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IMPORT Official MGS Peace Walker Thread of Everything - if you can name it, it's in


OMG, this game is fucking awesome.
I will keep my mouth firmly shut about ... everything... but let's just say that if you're an MGS fan, you MUST... I mean ABSOLUTELY MUST play this game. Holy shit.


I think the fact that duckroll hasn't posted here since he finished installing the game speaks for itself. I have no doubt about the quality of this game :lol


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
how much time are you playin it?

detailsssss with no spoilersss

also if I know squat of japanese do I loose a lot? I've been thinkin maybe the comics would be enough to get the story


I'm really enjoying this, and I'm kinda surprised how much of the game was kept under wraps throughout the promotional campaign. The game doesn't feel telegraphed at all, and it's nice to keep playing without pretty much knowing what's going to happen next. One minor issue is that the game feels really easy so far. Maybe it's because I put 10-15 hours into the demo, but I find that with the Mk22 and the Fulton system I can clear out missions really quickly. Played for about 3-4 hours so far, and I've only died like twice! Okay, maybe three times. Can't really recall. But feels pretty easy to me. Hope the challenge ramps up!

Edit: Oh and I'm only posting because I'm charging my PSP now. :lol


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
duckroll said:
I'm really enjoying this, and I'm kinda surprised how much of the game was kept under wraps throughout the promotional campaign. The game doesn't feel telegraphed at all, and it's nice to keep playing without pretty much knowing what's going to happen next. One minor issue is that the game feels really easy so far. Maybe it's because I put 10-15 hours into the demo, but I find that with the Mk22 and the Fulton system I can clear out missions really quickly. Played for about 3-4 hours so far, and I've only died like twice! Okay, maybe three times. Can't really recall. But feels pretty easy to me. Hope the challenge ramps up!

Edit: Oh and I'm only posting because I'm charging my PSP now. :lol

you don't seem too excited :/


dgenx said:
how much time are you playin it?

detailsssss with no spoilersss

also if I know squat of japanese do I loose a lot? I've been thinkin maybe the comics would be enough to get the story

If you don't know any Japanese at all, don't get the JP version. It wouldn't be worthwhile. The game is as packed with voice and (untranslated) text as any other MGS game, even MGS4. There are a ton of new systems in the game, and all the tutorials and menus are in Japanese. The item and weapon descriptions are all in Japanese as well, so you might have trouble figuring out how the new toys work.

Not only is there untranslated fully voiced conversations before and after every mission, but there are also briefing tapes you can access before each mission which cover a range of subjects from various characters (it's like the codec conversations from MGS3, except split into actual sections which can be freely accessed), and there are also realtime codec conversations during missions. Unlike the demo, in the full game you can actually call using the codec during a mission to get various responses from the characters supporting back at base. Tons of voice, all in Japanese, untranslated.

I repeat. If you do not have at least a decent grasp of Japanese, the comic cutscenes having English text will not be enough to really give you a complete MGS experience. It would be a waste of your time and money, so please wait for the English version.

dgenx said:
you don't seem too excited :/

Yeah, it's not very exciting posting impressions on GAF while waiting for the PSP to charge. Wish I was playing the game instead! :lol


Yea, the amount of voice in the game is staggering.
If you don't understand Japanese it's really not worth it. You'll barely know what's going on at all during missions.

I'm actually surprised at the comic balloons, they are useful though :)


Are there many characters who you can call on the codec?

Only being able to call Rose and Otacon in MGS4 was kind of disappointing, especially when Rose didn't have as many unique conversations.

Edit: Also, I guess there is no info yet on being able to play as other characters? Unlocking the bosses and other secret characters in Portable Ops was a nice feature.


The comic balloons are great because when I replayed the demo recently, I felt there was something "missing" during the cutscenes. There was a disconnect between the visuals and the voice because sometimes there wasn't anything interesting to look at on the screen except a static face. The addition of the comic balloons add A LOT to it visually because it gives your eyes something to focus on when the scene is happening, so even when it isn't very animated, it doesn't feel "dead" like in the demo.

Don said:
Are there many characters who you can call on the codec?

Only being able to call Rose and Otacon in MGS4 was kind of disappointing, especially when Rose didn't have as many unique conversations.

You don't call specific people on the codec. You simply call on the codec to get a response. It cycles through available responses given the context and mission, and who are actually available to respond during that mission.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
ok you 2 enough postin, go back to play!:D


duckroll said:
The comic balloons are great because when I replayed the demo recently, I felt there was something "missing" during the cutscenes. There was a disconnect between the visuals and the voice because sometimes there wasn't anything interesting to look at on the screen except a static face. The addition of the comic balloons add A LOT to it visually because it gives your eyes something to focus on when the scene is happening, so even when it isn't very animated, it doesn't feel "dead" like in the demo.

You don't call specific people on the codec. You simply call on the codec to get a response. It cycles through available responses given the context and mission, and who are actually available to respond during that mission.
Ah, ok. So are most of the conversations based around your current objective then? Would there be any codec calls were characters would talk about your equipment and weapons, or any easter egg style conversations?


Don said:
Edit: Also, I guess there is no info yet on being able to play as other characters? Unlocking the bosses and other secret characters in Portable Ops was a nice feature.

Well, gameplay spoiler:
For certain Extra Ops, you can play as characters other than Snake. You can play as any character who is part of the assault force as assigned in Mother Base. Usually this means a ton of generic soldiers, but if you assign the unique characters like Miller and other characters who join you to the assault force, you can play as them too.

Not sure if you can play as other characters in Main Ops if you play Co-op, I haven't tried yet. Characters all have their own stats and stuff.

Don said:
Ah, ok. So are most of the conversations based around your current objective then? Would there be any codec calls were characters would talk about your equipment and weapons, or any easter egg style conversations?

Miller automatically comments on stuff sometimes based on your equipment. Like in the tutorial, when you change weapons around, he comments on them. I haven't tried it yet, but it's possible that when you get other weapons later in and the game and replay the tutorial mission with those in your load out, and you switch to them, he should comment on them too.

In various missions, at certain points characters will automatically chip in as well. I'm sure there are easter eggs and various optional/secret variations as well. That aside, the topics available in the Briefing Files are very similar to stuff from MGS3: characters who are familiar with certain topics will discuss in detail the various areas, geographical or historical elements pertaining to that mission, or stuff about an organization or a tactic for a boss battle, etc.
God damn, those screens look awesome. This makes me want a PSP Go so I can use a PS3 controller... I'm not sure I could endure the nub on my 3000 for the duration of a game like this.


MomoPufflet said:
God damn, those screens look awesome. This makes me want a PSP Go so I can use a PS3 controller... I'm not sure I could endure the nub on my 3000 for the duration of a game like this.

Wouldn't the camera control be worse on a PS3 controller? The face buttons are spaced further apart and it would be harder to use it as a sort of right handed d-pad like the game does. If the camera controls can be remapped onto the right analog stick, that would be awesome, but I don't think that is the case...


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Don said:
Are there many characters who you can call on the codec?

Only being able to call Rose and Otacon in MGS4 was kind of disappointing, especially when Rose didn't have as many unique conversations.

Edit: Also, I guess there is no info yet on being able to play as other characters? Unlocking the bosses and other secret characters in Portable Ops was a nice feature.

Briefing files are divided per unique character with pretty much all the extra codecs for trivia, character background and such.
Is this game still good if you play only single player? None of my friends have PSP but I'm a huge metal gear fan. Also if i buy the disc copy how much memory card space does the install take up?
duckroll said:
Wouldn't the camera control be worse on a PS3 controller? The face buttons are spaced further apart and it would be harder to use it as a sort of right handed d-pad like the game does. If the camera controls can be remapped onto the right analog stick, that would be awesome, but I don't think that is the case...

Not sure-- I didn't even consider that. You could be right though; it's been forever since I played a game like this that used the face buttons as a makeshift analog. Would definitely be awesome if they had the foresight/time to add that extra controller functionality.


JonnyKtyler said:
Is this game still good if you play only single player? None of my friends have PSP but I'm a huge metal gear fan. Also if i buy the disc copy how much memory card space does the install take up?

Sure. I don't think anyone in this thread has actually had the chance to play co-op in the full game yet. The game certainly doesn't pressurize you to play co-op for any mission, and it's designed to be enjoyable as a single player experience. I'm sure the co-op elements will get more pronounced towards to tail end of the game when you have like a ton of options opened up, and you have lots of co-op only equipment and toys developed. The game definitely has more than enough content for single player, and the story mode can be enjoyed entirely in single player.


Just watched a couple videos of people playing and this game looks awesome. Hopefully we'll get a multiplatform MGS5 with all these new additions in it. The game looks a lot more open than the past MGS titles. MGS4 might have bigger maps, but there's a feeling of spaciousness in the levels I've seen.


duckroll said:
Well, gameplay spoiler:
For certain Extra Ops, you can play as characters other than Snake. You can play as any character who is part of the assault force as assigned in Mother Base. Usually this means a ton of generic soldiers, but if you assign the unique characters like Miller and other characters who join you to the assault force, you can play as them too.

Not sure if you can play as other characters in Main Ops if you play Co-op, I haven't tried yet. Characters all have their own stats and stuff.

Miller automatically comments on stuff sometimes based on your equipment. Like in the tutorial, when you change weapons around, he comments on them. I haven't tried it yet, but it's possible that when you get other weapons later in and the game and replay the tutorial mission with those in your load out, and you switch to them, he should comment on them too.

In various missions, at certain points characters will automatically chip in as well. I'm sure there are easter eggs and various optional/secret variations as well. That aside, the topics available in the Briefing Files are very similar to stuff from MGS3: characters who are familiar with certain topics will discuss in detail the various areas, geographical or historical elements pertaining to that mission, or stuff about an organization or a tactic for a boss battle, etc.

Sounds good. The amount of content for this is really impressive.


any links to actual gamplay? just to have something to see until game is released for us non japanese speaking gamers :D


Man, waiting for the English version is killing me :(

MomoPufflet said:
God damn, those screens look awesome. This makes me want a PSP Go so I can use a PS3 controller... I'm not sure I could endure the nub on my 3000 for the duration of a game like this.
Well you can use a PS3 controller with Remote Joy on a hacked PSP, it's an awesome homebrew and you can map the controller any way you want, you can even play it with 2 analogs.


Manticore said:
Man, waiting for the English version is killing me :(

Well you can use a PS3 controller with Remote Joy on a hacked PSP, it's an awesome homebrew and you can map the controller any way you want, you can even play it with 2 analogs.

still one month and a few days to go :(


Beat the first AI Machine boss fight, seems like a good time to stop. I probably need to so down. Played way too much today and I'm feeling kinda worn out physically. :lol


:( I want more impressions

Is Famitsu the only review mag in Japan that gets any press over here? Im trying to find more impressions and the game did launch today but Im coming up empty.


duckroll said:
Beat the first AI Machine boss fight, seems like a good time to stop. I probably need to so down. Played way too much today and I'm feeling kinda worn out physically. :lol

How many hours have you played? Do you think the main story can be ~20/30 hours long?


Hurry up June, all these comments are getting me so excited. Cant wait to finally get my hands on it.

This is the most pumped I have been for a game since MGS4. Looks like my investment in a PSP will be well worth it.
I don't understand why this didn't have a worldwide release. So annoying. Know that other people in the world are playing it, when I'm not. ARGHHH.

Have they released any day 1 sales numbers? Also this went on PSN yesterday right? No problems with that, unlike KH?


I could have easily bought this last night off J-PSN (and it would have been cheaper too), but I am waiting for my UMD to ship from PA. D:

EDIT: Wait, I checked, Play-asia shipped PW to me already, I should have it for tomorrow. ;D
I haven't been following the game too closely, I don't want to get hyped for it so I'm surprised when I finally play it. Anyways, is the multiplayer fully online? Can I just jump into a game or have people go into mine, or do I need to play with people who are in the same room as me?


Tkawsome said:
I haven't been following the game too closely, I don't want to get hyped for it so I'm surprised when I finally play it. Anyways, is the multiplayer fully online? Can I just jump into a game or have people go into mine, or do I need to play with people who are in the same room as me?

Reading the OP is an awesome thing to do.
Vamphuntr said:
Reading the OP is an awesome thing to do.

I read it, but I missed it. I was looking in the multiplayer section for the info, not the top of the OP. Oops.

Well, I guess that means I'll never get to try that stuff out. :(


duckroll said:
Wouldn't the camera control be worse on a PS3 controller? The face buttons are spaced further apart and it would be harder to use it as a sort of right handed d-pad like the game does. If the camera controls can be remapped onto the right analog stick, that would be awesome, but I don't think that is the case...

Yeah I've tried the psp syphon filter games using face button control on the ds3 and the extra travel time for your thumb makes them very annoying to play.

EDIT: more gameplay spoilers duckroll! how does the weapon upgrade system work? from some of the vids it looks like you have attachment system like mgs4 but also have mother base researchers upgrading weapon performance etc etc? I like that silenced m21, pew pew (although admittedly silenced sniper rifles kinda broke mgs4)

Captured any vehichles yet? Kojima said the vehichles could be used in an advance wars style strategy game?! Crazy.

Vocaliod much?

Bizarro japanaese product placement come in to effect yet? Munching on doritos, shooting some dinos... tried the tshirt codes yet?


Well, GAF might not care about this game judging from the lack of replies, but Japan sure does! 350k units of Peace Walker was sold on the first day in Japan, beating MGS4's 300k first day sales! The fans have spoken, PW = MGS5. :p
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