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Has the PS4 surpassed the previous three consoles in terms of quality? (Answer: no.)

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MGS5 is better than MGS2.

Ha ha fuck no, just nope, no way in hell lool

Depends on what you're looking for obviously. If you want games to be more like shitty movies. Great. MGS2 is awesome in that regard, just the best. If, on the other hand, you want a hell of an actual fucking videogame where you make your own fun. Excellent. MGS5 is perfect for that.

You've made an argument for a good game not a good Metal Gear game there is a difference. (even then I could argue that MGS2 is a better overall game)


hell no

Although it might win for best 1st/2nd party exclusives. Getting slapped around by Microsoft for eightish years seems to have forced Sony to actually make an effort again.
Nothing will ever come close to the PS2. Just compare the quality of big franchises on PS2 vs PS4. Half-baked titles like MGSV and FFXV look pathetic against MGS2/3 and FFX/X-2/XII.

The cost of making games has ballooned so dramatically that both the quality and quantity of AAA software has taken a massive hit. We are at a stage where games are taking 5 years to come out and still aren't finished when they launch.
XV stacks up pretty well with XII and is definitely better than X-2, but X obviously is on another level. This gen the western teams are just straight up better than PS2's era though, then it was Japan running the show in many aspects.


The PS4 OS convenience is the best in console history.
As someone who has gamed on both consoles & PC's for a long time it has always been a pain how feature-less and behind consoles have been. And this ultimately affected the games of the previous generations, most noteworthy the PS2 generation when PC online was mature & tech like programmable shaders a thing (hence an opportunity for Xbox to enter with some of these elements). PS2 brought heaps of great IP's and 2001 was mad but I feel it's the PlayStation that went out on date the fastest (despite continued commercial success). The PS3 on its end had all the aspiring technologies but the most cumbersome and slow OS, a whole generation of maturation efforts.

The PS4 is for me when consoles surpassed PC gaming with Netflix-like effortless access to all the unified service-features I would want. System handles everything in a neat Async fashion On or Off. And ultimately this enhances the whole gaming experience.

I'm definitely in the 'gaming has never been better' camp.

edit: Though I would say dl-gifting is still a noteworthy missing feature.

Just gonna disagree heavily with the OS convenience sentiment.

Some of the game installs I've had to deal with along with the god awful download speeds I get from PSN compared to my connection have soured me heavily on console gaming, compared to when it used to be 'put in disc/cartidge -> game loads'.


Gold Member
I mean....I don't...but I tell yeah...I've been playing games in the 80's and I've never had as much good stuff to play as I have now. IMO, last year was on the weaker side for my tastes, but overall..the end of 2014 through beginning of 2015 had some fantastic games come out.

This year is shaping up to be equally as fantastic.
Well hey, at least it's nice to see some positive hyperbole on GAF for one

To be fair though I am really enjoying this gen and I think that in a few years PS4 will be able to proudly stand alongside the Ps1, 2 and 3 as one of the better systems in Playstation history. But it's not quite there and in terms of relevance it will probably never reach the Ps2 even if the games themselves are better

When you out it this way, there just hasn't been a bad PlayStation console. Handhelds are maybe debatable, but the console track record is uniformly excellent.
The PS2 will be hard to beat. It was truly a special era for gaming with lots of diverse high and middle tier titles.

But the PS4 is a solid machine in its own right.


The games just aren't coming out fast enough to ever keep pace with the PS3, let alone the paradigm-shifting events of the PS1 and 2. The exclusives aren't as good as they were last generation and to be frank, neither are the indies. Everything is far too focus tested to challenge the creativity or risks developers were taking only a few short years ago.

My tastes have shifted much more to PC, where I can play the same games like Crusader Kings or Dota for years and still discover something new, instead of PS4, where I can continuously buy new games yet I'm still somehow playing the same thing over and over.


Uh, right.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but were you imagining that there was some huge shift in reviewing standards between June 2013 and July 2014 when TLOU and TLOU remastered released respectively? Because that's not what happened. It's a comment on the state of reviewing over a much longer timescale.

People are saying that reviewers are more critical this gen than two - three gens ago, in the PS1 or Ps2 eras. And that's true. That doesn't mean that games can't reach the high 90s, but it's harder because there are so many more reviewers that it just becomes functionally impossible to maintain the highest scores. That, together with a more common 10 point scale instead of 100 points means reviews end up lower than they used to.

Ocarina of time has a metacritic of 99 with 22 reviews; while the 3DS remake, which is as close to objectively the same or improved in any way has only 94 from 85 critics. The 3DS remake actually has 24 perfect scores - more reviews than were even recorded for the original - but also some 20 or so 9/10s which previously may well have been, presumably anywhere up to 95/100, dragging the game down.

This is true for almost any game.

What? This Zelda example doesn't show anything. It's a remake. No remake should ever get as high as a game that was revolutionary and gave gamers a completely new experience. You can't just release the same game and have it get the same score. I don't even think it should ever get a 94. That seems very high and proof that reviewers are not strict.

Giving you a brand new experience is probably the most important thing of all when considering a new game.
I believe so. People overhype the ps2 too much.
No. In terms of library (specially exclusives), PS2 is only rivaled by the SNES (and PC of course). I don't think we'll ever get back to having as many third party exclusives of such quality and diversity as in the SNES/PS2 days.

But as others have said, PS4 understandably has the better OS of all Sony consoles (even though I hate that it doesn't support bluetooth headsets) which for me is pretty important. It's got a good library, but nowhere near PS2 levels. Some might argue that it hasn't surpassed the PS3 in terms of library.

The VR addition is huge though.
No we don't, the diversity of titles and the peaks of quality have never even come close to being matched and never will.
My man.


XV stacks up pretty well with XII and is definitely better than X-2, but X obviously is on another level. This gen the western teams are just straight up better than PS2's era though, then it was Japan running the show in many aspects.

It's not just the quality, it's the quantity.

We got 3 Final Fantasy games, 2 Kingdom hearts, 3 GTA's, 2 GT'S, 2 Metal Gear's, 3 Devil May Cry's, 2 Silent Hills.

it's surreal to expect that now the PS2 was on a different level, most of these games were released within the first 4 years think about that 3 GTA's in 3 years. I'd be shocked if we see a GTA 6 this gen, I genuinely feel sorry for younger gamers the sheer variety, quantity and quality was unparalleled during the 6th gen, call me a cynic but the industry is so much less exciting now sorry OP but PS2>>>>>>>>>>>PS1>>>>>>>>>>PS4=PS3
I mean....I don't...but I tell yeah...I've been playing games in the 80's and I've never had as much good stuff to play as I have now. IMO, last year was on the weaker side for my tastes, but overall..the end of 2014 through beginning of 2015 had some fantastic games come out.

This year is shaping up to be equally as fantastic.

This is how I feel, although I do feel insane playing it. But I just have so much to play, and so much to buy, and it's all so varied. I feel like I am drowning in quality games.

Don't get me wrong, the PS2 was awesome. But the PS3 and even PS1 I feel lack what this console has given me. Outside of MGS and FF7 which were EXCEPTIONAL games, the PS1 has less to offer than the PS4.



The only exceptions are umjammer Lammy, vib ribbon, and the first two siren games. The gravity rush games might be good too but I haven't managed to play them yet. Still that would be two games per console except for the ps3 which would still be the same result.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It's funny how Sony emerged this gen as the primary company who "got" gamer's tastes. Oldschool gamers have criticized Sony as being a conglomerate with a gaming wing, rather than a pure gaming company like Sega or Nintendo.

But now, Sony is run by the former top Playstation manager, MS failed to make Xbox a trojan horse for their entertainment strategies, and Nintendo just struggles to keep up in basic ways. PS4 learned all the right lessons from the Xbox 360 challenge last generation (strong online functionality, simple development architecture, reasonable MSRP), and now they've mostly unified the world audience around one platform. There's no reason PS4 can't be the GOAT by the end of the gen, though it still has a ways to go.

Yeah, they really nailed the PS4 design, reveal, pricing and marketing. They really capitalized on MS's mistakes perfectly.

And boy did MS mess up. ME and my gaming buddies were super easy sales for MS after maining 360 last gen. All they had to do was be equal or close in power to PS4, at the same price and not do anything stupid (like the game licensing stuff they tried to pull initially) and we'd all still be Xbox gamers. Now we all either only have PS4s, or main PS4s and play all our online gamers there.

Nintendo was I said has became irrelevant really. None of my buddies have/had a Wii U or cares bout Switch. I have a Wii U, but it's a very complementary console that just gets used here and there. If I get a Switch eventually it will be the same--just a secondary box for the few Nintendo games I still love and some palette cleansers to play something different than I can find on PS4/PC/Indies.


Hardware, maybe but only due to the DRE problem with launch PS2s edging out PS4s controller quality. PS2 tho has the better library, even looking at a comparison through year three/four for each.

PS2 continues to be king.


If it keeps up the pace that it's going, it can probably be 2nd to PS2 my guess will be that it's going it'll probably be 3rd after PS1/PS2. Really difficult to surpass either one.
What? This Zelda example doesn't show anything. It's a remake. No remake should ever get as high as a game that was revolutionary and gave gamers a completely new experience. You can't just release the same game and give it the same score. I don't even think it should ever get a 94. That seems very high and proof that reviewers are not strict.

I can't decide if failing to get my point across is my fault or yours right now, but you completely misunderstood the post. I only used OOT as an example because it's the first game that came to my mind to actually have a decent distance between releases. Comparing games a year apart like the person I initially quoted completely missed the point.
It's not just the quality, it's the quantity.

We got 3 Final Fantasy games, 2 Kingdom hearts, 3 GTA's, 2 GT'S, 2 Metal Gear's, 3 Devil May Cry's, 2 Silent Hills.

it's surreal to expect that now the PS2 was on a different level, most of these games were released within the first 4 years think about that 3 GTA's in 3 years. I'd be shocked if we see a GTA 6 this gen, I genuinely feel sorry for younger gamers the sheer variety, quantity and quality was unparalleled during the 6th gen, call me a cynic but the industry is so much less exciting now.

Yup the PS2 was heavily front loaded with software given it was flying off shelves and the release momentum never let up until after the PS3 had come out. The last PS2s were manufactured in 2013 I believe.


I would say it's tied with the ps1 right now for me, bought so many games. But it can't outdo the ps2. Was supposed such a jrpg powerhouse. Ps1 had a lot of jrpgs but it really exploded with the ps2. Now if the ps4 would get a dot hack game or game that was up there with xenosaga then we could talk. Hell I would be OK with just a HD remaster of both series.


Gold Member
This is how I feel, although I do feel insane playing it. But I just have so much to play, and so much to buy, and it's all so varied. I feel like I am drowning in quality games.

Don't get me wrong, the PS2 was awesome. But the PS3 and even PS1 I feel lack what this console has given me. Outside of MGS and FF7 which were EXCEPTIONAL games, the PS1 has less to offer than the PS4.
Yup. Same here. Maybe its because my gaming tastes have varied a little bit (because the beginning of last gen IMO sucked...everyone wanted to chase the casual market/COD crowed...and damn there just weren't as many varied experiences...so I forced myself to play other genres that were quality but wouldn't have played normally..and I was delightfully surprised).

Now, there seems to be something of quality for everybody. Games are not super-duper casual as many were last gen...and we are getting rich experiences for all tastes.

Indies, Rpgs, Open Worlds, FPS, TPS. I mean...if ya can't find something you like now, then maybe gaming is just not a hobby ya enjoy anymore!
It's interesting how many people in here think PS2 was untouchable. I thought the OG Xbox was a pretty damn strong competitor at the time.

It's the greatest generation system wise, really. The GC also had a very, very good lineup and all 3 were unique in their own special ways. Lots more exclusives back then keeping things interesting.

PS4 will probably never catch PS2. PS3 maybe, got a ways to go. The system is just now hitting its stride I feel.


Igiven the amount of incredible games we have seen so far

Taking that into consideration, it's no contest. The PS1 and PS2 libraries have enormous libraries that dwarf that the PS3 and PS4, and on top of that many of the games were A/AA/AAA exclusives of their time. Modern consoles get a few big exclusives each per year and the rest is multiplatform stuff and indies inadequately filling in the void.

To be quite honest, many past consoles like the NES, Genesis and SNES have had far more top-tier exclusives than the current systems.
Yup. Same here. Maybe its because my gaming tastes have varied a little bit (because the beginning of last gen IMO sucked...everyone wanted to chase the casual market/COD crowed...and damn there just weren't as many varied experiences...so I forced myself to play other genres that were quality but wouldn't have played normally..and I was delightfully surprised).

Now, there seems to be something of quality for everybody. Games are not super-duper casual as many were last gen...and we are getting rich experiences for all tastes.

Indies, Rpgs, Open Worlds, FPS, TPS. I mean...if ya can't find something you like now, then maybe gaming is just not a hobby ya enjoy anymore!
Yeah, I'm of the opinion PS4 hasn't been the best Playststion system yet. I think it will eventually surpass PS2. For me, it's already caught PS3 halfway through it's generation and is neck and neck with PS1. FF7, MGS, Tekken 3 and Twisted Metal are classics though that still hold it a bit higher on the list. Horizon and Nioh may change things however.
It's not just the quality, it's the quantity.

We got 3 Final Fantasy games, 2 Kingdom hearts, 3 GTA's, 2 GT'S, 2 Metal Gear's, 3 Devil May Cry's, 2 Silent Hills.

Not to nitpick, but the ps2 got FIVE silent hill games on it, not 2 lol.

SH2, SH3, SH4, Origins, and Shattered Memories all got a release.


I'm really enjoying what the current gen has to offer. There's some real gems in there (*cough* Bloodborne) but c'mon it's not even a shadow on the PS1, PS2 or even PS3's lineup.

I still have around 50 physical PS2 games I wouldn't part with at any price. Similarly I have 30 or so must own PS3 games that are going nowhere... So far my physical PS4 library consists of 14 games, most of which are remasters from gen 7 (including TLOU, Uncharted Collection, Heavy Rain Collection and The Bioshock Collection).

I think that pretty much tells the story of Gen 8 so far. The Hardware is undoubtedly impressive and the improvements to the UI and social aspects are pretty amazing, but when it comes to the real important stuff it falls short.


This is how I feel, although I do feel insane playing it. But I just have so much to play, and so much to buy, and it's all so varied. I feel like I am drowning in quality games.

Don't get me wrong, the PS2 was awesome. But the PS3 and even PS1 I feel lack what this console has given me. Outside of MGS and FF7 which were EXCEPTIONAL games, the PS1 has less to offer than the PS4.

Okay, but it's not about how you feel and that last part of your post is simply untrue. You asked a question with a definitive, objective answer and that answer is a clear no. You were either too young, didn't have the funds, misremembering or being biased by your (reasonable) attachment to your current system. The PS1 had a huge library of exclusives and very high quality titles.

I toughed it out during those gens with a N64 and Gamecube as a Nintendo fanboy, and even I knew I was missing out on amazing new games practically every month of every year.

It's interesting how many people in here think PS2 was untouchable. I thought the OG Xbox was a pretty damn strong competitor at the time.

Not even close. I'm not understanding the revisionist history ITT. PS2 was the weakest besides DC but it still had (has) by far the best console library ever.


Software libraries between the two aren't close at ALL

It honestly should be a fact of life that the PS2's library obliterates any console before and after it, and I actually like the OG Xbox library had some great times but realistically it's subjective as to whether any of the games were better than anything on the PS2 however it's impartial that the PS2 for the most part had an answer to every game on that system and more.
The OS is great but no, PS3 had it beat in terms of backwards compatibility and PS1/2 had it beat in terms of raw native library.
I'm really enjoying what the current gen has to offer. There's some real gems in there (*couch*Bloodborne) but c'mon it's not even a shadow on the PS1, PS2 or even PS3's lineup.

I still have around 50 physical PS2 games I wouldn't part with at any price. Similarly I have 30 or so must own PS3 games that are going nowhere... So far my physical PS4 library consists of 14 games, most of which are remasters from gen 7 (including TLOU, Uncharted Collection, Heavy Rain Collection and The Bioshock Collection).

I think that pretty much tells the story of Gen 8 so far. The Hardware is undoubtedly impressive, and the improvements to the UI and social aspects are pretty amazing, but when it comes to the real important stuff it falls short.
disagree mate...I think it's already caught PS3. Remakes or not, I can't go back and play TLoU on PS3 after the superior version of it, and Ratchet and clank is still better than some of crap Ratchet games on PS3. Plus you are forgetting the quality of Indy titles has risen dramatically. We are getting much more Journey level games now from indies like The Witness, Inside, Transistor, Resogun, and Rocket League. GTAV for example is waaaay better on this gens platforms.

It's closing in on PS1 IMO. Especially if TLOU2, GOw, and Spider-Man deliver.
Okay, but it's not about how you feel and that last part of your post is simply untrue. You asked a question with a definitive, objective answer and that answer is a clear no. You were either too young, didn't have the funds, misremembering or being biased by your (reasonable) attachment to your current system. The PS1 had a huge library of exclusives and very high quality titles.

I toughed it out during those gens with a N64 and Gamecube as a Nintendo fanboy, and even I knew I was missing out on amazing new games practically every month of every year.

Okay, but how do you feel about opinions? I played a lot of every console, way more of the PS1/2 than anything else, and I am really enjoying the PS4. Probably because I have more clear memories of it, but I definitely would say for me the order currently goes 2>4>1>3 though. It's been great so far.

Remembering all the fantastic games for the PS2 has reignited my fondness of the console, reading the thread has been really nice (Not so nice in places, but that is the internet!) and that's why we make them. For discussion. And I have absolutely no problem discussing my opinions and others opinions.


The edited thread title is an example of perfectly justifiable and correct MOD ABUSE. ;)

Come on OP, the PS4 would have to have 3 or more years with at least as many "great" exclusives before it could even get into a discussion with the PS2 library.
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