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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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While I wouldn't say it's "normal" to have so many issues coming/cumming/orgasming whatever Fiction wants to call it today it's also not "abnormal" either. You're focusing on the destination not the journey. Take your time, find your way around yourself. Simply trying six times isn't. While men have a MUCH easier time of coming/cumming/orgasming/wahasdsding keep in mind some women take years to find what works for them. You might just be like that.

It honestly sounds to me like this is more of a psychological issue than a medical one. I wouldn't worry so much about there being something wrong physically as I would about how you're feeling whenever you try. Are you particularly anxious or nervous? This doesn't sound that abnormal if that's the case.


I've recently gotton to a point in my life where I don't know how to keep going. Things have become a repeated pattern of working too hard and having nothing to show for it in the end.

tldr section 1: My parents didn't pay enough attention to growing up and I hate them and my sisters because of it.

I was raised in a household with both an older and younger sister. My dad worked full time while my mother stayed at home to take care of us. There was always a large amount of favoritism towards both my sisters and it cost me many experiences through my childhood. I was frequently passed over for oppertunities to travel, recieve guidance, or even just spend time with my parents. Because of this, I hold on to some pretty negative feelings towards my siblings and my parents.

Due to some of that prefferential treatment that I talked about, I ended up at a different school than they did. My parents failed to take any intrest in what I was doing with my life at the time and the school councelors didn't help either. I finished high school and never made it to college because I couldn't get them to help me with paperwork. My sisters are both massively successful now and show it off at every family get together. I'm still treated like the black sheep even though I've started taking classes myself (through community college.)

tldr section 2: I work hard and never have anything to show of it.

I've held down jobs steadily since I graduated high school in the early 2000s. I currently work a desk job for an electronics company and they work me to death. I'm scheduled 6 days a week and get no real time off. My pay sucks for what I do and due to the structure of the company, nobody is around to listen to me. I'm the only person in my department which should normally be staffed with 3 people. I've lost vacation time because I'm never able to take it and the only thing stopping me from leaving is a paycheck.

I've been struggling month to month because my girlfriend doesn't really know the value of work. She's been working part time because she has no real life skills and can't function socially due to some extreme anxiety. Her needs outweigh her paycheck and I'm left to cover the bills. Its a pattern I find myself in with every major relationship I've been in. Previous to my current girlfriend, I dated a woman who I lent several thousand to, and she is only now starting to attempt to pay me back. Before that, another girlfriend stayed unemployed for months because she knew I could take care of her.

This work situation has caused me lose friends because I never hang out anymore. I've had to cut back on school because of it. My pleas for some releif at work fall on deaf ears.

tldr section 3: Was hit by a drunk driver and can't get over it.

In 2011 I was hit head on by a drunk driver while going home from a girlfriends house. I got extremely lucky and should have died, considering I crossed two lanes of traffic on a busy road when it happened. My wrist was injured pretty badly because of it and the treatment I recieved sucked. My attourney didn't really fight for my intrests as he wouldn't listen to what I had to say. Doctors I saw didn't listen to me when I still had pain two years later. The case settled and my payout was only really enough to get a car and to fly myself to my younger sisters grandiose wedding. I was out of the settlement money less than a year after I got it with no excess spending on my part.

I still have pain in my wrist. Working in front of a computer all day irritates it, playing games irritates it. I don't have insurance and I can't afford to go see a doctor again to get it and other little things that have popped up since checked out.

So long story short, I hurt all the time, I'm broke, and I feel like a failure next to my sisters. I've worked hard my entire life and I've gotten to the point where I can't handle it
anymore. Nobody wants to listen to me.
While of this sucks, you need to stop focusing on what you have not focus on what you want to do/is right in your life. Yeah, the fact that your sisters are favored sucks. But move beyond it. All it's going to do is hold you back and give you excuses for not moving forward. Yeah the money situation sucks, I know, I've been in similar situations. Focus on getting that better. Hopefully you're in America (I'm assuming so because the fact you don't have insurance) but next year hopefully with Obamacare you'll be able to get some stuff taken care of. Believe me my wife calls me a pessimist and I maintain that I'm a realist but I tend to look on the dark side of things. Sometimes you just gotta take your head out of the clouds if nothing else to set your direction and keep moving forward.


I sometimes listen to neo-fascist / nazi music and enjoy it. I'm absolutely not of the right wing politically, and I tend to listen to music which represents the way I think, but I have a weak spot for martial music, which is a brand sometimes related to neo-folk or industrial. There are bands like Laibach which are my favorites: they're awesome and express ideas I can relate to and which are, you know, intelligent. Sure, if you see a video of them for the first time without knowing the language they sing (they sing a lot of English but also German sometimes) the first thing you think is: "They're fucking nazis.". They're not, their philosophy is using the model of the things they hate (the dress, the "martial" attitude eccetera) to express the exact opposite. Listen to Tanz Mit Laibach with the lyrics in mind and you'll see it right away.

Then there are other bands like Blood Axis, or Von Thronstahl, which are led by controversial figures which were, once or even right now, neo-nazis or proto-fascists. The texts of their songs aren't explicit for obvious reasons, but yeah, you can easily inform yourself about the people involved in these kind of projects: they're fascists. The fact is that I really fucking love their music (listen to Gospel Of Inhumanity for example).

I feel embarrassed when sometimes I listen to them, because I don't want people to think that I agree with some of the ideas that you can extrapolate from their music. Especially since when talking music, I'm really schizophrenic and I can listen to Rammstein one second and Nneka the second after. I don't want people to think that I'm an idiot and just listen to random music without knowing the meaning behind it.

So, basically, once in a while I listen to bands like Blood Axis looking behind my back. I'm ashamed of this taste of mine, but I can't fucking help it.

Am I the only one who listens and likes music which expresses themes and ideas which are totally against my way of life?
Well I use windows....so who am I to judge?


Nose how to spell and rede to
While I wouldn't say it's "normal" to have so many issues coming/cumming/orgasming whatever Fiction wants to call it today it's also not "abnormal" either. You're focusing on the destination not the journey. Take your time, find your way around yourself. Simply trying six times isn't. While men have a MUCH easier time of coming/cumming/orgasming/wahasdsding keep in mind some women take years to find what works for them. You might just be like that.

Stealth brag confession if I've ever seen one
Well I use windows....so who am I to judge?

My music library would be a lot smaller if I only listened to stuff that aligned with my political beliefs. I may think Varg Vikernes or Boyd Rice are pieces of shit, but I can't deny life would be less interesting without them.


Long story short. My wife and I are really into transsexual porn, especially the wife and husband bringing in a transsexual for a threesome. It's insanely hot. My wife said she'd be up for actually trying it out in real life. But I have no idea how to go about it. We've tried to go some personals sites but honestly the quality there is very low, we get turned on by passable transsexuals and the ones in my area are more cross dressers than actual transsexuals. Also I don't want to have them feel like they're just a sex toy. My wife and I aren't poly and aren't interested in a relationship with someone else we just want someone to play with. I worry that bringing in a transexual just for banging and nothing else is a bad move
This warms my heart. No "OMG, I like transexuals am I gay?!" No hang ups or anything. That being said, I really don't know how you'd go about this. I will say though, that they'll know what they're getting into and probably wont have any false pretenses.
This warms my heart. No "OMG, I like transexuals am I gay?!" No hang ups or anything. That being said, I really don't know how you'd go about this. I will say though, that they'll know what they're getting into and probably wont have any false pretenses.

Some day, people will say "Some homo" and it'll be okay, and no one will freak out about weird hangups. Bright future my friends, a bright future.


Nose how to spell and rede to
This warms my heart. No "OMG, I like transexuals am I gay?!" No hang ups or anything. That being said, I really don't know how you'd go about this. I will say though, that they'll know what they're getting into and probably wont have any false pretenses.

Look at craigslist personals causal encounters t. It's like, all prostitutes lol. Good luck with finding the right person for that, confessor (but props on your diverse sexual appetite)

I had the same reaction. All the "shocking" aspects fell flat for me, it felt dumb.

I'm very hit and miss with Kubrick, although I consider that a byproduct of his ambition, not any lack of talent.
I think the super fucking long confessions should have to be extra juicy to get posted. No-one's gonna read that one about the bad girlfriend.

I read it. It was barely a confession, and more like a long story. In fact quite a few of these 'confessions' are just personal stories.


when I meet someone new I get their facebook account send them a friend request and when they accept I look their pics and imagine what they're like in bed. This happens for everyone. No exceptions.
Given that I just friended a GAFer on facebook getting this confession and the timing of it freaks me out a bit actually.


Ronito I'm pissed off at the confessions thread. It used to be full of fun stuff now it's all emo and shitty. Stop posting crappy "confessions". Fuck you, you're not a therapist and neither is anyone else in the thread. It's the confessions thread not the "boohoo I need a therapist thread".

TL;DR: Your thread sucks and you suck

I guess it's time we discuss this. Forgive me for getting serious here for a bit.

Proactive TL;DR Reply: Yes, I suck. But this thread is what it needs to be.

I knew that there'd be at least one of these, and frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long and that's just one (so far). Honestly, after seeing the way the last confession thread went and seeing how most people didn't bother anonymizing their confessions they sent in, I thought that if I were to do another confessions thread it would morph into what it's become. Fact is by the very nature of these threads a lot of it is based on how people percieve the "host". If someone's very flippant and such people will try to one-up each other for attention. Very serious and people will withhold the silly stuff. For better or worse many percieve me as the smiling kitty or the shocked girl, I think that sorta drives some of the stuff that gets sent in. That's my own failing and for that I do apologize, perhaps its time I step down.

That being said, however, I wont apologize for how this thread has turned out. Yes, it can be depressing/emo at times, but I'm fine with that. People don't see the little messages I get from confessors and non-confessors alike saying that a piece of advice helped change the way they viewed things, or even simply knowing that someone else was going through the same problem made it a little easier to face the day. Fact is, that for many people this is the only place they feel they have friends they can divulge to, or get advice from, or vent to, or get something off their chest. And I'm not saying I'm a therapist, nor do I think that anyone in the thread pretends they are. But we are people that have been through similar stuff in the past and if we can help why wouldn't we?

So no, I wont stop posting those kinds of confessions. As silly as it seems, after running a few of these and seeing what comes of it I've actually come to take the confessional rather seriously. I know that for some people writing out a confession of a dark time of their lives or if they're going through it right now, can be a very difficult thing. The fact that they would chose to undertake something like that and that this is where they send it to is very humbling. And even though it probably doesn't seem like it there are several confessions that I've thought about how to reply for good long time. To me those confessions are more important than someone humping a pillow on occasion. If you pay too much attention to the shocking stuff you'll just get a bunch of people trying to out-do that previous confession. A lot of people want to send in the "Doozy #2" and while that's entertaining it quickly gets old.

So yeah, the thread is what it is. If you don't like it you can skip those confessions, leave the thread or start your own thread. But I like how this has turned out. Like I said earlier the fact that a few pages ago someone admitted to impregnating their sister and half the page was about giving Professor Beef tips on how to learn to ride a bike is as sure a sign as any that this thread is a success in my eyes.

stay tuned kids: more confessions coming in a bit.


I can't ride a bike either and I don't see any point in learning now.

Just read through the entire thread. Interesting experience for a new gaffer. Wish I had something bad to confess, other than how boring my life is.


The recent pegging thread inspired me to try and come out to my wife about my long held, secret desire to try it. It's something I've wanted for almost as long as I've been aware such an act existed, and it's taken me the resulting two decades to fully overcome my secret shame about how it was "gay" (I fully recognize it is no such thing now) or somehow horribly deviant.

So I took my wife to bed and started doing all the foreplay things she likes the most, whispering all seductively to her and such, getting her all worked up and in the mood. I asked her to tell me what her deepest, darkest, freakiest desire was, that it was OK and I wouldn't judge, and all I got was "Well, we tried having sex in water before and it didn't work out so great." (It didn't.) "That was kind of it."

I'd known for years that she had a thing about sex and water; sex in a hot tub, sex in the bath tub, sex in the shower, etc. I had just hoped there was something more too it that I could leverage and say, "Well you shouldn't feel so bad about that, because I secretly long for you to strap it on and shove it in." Obviously it didn't work out that way, and of course she immediately turned around and asked me what my deepest, darkest, freakiest desire was...

So... um... Yeah.

It worked out though, I finally got it out there and she was okay with it. Just need to go shopping for the proper equipment :D

Well, I hope the pegging goes better than your attempt to talk your wife into it.

"What's the craziest thing you want to do in bed?"
"Well there was that one time you touched my boobs. I really liked that...why, what's the craziest thing YOU want to do in bed?"
"Uh....actually touching your boobs was mine too! Crazy huh?!"

Also. Feeldoe.



I hate to be an ass but,

Maybe if you didn't turn each of those threads into the same corny ass pseudo Dr Phil commentary bullshit and make them less about yourself, perhaps people wouldn't complain.

Sp0rk and omg_lemur (i believe it was them who used to do this WAY before you back in the days) would copy-paste stuff and had a small line or reaction and that's it, and hilarity would ensue by itself.

But NO. You gotta inject your boring ass walls of text replies under each story; and to be honest, most of the stories you are posting are god damn BORING. Enough with the emo relationship stuff that already gets posted in the OT. People want wild stuff.

You are greatly overestimating how insightful, interesting or funny your posts are.

I'm tired of this, you've completely killed and run down this thread concept and it's just lame now. At least your first confession threads weren't slowed down by you being such an attention whore.

Have a nice day.


I used to be a bit of an identity thief. Had totally forgotten about it until I saw the "stuff you used to do on the internet" thread

I would fill out surveys and sign up for trials for things. Using one of those aggregate sites, I earned points and exchanged them for stuff. I did this for a few weeks or months, IDK. It was years ago. I would google "my home address is" in quotes and then find some poor sap who had given all their information. It was important to use real information because many of these surveys could tell if your phone number's area code matched your zip code. Sometimes they could even tell if I had given a real phone number. A firefox browser plugin let us do these surveys really quick. I showed my friends how this scam worked and got referral bonuses for that. They did the same thing. One of my friends got so into it that he started stealing credit cards via a loophole in some online poker site. He also steals Steam accounts now, occasionally bragging to me about his latest 4-digit acquisition.
I'm wondering how to get steam accounts stolen...



I hate to be an ass but,

Maybe if you didn't turn each of those threads into the same corny ass pseudo Dr Phil commentary bullshit and make them less about yourself, perhaps people wouldn't complain.

Sp0rk and omg_lemur (i believe it was them who used to do this WAY before you back in the days) would copy-paste stuff and had a small line or reaction and that's it, and hilarity would ensue by itself.

But NO. You gotta inject your boring ass walls of text replies under each story; and to be honest, most of the stories you are posting are god damn BORING. Enough with the emo relationship stuff that already gets posted in the OT. People want wild stuff.

You are greatly overestimating how insightful, interesting or funny your posts are.

I'm tired of this, you've completely killed and run down this thread concept and it's just lame now. At least your first confession threads weren't slowed down by you being such an attention whore.

Have a nice day.




I hate to be an ass but,

Maybe if you didn't turn each of those threads into the same corny ass pseudo Dr Phil commentary bullshit and make them less about yourself, perhaps people wouldn't complain.

Sp0rk and omg_lemur (i believe it was them who used to do this WAY before you back in the days) would copy-paste stuff and had a small line or reaction and that's it, and hilarity would ensue by itself.

But NO. You gotta inject your boring ass walls of text replies under each story; and to be honest, most of the stories you are posting are god damn BORING. Enough with the emo relationship stuff that already gets posted in the OT. People want wild stuff.

You are greatly overestimating how insightful, interesting or funny your posts are.

I'm tired of this, you've completely killed and run down this thread concept and it's just lame now. At least your first confession threads weren't slowed down by you being such an attention whore.

Have a nice day.

We won't miss you. Bye! :D
Um, I enjoy Ronito's comments and I sure other people do as well.

If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. You don't have to you know...read it.


GAF, I'm in lust with my best friends "ex"-girlfriend, but the circumstances are weird and not typical. First a little background.

Anyhow, this story begins on a little website called FFN.net. My best friend met his GF there on the forums of the site and they seemed to hit it off when all of the people on the forums talked through MSN messenger years ago. It gradually escalated to phone conversations, four-ways, three-ways, etc. Anyhow, that being said, keep in mind that we are HUNDREDS of miles away from each other and yet they still did the long distance relationship thing to my…disappointment. They had their share of off and ons and break ups, never ONCE in three years or so, seeing each other face-to-face, but we all got to know each other pretty well, through, as mentioned before, Skype and phone convos.

Something about the relationship made me….envious. Not necessarily wanting to be in his place, because fuck long distance relationships, but I just wanted…her. To fuck her, and nothing more.

Thing is, I don't love this girl at all, I'm under NO such delusions. Hell, honestly, even IF he wasn't in a relationship nor planned on it, I wouldn't get in a relationship with her. Why? Simply because, she's attractive enough to have sex with, yes, but I wouldn't want a relationship with her at all, because she's not attractive enough to go THAT far. You ever have those women who if you were being as objective as possible aren't all THAT, but for some reason your dick wants to just dive right in and never resurface? That's EXACTLY what I'm in right now. Plus, in addition to that, a whole lot of other miscellaneous bullshit that doesn't need to be said.

Anyhow, as of now, they are broken up for good, but she still talks to me as a friend…I hope. While some part of me reads some of the texts we have as just platonic, some other part of me feels a bit…not necessarily creeped out just…uncomfortable. I told her now since I'm on my own (we all chatted and met when I was in HS) I could go see her and the others that were too far away for us to see. While I could see the platonic side of things, there's that *hint* that if I *tried* hard enough, I could possibly sleep with her, IF I so desired. I do, don't get me wrong, but at the same time, I don't feel like its worth it to betray my brother in all but blood, even IF she's an ex GF. The guilt would eat me alive.

But the feeling of "God I want to fuck your brains out so bad, but I can't." Even if she came on to me (which I doubt, but given how I don't know how she's feeling at the moment or what's her mental state [I mean that in the nicest way possible, not saying she's crazy at all, just an expression] who knows?) even then I doubt I'd indulge unless she was butt ass naked (again, extremely unlikely, but this girl even after all these years still manages to surprise me) and my lust took over.

How do I deal with this? I KNOW that'd I'd regret it if I did indulge and it happened, and I know my best friend would, rightly, feel betrayed, even if it was an ex he never saw. I KNOW that I don't love her at all, romantically. But, my feelings of wanting her just won't go the fuck away. Which is why when I do see her ( I promised) I'll keep physical contact to a bare minimum, just to be on the safe side. I'm confident I can restrain myself, but that doesn't mean it's unshakable.

Help? You're a guy that wants to bang a girl that's unavailable to him. Welcome to being a guy.



I hate to be an ass but,

Maybe if you didn't turn each of those threads into the same corny ass pseudo Dr Phil commentary bullshit and make them less about yourself, perhaps people wouldn't complain.

Sp0rk and omg_lemur (i believe it was them who used to do this WAY before you back in the days) would copy-paste stuff and had a small line or reaction and that's it, and hilarity would ensue by itself.

But NO. You gotta inject your boring ass walls of text replies under each story; and to be honest, most of the stories you are posting are god damn BORING. Enough with the emo relationship stuff that already gets posted in the OT. People want wild stuff.

You are greatly overestimating how insightful, interesting or funny your posts are.

I'm tired of this, you've completely killed and run down this thread concept and it's just lame now. At least your first confession threads weren't slowed down by you being such an attention whore.

Have a nice day.
I don't get this. Most of the stuff in here is the same as the last confession thread. Still crazy ass confessions with funny commentary, and some serious stuff. It's always been like this.


Help? You're a guy that wants to bang a girl that's unavailable to him. Welcome to being a guy.

Except the girl isn't unavailable. She is single and no pseudo-rule bullshit is changing that. There is no betrayal here because your buddy no longer has any claim on her. Go for it if you really want to. No need to play these weird games, your bud is your bud and if something small like that irks him then his loss.
Also, probably no real need to mention it to him


I was molested as a child and I do not remember specifics so I have hidden it from everyone in my life. This hasn't stopped me from nearly trying everything with my partner, but I do randomly feel severe shame during and after sex.

One thing that confuses me is my taste in porn. I like to watch young women with old or gross men, simulated rape, gang bangs, anything humiliating for the girl. It makes me feel so awful because normally, as a woman, I would not condone this behavior. I haven't told my partner about this and I don't need this to get off when having sex with my partner, it's only for masturbation. When I think about it any other time, I feel so much shame.
You really shouldn't be feeling a severe shame during and after sex. Obviously you have some unresolved stuff going on. Talking to a therapist and working it out would be a good first step.


I have a serious issue with people complimenting me or giving me gifts. Inside I feel really happy and grateful about the gift/compliment but when I try to express it externally I can't help but feel that I come off as ungrateful and/or uncaring, possibly hurting the person who complimented me/gave me the gift.

Later on I do feel like apologizing but then can't help but feel that I'll be making a big deal out of something that isn't really as big as I think it is.
Me too man. Me too.
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