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inFamous: Second Son - First Light... standalone DLC announced! Fetch playable!

This is an odd choice. Instead of expanding the gameplay and giving they player more choice, it now appears that you'll be limited to a single power set.
Wouldn't have minded seeing paper girl (which reminds me, I need to finish Paper Trail) but Fetch is totally awesome. Totally in.


Yeah either this wasn't advertised the right way or it doesn't look all that great. And I LOVED second son, but I do not want to run around the same city with only neon powers doing extra missions.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
She's pretty much Jubilee.

Her powers are much closer to Dazzler's. They're basically identical except how they're charged.
This is pretty cool, I would have gladly taken more Deslin, but Fetch is nice too. Hopefully her powers aren't just the exact same ones Deslin acquires from her.



Best character in the game
I really love that Sucker Punch seems to be the only developer that makes single player DLC but continues to keep it as a standalone download so that you don't need the main game to play it.


I'm excited to play pretty much anything in the SS universe but playing as Fetch is more than I hoped. I liked her character in the campaign and hope they add more to her neon powers than Delsin had. Glad we're not playing Eugene.


I'd be in the dick
Wasn't what I was expecting but Fetch's backstory was pretty great. Looking forward to seeing it fleshed out more.


Fetch was easily the best character in the og game. Pretty stoked to see more of this and see what the gameplay is like... hope they introduce some new mechanics because if its just neon then it could be pretty stale


I enjoyed my time with the game, but this isn't particularly exciting. Fetch and Neon powers aren't doing much for me.

The paper powers stuff would have been preferable, or even the concrete powers since you basically get them at the end of the game and have nothing to do with it after


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
ugh Fetch? She looks like Uncle Fester! Why can't they just bring Cole back???
Really didn't get excited by the trailer. Festival of Blood set such a high mark for DLC concepts. This didn't come anywhere close to the same level.


I'm glad I sold the game now. I almost didn't due the promised original exciting DLC that would allow them to things they couldn't do in I:SS. This was disappointing.
no way it's higher than 20.

Festival of Blood was only $10 on release and I think is only $5 now. Could be this will be $10 too?

Should've been Eugene. Gaffers can relate to him.

Hm, maybe this isn't the place to discuss it but since Eugene was mentioned; he bugged me in this game. Not the character himself I liked him. What bugged me was the way the game was seemingly poking fun at gamers through Delsin and the way Eugene was stereotyped. The way he was literally a basement dweller actually afraid of people and that Delsin noted that he'll never get laid if he stays down there.

I've read people here taking to task Big Bang Theory because the show makes a joke out the characters and what they like where it simply presents them and their interests as the joke. It didn't bother me because whatever the popular media peddles all kinds of misconceptions and stereotypes against all kinds of groups. But in InFamous I'm sitting here thinking for just a little bit why are these game developers insulting us in our own medium? I grant you this may be an oversensitive overreaction and I'm generally not prone to that kind of thing to be honest. The feeling only lingered for a second or two but it still gave me a moment of pause. It's not as if there aren't people like Eugene and Delsin says dickish things to everyone so whatever. This could be an angle the developers never even considered might give someone pause.


Nice surprise that it is coming out so early. Day freaking one. I love me some Fetch and Neon (we are still going to see different attacks even if they are neon based).
People complain about powers like they know who she runs into when her powers activate.
she kill drug dealers amd went insane over a guy and maybe ran into others with powers
She can't absorb other peoples' powers if that's what you're saying.
No I'm saying she'll most lie be against new power types, she also had more uses then he did as a natural user of the power

look at the PSN pre-order summary and it starts with her being locked up in the super power prison


About time for some female super hero!
Will wait to see more on power twist. Remember Fetch and Delsin neon is different.


Really excited for this. Infamous Second Son left me wanting more, and I really liked Fetch, but there was hardly any of her in the game. Personally I wouldn't mind more neon gameplay; it was my favorite power in the game, and I used it 90% of the time.

I wonder if we'll actually have to own the original game to get the bonus content, or just have a save file present. I ended up trading it in after I got the Platinum


They did say that people who own Second Son and First Light would unlock some "cool" stuff in Second Son.


To everyone saying no new powers, remember that Delsin's use of neon is different from Fetch's. Especially the traversal


Pre-ordered this on PSN. Neon was my favourite power in the game thanks to the super speed (although it still felt a bit too slow) and running up walls. Made traversal more fun than the other powers for me and was handy when low on health to get a quick exit from battle to heal.

Hopefully she feels a bit different to Delsin with the neon power, if the game is about the same scale as Festival of Blood I will be pleased.


I'm a little disappointed, I thought we'd get new powers. But still, I loved using Neon and more inFAMOUS is excellent!


Fetch is a cool character, but I wanted new power :/ I thought neon was the worst of delsin's powers anyway.

Hopefully fetch's neon is different enough from delsin's to make it a different enough experience.
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