and I can't believe how ugly the graphics look now they barely look better than Halo 2.


Wierd, Halo 3 just started searching for a match with the main menu background instead of the usual planetary background ostensibly because of host migration during the last second of a match:

All these years and I have never seen that happen...

I got that earlier. Same situation as yourself, just with different results.


Just got done playing a few rounds. Honestly it felt a huge step backwards after Halo 4. Where is the sprinting? Where are the jetpacks? Who thought it was a good idea to make B the melee button? and I can't believe how ugly the graphics look now they barely look better than Halo 2.

The default controller configuration is only one of many, and I agree that it's placement of melee is suboptimal. Therefore I use the Bumper Jumper configuration.

I got that earlier. Same situation as yourself, just with different results.

Are you playing the GonD version?
Just got done playing a few rounds. Honestly it felt a huge step backwards after Halo 4. Where is the sprinting? Where are the jetpacks? Who thought it was a good idea to make B the melee button? and I can't believe how ugly the graphics look now they barely look better than Halo 2.

HaloGaf approves of this post.
Just got done playing a few rounds. Honestly it felt a huge step backwards after Halo 4. Where is the sprinting? Where are the jetpacks? Who thought it was a good idea to make B the melee button? and I can't believe how ugly the graphics look now they barely look better than Halo 2.

Sprinting isn't true to an arena shooter and break combat and map movement, and jetpacks ruin the flow of maps.

If you think that Halo 3's default controller set up is bad, just you wait until the later game.

There was a huge jump in between generations. Halo 3 just looks more real.

Games with Gold is now permanent!

thread worthy?

not sure if serious

Even if trueskill (tm) actually worked, the problem here is that there's probably no way for it work properly in this scenario. You have a sudden (relative) large influx of players leading to the following groups:

-Have higher ranks but haven't played in literally years so the rank and existing trueskill are actually hilariousy wrong
-People who have never played the game
-People who never stopped playing the game
-People who may have played the game before but not on their current gamertag (the game is 6 years old) so even though the game may think their trueskill/rank is zero that's inaccurate

None of these are unique to Halo 3, but usually it's a much greater and gradual decline. Here there's a huge spike in the opposite direction throwing all of these in at the same time. This stuff fascinates me, I wish we could get concrete player numbers. I DO see that the player population number is actually changing now, it's showing 9011 gamers online so maybe they did something? It was showing 2505 I think every time I looked the last day or so.

Really the biggest problem is the quitting and no in-game joining though. In other games you can make a bigger impact/turnaround by yourself, but not so much in Halo. In most of my games we've lost people before the match even starts, and that combined with already mismatched teams skill-wise is kinda fucking things up at the moment. Over the weekend an even larger influx of new players will certainly help though. My problem is that the game seems to want to match me with mostly Colonels and Generals since my highest rank is a Colonel, but it keeps putting me against groups at that level where most of my team is a mix of skill levels, or even if they're higher level once one or two people quit everyone else quits. I'm tempted to get on with my wife's account to see if that actually makes a tangible difference.

The player counter is still wonky for me. I don't trust it.
I wish 343 would take the liberty of fixing some of these broken systems and update the playlists. It would get people like me to buy the dlc, for sure.


Just got done playing a few rounds. Honestly it felt a huge step backwards after Halo 4. Where is the sprinting? Where are the jetpacks? Who thought it was a good idea to make B the melee button? and I can't believe how ugly the graphics look now they barely look better than Halo 2.

Dude, go back and play Halo 2 for a bit. You need a reminder. It's not even close, in detail, lighting or scale.
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