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LTTP: Making a Murderer - oh you mother fuckers


This isn't a show about murder. It's a show about injustice. Regardless of whether he is guilty, his trial was a sham, his investigation was a sham and the way he has been treated is an injustice.

How they were able to act with little or any repercussions is disgraceful.
Exactly how I feel about it. Whether or not he did it, there is absolutely no way that he got a fair hearing, it was prejudiced before it even began, in so many ways.

Also, the prosecution's case was weak as fuck.



It’s a complicated case, but for being so long, the docementary left out a lot of evidence/allegations that make Avery look far less innocent.

Kratz said ... Kratz said ... Kratz said...

That link is rellying exclusively on statements from Ken Kratz. These links always include the same items a few of which are in the documentary. Hood DNA is there, "leg irons" are there, bullet is there.

It's all relying on Ken Kratz, the man who created and relayed the fictional account of the murder on local news over and over.
The evidence not discussed or misrepresented in the documentary along with the *67 phonecalls he made, the burn barrel/pit evidence, and that he had opportunity were enough for me to believe he did it. I do think Brandon helped move stuff and clean but I think he was manipulated by Avery and his interviews and conviction are disgusting.

The cops may have planted the evidence to try and secure a conviction and the ex-boyfriend and victims brother should have been investigated as that never sat right with me, but I do think Avery killed her.

I don't know who built this website, but http://stevenaverycase.com is an interesting read.

This is where I’m at. I think he did it, but the police made sure he got convicted by planting shit.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player

I should have explained further

Enzymes do not contain DNA and are simply proteins with specific structures and functions. When you seek your paternity test, the most up-to-date DNA sample is a saliva DNA sample using mouth swabs. ... The sample to use in a paternity DNA test and all other DNA tests are saliva DNA samples


The DNA in saliva originates from cells that are shed from the inner linings of the mouth and from white blood cells. These DNA-containing cells are collected, and the DNA is then extracted by various methods.


Incredibly Naive
This show is infuriating me. I’m almost done with episode three and I’m up to the Brendan interrogation tapes. After having just read and watched a lot of material concerning coerced statements and false testimonies, this scene is eating at me. I cannot believe the shit that’s happened in this case so far and I’m only three episodes in. I have a vague idea of how this season ends - essentially the case - but I don’t know if I’m prepared for all the twists and turns.

Fuck. I’m mad.


Finished episode 4...


Episode 5:


This shit is fucking INFURIATING that people still fall for this bullshit propaganda. That container is a vacutainer. By default they are sealed off, the needle is plugged in to the seal to take blood from a person. The documentary makers KNEW THIS, but still kept it in their movie. Intentionally misleading garbage.


Unconfirmed Member
This shit is fucking INFURIATING that people still fall for this bullshit propaganda. That container is a vacutainer. By default they are sealed off, the needle is plugged in to the seal to take blood from a person. The documentary makers KNEW THIS, but still kept it in their movie. Intentionally misleading garbage.

I know. I saw a video of that after the the scene. Now that intentional deception I don’t like. Meh.


Just because no one in the thread has said it yet:

FUCK Ken Kratz. Him and that guy who interviewed Brendan are scum of the lowest order, they ruined that poor kids life for no reason whatsoever. Their level of misconduct there should carry its own prison sentence. Oh, and also that creepy lawyer that Brendan had too

Seriously, that poor kid :(

If it makes you feel any better, Ken Kratz’s life went down the toilet soon after the case too. He lost everything.
Brendan's story is horrific, and he should be released from prison. I can go either way on Avery, but I don't think his trial was completely on the up and up.


Unconfirmed Member
On the last two episodes. Am I wrong for feeling irked by Teresa’s brother who is praising the police and accepting everything they say without any critical thinking? I mean, you may be grieving, but convicting someone for the hell of it is not my idea of bringing justice for my family member, especially if it’s someone who seemed to not be involved. Should I excuse him for grieving? Or can I be critical of him too? I don’t know.


Outside the doco, didn't the person who is representing him now say awhile ago she had some strong evidence or theory on Avery being innocent?

Series was interesting, could go either way. If he's innocent again.. Man.. He's spent basically his whole life in jail.
The one I don't get it Is the bone fragments found 20 miles away from his fire pit. There's no way he'd be that dumb to burn her body twenty miles away and then take the body back to his fire pit.


Remember how they convicted Avery of murdering her in the garage and then also convicted Brendan of murdering her in the bedroom?

Fuck all those people, what a train wreck. Feel so bad for Dassey.


Unconfirmed Member
Remember how they convicted Avery of murdering her in the garage and then also convicted Brendan of murdering her in the bedroom?

Fuck all those people, what a train wreck. Feel so bad for Dassey.

Yea... worse yet? Steven not found guilty for mutilating a corpse but Brendan was. Seriously?


Unconfirmed Member
Funny some of you suggested The Keepers is worse and I see that on my Netflix recommendation list next to MaM. Time to watch!


Outside the doco, didn't the person who is representing him now say awhile ago she had some strong evidence or theory on Avery being innocent?

Series was interesting, could go either way. If he's innocent again.. Man.. He's spent basically his whole life in jail.

Well Netflix have confirmed a second season, so who knows. Maybe we'll find out more when it airs.
On the last two episodes. Am I wrong for feeling irked by Teresa’s brother who is praising the police and accepting everything they say without any critical thinking? I mean, you may be grieving, but convicting someone for the hell of it is not my idea of bringing justice for my family member, especially if it’s someone who seemed to not be involved. Should I excuse him for grieving? Or can I be critical of him too? I don’t know.
You can be critical of him. Hell he came off as suspicious to me.
So I'm conflicted about documentaries that make you mad. I've heard "good" things about them though.

Should I watch these? Fuck.

If you watch Dear Zachary, be prepared to be far angrier then Making a Murderer made you.

Film is absolutely heartbreaking.

Don't read up on it before hand if you do watch it.

It's a complicated case, but for being so long, the docementary left out a lot of evidence/allegations that make Avery look far less innocent.

Other than the fact that a majority of that is sourced back to the disgraced Kratz himself, some of it is covered in a roundabout way, and was left out of the trial itself for good reason;

1. The lab was an abject failure at handling the evidence collection for the Rav4. It came out through some digging that the evidence he refers to here wasn't presented because it was compromised. The person collecting these samples didn't follow protocol when it came to changing their gloves, and handled some of Avery's possessions just before getting the alleged sample of his DNA in her car.

2. This was covered in the Doc. It wasn't exactly sugar coated either. They outright said he threw his cat into a fire pit, and it did not paint Avery as a great person. He acknowledged he did it while drinking one night. Unless Kratz can give a reason it was "much worse" he's just blowing smoke.

3. This was covered in the Doc as well. It was never denied that her remains were found on his property. What the prosecution has never accounted for was the fact that the remains appeared to have been moved, and that there were other sites in which they found burned remains of the body--a quarry like a mile or two away.

4. Kratz said, and complete speculation. It wasn't in the trial because it was a he said she said at best, and speculative to the core. It is also a text book example of circumstantial evidence.

5. Kratz may want to rewatch because I'm pretty sure this was mentioned. During a scene where a witness for the state is talking about the burn barrel they mention her remains "and possessions" were found in the barrel.

6. That bullet also wasn't found during the initial search. It was found months later when they went back and basically took over the Avery compound for an entire week--something that is unheard of in its own right--so either the cops were so inept they missed it the first time, or the evidence wasn't as air tight as Kratz claims. This was the same crime lab that screwed up like 80% of the evidence they handled for this case.

7. More mystery evidence that miraculously didn't make the trial for reasons. I have heard of the alleged confession Avery gave while in Jail, and that was pretty bullshit. Basically a cell mate of his who was hoping to get a reduced sentence told the jailers that Avery had admitted to him he killed TH. The problem was the guy had everything to gain and nothing to lose, and I believe had a long history of criminal activity and lying to law enforcement.

I highly recommend this crime doc if you liked MAM - An Unreal Dream: The Michael Morton Story


Alternatively, there is an amazing 2 part write-up here. This writer covered a couple cases and they are all insane. I recommend checking them out.

On the last two episodes. Am I wrong for feeling irked by Teresa's brother who is praising the police and accepting everything they say without any critical thinking? I mean, you may be grieving, but convicting someone for the hell of it is not my idea of bringing justice for my family member, especially if it's someone who seemed to not be involved. Should I excuse him for grieving? Or can I be critical of him too? I don't know.

This has always bothered me. He came off as just wanted it to be over as quick as possible, with no real care for the justice system. The part that really stuck out to me was during the Dassey trial when they interview him and he says, paraphrasing, "I don't even know why we're here, he already confessed." Like did you even watch that confession? It was the least believable shit I've ever seen. They're feeding him details about the murder and he's just parroting it back. I get that he lost a loved one and sometimes that can really change people, but he consistently seemed like he just didn't care about any of the evidence. Almost as infuriating as him was the guy working with Katz on the Avery trial whenever he talked about the police. "Decent. Honest. Hard working men. It makes my blood boil [to suggest they would do something like this]." That guy is a real douche.


So I'm conflicted about documentaries that make you mad. I've heard "good" things about them though.

Should I watch these? Fuck.

I watched The Keepers and it's definitely worth a watch.

Haven't seen the other one, but now I'm curious.

And after you've finished, watch "American Vandal" on Netflix. That will definitely cheer you up.


Anyone interested in these should definitely watch The Jinx. It's incredible and ends on a massive "oh shit" moment.


The Keepers, the Jinx and Dear Zachary are all very much worth watching but they will upset you. The Keepers was probably the hardest one to watch. Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God is also very disturbing and put together really well and also very informative about the Catholic Church.
Similar to Serial, Making a Murderer is basically "No one cares about 'beyond reasonable doubt' and 'guess what, the system is super corrupt'" the show.

It's infuriating that people still walk away from the show believing some form of justice was done when so much is stacked against the prosecution's case.


If it makes you feel any better, Ken Kratz’s life went down the toilet soon after the case too. He lost everything.

Not really, the level of lying he did + results of his lies should carry a criminal sentence. As long as Brendan is in prison and Kratz isn't, it will be an injustice


I think the people wondering why Making A Murderer hit the zeitgeist where other documentaries covering similar miscarriages of justice have not are just not appreciating that MAM really is superbly well edited into telling a compelling narrative, and in pacing it across 10 episodes.

Whether you ultimately agree with the narrative it portrays or not, it really is compelling viewing from start to finish, and there aren't really any 'flabby' parts that could have been cut or made more coherent for people completely unfamiliar with the events prior to watching


This guy and the kid got a whole ten-part documentary watched by millions explaining step by step how the system fucked them and they're still in prison.

Imagine the number of innocent people whose stories we never hear about.


Unconfirmed Member
This guy and the kid got a whole ten-part documentary watched by millions explaining step by step how the system fucked them and they're still in prison.

Imagine the number of innocent people whose stories we never hear about.

I know. It's really unfair and unjust.

Anyway, I finished the series. Now I started The Keepers. After a few episodes of this I'll read some of the links posted in this thread, including what Avery's new lawyer submitted.
This whole case was a sham. Their whole case relied on a coerced confession and circumstantial evidence. It is ridiculous their were no other suspects investigated. It is also ridiculous that pretty much every piece of evidence was tainted by a police department that should have never been involved in the investigation at all because of their history with the accused in the story. Where was the primary crime scene? Despite the prosecution saying he killed her in the bedroom their was no dna evidence in his bedroom despite how brutal and violent they say the crime was. The prosecutions whole story relies on the alleged killer being the smartest and dumbest person ever. He went through all that effort to rape and murder the victim, clean up all the evidence, burn her body almost to ashes yet he left the car parked in the salvage yard despite having every opportunity to destroy it. I mean its salvage yard with a functioning car crusher.


Almost done episode 4.

I need to vent. I've never been so angry.

Fuck the cops. Fuck the judge. And especially fuck Brendan's lawyer. Leech motherfucking piece of shit. Everyone's putting words into this poor kid's mouth. He's practically a young child in terms of mental ability. He doesn't deserve this shit.
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