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Is Switch potentially becoming the main console for many now?


Nope. My Switch is sitting there collecting dust. I play my PS4 almost every day.

While Zelda is one of the best games I've ever played I'm now worried the switch will suffer the same fate as the Wii U in my living room...

I am in the same boat. I traded in my Switch, Zelda and pro controller today and used the money on my Xbox One X preorder. I have a KS8000 and I want all the 4k & HDR content I can get and I have no regrets and I feel great. I am glad so many people are loving their Switch but I got hooked early and made my purchase at least a year too early. I may jump back into the fray at some point after Fire Emblem is released but the Switch offers me nothing right now...
My switch has been collecting dust since I beat Zelda. Downloaded the occasional eshop game but didn't play them much.

Playing the shit out of my PS4 though. Got Mario pre-ordered so I'm hyped for that.


It is for me.
But now that I positioned my PC closer to my TV to play on that instead of the monitor I-d say 50/50 split between Switch and PC. (Thanks to hollow knight and cuphead).

But first party and indie support has been amazing. And made me ignore my PC games fora long time (except for my daily hours of lol with my friends).

It's selling less adjusted than the Xbox one


What does this mean?
It's been my main for a while now, and considering what's coming soon for the system it looks like it's going to stay that way for a while.

I'm not even fully caught up with what's out right now and then Mario is here in ~3 weeks? Nah, ain't got no time for anything else.



I treat my switch like every other hand held which means I rarely play it. I have Zelda, Puyo/Tetris, and Mario on the way. I think Mario will be the first game I spend a lot of time with.

I didn't realize how much it affected my use of a console but not having apps, a friend network, most of my third party titles, etc. means I just don't want to switch input from xbox/ps4. I don't do handheld at home because it requires more attention than using my phone while watching something.


It replaced my 3DS, basically my nintendo machine. Still game a lot more on PS4/PC. If it fits your lifestyle then all the power to you but know that not everybody is crazy about handheld gaming. For instance, I have almost zero commute time (mainly walking/cycling) that is usable for gaming so that doesn't fly for me. I also do minimal gaming on my bed.


My Switch has just been collecting dust. I play it from time to time, but that’s about it. I mainly play Nintendo platformers on Nintendo consoles, so I’m waiting on Mario and company to show up. I don’t really have time for huge RPGs or care for Nintendo’s multiplayer focused games outside of Mario Kart.

Loaded Man

Switch is my new main even though I own a PS4/XB1. I was playing Horizon: Zero Dawn when Switch/Zelda came out and I haven't jumped back to it since. Shameful, I know. :(


My switch has been collecting dust since I beat Zelda. Downloaded the occasional eshop game but didn't play them much.

Playing the shit out of my PS4 though. Got Mario pre-ordered so I'm hyped for that.

Basically. Maybe once the library is a bit more fleshed out. Still, Zelda, Mario, and Xenoblade 2 will keep me busy for a few months.


Most of the games on my Switch are suitable to play with my 5yo so during his waking hours it's definitely the #1 for me. We play Minecraft, Lego City Undercover, Pokken Tournament, Splatoon 2 and Arms together. Then I take it to work to play on lunch; Stardew Valley, Binding of Isaac or further developing our shared world in Minecraft.

However once he's in bed for the night I crack into the more mature / fighting / shooting games on my PS4, along with driving games that use the G29.
PS4 is my main console, by a fair margin. I just play the exclusives, and some smaller indies that I think might be good on a handheld, on the Switch.


But what's been even more bizarre is the frequent number of posters amongst here or elsewhere who have stopped gaming on PS4, Xbone, etc. and started played exclusively on Switch.
I seriously have yet to see anyone post anything close to that.

More often, the switch, along with the ps4 and a gaming pc, are considered the "holy trinity" of gaming right now because you get all the exclusives, plus the multi-platformers.


I can't go back to a regular console now I played the Switch.

Obviously not true for everyone but it being a hybrid, having a lot of good games and most importantly instant on/sleep just makes it so much more convenient for my lifestyle.

I personally don't care about graphics anymore (outside of Cuphead which is insane) so the lack of power means little to me.
It certainly is for me. 40+ games with three of those exceeding 100 hours played. I love the Switch, I want to play all games on this thing from now on. PS4 mostly gets turned on for Netflix and the occasional system exclusive.


Not sure if I posted in here before, but the Switch has totally become my primary console. The portability aspect is really convenient. Since release my PS4 has pretty much exclusively been used for blu-rays, streaming apps, and fighting games.


I was going to say no my PS4 is

But then I realized that I haven't actually used my PS4 in about three months now. Most of my time gaming is pc and when I do use a console these days it tends to be the Switch

So a tentative yes, I suppose.
My Switch's been collecting dust since I finished Mario+Rabbids last month and will be collecting more dust till early December when I get Mario Odyssey. I like it but it'll never be my main console. The Switch will be the console I use few times a year. That's if there are enough exclusive games I'm interested in. My PC and PS4 have everything I need to play.
Yeah for me. My Switch library is getting close to the size of my Steam library which I've been building up since probably 2011. I've never bought anywhere close to this many games for a console in its first year. Possibly even over many years.

It's just so easy to find time to play a little bit of Switch.


It's not even close. There are only a few games that I like and indies that I have elsewhere. PC is the main with PS4 close second. Switch is great for the kids though and I haven't even started going through Zelda and then Mario is coming up so it's great secondary console.


I've enjoyed Zelda and the ease of local co-op is a nice bonus for games like Bomberman or Puyo Puyo Tetris, but other than that I don't play much on it. PS4 just has more exclusives I enjoy, and my PC hasn't been able to run everything out lately quite as well as I'd like.
Nah the Switch will never be more than my secondary and even third console some months depending on what's launching exclusively on Xbox.
The Switch is very easy for me to actually use in comparison to the other consoles. I'm always outside of my house or with friends, so I really value the portability of it and the easy couch co-op.


I will share this.

For years, my mind has conflicted with the direction games were going. I didn’t like how it felt like games designed for handhelds were releasing on consoles, like Stardew Valley. Likewise, I didn’t like how games that should have been console games were releasing on handhelds, like Resident Evil Revelations.

I feel like the Switch is mutual perfection. It feels so good to play games like Stardew Valley, Axiom Verge, and Golf Story on a handheld, yet it feels like an added bonus the game can be played on a big HDTV, and on the flipside, it’s a bonus to play full blown console games on a handheld, like Doom, LA Noire, Skyrim, NBA 2K18, Zelda, etc.

Good point.

I realize there are some kind of games I like on handheld.

- Top down view
- Turn-based / Menu Command

As long as it's 3D or action oriented, I would prefer on the big screens with a better performance.


Well i moved into a new dorm this august and i don't have a TV, so it is for me for around 9 months a year i guess.

Your question is pretty weird anyway, in my experience the majority of time people just buy one(1) (home) console, so every major console released is "the main console for many".

And i don't think the number of sales of other consoles answer the question neither, people could be not buying PS4/XONE for other factors, or maybe the sales of those consoles are the same but would be higher if there wasn't a Switch, is just hard to know by looking at the raw data.


Yes, I can't wait to ditch my PS4. PS4 is my most hated console ever, mainly because the way it's not that different than PS3, aside of technical bump. I couldn't care less about better framerates or more realistic features. If the console doesn't bring drastically new features then it's not "new" for me.

I'm not sure how will third parties will react to upcoming sales surge after Mario Odyssey launch. I don't know which will follow Bethesda and make quality ports of their games just like Doom. But my decision is clear; I simply ignore any game that skips Switch. This is my childhood dream, a handheld that powerful enough to be a current home console, and I intend to live this dream.


I've barely touched my PS4 since getting a Switch but I think it's mostly due to the fact I just happen to like Nintendo's games. Nothing on the PS4 aside from Nioh really grabbed me this year. I think I will eventually pick up Persona V and Yakuza 0 but they aren't priority purchases. I will wait until I can get them cheap or maybe second hand.

Switch has definitely become my go to console for certain indies though. I just picked up Stardew Valley and it's perfect for a portable. I really wish they would release FTL on the Switch too.


Its now my main console, as I’m a big handheld guy I hope all the games will be on it so I don’t need to boot up my PS4 or Xbox and can play those games everywhere.
Ps4 will always be my main console at home, but i love my switch for trips to work, i am now able to Double my play times on the go and at home.

Never underestimate the ability to just play a game whilst the TV is busy e.t.c


From what I've seen: Friends who played 3DS > Play switch now. Friends who plays consoles like PS4/Xbox > Still play PS4/XBO. Other than the big tentpoles, they don't want to play 3rd party games on swtich unless they're handheld types. People who don't game in front of the TV.


Nope. It's too weak.

At the end of the day, this is pretty much it.

As much as this board talks about exclusives, and they are important, the Switch will never be the main console for the masses when so many high profile multiplats isn't available or are gimped due to hardware limitations.

And I say this as someone who has bought every Nintendo console and whose household currently owns 2x 2DS, NES mini, SNES mini, WiiU and a Switch


Yes, I can't wait to ditch my PS4. PS4 is my most hated console ever, mainly because the way it's not that different than PS3, aside of technical bump. I couldn't care less about better framerates or more realistic features. If the console doesn't bring drastically new features then it's not "new" for me.

I'm not sure how will third parties will react to upcoming sales surge after Mario Odyssey launch. I don't know which will follow Bethesda and make quality ports of their games just like Doom. But my decision is clear; I simply ignore any game that skips Switch. This is my childhood dream, a handheld that powerful enough to be a current home console, and I intend to live this dream.

Welp good thing you don't care about frame rate, that doom port ain't looking so hot D:

I'm liking my PC/PS4 combo right now, but I don't really have much use for a portable console. I can see the appeal for people who use public transit.
As much as this board talks about exclusives, and they are important, the Switch will never be the main console for the masses when so many high profile multiplats isn't available or are gimped due to hardware limitations.

The same was said about the Wii. They're obviously very different but if the hardware is attractive enough and there's a steady release of quality games like we're seeing in year 1, it has a decent chance of being the main system for many.
As much as this board talks about exclusives, and they are important, the Switch will never be the main console for the masses when so many high profile multiplats isn't available or are gimped due to hardware limitations.

The next few years are going to be interesting. I strongly disagree with you here, but time will tell. I predict the Switch will eventually outsell the Xbox One and many consumers will primarily purchase and play software on Switch. It won't be the majority, but it won't be an insignificant number either.
Typically I go where the graphics are so ps4 or pc will be my multiplat choice, however the switch certainly wins in some games purely because of the portable factor.

It's also the perfect handheld to me due to docking for t.v. play and charging, it's just always ready to go and charging is never a consideration. Certainly increases the appeal.


I find it impossible to only own 1 console, at least regarding Sony + Nintendo. I couldn't live without either, so I own both. There are too many good 3rd party exclusives on PS4 (I don't enjoy their 1st party games, overall), and I could never ever live without Nintendo's 1st party games. So, yeah, Switch/PS4 for me (and PC, too).


I tend to be extremely slow to pick out new franchises to try and I have a very strong preference for bright and colorful games.

The only franchise I played heavily on my PS3 that doesn't have a port, sequel, or better equivalent announced for the Switch is Ratchet and Clank for obvious reasons, which I'm currently dissatisfied with for refusing for several games to get on with the primary narrative it set up. I don't particularly have a reason to purchase a PS4 as of right now, as I simply don't have the emotional attachment or a frequent enough rate of game purchases to warrant it. In the event that I really badly wanted something not on Switch, I could probably get it on Steam. The Switch has no reason in my case to not to be my primary, and the list of reasons not to use it exclusively is fairly short and will get even shorter over the next two years.

. . .Admittedly I'm not much of a "real gamer." I just like enjoying little balls of saccharine spiked with just enough violence to give it a jalapeno kick.
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