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Mass Effect 3 With Description Appears On EA Store


I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.


Nirolak said:
The Archdemon shall feel our wrath!

Makes sense that DA2 would borrow some gameplay elements from ME2 and ME3 borrows the plot from DA:O. Keeping it in the family and shit.


Linkzg said:
and Ubisoft. yeah, I noticed that lately EA has all their PC games at the same price as the console ones which makes no sense.

Whatever. PC is superior version, and PC version yields better margins too. If the price of PC blockbusters aligns with consoles, it'll only make PC versions more attractive to publishers ensuring we get more console ports that people keep demanding, while also making PC exclusives more financially viable.


Fimbulvetr said:
Holy crap I just realized.

If we're recruiting entire races, can I get the Turian councilor in my party?
Ah yes,

Sounds more like torture to me.


I hope instead of being 15 hours of boring inventory management and stats, they cut it to like 6 hours but add a killer multilayer. I can play that shit forever


Zzoram said:
I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.

Fuck yeah, thats a great idea !


squicken said:
I hope instead of being 15 hours of boring inventory management and stats, they cut it to like 6 hours but add a killer multilayer. I can play that shit forever

Worst post in the thread, by a mile.
squicken said:
I hope instead of being 15 hours of boring inventory management and stats, they cut it to like 6 hours but add a killer multilayer. I can play that shit forever
you're the worst person ever stop saying such terrible things
IoCaster said:
Makes sense that DA2 would borrow some gameplay elements from ME2 and ME3 borrows the plot from DA:O. Keeping it in the family and shit.

Equating that to incest doesn't make it sound better. :lol


squicken said:
I hope instead of being 15 hours of boring inventory management and stats, they cut it to like 6 hours but add a killer multilayer. I can play that shit forever

They can call it Medal of Honor: Mass Effect, and cut out all that team bullshit, and biotic idiocy. I mean who uses powers when you have a GUN?


Zzoram said:
I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.

Pretty much this... but BioWare has a habit of doing what the majority want with this series... and that seems to be an Earth-centric game on the forums. Earth as an important location, I don't mind... but a final battle taking place there? That said, nothing suggests Earth will be their only target, or even the most important.


The Everyman
Zzoram said:
I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.
i agree but you know how hollywood focuses on america? it's like that.


Well the rallying the races stuff has been partially done in ME1 and 2
Saving/killing the Rachni,
Renegade geth.
Who is in charge of the Krogan (if your buddy Wrex is then he'll sure help his battle master or whatever Shepard is to him. Or was that Grunt?).
Resolving the whole Quarian stuff with Tali and the flotilla shipmasters (if they like you I'm sure they'll help you save the world. Maybe not if you have the Geth helping though)
Cerberus may or may not help. They want to protect mankind but TIM might not want to follow Shep if you blew up the collectors base. They could end up making things worse by being messing up relations with other races
The rest of the Council might be a bit more hesitant to help due to Shepard and his claims of these so called "Reapers". That is if you saved the council and it's still full of the dickheads.

I hope it's not a bunch of recruitment missions and then the final mission like in ME2. It was good and all but for the last one I want most of the game to be figuring out how to beat the Reapers. I don't want it to be a Deus Ex Machina. No win button. I want Shep and the whole galaxy to work for it and not just find the magic Reaper instakill weapon on some long lost planet of macguffins.
I do have a feeling that maybe we'll paragon/renegade a Reaper/a few Reapers into turning against the rest and joining the good fight. I hope that doesn't happen though.

Also, if no Tali and Garrus as squadmates (with Tali back as romancable) then I'll be really pissed off. Tali and Garrus are my peeps and if they don't save the galaxy then I dont.


squicken said:
I hope instead of being 15 hours of boring inventory management and stats, they cut it to like 6 hours but add a killer multilayer. I can play that shit forever

They should really just shorten it to 3 hours of opportunities to pull the right trigger in order to trigger Sheperd being a dick and/or murdering someone.


Chinner said:
Shepard holsters his weapon as he realizes the ultimate truth; that the reapers and humanity are exactly the same,
"Stop!" Shepard says as he clicks the upper left option, "We don't have to fight, we can join forces and get discount bargains at the citadel!"
"Hold on a second" The Reapers ponders, "You're that Commander Shepard? You got to say the line!"
"I'm commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel" Shepard says as he grates cheese on his stone cold abs.
"Holy shit! It's him!" The Reapers relax, they approach and put their arm around Shepard "Sorry about that bro, we cool?"
"We Cool"

The End.

Someone likes Clone High. :V


I'm on my 4th playthrough of ME 2. I've stopped for a bit, too much other games to play but I'll get to that during the new year.


EatChildren said:
Hahaha fucking called the "rally the races" plot.
Who didn't?

That description is exactly where everyone thought the plot was going to go: Earth, race rallying. Natch.
Zomba13 said:
Cerberus may or may not help. They want to protect mankind but TIM might not want to follow Shep if you blew up the collectors base. They could end up making things worse by being messing up relations with other races.
Considering how inept Cerberus has been in the series so far, they'll probably try to hinder Shepard by unleashing a deadly virus on themselves and drowning him in money.


Zzoram said:
I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.

This is what so great about ME... it doesnt. We're just pests in the eyes of Reapers, nothing special about Humans, something special about Shepard though.


Patryn said:
They can call it Medal of Honor: Mass Effect, and cut out all that team bullshit, and biotic idiocy. I mean who uses powers when you have a GUN?

What the hell are biotics? Is that when I had blue bullets or red bullets? I didn't use that shit :lol
Zomba13 said:
The rest of the Council might be a bit more hesitant to help due to Shepard and his claims of these so called "Reapers". That is if you saved the council and it's still full of the dickheads.

The council is always a bunch of dickheads, regardless of what decision you made in ME1.
steadfast said:
We enjoy speculating about and discussing a game that a great number of us are looking forward to?

Also, as mentioned, see the Uncharted 3 thread.
Holy shit. I guess the Uncharted thread is pretty ridiculous now that I took a look at it. :lol

"I hope you dont spend 90% building your army and 10% using it to fight huge monsters like ME2." Carry on...
Prine said:
This is what so great about ME... it doesnt. We're just pests in the eyes of Reapers, nothing special about Humans, something special about Shepard though.
I don't think you played Mass Effect 2, where it was explained that humans were special and had genetic diversity that allowed them to be unpredictable and not conform to a stereotype, unlike every other race in the galaxy, and the Reapers
made a Reaper out of humans and shaped like a human because our race is so ~special~.


EmCeeGramr said:
you're the worst person ever stop saying such terrible things

ME2 spoilers:
Can't be an RPG without omni-gel.

Where we're going we don't need guns.

Prine said:
This is what so great about ME... it doesnt. We're just pests in the eyes of Reapers, nothing special about Humans, something special about Shepard though.

You're forgetting that part where every alien you come across complains that humans have grown too powerful too quickly. Humanity's ascension is described as an anomaly that's frightening the other races.
EmCeeGramr said:
I don't think you played Mass Effect 2, where it was explained that humans were special and had genetic diversity that allowed them to be unpredictable and not conform to a stereotype, unlike every other race in the galaxy.

I think I know the real reason.

Humans are the only sapient race with hair. It really does explain everything.
EmCeeGramr said:
I don't think you played Mass Effect 2, where it was explained that humans were special and had genetic diversity that allowed them to be unpredictable and not conform to a stereotype, unlike every other race in the galaxy.

except the hanar

the game should pull an MGS2 and have Shepard and the Earth explode after three hours of play. Rest of the game has you playing as a lone hanar soldier to save the rest of the universe.


I think most of us knew that there was a Mass Effect 3 coming but it is nice to see a confirmation.

Hyped for this, Mass Effect 2 is still my personal Game of the Year.
Linkzg said:
except the hanar

the game should pull an MGS2 and have Shepard and the Earth explode after three hours of play. Rest of the game has you playing as a lone hanar soldier to save the rest of the universe.
A hanar accompanied by an elcor, a batarian, and a vorcha.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Totobeni said:
I just hope Bioware do the right thing and show FemShep in the trailers this time.

MaleShep is and always will be the face of Shepard, even though its oh so wrong.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Zzoram said:
Whatever. PC is superior version, and PC version yields better margins too. If the price of PC blockbusters aligns with consoles, it'll only make PC versions more attractive to publishers ensuring we get more console ports that people keep demanding, while also making PC exclusives more financially viable.
You forget the part where we have to spend $10 more. :(

And Steam sales aren't as good. :( :(


Man, I really hope the only way to get upgrades again is for me to mine the shit out of 250 lifeless planets in an exciting minigame!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
If this is indeed the plot of ME3, what was the point of ME2's existence?
This should have been the sequel after ME1.
Linkzg said:
except the hanar

the game should pull an MGS2 and have Shepard and the Earth explode after three hours of play. Rest of the game has you playing as a lone hanar soldier to save the rest of the universe.

Oh this would be incredible. Please happen!!!


Neo Member
Zzoram said:
I hate how all sci-fi always makes out humans to be the special one that bad guys focus on destroying.

ME3 would be 3x better if the Reapers hit the Turian or Asari homeworlds and you had to unite the Citadel members to retake a totally amazing unique looking planet.

Well ME1 kind of did do this. It was the Citadel that was under attack and there is even a decision point about whether to risk human lives for the sake of the alien races.
FFS, Earth? It's your typical sci-fi planet, there is nothing unique about Earth in ME universe, no lost tech, no lost planet, nothing. Larger Eden Prime... Couldn't they do Dark Space Reaper Homeworld kind of thing? This way ME3 will be worse than ME2 (I liked
Collector's Ship
thetrin said:
If this is indeed the plot of ME3, what was the point of ME2's existence?
If you did the sidequests in ME2, then recruiting the races in ME3 will be slightly harder or slightly easier or something like that.

Alternately, it's revealed that
Baby Reaper
was actually super important but they couldn't reveal why in ME2 for some reason.

Linkzg said:
volus get the shaft again

Sorry, I meant volus too!


Totobeni said:
I just hope Bioware do the right thing and show FemShep in the trailers this time.
Broshep is the only shep!

On Topic:FUCK YEAH!!!
This sounds so awesome :D!!!
All of the galaxy saving earth with Shepard leading the way!!!

Castor Krieg said:
FFS, Earth? It's your typical sci-fi planet, there is nothing unique about Earth in ME universe, no lost tech, no lost planet, nothing. Larger Eden Prime... Couldn't they do Dark Space Reaper Homeworld kind of thing? This way ME3 will be worse than ME2 (I liked
Collector's Ship
Earth will probably only be one hub and the final mission, the majority of the game will be to explore space to found alliances to save the Earth.


alerus said:
Well ME1 kind of did do this. It was the Citadel that was under attack and there is even a decision point about whether to risk human lives for the sake of the alien races.

I just think it's a huge missed opportunity to not visit the Asari or Turian or even Salarian homeworlds. They'd be much more interesting than Earth.

Hell, make the 4 planets you can visit the Citadel high council race homeworlds. Best of every world.


YES!!!!!! :D Can I finally have FemShep/Tali and seeing Tali's face time? I lost my saves for ME2 on PC :( So I'm replaying the whole thing all over again and I don't mind one bit. (Clocking 84 hours and counting)


Earth is burning. Striking from beyond known space, a race of terrifying machines have begun their destruction of the human race. As Commander Shepard, an Alliance Marine, your only hope for saving mankind is to rally the civilizations of the galaxy and launch one final mission to take back the Earth.

Shit, I just wet myself.
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