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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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Not really a bad one, but back in June I weighed in at over 320 pounds. Today I weigh about 60 pounds less and I have no plans on stopping until I am at my goal weight. The reason this is anonymous and not in the weight loss thread is because I am kind of ashamed of the fact, but seeing people before and after was a huge inspiration.
As a reply I wanted to post a pic of the wii fit trainer saying "good job" and so I googled "Wii Fit trainer." ....I'll be back in a bit.
You really shouldn't be feeling a severe shame during and after sex. Obviously you have some unresolved stuff going on. Talking to a therapist and working it out would be a good first step.

Anon, if you want to talk more in depth, please pm me. Let me just say I know where you are coming from.

It's incredibly common for victims of abuse to feel that shame. I have an obsessive need to wash my hands after sex, I feel filthy. It's not something I think I will ever be able to shake. Also, it's not uncommon for your first sexual experiences to cause you have lingering fantasies. Or even fetishes. Please pm me, if you like, and maybe I help to make you feel a little bit less broken.
I'd like it if we could keep the bike-riding business between us gaffers.
No worries. I actually still can't ride a bike either, at 23. When I was a young kid, my parents moved to my current neighborhood in Warren and while there were a few kids there at first, as luck would have it, they moved out soon after we moved there. On top of that, there really was nothing interesting near my house at all. So, being a kid, I simply saw no reason to learn at the time and just stayed inside and played Neopets and whatever instead.

I really would like to get around to learning though, but it's really more a time thing than anything in my case at this point, now that I've started school again. Maybe over the summer, depending on if I'm able to get a summer job or not and how things go. We'll see.

Similarly, I really should work on getting my driver's license as well over the summer. Still don't have it, as I have kind of a... phobia, I suppose, when it relates to driving (specifically when it comes to traffic lights), which makes that one tricky. But I suppose I'm rambling now, and that's not really here or there so I'll leave it at that unless someone wants me to go more into it.

Um, I enjoy Ronito's comments and I sure other people do as well.

If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. You don't have to you know...read it.
Yup, I definitely enjoy Ronito's comments as well. <3
I appreciate Ronito's comments and I appreciate the care that people show. Even something little and seemingly insignificant can save someone's life and you just wouldn't know.
Similarly, I really should work on getting my driver's license as well over the summer. Still don't have it, as I have kind of a... phobia, I suppose, when it relates to driving (specifically when it comes to traffic lights), which makes that one tricky. But I suppose I'm rambling now, and that's not really here or there so I'll leave it at that unless someone wants me to go more into it.

Yup, I definitely enjoy Ronito's comments as well. <3
Excuse my snipping I'm on mobile.
I really want to address this: I didn't get my license until I was 26. I tell you from experience, get off your ass and do it. Yes it's scary yes you feel dumb for being so old, yes parallel parking is stupid but do it. Do it, seriously! The sense of freedom and happiness when you can get in the car and do things for yourself is fucking amazing. Do it. Doooo itttt.


As a reply I wanted to post a pic of the wii fit trainer saying "good job" and so I googled "Wii Fit trainer." ....I'll be back in a bit.
That reminded me of a confession I could make: Sometimes I add the Sun Salutation to my daily Wii Fit routine just to see dat ass.

Which trainer am I looking at?
That's for you to decide.

Mike M

Nick N
Wii Fit Trainer being announced for Smash Bros. U/3DS opened the floodgates for "Awesome" fan art. It's an interesting case study.

So much futa...
Excuse my snipping I'm on mobile.
I really want to address this: I didn't get my license until I was 26. I tell you from experience, get off your ass and do it. Yes it's scary yes you feel dumb for being so old, yes parallel parking is stupid but do it. Do it, seriously! The sense of freedom and happiness when you can get in the car and do things for yourself is fucking amazing. Do it. Doooo itttt.
Oh, I do plan on trying to get it this summer, simply because whether I like it or not, it really is a basic necessity of life. The only problem is... I really shouldn't be on the road though. Like I said, I have a phobia involving traffic lights. The thing is I absolutely need time to make a decision. And when I see I yellow light, I panic, because you have to make the decision on whether to keep on whether you're close enough to keep driving through or slow down and stop pretty damn quickly. But that involves considering a combination of the speed you're currently driving at and your distance from the light and whether that information means you should pass through the intersection or slow down and stop. And you have to process that and make that information pretty damn quick. But that's just not how my brain is wired--for whatever reason, I just can't process that information and make the decision, especially not in a split-second, unless I'm far back from the light when it changes. This also goes for pretty much everything in life--I really, really dislike making snap judgments period and much prefer to have time to think and mull things over.

But anyway, when I was first learning how to drive as a teen, I was actually in a small accident due to this. I was driving on like a 40 mph street together with my mom, and I got to a traffic signal which turned yellow just before I got to the intersection and I panicked and hit the breaks. Except I was apparently close enough to the intersection that I should have passed through, and ended up having to floor my breaks in order to stop without actually going into the intersection. This of course caused the person behind my to end up rear-ending me, since naturally there was no way they could have reasonably expected me to do that (I mean, I know it's still technically their fault and not mine, but I know I was really the cause of the problem). There was fortunately no real damage to either of our cars or anything (just a minor scratch to the car I was driving) and the guy was great about it, but that incident basically confirmed by already existing fears and shook me up nonetheless made me pretty much abandon the idea for the time.

Of course, I know that if I have to think about whether I should pass through or not, that means that I should probably pass through, but it's still hard getting that worry out of my head and overcoming it, especially since I'm particularly worried that one day I'll end up having the opposite problem of the accident I was in: passing through into an intersection and not stopping when I should have, being hit by oncoming traffic and causing a real accident where not only I but other people could end up dying as well. I know that's a small risk, but already being involved in an accident when I first tried to learn driving doesn't exactly give me much confidence.

It also doesn't help that I really don't like highways either, due to how quickly you have to accelerate on the entrance ramp to be able to merge into them and just not feeling comfortable driving at speeds higher than like 50-55 mph period--it just feels like too much to me and I don't like being in control of something going that fast and am always glad when I can get off.

But like I said, I am planning on giving it another go this summer because whether I like it or not, it unfortunately pretty much is a necessity. I just really wish I didn't have to. >.< Self-driving cars can't get here soon enough, IMO.


I'm gay for one guy in the whole world. I thought I could be bi, or even gay for a while, but I never felt attracted to guys except one of my friends who I've known for almost ten years now.

In 9th grade, I would always just stare at him. His face, his hair, the awkward teenage body developing under his baggy shirts. Sometimes he'd wear a very thin shirt and you could see his nipples. I was so obsessed with him.

We got older and my feelings just kept growing. I was sure I was gay all throughout highschool and I had absolutely no problem with it. I was considering telling my friends too, and I'm sure they wouldn't have an issue either. I just never felt any desire to look at any other guys and I couldn't watch any kind of gay porn.

He has had girlfriends and so have I, but I would honestly leave anyone for him. I'm obsessed.

Anyways, here are some of the things I've done:

In 9th grade, I let him borrow a pen and saw him put it in his mouth. I got the pen back and sucked on it. That was the first time I acted on my feelings.

Whenever he comes over and eats or drinks from one of my dishes, I lick it before I put it in the sink.

When we go out drinking, I get drunk really easily and start jokingly groping him. But in reality, I'm completely sober and just trying to cop a feel. Is this sexual assault? He laughs it off and has never told me that he's uncomfortable.

Whenever I'm actually drunk, I pull out my dick and try to get him to touch it. This is definitely uncomfortable for all parties involved and I really need to stop.

I was in his bedroom once and he left to the bathroom. I got under his sheets and took my pants off and rubbed his sheets on my junk while smelling his pillow. I was ashamed by this one.

Whenever we plan to meet at his apartment and he tells me that he's going to shower and I should come a bit later, I make sure to go early so I can catch him just before he showers to get a peek of him in just his towel. Never ashamed by this one.
As I said before. Blow jobs solve everything.

Also, really? The pen? The dishes?


Rodent Whores
As a reply I wanted to post a pic of the wii fit trainer saying "good job" and so I googled "Wii Fit trainer." ....I'll be back in a bit.



I feel yea, really I do. Okay here's something might help: when approaching a street light decide on a point of no return.

"That's the spot, if i pass that spot and the light is yellow or green I'm not stopping."
Make sure it's a spot where you have enough time to stop before ending up in the intersection, but that's a good method. I know how you feel, really, but it does get easier, I promise, you just have to take a breath and tell yourself if everyone else can do it, so can you.


There is a girl in my circle of friends, we've all been friends for about 4 years now, and we've been in a relationship for the past month or so. The thing is, we're keeping it a secret because one of the others in our group, whom I easily consider to be my best friend, has had a thing for her since like, middle school (we're all just about 20). He has been let down on multiple occasions, but is still rather...possessive of her and gets uncomfortable whenever anyone even makes a sex joke or anything(she's basically one of the guys as far as that stuff goes), and he will occasionally offhandedly tell me when we're alone that he is still has feelings. While we've agreed to tell him eventually, we are both a bit too uncomfortable to do it right now, as horrible as that sounds.
Bro code stipulates you're in the clear.


So not really a confession, but something I wish I could tell the world...

I have a really unfortunate purple birthmark on my lips and gums. Growing up, I was teased mercilessly for it before it had even been diagnosed. I went through some really tough times as a teenager (depression, suicidal thoughts) in part because of the teasing and bullying. That was before laser treatment was widely available. While I've had some laser treatments as an adult to lighten it, the part on my gums just won't go away. Also, it has expanded over time, pushing my teeth apart in the process. Half my mouth has awesome orthodontia and the other half looks like Cletus from The Simpsons. Dentists treat me like a freak show and love to poke me with sharp implements and try to sell me on braces again. I won't smile with my mouth open and I hate candid photographs where I am smiling openly, because all I can see is my birthmark. I'm an attractive-enough female (cute, not hot) and I wonder how much my dating life takes a hit when people who might find me attractive from a distance see what's going on in my mouth.

Maybe you're thinking, "It's all in your head, of course it looks worse to you than it does to other people." I know my birthmark is noticeable because little kids and people from other cultures without taboos on the subject ask me about it as soon as they meet me. I'm not offended... in fact, I wish more people WOULD ask me about it, because the truth (human development is quirky!) is much better than what people assume about it (got punched in the face, nasty gum disease, never seen a dentist...).

I just wish there was a natural, casual way for me to mention to friends/acquaintances that it's a birthmark, and that that information would then spread to others...
Now GAFers are going to go up to people with birthmarks and be like "Wow! that's fascinating tell me more!" when the poor people wish they would be left alone.


I had been with my ex-girlfriend for two years when she got into med school about 2,000 miles away from where I would consider 'home.' Things between us were rocky but I was severely depressed where we were living and I thought the move would both jumpstart myself and our relationship. I really needed some place to start fresh. So I moved.

10 days after moving to this new location she broke up with me. This was a couple days after we had a fantastic day trip together. I don't know anyone here and even though I've made some friends I am severely depressed. The breakup reasoning was multiple things 1) She was under so much new stress at med school and I was needy (which I was) 2) She loved me but she wasn't 'In Love' with me 3) She wanted me to go out and make friends and make something of myself and she felt that if I was still with her we would continue to be each others crutches. She even said that we could have a chance at this again if we can both figure ourselves out but that it was all up in the air. She said she liked being with me but we were becoming to dependent on each other.

Even after we broke up we tried to "hang out" for a week or two and we were intimate during that time as well which really fucked with my head.

I really miss her. We live in the same town, 20 minutes away from each other. I drive by her place on my way to work. I went to a psychiatrist and counselor about all of this. I'm on anti-depressants and I feel like it makes things only marginally better. The problem is my OCD and how much I obsess over how words in texts and emails were phrased. We've technically broken up for 3 and a half months. I want to get better, but I hope by getting better I can be with her again.

I know the whole "plenty of fish in the sea" line but I feel like this was the girl for me. I have so much anxiety and strict standards for girls that I feel like I will never meet anyone again. She wants to meet for coffee after thanksgiving (she's out of town now and I will be for thanksgiving). I'm going to do it despite every close person telling me that it's not a good idea. I have to know if there is still something there.a
Don't do it dude.


m sleeping with my best friends wife

My best friend "shel" he's a good guy, a great guy even but he's got no back-bone. Dude is whipped, he's a real blue pill beta who lets his kids walk all over him, and has nothing going on in his life. Guy works Walmart and has been working at the same Walmart for almost 11 years, and not once has he ever gotten a promotion. Why? because he couldn't handle the pressure, and that's why he's a cashier and not a manager. His wife is the real bread winner (she works in an office) in the family, not him. In this house his wife is the "man".

I started having an affair with her a few years ago after the birth of their first child. She called me out of the blue and asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her. We talked, we talked, and we talked some more. Her marriage was in shambles, she wasn't satisfied sexually with Shel. She faked every orgasm, but, now she couldn't muster the enthusiasm for it. She wasn't satisfied with her life and lets just say she's depressed. I felt pity on her, and told her she needed someone better. A few hours later we were having sex in the back of my truck in a public park.

Afterwards we began having weekly "hook ups". Shel was utterly blind to the fact she was having an affair. She didn't even need to hide it, she just said "I'm going to hang out with Cliff", and he bought it. One time he caught us, but, I played it off as we were doing yoga and the best way to do yoga was in the nude, it was very healthy. he didn't buy it, his face told me everything, but, he didn't do anything. Just asked if he could join next time.

Well we kept our cheating charade up for about 3 years, till I got her preggo. I didn't mean too, it was an accident. I feel bad, I do, I'm a horrible rotten person, but, Shel is a spineless coward and is allowing his daughter to grow up spoiled.
Better a coward than a horrible person.

Also: "naked yoga"? Hold on, gotta google Wii Fit Trainer again.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Better a coward than a horrible person.

Also: "naked yoga"? Hold on, gotta google Wii Fit Trainer again.

The only non-horrible person in this scenario is the husband. You are bad people and you should feel bad.

Edit: I actually skipped the preggo part. This has to be a troll, right? Right?? Right... ?


My balls are itchy.

This is not a gag confession. My balls are really itchy, like, all the time. My balls and around my balls. It is embarrassing as hell. Often I can ignore it, but when I get a chance alone, I am knuckle deep in ball scratch town. I will do it for extended periods of time, just because I can never get the itch to go away. It gets to the point where there have been times that I've bled from scratching so much, and the itch still never goes away.

I've tried shaving, I've tried trimming, I've tried just letting it grow. I've tried lotions and creams and oils and nothing helps. It has been going on for probably 20 years now. even right now, they are itchy. It's mostly in one spot, but really everywhere. The one spot on my right ball is just itchier than the rest, but the whole area is itchy. It's not jock itch, it's just a deep itch that I can never fully satisfy. I wake up in the middle of the night scratching my balls. I just start at some point in the middle of the night in my sleep, and I scratch to the point that it wakes me up. Then I scratch more. I don't know why I'm so itchy. Does GAF have any advice??
Perhaps it's a nervous twitch? Also do you have a sensory processing disorder? That's pretty difficult to diagnose.
Don't do it dude.

I went through this feeling a few years ago. GF of 5 years broke up with me due to us growing apart, yadda yadda. Felt like shit for a few months, but after that I got other girlfriends and started feeling way better. It is cliche, but you'll get there, man. Just give it time.

And don't have coffee with her. That just makes it worse and extends the healing period. It's not going to happen with her. It's not. No matter what argument you've built up in your head, it won't change how she feels.


bwuahahha amazing

m sleeping with my best friends wife

My best friend "shel" he's a good guy, a great guy even but he's got no back-bone. Dude is whipped, he's a real blue pill beta who lets his kids walk all over him, and has nothing going on in his life. Guy works Walmart and has been working at the same Walmart for almost 11 years, and not once has he ever gotten a promotion. Why? because he couldn't handle the pressure, and that's why he's a cashier and not a manager. His wife is the real bread winner (she works in an office) in the family, not him. In this house his wife is the "man".

I started having an affair with her a few years ago after the birth of their first child. She called me out of the blue and asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her. We talked, we talked, and we talked some more. Her marriage was in shambles, she wasn't satisfied sexually with Shel. She faked every orgasm, but, now she couldn't muster the enthusiasm for it. She wasn't satisfied with her life and lets just say she's depressed. I felt pity on her, and told her she needed someone better. A few hours later we were having sex in the back of my truck in a public park.

Afterwards we began having weekly "hook ups". Shel was utterly blind to the fact she was having an affair. She didn't even need to hide it, she just said "I'm going to hang out with Cliff", and he bought it. One time he caught us, but, I played it off as we were doing yoga and the best way to do yoga was in the nude, it was very healthy. he didn't buy it, his face told me everything, but, he didn't do anything. Just asked if he could join next time.

Well we kept our cheating charade up for about 3 years, till I got her preggo. I didn't mean too, it was an accident. I feel bad, I do, I'm a horrible rotten person, but, Shel is a spineless coward and is allowing his daughter to grow up spoiled.

Gotta love people like this judging the hell out of someone else when they are in fact a piece of trash. Disgusting.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Don't do it dude.
Don't do it, cut off all contact. Its the only way. You cannot be friends, except maybe years down the road. But literally you need to cut off all contact.

Better a coward than a horrible person.

Also: "naked yoga"? Hold on, gotta google Wii Fit Trainer again.
dude, DUDE, you are a terrible person, and his wife is too.

Perhaps it's a nervous twitch? Also do you have a sensory processing disorder? That's pretty difficult to diagnose.

Not to make light of the confessors situation but this totally reminded me of Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own.

Sorry for your issue!


This one's pretty tame so feel free to skip it or pair it with another sister-fucking one if you have any to spare.

Anyway, I'm quitting my job tomorrow for a much better one. Now, of course this is a great thing, but it's also stressful for me. I'm convinced I have a serious case of impostor syndrome; despite me having great grades throughout school, university and now my master degree courses, I still believe I either suck at what I do (programming) or its too easy and no one has realized it yet. Same with all my jobs so far (this new one will be my third). I live each day in constant fear that I'll be discovered as some sort of system-cheating lazy programmer, and it's only going to get worse with the new job because I'll be making nearly twice as much money as I make now (yes, I got through an excruciating month-long process to get it and still believe I got it due to cheer luck).

My fear of being incompetent at what I do is not entirely unwarranted, either. I have terrible issues with time management; I left my first job because my workload was too low and people started to talk about how I was doing nothing, and a couple of months ago I started to look for a new job after my manager gave me a reprimand for spending too much time on the internet, which led to this new job. The reason for this I think is I usually finish my assignments quickly, start browsing GAF or something along those lines, and then my manager glances over and that's all he sees. I know I should probably be more proactive and seek out new tasks to keep busy, but it's difficult to handle.

Also, this is getting into whining territory, but I kind of feel like I'm betraying my company. Money and career-wise it's the obvious choice to make, but the software industry in my country tends to have a very family-like culture, and my job has really grown on me despite the low income and that reprimand I mentioned. I guess I thought it'd be easier to say good bye if it was for the right reasons, but it still kind of sucks. I guess I just don't have enough experience yet.
If you only knew how your superiors were you might not be so afraid.
Always remember:

"Nobody knows anything." - William Goldman
I went through this feeling a few years ago. GF of 5 years broke up with me due to us growing apart, yadda yadda. Felt like shit for a few months, but after that I got other girlfriends and started feeling way better. It is cliche, but you'll get there, man. Just give it time.

And don't have coffee with her. That just makes it worse and extends the healing period. It's not going to happen with her. It's not. No matter what argument you've built up in your head, it won't change how she feels.

I wouldn't be with my wife today if it weren't for getting put on hold by my (then) GF. She wanted to date other people and explore, but didn't want aaaaaanything to do with me doing that. After a weekend bender and a few weeks of excruciating headaches from the stress, I started dating a woman who was:

Better in the sack.
Had a more defined career plan.
Could cook a plate of spaghetti.
Gave a shit when I talked.
Didn't look down on me even though she was from a "higher" "class" of people.

To that confessor, just don't go there with her anymore. Don't follow up. Just stop and think about how what she did hurt you, and then ask yourself if you want to make the sole effort to try to be with someone who would hurt you like that. Good luck, because as much as your situation sucks, there really is a future in everything, and there are more doors open to you now than there were before.


I'm sleeping with my best friends wife

My best friend "shel" he's a good guy, a great guy even but he's got no back-bone. Dude is whipped, he's a real blue pill beta who lets his kids walk all over him, and has nothing going on in his life. Guy works Walmart and has been working at the same Walmart for almost 11 years, and not once has he ever gotten a promotion. Why? because he couldn't handle the pressure, and that's why he's a cashier and not a manager. His wife is the real bread winner (she works in an office) in the family, not him. In this house his wife is the "man".

I started having an affair with her a few years ago after the birth of their first child. She called me out of the blue and asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her. We talked, we talked, and we talked some more. Her marriage was in shambles, she wasn't satisfied sexually with Shel. She faked every orgasm, but, now she couldn't muster the enthusiasm for it. She wasn't satisfied with her life and lets just say she's depressed. I felt pity on her, and told her she needed someone better. A few hours later we were having sex in the back of my truck in a public park.

Afterwards we began having weekly "hook ups". Shel was utterly blind to the fact she was having an affair. She didn't even need to hide it, she just said "I'm going to hang out with Cliff", and he bought it. One time he caught us, but, I played it off as we were doing yoga and the best way to do yoga was in the nude, it was very healthy. he didn't buy it, his face told me everything, but, he didn't do anything. Just asked if he could join next time.

Well we kept our cheating charade up for about 3 years, till I got her preggo. I didn't mean too, it was an accident. I feel bad, I do, I'm a horrible rotten person, but, Shel is a spineless coward and is allowing his daughter to grow up spoiled.
The tone this starts with is hilarious, the confessor is nothing short of a piece of crap.
I've never heard this before. Beta is a lesser man than an alpha? Blue pill is a Matrix reference? Meaning they choose to remain asleep to reality? Okay I think I got it.

Clearly the confessor is a man's man, and part of that is looking down on other men, saying he's a good guy, feeling bad about what he does and still fucking his wife behind his back.

That's real alpha, dawgs.


Sometimes I like to leave pornsites open in the background on my computer in my room, hoping my sister (not a minor) will find it. They're just pics not audio of some moaning chick. Its in its own window behind the main one which takes up 99.9% of the screen so i'm not leaving porn on the screen for all to see. Why? Once I saw some porn in her browser history and found that we have similar tastes in women (Rosie Jones, Kim K etc). So I figured I'd let her see some stuff I like, and i'm pretty sure she looks through my history when I'm not home. It's weird, and I would NEVER do anything sexual with her, catch me naked etc. I'm not attracted to my own sister. But its kinda fun in a weird way.
Does nobody use incognito mode?
Bro code stipulates you're in the clear.

Spoiler: he's going to pout and mope and embarrass himself and possibly everyone else and if you're unlucky won't break off contact. Tell everyone sooner rather than later.

She wants to meet for coffee after thanksgiving
Don't do it dude.

Lots of people have told you it's a bad idea; I don't disagree. If you're going to be stubborn (and I think you will be), here's how to do it (have been there and done that):
Do not ask to get back together. Do not talk about the two of you as an item. Do not be whiney and needy. Talk about interesting shit going on in your life and interesting people you've met. If you haven't done anything interesting or met interesting people, get off your ass. Do have sex. Do not be jealous when she starts dating other people. Fake it till you make it.

Anyway, this is more than likely to just delay the healing as it probably won't work out, still, doing interesting things is doing interesting things, and not being jealous and needy are good things too.


I know the whole "plenty of fish in the sea" line but I feel like this was the girl for me. I have so much anxiety and strict standards for girls that I feel like I will never meet anyone again. She wants to meet for coffee after thanksgiving (she's out of town now and I will be for thanksgiving). I'm going to do it despite every close person telling me that it's not a good idea. I have to know if there is still something there.

She was not the only girl for you. I used to think the same way as you and believed that I would never find anyone else after my first girlfriend because I was just too damn picky. I didn't meet anyone that I felt was worth dating until I met my first GF when I was 20. From the time I was 12 until nearly the end of college, she was the only girl that sparked any romantic interest for me. You know you're picky when you go 8 years without being interested in anybody.

But within a year of breaking up with her, I met two other girls that I liked. It was a good lesson because it showed me how naive I had been. I used to think the "plenty of fish in the sea" advice applied to every guy except me, when in reality I just had to make the effort to actually meet new girls. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you won't find them unless you go fishing.
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