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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Cheers, guys. That makes me feel a bit better. :)

Cheers for the response. I'm sure I'll get used to the scar, but at the moment it's a little disheartening seeing it every morning... The fact that it's a lot bigger than the melanoma is the thing that annoys me most.

The whole thing is pretty weird. But yeah, I think I'll look into getting some help over my time off from uni.

I'm glad the medication is working then! thanks mate. :)
Hey man, another straight male here, i believe you've gotten plenty of compliments in the looks department, so i'll go a different route. What this guy said:

Just wanted to address the guy who thinks he's ugly. I feel the same way eventhough I get told how good looking I am and hit on by women almost every day. The thing is I don't see it and more importantly don't feel it. I was attacked by 15 guys one night and beaten to a pulp with bats and other weapons, ultimately hospitalized for days. Though even before this I never liked the look of my face, I thought I look too 'froggish' (you know, like a frog lol). Obviously getting my face rearranged did me no favors in respect to my self-esteem.
The reason I'm posting this is to let you know you're not alone, and let yourself believe the compliments you received itt, even if a part of you doesn't. Focus on those comments and let yourself enjoy them. I am incredibly lucky, as I said earlier I get hit on all the time. If it wasn't for that, I honestly can't imagine how bad I feel about myself. I know me well enough to know I'd never want to leave the house. It's hard to believe when what you see in yourself is different from what you hear from others.

PM me if you need to talk. I know how it feels.

plus, confidence. Even if you don't believe it, the phrase fake it till you make it, is true in a lot of senses. I had similar confidence issues in my appearance, it was really hard for me to talk to the ladies, especially ones that I found attractive. One thing i learned is women love a sharp dressed man. And when you dress good, you think you look good so you feel good or some variation of that. It's all about the confidence. This doesn't mean you need to be wearing suits all the time(though my wife loves me in a suit), but just dressing nice and being confident with it.

Also, no one is judging you by your appearance all the time, and if they are, they aren't worth hanging out with anyway.

That said, my wife is a physiologist and has experience with body image issues, I can ask her if she knows anyone in your area, or if she has any tips/coping skills to help you out.

No Love

My confession isn't so much a confession as it is a declaration. I hate my wife.

met my wife several years ago through mutual friends. We had the normal
casual sex relationship for a while, and eventually started dating. We
dated for a few years, then finally got married. Everything was going
great for a while, then she started to change. She became more anxious
about things. Her weight, how she looked, school, the house, everything.
All it takes is one little thing to go wrong, and she turns into a
wreck. You know what it's like having to deal with a fully grown woman
that is balling her eyes out because the paint she chose for a room
doesn't match the carpet like she thought it would? I do, because that
is what I had to put up with today. And I'm sure tomorrow, as soon as I
get home from work I will have to calm her down from some other minor
inconvenience that has her in tears. It's almost a daily thing. And it's
driving me up the wall. But that's not the worst of it....

paranoia about other women is astonishing. A little jealousy is healthy,
but her.... jesus H christ. If I say hi to a female friend when we are
out, it suddenly becomes a battle of her vs. them. Any girl that looks
at me wants to screw me as far as she seems to think. She has gone so
far as to call a restaurant to complain about waitresses flirting with
me while we were there, all because they were polite to me several
times. Every night she goes through my phone to see who I have been
talking to. Call history, text messages, internet history, everything.
If I happen to not be logged into facebook when she checks, you bet your
ass she is waking me up screaming at me to log in so she can see "who
the fuck I've been sleeping with behind her back". It's gotten to the
point where she has demanded to see my work email, which almost got me
fired. I left my phone at work one day, and she actually drug me out of
bed, and forced me to go with her to my job to get it. And of course, I
couldn't be out of her sight while doing it because she figured I would
delete everything. Any time she sees someone in my contact she doesn't
know that I have been talking to, all hell breaks loose. She has
actually sent numbers to her friends and had them harass people for her,
telling them to stay away from me and calling them all sorts of things.
Including the head of our HR department, which again almost got me
fired. This has actually gotten to the point where nobody wants to hang
out with us anymore, because she turns into a raging psycho the second I
even look at another female and storms out with me in tow.

one would assume that she is this paranoid for a reason. I obviously
cheated on her in the past, right? Except I haven't. Not once have I
done anything even remotely like that. I don't talk to girls about sex, I
don't flirt with other women, I barely even make eye contact with them.
But ya know what's hilarious? Last year, I caught her fucking one of
our best friends on the couch while I was sleeping upstairs. And I found
out later it wasn't even close to the first time. It had been going on
for months behind my back. And when I confronted her about it, it was
all my fault. Why? THe only answer she could come up with is "Because I
say it is!". When the entire affair slipped out and become common
knowledge, she went on the offensive and lied to everyone that I had
been beating her, I had slept around on her, and essentially I had drove
her into the arms of another man. The best part is that so many people
bought it that I lost most of my friends, and even some of my family
members took her side on the entire ordeal. I was backed into a corner,
and had to shut my mouth and take it.

Now, about now you might
be wondering why the hell I don't just leave her pathetic ass and file
for divorce. Well, the reason is simple. Her parents happen to be
friends with one of the best divorce attorneys in the state, the kind
that chews men up and spits them back in court leaving them penniless
lumps stuck with alimony payments and a mortgage for a house they no
longer live in. And her parents have told me flat out that they will pay
for her divorce attorney, since they know damn well I will end up
having to pay them back for that also.

So my options are stay
with a wife that sleeps around on me, does everything in her power to
ruin any friendships that I have, and almost costs me my job constantly
or.... become a destitute shell of a man that has no house, no friends,
and probably can't afford to even rent an apartment because all his
money goes to bitch support. I'm stuck where I am, in a marriage that I
don't want to be in with a woman that will probably put me in an early
grave if I don't decide to do it for her.

I hate my wife, and there isn't a thing I can do about it.

Fuck this crazy ass bitch. Like others have said, get a lawyer, document ALL of this, if you have witnesses PLEASE get them to write written statements, get them notarized, etc etc. You will get away from her and be free. What a crazy fucking bitch.

Oh and after you move out, get a restraining order on her.


No Scrubs
Screw it, that confession was mine.

Where do you go to get professional help? I've never really known. Do I just talk to my doctor about it? That always seemed... weird. Like he'd just think I'm bitching or something and not take me seriously.

Mmm. I really just don't have any confidence at all these days... It's frustrating. All I can think about when meeting new people is how they're judging me because of how I look - Which tends to make me come off extremely introverted and rude. Like this semester in English... throughout semester only one person really bothered to talk to me. And because of the way I think, I avoided her as much as possible (When I saw her after class, I'd pretend that I didn't and walk in the other direction. In class, I'd sit on the other side of the room as much as possible because I didn't want her to judge me).

and I'll probably regret this... but I've linked a picture to show what I look like below in email tags. The scar is new because I had a melanoma and shows up a fair bit in certain light conditions. the first image is one I took today (I've had only 2 hours sleep) and the second is a few weeks ago. Different lighting conditions, but I think they represent how I look.

You look good dude. The scar makes it look like you got decked by some dude who was wearing a huge ring, just tell people that. Heck depending on the lighting you can hardly even see it from what I can tell. Don't let your scar define you, that'll just turn people off, define it and yourself.


I confess that I really play videogames that my brother plays so that we can play them together, but I practice more than him so I can be better at the games then him. :)


Well this thread turns into a whole different kind of weird without the anonymous confessions.

Bronito, we need you.


I've been lying to my friends and family that I've been forgetful or losing my memory. It's a convenient way to not have to try too hard and enjoy my own life. I genuinely do forget a lot of things, but I find it easier to get a free pass on some bullshit by feigning that my memory is going.

Worst part is my family and friends think it's a serious problem. It's shady of me to do it, but it gets me out of a lot of situations I don't want to be in.
dude, if you don't wanna do something just don't do it.


Think you could CC me on the Confessember ass pic from 4 days ago?

I'm more of a boob man but this ass that turns boob people into ass people has me intrigued.
First off, no.
Second off, you're on the internet dude. You want ass it's not hard to find.


When I was 12 or 13, I used to jerk off to hotsex.com on the regular. It was the only porn website I knew for some reason ('96) and they had about two dozen free pictures every week each in their own category. My favourite was the "WET" category, which was girls fresh out of the shower for some reason. Anyway, one day after about six months of checking in every week and jerking off for 15 seconds to a poorly compressed jpg, I decided to do some exploring and clicked on some of the other categories. Back then, the categories were really simple and innocent. In fact, I just went to hotsex.com now to see if it's anything like it used to be and it's not--it used to be just nudie shots basically, and now it's videos of reaming and ploughing and jamming and squeezing like you'd expect. But back then they were one-word descriptions of the picture you'd find, because it would take so long to download each 50kb nipple: WET, TEEN, BLACK, ASIAN, SPREAD, PLUMBERS.

PLUMBERS though, that one got me curious. What the hell was plumber porn? Was this really popular enough to have its own category? They weren't alphabetical either, and this one wasn't that far down the list which led me to believe it was actually one of the less unusual categories, unlike CHEERLEADER which was near the bottom.

I grabbed the bottle of lotion and got a sock ready for my explosive pubescent spurt session and clicked on the photo, turned off the monitor and left the room for about 10 minutes while it downloaded.

When I got back, I took down my pants, pressed the CRT's power switch and...

it wasn't plumbers it was plumpers i was looking at a fat woman fingering herself

Did-a someone say-a plumber porn?


Hello ronron.

Not as much a confession as it is an honest assessment of somethings i've learned about myself. Aside from the no self esteem, no direction, can't love, push others away before there is any real intimacy, yadda yadda etcetera etcetera.

I make a point of not recognizing anyone's external beauty. This is a moderately recent development. As i learned to value all kinds of implicit communication presented through motions and honesty, i also began to truly detest any sort of appreciative commentary that concerns itself with little more than someone's beauty. There is only one person in my life that i'd genuinely call beautiful but that's much more of an emotional assessment, and when i do so i tend to justify it as objectively as possible, so as to give the impression that i consider beauty nothing more than an aesthetic assessment. Fortunately that's studied and appreciated in photography, or else i'd have quite a lot of trouble finding the vocabulary to diminish anyone's pride in their attractiveness. I curse myself for talking to pretty girls because they're pretty and often find myself avoiding talking to them on the basis that beauty robs worth, rather than giving it.

Second, i have an innate hatred for authority figures, and any system whose hierarchy is defined by degrees of authority. Which means i have spent my life getting very good at disempowering any who try to present themselves as authorities, particularly those who are undeserving of it and/or have gained it without tangible merit, and empower those below them to oppose their tyranny. Bosses, parents, friends, teachers, police members, politicians, you name it. My father once told me that my belief in horizontal hierarchies would ruin my life and that of those around me. So far it hasn't, but i'm still young, so who knows. He can fuck right off with his opinions though. There is an untold strength to this ideology, and i've grown to accept it and to direct it where it should. Needless to say, i abhor gender disparities enforced through macro and micro institutional patriarchy. I refuse the authority of any parent (either mine or those who ui encounter in life) who think it is their right, rather than their job, to have authority over their children. I would often stand against teachers who lacked the communicative skills to justify their position, and compared quite a few of them to Hitler and his darwinistic methodologies. That was a favorite of mine.

Third, and this one is a bit more... dumb and useless but for some reason it's ingrained in the deepest reaches of my mind. It is my dearest belief that adults are a putrid waste of space with no worth or redeeming features whatsoever. There is nothing quite as detestable and as traumatic as the touch of an adult, be it the simple hand touch of a monetary transaction, the handshake of a smiling hypocrite, or the kiss of a man, or of a woman. And i can't even describe the rest.

But all in all, i'm still a very nice and loving person who can't help but genuinely desire the best for everyone i meet. Until i get too close, that is. Nothing like cleansing yourself of all possible intimacy.

Have a good nigh folks. Pat your dog in the head, they'll like it.
Ah, 8th grade. Good times, good times.


That's really incredible that the university is unsupportive. I mean even my university (BYU) allowed people with anxiety to take the tests in private or would work with them. And this is a university that did shock therapy to try and "cure" gays. Shit like this pisses me off. Hang in there man.

my university is also total shit at this.

they pretty much tell you have no excuse for missing a deadline or exam unless you're dying or have family health problems. mental health issues probably wouldn't be enough to grant an extension or re-sit.

Well this thread turns into a whole different kind of weird without the anonymous confessions.

Bronito, we need you.

i like it, there's some great advice in here for many different issues and everyone seems to be willing to chip in.
I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!
I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!

Dont forget to tell us how many PMs you get.
Fuck this crazy ass bitch. Like others have said, get a lawyer, document ALL of this, if you have witnesses PLEASE get them to write written statements, get them notarized, etc etc. You will get away from her and be free. What a crazy fucking bitch.

Oh and after you move out, get a restraining order on her.

I normally don't advocate divorce, but...

Holy fuck, get a divorce.


I confess that I really play videogames that my brother plays so that we can play them together, but I practice more than him so I can be better at the games then him. :)

The twist is that your brother is on GAF!

Also, that dude with the cheating, yet strangely jealous wife...you're in a classically abusive relationship. Find some trustworthy domestic violence organizations and get the fuck out.


Oh, shit. My brother's on GAF.

What's his username?

The twist is that your brother is on GAF!

Also, that dude with the cheating, yet strangely jealous wife...you're in a classically abusive relationship. Find some trustworthy domestic violence organizations and get the fuck out.

Yep, and we beat some Germans in the plane game(which is somewhat broken at the moment, but I love flying planes.


Reluctant Member
I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!

Date the guy you like, go read some BW/WM smut to satisfy your other cravings. Concentrating on getting someone of a certain race isn't worth it.
I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!

Are you by chance half white or light-skinned?


Hello ronron.

Not as much a confession as it is an honest assessment of somethings i've learned about myself. Aside from the no self esteem, no direction, can't love, push others away before there is any real intimacy, yadda yadda etcetera etcetera.

I make a point of not recognizing anyone's external beauty. This is a moderately recent development. As i learned to value all kinds of implicit communication presented through motions and honesty, i also began to truly detest any sort of appreciative commentary that concerns itself with little more than someone's beauty. There is only one person in my life that i'd genuinely call beautiful but that's much more of an emotional assessment, and when i do so i tend to justify it as objectively as possible, so as to give the impression that i consider beauty nothing more than an aesthetic assessment. Fortunately that's studied and appreciated in photography, or else i'd have quite a lot of trouble finding the vocabulary to diminish anyone's pride in their attractiveness. I curse myself for talking to pretty girls because they're pretty and often find myself avoiding talking to them on the basis that beauty robs worth, rather than giving it.

Second, i have an innate hatred for authority figures, and any system whose hierarchy is defined by degrees of authority. Which means i have spent my life getting very good at disempowering any who try to present themselves as authorities, particularly those who are undeserving of it and/or have gained it without tangible merit, and empower those below them to oppose their tyranny. Bosses, parents, friends, teachers, police members, politicians, you name it. My father once told me that my belief in horizontal hierarchies would ruin my life and that of those around me. So far it hasn't, but i'm still young, so who knows. He can fuck right off with his opinions though. There is an untold strength to this ideology, and i've grown to accept it and to direct it where it should. Needless to say, i abhor gender disparities enforced through macro and micro institutional patriarchy. I refuse the authority of any parent (either mine or those who ui encounter in life) who think it is their right, rather than their job, to have authority over their children. I would often stand against teachers who lacked the communicative skills to justify their position, and compared quite a few of them to Hitler and his darwinistic methodologies. That was a favorite of mine.

Third, and this one is a bit more... dumb and useless but for some reason it's ingrained in the deepest reaches of my mind. It is my dearest belief that adults are a putrid waste of space with no worth or redeeming features whatsoever. There is nothing quite as detestable and as traumatic as the touch of an adult, be it the simple hand touch of a monetary transaction, the handshake of a smiling hypocrite, or the kiss of a man, or of a woman. And i can't even describe the rest.

But all in all, i'm still a very nice and loving person who can't help but genuinely desire the best for everyone i meet. Until i get too close, that is. Nothing like cleansing yourself of all possible intimacy.

Have a good nigh folks. Pat your dog in the head, they'll like it.


I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!

Sup. I'm pretty much the whitest guy around.

My confession is that I love reading confessions. I'm addicted to reading this thread and a Facebook page where people from my University can send in confessions and have them anonymously posted.

Jedeye Sniv

Sup. I'm pretty much the whitest guy around.

My confession is that I love reading confessions. I'm addicted to reading this thread and a Facebook page where people from my University can send in confessions and have them anonymously posted.

Yeah me too, a good mix of voyeurism and the opportunity to add advice. It's fun.
I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!

Taeyang is dope so it is understandable.


I'm a freelance journalist who absolutely enjoys writing. My problem is that I just can't find myself to ever release content for a website I'm working on under development. I originally pulled the plug when articles were done as our team wasn't exactly dedicated (I wrote 90% of the articles) but mainly because I find myself to be a total perfectionist. Well we restarted it with a video focus and after recording many videos I just could never get around to editing them, it was a really awkward recording process that I wasn't comfortable with (game audio and our commentary are separate and require syncing, but we never exactly prepared for this too well with our mic quality being pretty bad for these initial videos) and I find myself ignoring the videos. We finished them in late August, and now we're into November and I just can't find myself having the motivation to finish them or even write new content overall.

I'm stuck in retail before I start a course in University in late 2014, I just wish I could find the motivation to write. I tell myself on days that I'm going to write content or finish videos, but I usually just end up playing games or hanging out with friends. What's your best advice for focusing these days?

I never had this problem until I decided that I was going to start my own website. I was able to write freelance without any issues.
It bothers me when people ask stuff like "How can I become a better writer?" and the like

With all other artforms everyone already knows how. You just do it If you're an artist then you have to paint a lot, if you're a musician you have to practice a lot. It's strange to me that people don't make this connection with writing for some reason.

As to motivation, make yourself a daily goal and give yourself a daily reward or punishment if you don't see it through. For example, "No gaming until I've written x amount of words." or "No fapping until I've tried to write for 1 hour." NPR had a story about Roald Dahl yesterday and his daughter talked about how he'd sit as his writing desk every day for a set amount of time, even if he didn't write a single word, he'd still sit there. Lastly, the creative writing challenges here are really incredible. I can't recommend them enough.


I have a confession but it's not as crazy as some of the ones here. But here it is I guess lol.

I am talking to a guy that I kind of like. He's nice, very like down to earth.. He would bend over backwards for me.. Etc. However I can't commit to him because I want something else that I craved for for a long... Looooong time. I don't want to be in a committed relationship with him because, I want to experience a white guy. I'm obsessed with white guys! I just love them! I think they are so different and exotic and I want to date one. My best friend is currently dating a white guy and he's so cute. It makes me kind of jealous because she was able to find one but I'm still looking......... :(

She was lucky to meet him at her school but she suggested online dating and I don't do that lol.... I think I'm more socially awkward online than I am in person! When it comes to talking to guys though... I get a little awkward myself. Especially if I think they're cute. Idk gaf, I really really really want a white bf.. I just do lol. I mean don't get me wrong, I like people of all races and had a obsession with azn guys at one point and middle eastern as well but I got over those two over cultural differences. I still find them hot but I personally couldn't be in an honest relationship with one unless he was a thugged out or suit and tie wearing azn with swag. Lol! Yes... I said swag lol. Taeyang can get it!
Cut this guy who is bending backwards for you off, sounds like he deserves a girls full attention. Now go find yo white piece of meat.
I would often stand against teachers who lacked the communicative skills to justify their position, and compared quite a few of them to Hitler and his darwinistic methodologies. That was a favorite of mine.

Third, and this one is a bit more... dumb and useless but for some reason it's ingrained in the deepest reaches of my mind. It is my dearest belief that adults are a putrid waste of space with no worth or redeeming features whatsoever. There is nothing quite as detestable and as traumatic as the touch of an adult, be it the simple hand touch of a monetary transaction, the handshake of a smiling hypocrite, or the kiss of a man, or of a woman. And i can't even describe the rest.

Compares teachers to Hitler. Detests all adults.

You sound like a complete douche. I'm assuming you're 15.

Your dad was absolutely correct in that your distorted belief system and garbage world view will cause you all sorts of headaches as you get older.

Speaking of which: you WILL get older. Someday you'll get to be an adult and you can detest yourself as a putrid waste of space. Congrats!


Compares teachers to Hitler. Detests all adults.

You sound like a complete douche. I'm assuming you're 15.

Your dad was absolutely correct in that your distorted belief system and garbage world view will cause you all sorts of headaches as you get older.

Speaking of which: you WILL get older. Someday you'll get to be an adult and you can detest yourself as a putrid waste of space. Congrats!

What a giant neck beard. lol
Compares teachers to Hitler. Detests all adults.

You sound like a complete douche. I'm assuming you're 15.

Your dad was absolutely correct in that your distorted belief system and garbage world view will cause you all sorts of headaches as you get older.

Speaking of which: you WILL get older. Someday you'll get to be an adult and you can detest yourself as a putrid waste of space. Congrats!

Ignoring the Hitler thing... Had he phrased the thing about adults correctly, he'd be fine - saying that people suck isn't at all uncommon (or wrong)... But yeah, the phrasing makes him sound 15. Or 16.


It bothers me when people ask stuff like "How can I become a better writer?" and the like

With all other artforms everyone already knows how. You just do it If you're an artist then you have to paint a lot, if you're a musician you have to practice a lot. It's strange to me that people don't make this connection with writing for some reason.

As to motivation, make yourself a daily goal and give yourself a daily reward or punishment if you don't see it through. For example, "No gaming until I've written x amount of words." or "No fapping until I've tried to write for 1 hour." NPR had a story about Roald Dahl yesterday and his daughter talked about how he'd sit as his writing desk every day for a set amount of time, even if he didn't write a single word, he'd still sit there. Lastly, the creative writing challenges here are really incredible. I can't recommend them enough.

I loathe "15 steps to be a better writer!" articles. They're pointless. If you're reading an article about how to be a better writer, you're reading about how someone else learned to apply themselves to writing. The person who wrote that article may need to drink coffee before they write, and they suggest you do it too. Bullshit. I guarantee there's someone out there who requires a half gram of cocaine before they can write, but nobody would ever suggest that it applies to everyone. The person who wrote another article says you need to empty your bowels before you write. Horseshit. There are probably just as many bunged up constipated writers as writers with a rectum like a slip n' slide, and hundreds of soft-poop/pellet-poop/log poopers out there who do just as well. God damn, I bet somewhere there's a writer who can't even put down a sentence without a turd hanging half out of his butt, but you will never read a list of tips that includes that. Maybe someone can only write on an old-timey type-writer, and only the kind that Hemingway used or that Hunter S. Thompson brought with him on drug binges. Should you go out and find that exact model of antiquated technology just so you can be like them, to live like them, to find a connection with a writer who is long dead and hopefully write like them? No, you idiot. Write like yourself by writing how you like to write. Can't do it? I don't give a shit. Try harder.

You want to know how to write? Write, asshole. Sit down and write whatever you can and don't stop. It may not make sense, it may not be good, it may not even have a point -- but at least you're writing. One day your little fingers will be puking all over the keyboard and out of the insane, half-cocked brain stew of ideas you'll find something that actually carries the semblance of a rational thought and you'll expand it into a short story, or a novel, or an erotic slam performance art piece in which you jerk off on-stage for three hours while singing Thank You for Being a Friend with altered lyrics. It may take you a month to find that idea, it may take you a week, but one day it'll happen and you'll realize that since you've been writing every day you actually have the skill to continue writing every day, to see through your ideas and motivate yourself to keep going.

Still want a step-by-step list of how to write? Fine.
1) Just write.
2) Piss off and write.

People have been writing for thousands of years and they've done it without the help or advice of other people. Some have done it under constant threat of shame and death because of what they wrote, others without the goodwill of anyone around them because of their gender or race or upbringing. All they needed was a pencil and a piece of paper, a bit of charcoal and a flat rock, the severed leg of a rabbit and a papyrus canvas, something to make their mark.

Now go and do it. And don't come back until you've tried.


So I go to a university that likes to assign online homework and give hard exams. To do the online homework and study for the tests (I like to do a shit-ton of practice problems for the exams) I need scratch paper (because I won't be turning the paper, I don't want to waste good paper because it'll ultimately end up in the recycling bin anyway).

I don't have scratch paper; I have nice, expensive, lined paper.

In my building however, we have a community printer. I can't print blank pages because that would take up some of my quota. So...whenever I need some scratch paper, I just mosey on down to the printer, take whatever essay one of the university students printed off, and use the back for my little equations.

I appreciate a man that knows the value of paper.


ok. 22. male. depressed (I think). I go to sleep late, wake up late, stay in bed after I wake up and dread getting up, and skip class constantly ( because i'm sleeping ). Basically my life consists of going to class for the tests, doing the hw, lifting, and work. my job is great but the pay sucks. either depressed or lazy. it sucks.

my brother gets bullied in sunday school (mormon church) for reading.2 weeks ago he left the room crying. he's 10. my mom asked me to take the calling to teach his class, but i said no for 2 reasons: 1. I dont believe what I'd be teaching and 2. even if I stopped the bullying in class, he'd still get bullied outside of it and be known as the kid who needed his brother to step in to stop the torment.when i told my mother this, she was fairly disappointed. sorry mom.

finally, there is a girl I want to take on a date. we've hung out before, but I'm poor as shit since all my money goes to food, gas, and bills. what are some good ideas for things to do with her? we live in kansas city. i would take her to a party, but she's 23 and besides, you dont go to parties with girls you're trying to date.

pls help. shirtless pics if good advice.
Is she mormon too? Dude I know all about Mormon bullies and that sucks. My advice is to help your little bro see that there's more to life than being mormon the bullies will be less important then. It's very easy as a mormon to get into the "the church is my life" way of thinking. It's understandable with all the things the church requires.Get him something else to do away from the LDS group. It'll help.

Take up a hobby, something new. As for the date, I don't really get the whole idea that a date must cost money. You gotta eat, she gotta eat. Have her over, cook her dinner. Play cards. Go for a walk.

If nothing else, at least you lift bro.


Reluctant Member
It is my dearest belief that adults are a putrid waste of space with no worth or redeeming features whatsoever.


If you're a teen, I feel sorry for you. You'll probably grow up and rationalize to yourself that you're "one of the good ones", not like those other adults. You're different, you're special.

But I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I am 30 now, but I really haven't changed much since my teen years. Oh sure, I've seen more and done more. Maybe a little wiser. But me? Myself? I'm the same. Many so called "adults" see themselves this way. They might act like they've got it all together, that they know what's what now. But the fact is, we're all just as confused and don't know what's around the next corner as anyone else.

If you're an adult, you should probably get that looked at.


I once donated $100 to a suicidal member of GAF because I was genuinely afraid that they were going to kill themselves. If I recall right this person mentioned that they could not afford important medication for mental conditions. I believe they still post around GAF today, but seem to be doing much better. After I had given them the money I was terrified that I may have given someone the means to end their life that they otherwise would not have had access to. That what-if has haunted me to this day despite this person seeming to be alright. I've never even written a word to them. This hasn't shied me away from trying to help people in crisis when I can, but every time I do now I think twice. I've had nightmares, I've lost plenty of sleep over it. Rationally I know that I need to just get over it but so far nothing has really worked.
You did what you felt was right. Better that than face regret.


I always smell the bottom gooch part of my boxer briefs prior to throwing them in the washer. I don't know why.

Also NeoGAF is getting in the way of my school and relationship.
Why why why why why why why
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