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Marvel's The Avengers |OT| (Dir. Joss Whedon) [Spoilers unmarked]

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Never in a million years did I think my super nerdy hobbies would become mainstream enough to be the basis for a makeup campaign.

What's next? Magic:The Gathering Vans?


Still Alive
I might be mistaken, Hawkian, but i'm pretty sure nothing that exists with the 'Ultimate Comics' tag is a reboot of anything, just a 'refresh' in terms of story. Anyway, I found this brilliant piece on tumblr;


&this... Poor Loki :(


Wait, wait, wait... what!?

I've only read Ultimates Vol 1-3 (ugh, 3) and Ultimate Iron Man Vol 1 & 2, the only Ultimate Comics series I keep up with is Spider-Man. Did they seriously retcon the old Ultimates stuff to be a movie about them, or am I misunderstanding you?

Yeah, it's not a reboot because in Ultimate Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Ultimates are fighting with one another. Same timeline.

Not the old Ultimates stuff

But the stuff from Orson Scott Card's Ultimate Iron Man is now a cable tv movie


lol I wasn't sure if it was some girl playing around and designing those, or actual products for sale.

Aside from the SHIELD, Capt America one and that Nick Fury, if a woman wore an outfit that complemented that eye shadow I'd go HNNNNNNNGGG

Sidenote: How much has this movie made worldwide, and how close is it to the record? (assuming it hasn't been broken yet)
Not the old Ultimates stuff

But the stuff from Orson Scott Card's Ultimate Iron Man is now a cable tv movie

Oh. Uh. So is it still canon in that, it's his actual back story, just it wasn't HIM in those comics?

That... is super weird.

But... Ultimatum...

As I understand it, there are NO reboots in the Ultimate line. Ultimatum happened. Lots of people died [or went missing]. That's still the case. But for something like the new Ultimate Comics: X-Men, that's not a reboot. That's just a new series. UXM ended a while back. The series was just over. Now they're starting a NEW series with UCXM. It's not a reboot, they aren't bringing dead characters back (as far as I'm aware) and retelling old UXM stories. It's just a new X-Men series in the Ultimate universe.

Fucking Jeff Leob. Ultimate Comics were so fucking cool and he had to come along and just shit everything right the fuck up for everyone.

As for Ultimates VS Ultimate Avengers, I think that it's something akin to Avengers and Secret Avengers. Two different teams, not two versions of the same team.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Man. So many people died... and it was so... bad. I was really hoping one day I could sit down and read the good Ultimate Comics X-Men arcs and it would be all-new stories. :-/


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I was indifferent to Loeb until Ultimatium/Ultimates 3. Now, I sincerely wish he'd never work a day in the industry ever again.

And he needs counseling.
Well if you like Morning Glories pick up UXM by Spencer before he leaves for whatever reason. And Hickman, the future savior of Marvel comics, writes the Ultimates. It is beautiful.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Oh. Uh. So is it still canon in that, it's his actual back story, just it wasn't HIM in those comics?

That... is super weird.

As I understand it, there are NO reboots in the Ultimate line. Ultimatum happened. Lots of people died [or went missing]. That's still the case. But for something like the new Ultimate Comics: X-Men, that's not a reboot. That's just a new series. UXM ended a while back. The series was just over. Now they're starting a NEW series with UCXM. It's not a reboot, they aren't bringing dead characters back (as far as I'm aware) and retelling old UXM stories. It's just a new X-Men series in the Ultimate universe.

Fucking Jeff Leob. Ultimate Comics were so fucking cool and he had to come along and just shit everything right the fuck up for everyone.

As for Ultimates VS Ultimate Avengers, I think that it's something akin to Avengers and Secret Avengers. Two different teams, not two versions of the same team.

So Wolverine is not back?

I dont mind spoiling that because it was such shit that nobody should read it.
So Wolverine is not back?

I dont mind spoiling that because it was such shit that nobody should read it.

I don't know for sure, the only current Ultimate book I read is Spider-Man. But I do remember seeing some mini series a while ago called Ultimate X that looked like it was either Wolverine or his son? I can't remember. But Ultimate Wolverine was pretty brutally killed. Didn't Magneto do something on a cellular level to him to make sure he could never, ever come back or regenerate and then like, turn him into dust?

God dammit that was some awful shit. Get Leob the fuck out of comics. And cartoons, since I'm hearing he's fucking that up as well.

Oh no, it's not backstory. The makers of the tv spot made it up
That's fucking retarded. That was such a cool concept for Tony Stark to just be a giant brain. So what is he in the Ultimate U now? Just a dude? Does he still have the brain tumor?

What the fuck! I really, really like Millar's work but that is such bullshit.


I saw this today, here in Holland. I loved it! The beginning was so nice, how all the characters came together and stuff. And Iron Man is really growing on me. The way his suit is 'taken' off him by Jarvis. Just looked very nice. But how the hell did Banner manage to transform into Hulk all of a sudden? I thought this was his problem since his accident.
But how the hell did Banner manage to transform into Hulk all of a sudden? I thought this was his problem since his accident.

Hulk aboard Helicarrier: Unwillingly forced transformation = uncontrollable rage monster

Hulk in NYC: Willing transformation = Hulk who has a semblance of knowing right/wrong, can take orders & knows foes from friends.


Still Alive
A lot of laymen's seem to be missing that point, i'm finding.. They don't really care either way, but just say 'oh that dumb action movie logic' without realizing the difference. They love it regardless, though.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
And than how they have Loki getting disowned by the hulk was ridiculous. Thats what I call lazy. Out of the blue hulk just comes breaking into starks building and destroy him. It couldn't have been more random and simple. Just like that.......What a way to have the main villain fall from power.....really....
You are a terrible person and you should feel terrible.
This interview with Chris Evans before the release of the Avengers is really really good.

Director Joe Johnson said you were the perfect actor to play Captain America because you were a conflicted human playing a conflicted superhero. Do you agree with that assessment?

Sure, yeah. I think it was in terms of my initial apprehension in taking the job. It was a long process, this Captain America thing. At first they called just to have me audition, and I was so excited. They said, “Look, we’re having a hard time finding a guy and we want you to read.” And I said, “This is great, good news.” Then I thought about it. You process what they’re asking – a six-picture deal. I was pretty happy with where my life was and I ended up saying, “No, thanks” for an audition. Which prompted them to ask why. And then it went from an audition to a test offer. And I said, “No, thanks” again.

What was the problem?

I struggle with press, with promoting films. Interviews, press conferences and things like that just stress me out. And I figured that this stage would be 10 times more than any other film I’ve made. It felt so daunting. I was truly intimidated by it. I just thought I could be doing this part for another 10 years if the movies do well and that’s a lot to commit to, and I’m really quite content where I am in my life. And I said no, one more time. And then they said, “All right, we’re offering it to you.” So I had to do some thinking and I ended up going for it. I guess whatever you’re most scared of is what you should tackle.

Even though I was scared in the moment, I started seeing potential there. All I can say is, thank God I did it. I certainly wouldn’t be talking to you right now. Oh gosh, what a foolish mistake that would’ve been. Not only was I extremely happy with how the film turned out, it was such a fantastic working experience. And by no means am I sick of portraying the character, and I’m still finding new and exciting things about him. I’m liking the character more and more each time and I’ve made such good relationships. Everything about it has been a positive. There has not been one negative, and thank God for my team and my family and friends for pushing me [into taking the role].

Did all the press surrounding the release of Captain America get you over your anxiety?

No. Initially, when I took the role, I called my manager and said, “I need a therapist.” If I’m going to do this movie, I’ve got to talk to somebody. It wasn’t like gigantic breakthroughs with crying and things like that. It’s just talking and vocalising your opinions and not trying to jump some of these hurdles on your own. When you walk out of the room, you just feel better subconsciously knowing that you’ve made an effort, subconsciously knowing that you’ve done something to work on this. That alone really pays itself in full. I did that for about a month prior to going off filming, felt good about it and then the next piece of the puzzle that really enabled some stability during press was having a good film.

I started to realise, I think the main reason I struggle so much in press, is because I’m usually promoting a piece of shit. It’s really difficult to find a flowery way to tell people to go see this movie, that your face is all over, that your name is all over, that you’re endorsing. And then you begin to feel like a liar, like you’re transparent. You feel undeserving and it makes the interview extremely uncomfortable, for me at least. I think that’s why with Captain America, when I first saw the film, I loved it. I really, really did. I saw it and texted Joe [Johnson] and said, “Thank you so much for giving me something to be proud of.” When you’re proud of it, you want to talk about it. It made doing the press a lot easier.​



Still Alive
^As much as I can be a downer on Evans/Cap for whatever reason, he's always seemed like a good guy in interviews and all that, and I think he's great for the role. I really, really hope CA2 is excellent.

I've said it a million times, but Cap has a long ways to go and I want Evans to transform with that. A bit MCU/OT but we don't know who's directing/writing CA2 yet, do we?


Canadians burned my passport
^As much as I can be a downer on Evans/Cap for whatever reason, he's always seemed like a good guy in interviews and all that, and I think he's great for the role. I really, really hope CA2 is excellent.

I've said it a million times, but Cap has a long ways to go and I want Evans to transform with that. A bit MCU/OT but we don't know who's directing/writing CA2 yet, do we?

Well apparently there was an incident between Evans and Jason Mewes at a radio station. Was kind of funny.



I guess ScarJo's deal wasn't as bad as initially reported:

As Marvel launched other hero pics that would lead up to Avengers, the studio struck hard bargains. Two sources say Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo all signed on for small upfront fees and ultimately will make about $2 million to $3 million on Avengers with bonuses. Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson, who signed deals to pop up in several Marvel movies, are said to be making about twice that for Avengers with bonuses.


His movies have been far more successful, not that surprised.

But wasn't he already contracted?

Yeah, but his contract was drawn up long before any of the others. It was the same thing with Terrence Howard on the first Iron Man: he was signed on before the rest of the cast, so he ended up making the most money.
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