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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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i don't think there are girls on the internet



Confession: I just read this whole thread start to finish, I regret nothing.
What am I doing with my life. ._.
Also, I'm an online lurker. There's many forums where I feel like I know most of the community, but I make pretty much no posts, including here. Lame confessions, but ah well.


Here's my take, she's not a real friend and does not want to confront you about it because she still likes the attention she's getting from you. You're just there to massage her ego. Walk away and find a real friend.

Also are you just wanting to be friends or are looking for a relationship with her?

That's the outcome that I'm afraid of. I don't like losing friends. I'm not looking for a relationship, just friends.
Every time I post in a thread it dies. I hate it.

I used to feel this way; I've seen enough discussion about it on various forums to know that everyone feels like they've killed at least a few threads, and many of us feel like we've killed a lot of threads. Someone has to be the last poster.

In hindsight I should have acted like an adult and talked to her about it.

Yeah. Some conversations are unavoidably awkward.

That little head high you can get when you sneeze really hard? That sensation is hands down more pleasurable than tugging at this stupid fucking useless noodle to try to take some of the edge off of my adversarial sex drive most of the time.

So stop jerking off and find something else to do. Video games are popular around here.

haha one wonders how girl x found the confession...

Something like this?

AnonymousBoyfriendY said:
Dear [x@crappygirlfriends.com],
I found this post on the internet and it sounds like us! Would love to hear your input.

[Boyfriend Y]

PS: I am totally not the confessor.


I'm in my 30s. I can never forget my first wet dream, or the first time I masturbated.

I was about 11 at that time. I was fascinated with ads of women in lingerie (I still am). I loved the whole concept of showing a little skin but not seeing everything. I love the intricate lacy stuff and I would cut out magazine pages and spend hours figuring out if I could see a nipple or not. I knew I liked that sort of thing and I would get massive erections all the time but I had no idea about porn or masturbation or sex then. Then one night I dreamt I was in a very large locker room, like the kind you would find at a swimming pool, where you have showers and many cubicles and benches and stuff. The only difference was that there was no ceiling. So I scaled the wall, hung over the edge and peeped into the female locker room and for some reason their toilet bowls were just right out in the open with no cubicles. The whole place was empty except for this one gorgeous woman who was fully dressed. She was wearing a white blouse and a mini skirt, like an office lady. Oblivious to my presence, she sat down on a toilet bowl and she peed. And then I came. I think the whole idea of watching someone do something very intimate while I spied on her was just enough for my young innocent mind to cause an orgasm. When I woke up I found all this sticky white stuff in my shorts and I couldn't figure out what happened, I thought I was sick because a teacher had said in school that when your liver fails your pee turns white because it means there's proteins there. When I grew up I never gained an interest in golden showers. Porn with some sort of peeping action still works great though.

The first time I masturbated was just shortly after that. Besides my fascination with lingerie, I was also in love with women's clothing, especially skirts (I'm very heterosexual btw). I loved things like petticoats (with lacy edges!) and long skirts because there's always this tantalizing quality to them; you can never be sure that you WON'T manage to get a peep at what's hidden underneath. So I wanted to know what it was like to wear a skirt. I nicked one of my mother's long skirts that was in the laundry hamper one day and tried it on without wearing any underwear. It felt incredible! My legs were airy and I felt so liberated without anything wrapped tightly around my crotch. The fabric moved, flowed, and caressed by penis and almost immediately I got an erection. It felt so good so I rubbed myself over the skirt, not really entirely sure what I was doing. All I knew was that it seemed to be taking me to some higher elevated state and I didn't want to stop, and very quickly I came all over the inside of the skirt. I still hadn't figured out what I had just managed to do quite yet, and I got scared and developed a headache for the rest of the day.

Soon after that I developed a cross dressing fetish involving lacy bras, panties, all sorts of dresses etc. This fetish lasted many years, until I discovered internet porn and I never looked back. I'm not into transgender or cross dressing porn though, and pictures of dudes wearing panties gross me out for some reason. I don't cross dress any more, but I still love all of the women's fashion, and I'm sure if I got my crotch on some lingerie again I'll still pop a massive erection.
"I'm not into cross dressing, I'm just saying if I wore women's lingerie I'd totally be turned on."

Jedeye Sniv

^ sounds to me like that dude should crossdress. Nothing gay about it apparently (says Eddie Izzard at least), and I can see why looking at cd porn would do nothing for you. But if you're wearing it then it's not the same as looking at a grainy pic of a redneck in pantyhose.

Let your freak flag fly anon!
Hey, so, this isn't a particularly deep confession or anything, but I'm scared of dogs. Like, terrified. Normally I'd just ask GAF for help but dogGAF can be scary defensive about how great their dogs are; and that's half the problem. Anytime I'm out walking and someone with a dog aproaches I freeze up. I just can't deal. Struggling to breath. All ypur standard phobia stuff. And every fucking time I'm there unable to go on walking, people get annoyed at me. It's especcially bad if the dog isn't on a lead and he just runs up at me and I freeze; and people can't help but say 'oh you're all right he won't bite' or whatever and I feel really bad about being rude to them.

I'm NOT scared of being bitten. At all. I know that 99.9% of dogs are lovely freindly animals just trying to say hello or something. I just can't help freezing up about it. And it's not that I don't like dogs, either! I think they're well cool, I love youtube videos of dogs being adorable and stuff. We had a dog when I was a little kid and he and I were friends; and I have no traumatic memories about him or anything. But despite all that I can't convince myself to react any way other than with petrification even though I know it's fucking stupid. How do I deal with this? I want to be able to walk places without freezing up (there's lots of dogs in my town) and not have this crazy inexplicable phobia. I'm a university student so I can't get a dog and none of my friends have one. :(

Just caught up with this thread and I'm actually happy to see this sort of confession. How anon described their fear of dogs mirrors my own. I like videos/pictures of dogs but as soon as there is one in real life, I freeze. I've had enough people tell me "Oh but they're so cute!" and "Oh why don't you get a dog? Then you won't be scared anymore!" and sometimes it's hard to explain the phobia when they're so blinded by their own love of dogs.

Over the years, I've gotten to the point where I can calm down around a dog as long as 1) the owner has good control over it and 2) I can gradually set the distance between me and the dog. On most occasions, I will be unable to sit or relax when in the presence of an unfamiliar dog, but thankfully owners have been understanding and let me set my pace when I visit them in their homes. I've gotten better over the years partly because I'm now taller than most dogs, but I still get that fight/flight instinct when a dog comes running toward me, no matter the size of said dog. I do have to thank my friends when we go out in public as they will quietly form a barrier between me and dogs when we're walking down the street. I've thought about seeing a professional to dispel my fears once and for all, but I can't imagine what else they could do that I haven't been gradually trying on my own so far.

So to anon, you're not alone! Hopefully we'll both be able to work on dispelling our fears! I'm a fairly new member on GAF, but feel free to PM me if you need to talk to/bounce ideas off someone.
Just caught up with this thread and I'm actually happy to see this sort of confession. How anon described their fear of dogs mirrors my own. I like videos/pictures of dogs but as soon as there is one in real life, I freeze. I've had enough people tell me "Oh but they're so cute!" and "Oh why don't you get a dog? Then you won't be scared anymore!" and sometimes it's hard to explain the phobia when they're so blinded by their own love of dogs.

Over the years, I've gotten to the point where I can calm down around a dog as long as 1) the owner has good control over it and 2) I can gradually set the distance between me and the dog. On most occasions, I will be unable to sit or relax when in the presence of an unfamiliar dog, but thankfully owners have been understanding and let me set my pace when I visit them in their homes. I've gotten better over the years partly because I'm now taller than most dogs, but I still get that fight/flight instinct when a dog comes running toward me, no matter the size of said dog. I do have to thank my friends when we go out in public as they will quietly form a barrier between me and dogs when we're walking down the street. I've thought about seeing a professional to dispel my fears once and for all, but I can't imagine what else they could do that I haven't been gradually trying on my own so far.

So to anon, you're not alone! Hopefully we'll both be able to work on dispelling our fears! I'm a fairly new member on GAF, but feel free to PM me if you need to talk to/bounce ideas off someone.

I'm a bit like this too, but not as bad.

I think it's just that they're too damned excitable.


I have never talked about this with anybody and im dragging this with me for over 25 years now.
That whole day is just a fuzzy memory now but I still remember what happened like it was yesterday.
When I was 12 years old me and my friends, let's call them Steve and Mike, met to play soccer and fool around. There was an old football field in the woods where we always played. It was safe there nothing crazy, just a few streets away from our home.
It was rainy as always but that didn't stop us. To get to the field you have to cross a swampy field which was always dangerous in it self as long as it wasn't raining too much. We got across and played for hours, losing track of time. We noticed we were late when it got dark so we went back.

Trying to cross the swamp we accidentally dropped the football and it was floating in the water. Since Mike was the youngest we decided that he has to get the ball back.
It turned out the be a horrifying mistake. He somehow slipped while trying to keep the balance on the wet planks and fell straight into the swamp.

I managed to grab his arm and held onto him as good as I could. I don't remember Steve making a single sound while all that happened.

While holding onto him I lost the strength and couldn't hold on to him anymore.
He was screaming at the bottom of his lungs and I still see the disturbing look on his face in my dreams.

A few seconds later I let go of him even though I easily could have hold onto him for a few more minutes maybe even pull him up. I don't know why I let go of his arm but I did. There was a single moment were he stopped screaming and just sunk down the swamp.
I could have pulled him up if I tried harder I know it. I was just so scared to fall down there myself so I dropped him.

Me and Steve stayed there for minutes without saying a word. Half an hour later he went home while I still sat there on the plank waiting for the police to arrive.
I never told them that i managed to grab his arm. We just said he fell. Nothing else.

I never told anyone about Mikes last words, his screaming and the dead silence when I let go of him. the dead look in his eyes haunt me to this day.

Its all a distant memory now but I will never forget how they pulled his body out of the swamp.
I blame myself for his death and I think Steve does the same. I havent talked to him since that day.
We moved away after that incident and I assume Steve still lives in our old town.

I will never forget that picture. the picture of mike falling.

No one knows this except me and steve.
Not even my wife or my kids. I dont know what made my write this.
I guess i didnt want to take this to my grave
So I have to say when I got to the "screaming from the bottom of his lungs" bit I cracked up. Just seeing a guy afraid for his life opening his mouth and letting out a whisper of scream is just a humorous picture for me. I take solace in that this is most likely fake. If it's not I'm a terrible person
that's pretty messed up Ronito

if it were my brother, i would have been obligated to jump in

if it were one of my childhood friends there's a good chance i would have done the same
So I have to say when I got to the "screaming from the bottom of his lungs" bit I cracked up. Just seeing a guy afraid for his life opening his mouth and letting out a whisper of scream is just a humorous picture for me. I take solace in that this is most likely fake. If it's not I'm a terrible person

It screams from the bottom of its lungs that it's fake.


So I have to say when I got to the "screaming from the bottom of his lungs" bit I cracked up. Just seeing a guy afraid for his life opening his mouth and letting out a whisper of scream is just a humorous picture for me. I take solace in that this is most likely fake. If it's not I'm a terrible person
You're a terrible person regardless.

And confession dude, if this is actually true, you couldn't do anything. That feeling that you have that you could have held longer is false. You couldn't. You couldn't have tried harder, your hand just let go. You didn't decide to stop trying to save your friend, it was a reflex. You'd been playing all day, and you didn't know how tired you were. The fact that you "don't know why you let go" tells me as much. Stop blaming yourself.
I have never talked about this with anybody and im dragging this with me for over 25 years now.
That whole day is just a fuzzy memory now but I still remember what happened like it was yesterday.
When I was 12 years old me and my friends, let's call them Steve and Mike, met to play soccer and fool around. There was an old football field in the woods where we always played. It was safe there nothing crazy, just a few streets away from our home.
It was rainy as always but that didn't stop us. To get to the field you have to cross a swampy field which was always dangerous in it self as long as it wasn't raining too much. We got across and played for hours, losing track of time. We noticed we were late when it got dark so we went back.

Trying to cross the swamp we accidentally dropped the football and it was floating in the water. Since Mike was the youngest we decided that he has to get the ball back.
It turned out the be a horrifying mistake. He somehow slipped while trying to keep the balance on the wet planks and fell straight into the swamp.

I managed to grab his arm and held onto him as good as I could. I don't remember Steve making a single sound while all that happened.

While holding onto him I lost the strength and couldn't hold on to him anymore.
He was screaming at the bottom of his lungs and I still see the disturbing look on his face in my dreams.

A few seconds later I let go of him even though I easily could have hold onto him for a few more minutes maybe even pull him up. I don't know why I let go of his arm but I did. There was a single moment were he stopped screaming and just sunk down the swamp.
I could have pulled him up if I tried harder I know it. I was just so scared to fall down there myself so I dropped him.

Me and Steve stayed there for minutes without saying a word. Half an hour later he went home while I still sat there on the plank waiting for the police to arrive.
I never told them that i managed to grab his arm. We just said he fell. Nothing else.

I never told anyone about Mikes last words, his screaming and the dead silence when I let go of him. the dead look in his eyes haunt me to this day.

Its all a distant memory now but I will never forget how they pulled his body out of the swamp.
I blame myself for his death and I think Steve does the same. I havent talked to him since that day.
We moved away after that incident and I assume Steve still lives in our old town.

I will never forget that picture. the picture of mike falling.

No one knows this except me and steve.
Not even my wife or my kids. I dont know what made my write this.
I guess i didnt want to take this to my grave


Mike M

Nick N
Confession: I have no idea who Benefict Cumberbatch is outside the knowledge that he is the subject of obsession for girls on the Internet.


Weird I had a similar situation when I was with a friend and it too involved retrieving a football (soccer ball) from water (banks of the River).

I saved my mate thankfully though. I always had good reactions so I grabbed his arm and eventually (for some reason) his shorts and hauled him out before the current carried him away.

I had always underestimated how strong currents can be until that day, almost ripped my arm out my socket.
Weird I had a similar situation when I was with a friend and it too involved retrieving a football (soccer ball) from water (banks of the River).

I saved my mate thankfully though. I always had good reactions so I grabbed his arm and eventually (for some reason) his shorts and hauled him out before the current carried him away.

I had always underestimated how strong currents can be until that day, almost ripped my arm out my socket.

No one likes a showoff.


I'll try to keep this one short so all the people craving an incest story won't whine.

I hate my boss. He's a top tier asshole, one of these guys who lives at the office except when he's off doing waspy bro things and never has anything positive to say about anyone who isn't an exact clone of himself. We've never seen eye to eye.

I recently found out I'm being let go. The firm's not winning work yadda yadda, just business yadda yadda. That's fine, whatever, I'll find another job.

The thing is they didn't just fire me, pay out my notice period and have security escort me from the building immediately like any sensible company would do. They're making me sit there and finish the project I'm working on, then go just before Christmas. I'm sure it makes sense for them since it's cheaper on paper, but the blind stupidity of it is stunning.

As you can imagine, it's had a marvelous effect on my motivation.

So a week goes by and I turn in some work that has a stupid mistake (actually was some faulty info someone else put together that I copied in without thinking). Procedure is that all work has to have two sets of eyes pass over it so it's no big deal.

The guy catches the mistake, then proceeds to humiliate me in front of the whole team over it. I'm standing there taking it because I stopped caring weeks ago and because it's easier than fighting.

I know it was a stupid mistake and I knew something wasn't right at the time, but I made the mistake anyway. That's on me.

Being a prolapsed anus about it and not having the decency to at least take me aside to discuss it in private? That's on him.

Anyway, now I'm entertaining revenge fantasies and it's really no help because nothing can ever come of it. It's a small industry locally and I'm certain I'll see this guy again, probably in some corner office somewhere, being an asshole to someone else.

Ugh. Just let it end already.
I got this a few days ago. And it's pretty unremarkable but, I got this confession this morning:
I'm a project manager that's just destroyed a million dollar project and no one knows about it yet.

I got too caught up in myself and threw everyone under every bus I could. I don't know why I did it. I've always just done it and on this project I did it more than ever.

This project I first threw the IT Manager under the bus every chance I could. He ended up quitting. I thought that'd be great he'd be replaced by someone better. No, I got someone worse. But now I can't complain about this guy even though he's making things way worse because the CIO will think I'm just being bitchy.

Then I threw my main architect under every bus that I could and bitched about him to management and anyone who would listen. I have to admit I enjoyed doing that. I was pissed at him and didn't communicate with him so I thought the issues in his work were huge. I tried to get him off the project and replaced him with two junior resources. He got pissed and quit. Now that he's left I realize that there really wasn't any big issue with his work and now I'm stuck with two people that suck and the only guy how knew everything is gone. Things are falling apart. But since I tried to get him off the project already I can't go back and say that anything about the issues.

I also just heard that my business side PM is going to quit. I complained to his boss about him as well. So I'm pretty sure I had something to do with his decision to go. And now I'm totally fucked.

I keep telling the higher ups that everything's just fine. But pretty soon I wont be able to hide it anymore. People are starting to suspect things are not going well and now seeing that everyone I blamed for things going wrong are gone, they're starting to suspect that I might be the problem and all those people I badmouthed might have been right. This is a huge project for my company, it can't afford to go wrong but there's no way it'll go right. I have a ton of debt and can't afford to be fired. But I know its gonna come.

The two together make me laugh.

Especially the PM one. Dude, you have ONE job. I know PM people like to think they manage projects but a project doesn't complete itself. You manage people. It does you no good to know your project is behind if you can't motivate people to work hard for you. Thing is they typically have a period of time where they can be a really crappy PM and not get fired. During that amount of time they have to get promoted to a point where they're not at a "rubber meets the road" kind of role and they can keep progressing. However, if they don't make it out by then they're screwed. It looks like your time is just about to run out.
I'm not sure why you'd feel the need to turn in anything given that your stay is ephemeral. I suppose if you want to use them as a reference, but it doesn't sound like it would be the best reference anyway.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I got this a few days ago. And it's pretty unremarkable but, I got this confession this morning:

The two together make me laugh.

Especially the PM one. Dude, you have ONE job. I know PM people like to think they manage projects but a project doesn't complete itself. You manage people. It does you no good to know your project is behind if you can't motivate people to work hard for you. Thing is they typically have a period of time where they can be a really crappy PM and not get fired. During that amount of time they have to get promoted to a point where they're not at a "rubber meets the road" kind of role and they can keep progressing. However, if they don't make it out by then they're screwed. It looks like your time is just about to run out.
ugh. I've been working professionally for 6 years now at three different companies, i know not a terribly long time, but i find more and more that there are precious few managers that are actually good at their job.

I've had exactly one manager who I liked and thought they were good at what they do.


ugh. I've been working professionally for 6 years now at three different companies, i know not a terribly long time, but i find more and more that there are precious few managers that are actually good at their job.

I've had exactly one manager who I liked and thought they were good at what they do.
I've had a few total arseholes as managers but most of them were ok. They never seem to have a real understanding of what your work actually entails though. It seems like the prevailing theory of management in large companies is that they don't need to know the job.


Well where do I start?

I have had a not so good childhood. I was bullied a lot because my mom was from south America while my dad was Swedish. I was always the weird kid. I had a lot of friends though back then. But it was mainly male friends, never female.

My father wasn't nice to me as he called me stupid things If I didn't understand or didn't do things right. My mom has always been supportive and my brothers and sisters have some sort of autism or borderline personality disorder which has made my life a living hell.

I got asthma when I was 13, my dad died when I was 16 and my brothers and sisters got sick because of that. Turned life upside down and I had to step on and be a "father" for them all. Daily fights and whatnot while I plummet farther into my depression. Also during "högstadiet" I was frozen or simply put an outcast in the class. It was only girls and I was all alone by myself.

So now that it has gone 1x years I'm still living with my mother. My family is still sick but it's gotten a lot better but I'm still very depressed and I've been playing games all my life to try to forget things. I still have a few friends left I talk to and hang out with bit it's not often I do it. I don't have a job but I'm working at a place and it's good to get out and do stuff.

I like to dance and photography nut right now it's winter so I can't do that much right now. But I really want to have female friends, how do I get one really? How awkward it may seem it's just something I can't get the hang on. I see everyone get female friends really easy. Going out dancing os a good opportunity to make new friends. But when I try to talk to the girls they just become very uninterested in me and it makes me really depressed.

Sometimes I just want to jump in front of a train or car because I feel like the loneliest guy on earth. But next year I hope to move to the big city and start all over and while that I'm training trying to lose a few pounds but it's going not so well
Hang in there man. Moving to a bigger city might actually help. However, remember you take your problems with you. So work those out.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Confession: I have no idea who Benefict Cumberbatch is outside the knowledge that he is the subject of obsession for girls on the Internet.

Mediocre actor who continues to get cast because his bizarre facial structure distracts from concerns about ability.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Mediocre actor who continues to get cast because his bizarre facial structure distracts from concerns about ability.

He's actually a highly skilled actor. Not enough people have seen Parade's End, where he is utterly brilliant and completely the opposite of his Sherlock portrayal.


Hang in there man. Moving to a bigger city might actually help. However, remember you take your problems with you. So work those out.

keep up the training bro. and please visit the fitness thread in community if you need some advice.

also suggest visiting the dating thread to get some general pointers with girls. key thing to remember is that they're just people. not anymore special than you or I.

and you're not alone. your family and friends love you and want you around. on top of that you have a whole community who can help you out. :)

if you ever want to talk then pm.
He's beautiful!

Mostly that was for the 'mediocre actor' thing. He's pretty incredible. Though I, even in my fangirlness, think that Martin Freeman outclasses him. Seeing the two of them working together? It's incredible.
I love morgan freeman, too

Oh, top of page.

Confession: I love morgan freeman.
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