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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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Ronito, I've been going through most of these confessions with my girlfriend of 3 1/2 years. We love them dearly.

Following this response she told me she'd cheat on me with you. I'm not sure what to feel.

It's great.



Seems too fake, like some dudes fantasy. And again with the comments about the backbones.

Is there a Cuckold-GAF? There must be.

It may be fake but it isn't unrealistic in the slightest. After a really bad breakup a few years back I basically went on a 2-3 year drunken sex rampage, and most of my partners had boyfriends/SO's of some sort.
It may be fake but it isn't unrealistic in the slightest. After a really bad breakup a few years back I basically went on a 2-3 year drunken sex rampage, and most of my partners had boyfriends/SO's of some sort.

This is hilarious in my head, because you morph into a T-rex and just go "rraaawrrrr sex!"

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
The confession on the last page about wanting women to cheat on their SO is not that uncommon I think. From high school to when I met my wife I'd say 50% of the women I was with were in relationships at the time and I willingly tried to get them to cheat with me. It's a great power play. I even had a friend I did it to twice, and while he suspected it he never had the balls to do anything about it. I say it's uncommon because I have a girl friend who basically does the same thing and I don't think we ever gave each other a hard time about it.


I'm not the confessor. But my wife and I have also been interested in pegging. In your reply to the guy who said he had brought up pegging to his wife you said "Also, feeldoe" I googled it showed it to my wife. Yada yada yada she had the biggest orgasm I've seen her ever have. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yada yada yada, where's my damn money feeldoe corp?


Hey it's the Sesame street guy again.

Okay, this one's pretty fucked up. When I was a young teen and reading through erotica until 2 AM every other day I'd really love the incest stories. Something about how fucking wrong it was super hot. Anyways, I'm sure these are what planted the idea in my head to go through my step-mom's drawers and look at her lingerie. I didn't even do anything with the clothing, I'd just take it out and imagine her wearing it, which to me was crazy because this woman is so goddamn boring. I couldn't even fathom her having a sex life. Regardless I'd do this every once in a while and always try to find new stuff. I was super fucking careful to make sure everything was exactly like I found it as well.

Well one day I was digging deep in there and found something in a velvet sack. I took it out and of course it was a bright pink vibrator. I thought I found the mother-load. But then I looked at it closely and there was some noticeable residue on it and it really grossed me out. Why wouldn't you clean that shit?

Also there was that time I looked through her dirty laundry and found some of her old panties. They smelt like bad fish and I gagged. I never did that again.

What a fucking perverted kid I was. I don't regret it at all really, but my god it's all so cringy.
That's the problem with snooping. You will find things you'd rather not know.
I keep procrastinating on reading this thread while procrastinating on doing my work. Now I've resolved to catch up with the last twenty pages.

I'm at the one where Beef confessed to not knowing how to ride a bike and the guy who fucked his sister and got her pregnant.



I'm a very happily married mom. I grew up in a very conservative family so only now with my great husband I've opened up and accepted my sexuality. But my problem is I know I've always found women attractive (I love a great pair of tits) and I'd like to try being with a woman my husband is totally accepting of me experiencing this. We don't want to be poly but I'd like to have some fun with a girl every oncein a while. But after having my kids I put on a lot of weight and I'm really embarassed. I am trying to lose it but there's a lot to lose and its going very slowly. I don't think any woman would want me and I don't even know how to look for a woman and even if I did find someone I thought I was attracted to I don't think they'd be attracted to me. I'm not getting any younger and I feel really angry with myself.
Your husband's accepting of you being with other women? You don't say!
For the overweight thing, I understand. My wife is overweight and I see her wrestle with the self consciousness all the time. It sucks. I tell her to not let it stop her from doing what she wants. But I realize it's not so simple, especially when so many seem to have a fat-shaming fetish in this society.
For the finding a chick to experiment with? I'm not a bisexual woman, so I have no idea. Anyone here with advice? Perhaps look for a woman that's around your size?


I once convinced a formerly suicidal and emotionally vulnerable 15-year-old to publically posts pics of her DDD boobs, via tumblr anonymous messages.
Dude, seriously. You're a terrible person. And I know terrible.


Proactive TL;DR: Dude dates a chick with serious baggage. Withholds possibly better confession.

Dude, why'd you change your avatar?

I probably would have posted this in a thread of its own, but seeing as I use my real name on GAF, it probably wouldn't be a great idea. (Also because I'm a Junior Member and mainly lurk on GAF). It was either this story or the one where i dated a transsexual earlier this year.

Earlier this year, I met an awesome chick via a dating site.

Before we met, it was pretty flirty. She had a great profile, was pretty good looking and thought that I was a funny guy. All pluses in my books. We arranged to meet up at 11:00 o'clock after her shift at work. That worked for me because once it struck 12:00, it would have been my birthday on our date and I figured that even if the date was bad, being the birthday boy could work in my favour.

As soon as we met, we hit it off and had a great connection almost immediately. We got to talking about our lives and she told me that this was her first date in months and that she just got out of a 7 year relationship and wanted to take it easy. I was like, cool, I'm down with that. As our date continued, we talked about jobs and when it came to hers, she told me that worked with troubled women get back on their feet. Real serious shit. Prostitution, drugs, abuse that sorta thing. I, not being the best at dealing with real serious shit like that usually use humour to defuse things.
I say something to the effect of, "I'm suprised you're not an addict yourself, surrounded by all those junkies" Then she drops the bomb on me, that she used to use heroin for years, but she finally kicked it. I'm off put since we're both enjoying a couple of drinks and I didn't expect that a flippant joke to turn out to be something serious. Anyhow, I ask her if all this drinking is gonna enable her but she dismisses it and says that she's okay, that she's found Jesus and that she lives a clean life. I raise a glass and toast her sobriety (from drugs) and we continue chatting. After it hits 12:00, I tell her that it's my birthday and that so far she's the best gift I've received so far that day.

Since it's getting approaching closing time, I ask her if she wants to head out. She says sure. I tell her that since I'm paying, she better put out (a joke!) and we head to my car. Since she lives downtown and it's getting late, I ask her if she wants a ride home, and she says yeah, and then we make out in the car like teenagers. I drive to her place and we have a great evening together. I should point out that I'm not a smooth person and this never happens to me. Give props to the birthday boy

We proceed to continue to see her and it's some crazy passionate shit. The more I see her, the more I learn about her. And man, it's some crazy shit.

Turns out that for seven years, she was in an incredibly abusive relationship to some asshole. From what I understand, he got her hooked on smack and she ended up working as a prostitute in the city. Not only that, but she got involved in shady drug deals. When we were in bed together, she'd tell me bits and pieces. She never dated a nice guy, she told me.
"I know you're never going to come in the middle of the night and point a gun to my head".

The reason she ended up getting clean is that a cop arrested her and gave her a deal saying that she either had the opportunity to get clean or go to jail. She made the right decision.

After a while, one evening as I'm walking to her place, she tells me that it's time to have the talk. I'm all like, oh shit. Bad news. She asks me what I think this is. I tell her, we're dating and I want her to be my boyfriend. I tell her that her past doesn't mean anything to me and that the person who she is today is the only thing that matters to me. She tells me that she's okay with it and we go up to her place and we do our thing. After we finish, she starts crying, and I ask her, what's wrong, and between the tears, she tells me that she has to break up with me, that it's over. She then proceeds to tell me that I look like her ex boyfriend, the guy that did all that terrible shit to her, and that whenever she say me, she worried that I'd hurt her like he did. i try to explain that I would never hit or do anything of the sort to her ever, and that she didn't have to worry. She told me that even though she understood in her head, she couldn't get over our similar resemblance and told me to leave.

So I left.

I'm not a religious person like her, and I find that the world is not black and white, but rather shades of grey. But with that in mind, I think that man that did that shit to her is evil. Evil.

I hadn't planned on seeing her again, but at the urging of my friend, I got in contact with her again and asked her if she wanted to come to my place and have dinner (the plan the night I stayed over at her place for the last time was to cook her breakfast that morning and spend the day together). I figured that it would be a better memory of me than leaving in the middle of the night.

When she came over to my place, things had cooled a lot since we last saw each other. I knew things hadn't gone well for her since then. A week after she broke up with me, she was sexually assaulted outside her apartment and was pretty shook up by. It's fucking awful.

When we first met, I told her that if things didn't work out between us, that she had to tell me the reason why, how i could improve on myself as a person. I asked her what I could do when she was over, and she said nothing, that I was 18 out of the 20 things she wanted in a guy. The only downside was that the timing wasn't right and she couldn't date. She said that she wanted to be friends, but I said that's not what I wanted from her, that I was more interested in a romantic relationship.

So we parted ways. I haven't seen or spoken to her since.

You guys might be asking why I didn't want to be friends with her. Good question. in the past, I've tried to be friends with my ex-girfriends and even though I'm civil to the to their faces, in my heart my emotions are usually more complicated than that. It doesn't make matters easier for me when the girls I date usually end up marrying or getting in serious relationships right after they date me. Even though I never do, I always fear that one day they'll do something hurtful to me and I'll explode, letting loose all my corked up feelings about how things ended to them. So I'm civil to them, but I don't go out of my way to talk to the, or whatever.

I think about her more than any other woman in my life. When I'm downtown, i pray that I never see her on the corner, selling her body for cash. I hope that she stayed clean and continued to turn her life around. Sometimes I think that I made the wrong choice, that I should have been a friend to her, even though I wanted more. I'm not sure if it makes me a bad person or not, and I often wrestle with these feelings. I don't know, GAF.

Even though she probably doesn't believe it herself, she's a strong person and a personal hero of mine. I hope life treats her well. More than anyone else in the world, I hope she finds happiness out there. God knows, she deserves it.

I'll never forget you.


OK. I told you guys I'd tell you whenever I get caught up. I'm caught up again. If you've sent something in and I didn't post it, that means I didn't get it or it was unpostable.

Again, let's go over the unpostable stuff. If you're sending stuff about how you killed animals for fun? Not getting posted. Wanna sleep with a GAFer? Not getting posted. Detailing how you had sex? Not getting posted.


A bit late to the party on responding to this one, but I feel I have to.

I've been together with my GF since we were 13. She was my first, and I'm sure she'll be the only one. Only our parents know this, we've never confessed this to any other person since most people think that relationships of that kind are doomed to fail and that we may not know if we really are perfect for each other since we haven't been with anyone else.

My wife is my first and only and we've been together 15 years, married for 10 of those, and couldn't be happier. I've known marriages from people who have "done it right" and they weren't each other's firsts that didn't last nearly so long.


So, i recently found out that, while porn does nothing for me - and did little even when i was younger - i am turned on by super high res nude photography. Addicted, even.
I am turned on by details, skin imperfections, shaved hair growing back, all those details that the model probably didn't want you to see and didn't know would show in pics.
Because it's the kind of detail you'd see in person and exactly because it's like peeking and examining details the model wasn't aware you'd be able to see.

Eh, i know that's not how confessions are done.
I'm nearly caught up, but:

I'm a project manager that's just destroyed a million dollar project and no one knows about it yet.

I got too caught up in myself and threw everyone under every bus I could. I don't know why I did it. I've always just done it and on this project I did it more than ever.

This project I first threw the IT Manager under the bus every chance I could. He ended up quitting. I thought that'd be great he'd be replaced by someone better. No, I got someone worse. But now I can't complain about this guy even though he's making things way worse because the CIO will think I'm just being bitchy.

Then I threw my main architect under every bus that I could and bitched about him to management and anyone who would listen. I have to admit I enjoyed doing that. I was pissed at him and didn't communicate with him so I thought the issues in his work were huge. I tried to get him off the project and replaced him with two junior resources. He got pissed and quit. Now that he's left I realize that there really wasn't any big issue with his work and now I'm stuck with two people that suck and the only guy how knew everything is gone. Things are falling apart. But since I tried to get him off the project already I can't go back and say that anything about the issues.

I also just heard that my business side PM is going to quit. I complained to his boss about him as well. So I'm pretty sure I had something to do with his decision to go. And now I'm totally fucked.

I keep telling the higher ups that everything's just fine. But pretty soon I wont be able to hide it anymore. People are starting to suspect things are not going well and now seeing that everyone I blamed for things going wrong are gone, they're starting to suspect that I might be the problem and all those people I badmouthed might have been right. This is a huge project for my company, it can't afford to go wrong but there's no way it'll go right. I have a ton of debt and can't afford to be fired. But I know its gonna come.

Fuck. This. Guy. I hope that his superiors figure this out and he is utterly destroyed for his incompetence and asshattery.
I'm also catching up, although more slowly. Earlier some people were talking about eating cigarettes, and someone said that the story was BS and "not possible". I'm studying at a university, and at one party there was some competition in trying to swallow cigarettes (among many other things). I didn't partake, but I saw a bunch of people (about six guys in total) swallowing cigarettes. Most swallowed them by drinking, but I also saw someone eat it by chewing. I hanged out with two of the guys all the night. They didn't puke or any such. Seemed to be fine.


I'm nearly caught up, but:

Fuck. This. Guy. I hope that his superiors figure this out and he is utterly destroyed for his incompetence and asshattery.

Yeah, such an asshole. The worst part? There are SO many managers out there like him


worked long enough in an office to see how common scapegoating is.

currently a second year business & marketing undergrad and never want to work in corporate again.


I'm nearly caught up, but:

Fuck. This. Guy. I hope that his superiors figure this out and he is utterly destroyed for his incompetence and asshattery.

It's weird, but out of all the confessions this guy is the one I'd most love to out. Bad managers just love to be assholes.


We'll be there in spirit, because he will feel the whole world is stepping on him.

Well, look on the bright side. At least he's decided to take his deserved self-destructive consequences like a man instead of trying to find someone else to take the downfall for his selfishness and malicious professional actions. .
Well, look on the bright side. At least he's decided to take his deserved self-destructive consequences like a man instead of trying to find someone else to take the downfall for his selfishness and malicious professional actions. .

Actually it sounds like he would be willing to throw the blame on anyone he could, he has just ran out of options.


So I have to say when I got to the "screaming from the bottom of his lungs" bit I cracked up. Just seeing a guy afraid for his life opening his mouth and letting out a whisper of scream is just a humorous picture for me. I take solace in that this is most likely fake. If it's not I'm a terrible person

Don't worry, it is clearly fake. The whole day is a fuzzy memory that he remembers like it was yesterday? Loses the strength the to hold on to him, but could have easily have held on for minutes/pulled him up? Also apparently the police are just like "hey, you may have lost your friend today, but do you want to see a dead body?"

They must have been the dumbest 12 year old kids for this to be true, but then again this guy would have to be the dumbest 37+ year old to write the confession like that.

Edit: also I now realize how old that confession is. Catching up!


Last night my friend and I got drunk and watched gay porn. We're both straight.

I was kind of aroused by it? It was a very feminine guy and a manlier, older guy having sex. My friend just laughed during the video. I got an erection.

After the cumshot my friend opened another video and both guys were "normal", "straight looking" men. Instant boner killer. My dick went from 7 to 3 inches in 30 seconds flat. It was actually kind of disgusting. The guy on bottom even had stubble.

I should add that I have absolutely 0 attraction to this friend (lol) or any dude. But I saw a video of a skinny and hairless teenage boy getting fucked and it turned me on. I'm about 20.

I guess I'm bi? But only to "twinks".
I'm gay for one guy in the whole world. I thought I could be bi, or even gay for a while, but I never felt attracted to guys except one of my friends who I've known for almost ten years now.

In 9th grade, I would always just stare at him. His face, his hair, the awkward teenage body developing under his baggy shirts. Sometimes he'd wear a very thin shirt and you could see his nipples. I was so obsessed with him.

We got older and my feelings just kept growing. I was sure I was gay all throughout highschool and I had absolutely no problem with it. I was considering telling my friends too, and I'm sure they wouldn't have an issue either. I just never felt any desire to look at any other guys and I couldn't watch any kind of gay porn.

He has had girlfriends and so have I, but I would honestly leave anyone for him. I'm obsessed.

Anyways, here are some of the things I've done:

In 9th grade, I let him borrow a pen and saw him put it in his mouth. I got the pen back and sucked on it. That was the first time I acted on my feelings.

Whenever he comes over and eats or drinks from one of my dishes, I lick it before I put it in the sink.

When we go out drinking, I get drunk really easily and start jokingly groping him. But in reality, I'm completely sober and just trying to cop a feel. Is this sexual assault? He laughs it off and has never told me that he's uncomfortable.

Whenever I'm actually drunk, I pull out my dick and try to get him to touch it. This is definitely uncomfortable for all parties involved and I really need to stop.

I was in his bedroom once and he left to the bathroom. I got under his sheets and took my pants off and rubbed his sheets on my junk while smelling his pillow. I was ashamed by this one.

Whenever we plan to meet at his apartment and he tells me that he's going to shower and I should come a bit later, I make sure to go early so I can catch him just before he showers to get a peek of him in just his towel. Never ashamed by this one.

These gay confessions are kind of juicy and amusing.


Proactive TL;DR: Girl problems. Money problems. Woe is me.

My confession is that I am absolutely miserable. I want to crawl into a hole and die and never see the light of day again.

I met a girl in elementary school and fell "in love" with her ever since I saw her. I asked her out every year at least once a year, and she would always say no until grade 11, when she finally said yes. (I understand that this is creepy in retrospect, but I was very young). We dated until college, when we broke up because I felt like she was changing into me and her grades were falling through the floor (she wanted to become a doctor) because she was spending time with me instead of studying.

To give a bit of background about me, I am nearly 30 and never had a real job until this year (more on that later), I had lived at home with my parents until earlier this year and I had been over 300 pounds. I come from Montreal, and am not very confident in my ability to speak french, so finding a job in english or somewhere willing to accept me and help me improve my french just never happened for me.

Back to my story though, I went on to drop out of college about a year after our break up due to the death of my mom, and she was around for me during this time as someone I could talk to. I was fucked up for a long time, and she went on find a boyfriend, finish a bachelors and a masters and move away to Ontario. She went on to date this guy for 5+ years after which he cheated on her and broke her heart pretty badly.

Her and I had lost touch for quite some time after my mom's death and her moving away, but we eventually got back in touch while she was still with him. Shortly after breaking up with him, she suggested I come to her town and visit her, I resisted the idea because I did not want to just sleep with her and be a rebound. Things kind of faded from there (though we kept in touch) but eventually as 2013 rolled around she asked if she could come to my dad's house and visit me. Things went great and I went to visit her shortly after that while between final exams in college and things went great. Then she moved back to Montreal and started spending almost every day and night at my house, only going home to see her parents.

We eventually formulated a plan to move cross country, because we were both looking for new starts and to get away from our pasts in a lot of ways. She was racked up with debt, so I footed the bill with about $30,000 I had in my bank account from the death of my mom/investments and we moved to a rather large city in Western Canada. Unfortunately this city had been flooded as we drove cross country, and when we got here housing prices had shot up. But we ended up renting a place anyways for excess of 2200 a month, and I had budgeted that if we both worked and went to school and possibly found another roommate, it would be affordable.

Things went really well at first once we got here. While we both had a hard time finding a job, I eventually undertook an internship and another part time job doing something I love but only making about $1200-$1500 a month. She on the other hand wanted to go do her MCAT to get into med school, so I agreed to fly her to another city to get lessons, bought her books and then booked her test and her travel to the test area. Long story short with that, she wasn't confident enough to do the exam and said she needed more time to study, so we lost all the money we invested in that.

But I was willing to accept that as something that happens when you make a bad investment and was hopeful she would find something she liked. She eventually decided to go back to school and again, I invested in her because I know shes extremely smart and capable of doing great things. I paid over $2000 for her semester and then extra for her books, but she was happy and she also got a part time job making money.

This went on for a few months, with my bank account of course being sapped away by rent, bills and everything else that comes and goes. Eventually though, she told me she was unhappy and wanted to move back home and dropped a bomb on me when she told me that she would want to drop me off in Montreal then go on with her life. I was devastated by this and tried to express it but she just did not get it and in desperation I got in contact with one of my exes so I could vent. However, a day or two later things were going back to normal, if not better than ever, and I was really happy with how we were. My ex and I had started talking again though, and I think subconsciously I started slipping phrases into my email suggesting that I wanted to be with her again. This was not even close to the truth, as I was very happy with my girlfriend and honestly felt more alive than I had ever been in years. I had lost over 80 pounds since moving out with her, became much more independent and was even starting to branch out on my own, but it was a difficult learning process at the time because everything was new to me.

Wednesday things between my girlfriend and I were rather perfect, she seemed happy and she was buying stuff for our animals and just seemed to be in a good mood. I worked a very long shift thursday and came home to an empty house (except for my dog) and most of her stuff and stuff I bought for her missing. There was also a note here, stating that she was moving back to Ontario and that she wanted to know what I was doing and then at the very end of the letter there was a line about how I shouldn't cheat on her.

Since then I haven't slept, I've barely ate and I've been absolutely devastated. I have e-mailed her at least four times, and my last e-mail was me offering to do anything and everything to just see her again just so her and I can sit down and talk about things. This is probably the only woman in my life that I have ever felt even close to this strongly about and now I am absolutely heartbroken and lost.

I cannot afford to live here any longer and my savings are as close to dry as they come. I can barely pay next month's rent and while I've been looking for a better paying job for a long time, I've had no luck. So really my only option is to go back home, and my family has offered to come out here and get me and bring me home. But I feel like home will be a dead end, where my deficiency of the language will never allow me to find a good job I like. I miss my family, I miss my friends, but most of all I miss her. In the last e-mail I told her I would like to hear from her by the end of the weekend, even if it's just a "fuck off" so I know what the hell is going on.

I am scared, I am terrified, I have been crying myself to sleep every night. I feel like I should take my family up on their offer to come out here and get me and go back to living with my dad. However, what I want most of all now is a job here or in Montreal where I can finally start working and becoming my own person, but I've had no luck. I'm so fucked GAF, I don't want to be like this but life seems to always push me in this way...

You're in a bad spot. Accept help where its offered. Illicit help if it's needed. Get up and take positive action, any positive action. You'll feel better for it.

edit: lol, poor guy's confession is even at the bottom of the page. Poor dude can't catch a break.


I'm dating an underaged girl. She has sent me about 200 suggestive or nsfw pictures to my phone, which were all automatically saved. I'm not remorseful at all. She gets turned on by looking through the photos with me.
So wait. She sends you the pics. Then goes over and then looks at the pics with you? Someday she'll realize she can cut out the middle man.


I'm a neckbeard virgin and my GF and I are probably going to do the deed soon. But I'm worried because vaginas disgust me. When I see them in pics I just have to look away. Pics of just vags really turn me off. I'm worried that I'll get my GF naked and be so disgusted I'll barf all over her.
Neckbeard virign? Redundant much?

Also many people from both sexes don't like straight up pics of genitalia. Nothing weird there.

Also I'm caught up again.
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