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November? More like Confessember! Anonymous Confessions/Advice Thread 2013

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Confession that i wanted to send anonymously, but whatever:
I had a rough couple of years around 18th birthday (parents divorce, first real problems with school etc) and started cutting myself, thinking about suicide, all that fun stuff. One day I've stopped and decided that i should try to be happy first, and if i couldn't, if everything that i'll try fails, that i will kill myself on my 27th birthday.
Since then i've tried to change: lost 1/3 of my weight (it didn't work, i was as miserable as before, and got fat again), i've fallen hopelessly in love (i guess that was love? it's a fucked up story, but not one for an open post), got a pretty good job, a driver license and a car. Nothing special, but that's ok.
Still, when something or someone hurts me, or when I screw something up, I think about that dark stuff again. And the, ha ha, deadline is next year. I hope i won't do something stupid.

I love morgan freeman, too

Oh, top of page.

Confession: I love morgan freeman.

[sorry ;)]


I love getting women to cheat on their partners for me. I should feel bad but I don't. Now I never had or will ever cheat on any girlfriend of mine but I would not feel the slightest bit guilty if I'm single and a girl decides to cheat on her man for me. I've only felt guilty once but I'll get to that in a bit.

The first time I got a girl to cheat on her boyfriend was in college. We were study partners helping each other because we were struggling to pass a class. Funny enough she met her boyfriend at the time in that same class. We would often study in either her dorm or mine and it really did start out innocently enough. During our study sessions we would digress from studying and talk about our favorite music, tv, and so on. Over time our study sessions became longer where a quarter of it is actually studying and the rest is us sitting on my bed watching tv. Then the friendly flirting cam into play. Months later she tells me her relationship with her boyfriend is getting rocky and instead of being a decent person, I decided to grab her and kissed her. I've always been attracted to her but I thought nothing of it because she's with her boyfriend. To this day I'm not sure what gave me the courage to kiss her like that. It was so instinctive and in the moment. She then tells me she's been wanting to do that for the longest time and right there I pull her clothes off so fast. The sex was amazing and part of it is because of how aggressive it all is.

And there's something about the act of cheating that gets these women to fuck without constraint. They know what they want to get out of this affair and it's crazy hot how aggressive they are to get it. The affair I had with the study partner lasted for a few weeks until she called it quits so she can try to fix her relationship with her boyfriend (it didn't last). We lost touch since. For me this became a thing in college and was the reason why I never thought about being in a relationship during those years. All my hook ups during college weren't all from girls who were taken but with the ones that were my ego would go through the roof.

Now the only time I felt guilty was with this hot chick who was friends with a coworker of mine. Late at night she would come to my workplace to meet up with my coworker and when we close up shop they would both go home together. It was a safety in numbers thing since closing time is late and both of them are really attractive girls. I got to know my coworker's friend and sure enough she started to come by more often to come see my coworker and I. In the time I got to know her, I found out she was engaged to her long term boyfriend and she tells me of her plans of moving in together. When she started to come by nights when my coworker wasn't there, I made my move and sure enough I was fucking her in the backroom after I closed up shop. We've hooked up a few times and then stopped. Months later she randomly stopped by my workplace to see me. By then my coworker had already stopped working there and it turns out she wanted me to accompany her in a walk for autism (she knew one of my relatives is autistic). I said sure and was flirting with her trying to rekindle our thing when she suddenly says "Oh by the way, have you met my husband?" She turns around and five feet away is this guy dicking around with his cell phone. She calls him over and in my head I'm screaming "OH FUUUUUUCK. I'm so dead." I shook hands with the guy and find out that he'll be walking with us for autism.

That following Sunday I still decided to walk (because it's for a good cause, I'm not that much of an asshole). My former coworker was there and with the four of us we all caught up on life. That day I found out that this chick's husband is one of the most sweetest and nicest guys you would ever meet. He also has no backbone but he's still an all around nice and very caring guy. The more I got to know this guy the worst I felt about the fact that I slept with his wife. At the end of our walk, we decided to have a late lunch. Any good feeling I had that day for walking for autism was overshadowed by the fact that I was the shittiest person ever. It didn't help at all that I was sitting across from the girl and she was rubbing her feet on my junk under the table while her husband is sitting right next to her. The bill came and of course the husband, being the sweetest fucking guy ever, decides to pay for the four of us. I tried to stop him but he insisted. We all part ways after and that night I removed all contacts with this girl.

You would think that a moment of profound guilt like that would make me reconsider my morals but no. These days I've been sleeping with this chick who is a friend of a friend. She lives with her boyfriend who is another no backbone guy. I don't feel guilty with this one because the guy is actually a douche. The other night while she was going down on me, I pulled her head back by her hair and demand her to say she loves her boyfriend. She complied in which I then shoved my dick back into her mouth. I love it and I'm only fucking her because it feeds my ego.

You would never guess all of this is me if you actually met me. I'm not the best looking guy and I don't have the biggest dick. I'm decent looking at best, short, and nonwhite. There's nothing spectacular about me other than I can make people laugh and feel comfortable around me.

To all the guys out there who are in a loving relationship or are looking for one, don't fret. Reading stories like mine about girls cheating should not worry you in the slightest bit. Because if the girl is awesome and you're doing all you can to make her happy in the relationship, she will never have a reason to cheat. The girls that I find usually have low self-esteem and/or are missing something in their relationship. I may be the one to persuade them but it still requires the girl to want an affair.

But yeah, I'm still an asshole.

P.S. Walk for Autism. It's for a good cause. Seriously.
Cuckold GAF just came all over their keyboards.


so im dating a black girl. im white. her dad is an nfl coach, and has been for the last 20ish years. therefore, she's dated a few nfl players, and obviously had sex with them. we haven't had sex yet (only been on 2 dates) but we most likely will next time we go out. i'm kind of nervous about it. how am i supposed to compare to large men who take steroids? is it wrong for me to feel a little bit apprehensive about this? i'm just your average 6' 180lb white boy. i'm fairly sure it will be fine, since she seems to like me a whole lot, so as long as i put in some work i will be okay.
So about steroids and penis size..

Mike M

Nick N
Seems too fake, like some dudes fantasy. And again with the comments about the backbones.

Is there a Cuckold-GAF? There must be.
Well, Sats was big on talking about it at every given opportunity, so it sure seems like there's a CuckoldGAF


Well, Sats was big on talking about it at every given opportunity, so it sure seems like there's a CuckoldGAF

Is Sats a girl or a dude? What is female cuckolding? I feel like cuckolding was mostly just a silly premise for porn. Not that people can't be into it, but it's just not your run of the mill "look how alpha I am with my serpent penis." I concede though, I know gaf has a little bit of everything.

So about steroids and penis size..

Learn to roll your R's?


Okay, so this is the same guy who unknowingly wanked to sesame street, just to let you know.

So I think girls with short are are ridiculously cute looking. If someone showed me a two different pictures of a woman, one where her hair is short, and one where her hair is long, I'd always think the girl with short hair is way sexier. Okay, so that isn't too weird right? Well I've noticed that once In a while I'll see a guy with girlish features and I'll notice that I'm almost kinda attracted to them. It freaks me out because I can't tell if I'm attracted to the girly looking guy, or the guy who looks like a girl. The only time I maybe once had some type of crush on a guy before was in middle school, but it definitely didn't feel like crushing on a girl so I don't know. I guess I should also mention that I think big dicks are fucking hot in porn, and I get turned on looking at my own to be honest. So basically I can't tell if I'm bi or not and it's weird. I have nothing against gay people. I really have the utmost respect for them and the shit they have to go through.

I'd love to experiment and see if I am indeed bi or not, but guess what, I'm a fucking virgin so even though I'm horny 24/7 I've never gotten to do anything. It sucks ass and I have no idea how to make good friends, let alone start a relationship. I know I'm a good looking guy, so the problem is all on me. I think I'm getting closer to accepting myself for who I am so I can actually establish real relationships, but fuck it depresses me to no end that I've yet to actually participate on one of my favorite things ever, sex.

Oh well, hopefully some day.

P.S. Sats, it sucks you got banned because your posts were the best.
Well, seems to me if you're young and have the internet. Well, there you go. No shortage of sites dedicated to help freaky people experiment.


I moved to the US with my mom when I was 12 because she married an American guy. I have a great relationship with my step-dad and his family, they are all very close and we get together regularly for birthdays and gatherings. I'm especially close with his parents and basically think of them as grandparents. Still go round every week for dinner and love them to death.

My step-dad's brother and his wife are in the middle of a divorce at the moment because he found out she had been cheating on him with a guy from her gym. His (soon to be ex-wife) is gorgeous. She's Maltese, very petite and has always been in great shape. She got a boob job a few years ago too which definitely didn't go unnoticed. She'd always wear revealing clothes and I couldn't help but check her out sometimes. She caught me pretty often, and seemed to enjoy the attention.

I slept with her a few months ago. Bumped into her at a bar when I was pretty wasted and ended up going back to her place. I thought it was great at first, and I ended up sleeping with her again a few days later. I haven't even spoken to her since then because I came to my senses and realized how much I have fucked up. I'm terrified that this is going to come out because it could pretty much destroy my relationship with my grandparents and my dad. She has a daughter with my Uncle too so it's not as if she isn't connected to the family anymore.
Well, yeah, with the divorce and everything? You're pretty much fucked.


So, I have a confession.

1) I am a cousin-fucker. When I was 14, I was visiting my aunt and uncle with my family. They lived way out in the sticks, but had a nice farm and such. My two sisters are both way younger than me, so they hung out with the younger of the two cousins, a boy around their age. The older cousin was 14 just like me, and, frankly, she was smoking hot (about 5' tall, nice ass, flat stomach, long blonde hair, B-cup tits). Of course, I was all hopped up on hormones and had a raging boner when a light wind would be across my hog. Anyway, she and I hung out and were definitely fast friends. We liked some of the same music and movies. So we were staying there for a week, and by the 2nd day I was using any excuse to touch her, even if it was just her hair or her arm. She seemed receptive to it, and would creep up and tickle me and such when I wasn't looking.

Fast-forward to the 4th night. We had begun a habit of staying up really late and watching old horror movies while up in their attic-turned-media room. It was up some stairs and then up another set of stairs, and no one ever came up there but us. It was about midnight and we were both laying in the floor munching on popcorn. She got up and went to the bathroom, I stayed where I was. When she came back, she sat on me, straddling my back. She leaned forward and whispered in my ear that she had just snagged one of her dad's condoms. I rolled over under her and could clearly see she only had a tshirt on and nothing else, nothing underneath it. You can guess what happened next. We did this each night for the rest of my stay.

So, I am now a cousin-fucker. We message each other on FB from time to time, but we've never actually referred to that week again to each other. I guess I should say that I still find it extremely hot and don't regret it at all. Not quite to the level of incest that some folks have had, and I remain unashamed.
I love that the confessor numbered his confession and then only had one. It's as if they were like "Oh this is gonna be good! I better number these!" then a few minutes later they realized that's all they had.


Well, seems to me if you're young and have the internet. Well, there you go. No shortage of sites dedicated to help freaky people experiment.

One time I saw pictures of an effeminate boy wearing schoolgirl outfits and I almost got a boner. I'm not bi though. I'm definitely not bi.


I have been going to my current barber for the past few years. He's latin, and around the same age as I am (20s), let's just call him Latino. Whenever Latino would cut my hair, his crouch would accidently graze my arm. I really didn't think anything of it, because I've been conditioned to believe that this was just "par for the course" from all the previous barbers I've had in the past. So anyway, since he and I are around the same age, I would see him around town at some of the places were I hang out. We started working out at the same gym, and we even worked out together once. I wouldn't say we are friends, but he's just someone that I know. We always make a point to speak whenever we see each other. So one day around the middle of last year, I went to get a haircut. Apprently I was the only customer there, and Latino was the only barber. So while he was cutting my hair, his crouch started grazing my arm again. So I thought it would be funny if I started rubbing his crouch with my arm. Now in my mind, what I excepted to happen would be, he would have a reaction, and I would of said something like "dude keep your junk off my arm.. lol"... but that's not what actually happened. After I started rubbing on this crouch with my arm, he got quiet, then started rubbing his junk across my arm, then firmly planted it on my hand, which to me for some reason was strangely erotic. So as if I didn't have any other choice, I started feeling him up while he continued to cut my hair. After he was done with the haircut, I paid then left. This has continued almost every two weeks for the past year and a half, with varying degrees of frequency and intensity depending on how many other people are there with us. He would make sure that his back was to everyone there, then he would either put his crouch on my hand and let me grope him, or rub it against me as much as he could. The funny thing is, we have never talked about it nor acknowledged that anything has ever happened. Sometimes when I would see him out with his girl, or he would see me with mines, we would speak to each other and keep it moving. I would never have sex with him or any other dude, but when I sit in his chair... oh boy.
Well, you've pretty much ensured I'll never be able to watch this scene quite the same way again



When I was in 10th grade, I probably had the most eventful thing a 16 year old could ever have in her life.

I got back home to realize I was locked out of my house. My parents never trusted me with having a house key of my own so I had to trust that they were home and would open the door. And since no one was at home that day, and the garage and front door was locked, I had a brilliant idea to get in my house: the back door and through the dog door!

I hopped the fence and got to my backyard and saw my dog. We have a small toy dog breed, so the dog door was not really big, but I judged I could fit my upper half of my body through the door, unlock the door which had the key still in the lock, and get inside. So I did just that, and got my upper body in and unlocked the door but the problem was...My hips were a tad wider than most girls that age, so I couldn't squeeze my body through directly in the house...And I couldn't back out of the dog door because my chest was also too big to squeeze out.

So I was stuck, waist down in a door, just swinging along the door. I felt pretty ridiculous but my thoughts were racing of how I would get the heck out of a dog door. I knew my neighbors were right next to me in the house next door and outside today (for a change) so I screamed for help, but none came.

After around 30 minutes of screaming for help (my dog at this point ran away in terror), I did one last push to get myself inside the house, and popped right out of the door and hitting my head against the tile floor.

It was an eventful hour of my life.
And with that I'm finally caught up. If you don't see your confession here and it was postable then that means I didn't get it.

Keep sending them in: gafconfess@gmail.com


And with that I'm finally caught up. If you don't see your confession here and it was postable then that means I didn't get it.

Keep sending them in: gafconfess@gmail.com

Something similar happened to me except I broke got in through a window and didn't get stuck for half an hour. I'm kinda surprised our house was never actually broken into because it must have been really easy to.
Seems too fake, like some dudes fantasy. And again with the comments about the backbones.

Is there a Cuckold-GAF? There must be.

Having done it myself there are a lot of similarities with the way other women have acted with me. The most common was they split up with boyfriend have a fling with me and then get back with the boyfriend again afterwards. I felt so used!
So, about all these "having sex with cousins" confessions -- does that really even count as incest? In order to be cousins, you need to share at least one grandparent (or in some definitions, just one ancestor). Two persons can be really distant from each other and still be cousins. It's legal in most countries to marry your cousin; in Europe it's legal in nearly all countries. I've never had sex with a cousin myself, in fact I have no cousin of the opposite gender of me even close to my age, but I don't think ill of those who do. I think it's more disapproved in the US from what I've read, both juridically and religiously.

Some people have like 40-50 cousins, half of which they may never even have met. Meeting one of them some day and having sex is not weird at all to me.


Cuckold GAF just came all over their keyboards.

A friend of mine is a serial cheater.

She explained that the girl also has the blame for actually going for it, so that confessor shouldn't feel its 100% his fault. The girl had to open her legs after all, and did so willingly.

Sucks for the husband, but she probably does it for the adrenaline rush and to feel validated like you imply.

So while you can feel like crap for starting it, she already was open to the idea before you made your move.
So, about all these "having sex with cousins" confessions -- does that really even count as incest? In order to be cousins, you need to share at least one grandparent (or in some definitions, just one ancestor).

The taboo is for first cousins-- which can cause problems for offspring, especially if there were similar pairings were recent ancestors.

I believe a blood test is all that's needed to marry your first cousin here in Canada, but it isn't something I've needed to look into.
The taboo is for first cousins-- which can cause problems for offspring, especially if there were similar pairings were recent ancestors.

Yeah, you're right. I was a bit unfamiliar with the term first-cousin (don't think we use such terms in Sweden), but looking on Wiki the two individuals are really close. Never thought much of it.
Yeah, you're right. I was a bit unfamiliar with the term first-cousin (don't think we use such terms in Sweden), but looking on Wiki the two individuals are really close. Never thought much of it.

I believe in the USA one of our presidents was married to one of his cousins. Maybe a second cousin? There's a taboo but it's a weird shifty taboo.
I believe in the USA one of our presidents was married to one of his cousins. Maybe a second cousin? There's a taboo but it's a weird shifty taboo.

Yeah, Franklin Roosevelt. It wasn't as taboo not too long ago, no? Einstein, Darwin and Bach all married cousins. Monarchs (kings, queens and the like) also did it often.

Mike M

Nick N
I seem to recall a study some number of years ago that concluded that the risk of first cousins interbreeding was actually pretty negligible.

Taboos die hard though.


I have been going to my current barber for the past few years. He's latin, and around the same age as I am (20s), let's just call him Latino. Whenever Latino would cut my hair, his crouch would accidently graze my arm. I really didn't think anything of it, because I've been conditioned to believe that this was just "par for the course" from all the previous barbers I've had in the past. So anyway, since he and I are around the same age, I would see him around town at some of the places were I hang out. We started working out at the same gym, and we even worked out together once. I wouldn't say we are friends, but he's just someone that I know. We always make a point to speak whenever we see each other. So one day around the middle of last year, I went to get a haircut. Apprently I was the only customer there, and Latino was the only barber. So while he was cutting my hair, his crouch started grazing my arm again. So I thought it would be funny if I started rubbing his crouch with my arm. Now in my mind, what I excepted to happen would be, he would have a reaction, and I would of said something like "dude keep your junk off my arm.. lol"... but that's not what actually happened. After I started rubbing on this crouch with my arm, he got quiet, then started rubbing his junk across my arm, then firmly planted it on my hand, which to me for some reason was strangely erotic. So as if I didn't have any other choice, I started feeling him up while he continued to cut my hair. After he was done with the haircut, I paid then left. This has continued almost every two weeks for the past year and a half, with varying degrees of frequency and intensity depending on how many other people are there with us. He would make sure that his back was to everyone there, then he would either put his crouch on my hand and let me grope him, or rub it against me as much as he could. The funny thing is, we have never talked about it nor acknowledged that anything has ever happened. Sometimes when I would see him out with his girl, or he would see me with mines, we would speak to each other and keep it moving. I would never have sex with him or any other dude, but when I sit in his chair... oh boy.
I have been going to my current barber for the past few years. He's latin, and around the same age as I am (20s), let's just call him Latino. Whenever Latino would cut my hair, his crouch would accidently graze my arm. I really didn't think anything of it, because I've been conditioned to believe that this was just "par for the course" from all the previous barbers I've had in the past. So anyway, since he and I are around the same age, I would see him around town at some of the places were I hang out. We started working out at the same gym, and we even worked out together once. I wouldn't say we are friends, but he's just someone that I know. We always make a point to speak whenever we see each other. So one day around the middle of last year, I went to get a haircut. Apprently I was the only customer there, and Latino was the only barber. So while he was cutting my hair, his crouch started grazing my arm again. So I thought it would be funny if I started rubbing his crouch with my arm. Now in my mind, what I excepted to happen would be, he would have a reaction, and I would of said something like "dude keep your junk off my arm.. lol"... but that's not what actually happened. After I started rubbing on this crouch with my arm, he got quiet, then started rubbing his junk across my arm, then firmly planted it on my hand, which to me for some reason was strangely erotic. So as if I didn't have any other choice, I started feeling him up while he continued to cut my hair. After he was done with the haircut, I paid then left. This has continued almost every two weeks for the past year and a half, with varying degrees of frequency and intensity depending on how many other people are there with us. He would make sure that his back was to everyone there, then he would either put his crouch on my hand and let me grope him, or rub it against me as much as he could. The funny thing is, we have never talked about it nor acknowledged that anything has ever happened. Sometimes when I would see him out with his girl, or he would see me with mines, we would speak to each other and keep it moving. I would never have sex with him or any other dude, but when I sit in his chair... oh boy.



You know that comic about the cartoon frog who pulls his pants all the way down to pee?

I was that frog.

It felt good, man.
If you're going to bother with all that why not just sit down. Then you're peeing with an option to poop.


Not a particularly juicy confession, but here it is. I am obsessed with the thought of my (ex)girlfriend getting fucked by other men. I do not like being cuckolded, but I am into her being a hotwife. For those who don't know, I am into the thought of her being slutty but I don't like the humiliation aspect of it. It is only the thought of her though -- not any other women I have been involved with since we broke up.

Let me back up a little. We had first gotten together in early high school. Completely in love with each other until we graduated and went to separate colleges. She went away, I stayed nearby. We mutually decided to break up. Ever since we first got together, I would get INTENSELY jealous of the thought of her being with other men. She had a boyfriend before me and it was almost physically painful when I thought of her having sex with him.

As I was saying, we went our separate ways for a while and eventually she transferred to a local university and we got back together. However, she eventually told me (once we got closer) that she had sex with a mutual friend during the time we were broken up. I was angry/sad/jealous like never before. We broke up once more.

Then I was finally able to move past it. I don't know how. Well actually I kind of do know how -- she told me what had happened...every detail. I didn't want to leave anything to the imagination, so I asked her and she told me. We got back together, and things were better than ever before. Then one day we were having sex and I pictured her fucking our mutual friend. This turned me on like nothing had ever in my life.

Over time, I would occasionally masturbate to this thought, even though I felt confusion and shame afterward. We often did role play during sex, nothing major just minor dirty talk where I would pretend to be a teacher and her my misbehaving pupil. One day I said (and I'll never forget the exact words) "You've been a bad girl, sucking [mutual]'s cock." She promptly responded by saying "I've been a little slut," after which I ejaculated like never before.

Later we discussed it and decided to have somewhat of an open relationship where we both were free to pursue sex outside the relationship. This worked well for several years, and we were both happy. And our sex life was unbelievably great. But at some point, I began to get into opiates and my sex drive declined. We had sex less and less. She had some occasionally outside of the relationship, but I didn't. She started feeling like I didn't care about the relationship and before I knew it we broke up. She ended up leaving me for another man.

This was more than a year ago, and ever since then I still think about her fucking other men. I create these intricate scenarios where I will imagine her fucking her male friends and our mutual friends, including my best friend. I feel so much shame and lonely afterwards, but it gives me a sexual thrill that cannot be replicated. I have had a couple of girlfriends since we broke up and I don't have nearly the same reaction as I did with her. It was different, and I cannot really explain why.

We still talk often and are actually considering getting back together. I don't blame her at all for breaking up with me, I wasn't putting any effort into relationship at the end. Now I am finally clean and want to give it another shot. We will try to be monogamous though, at least for the time being. I don't know if I should tell her about my recent fantasies though.
Maybe you should get rid of the shame part?


I don't want to see this thread die, so I'm scraping the corners of my mind trying to think of fucked up stuff I've done -

1) I dropped out of College because of what I think now was a porn addiction. Had a dissertation to write but I didn't, was just looking at porn non-stop. And then when I did go to write, I had no prep done and then had a genuine problem come up where I needed to move house at very short notice. The guilt coupled with the stress of suddenly having to move pretty much broke me, I never got that degree in the end and am shamed by it. Never told my GF (who I'm still with). Have a decent job now though, and a significant part of the interview was me explaining why I dropped out, lying through my teeth (or really, just sugar coating it).

2) I like reading erotica on the bus on my phone. I'm not getting my junk out or anything but it gets me so wound up I get dizzy, it's awesome. I went through a phase of reading cuckold stories but they would make me feel really shitty and twisted. It's one of those things that is interesting in theory but the realities are just so dark. I did admire the skill in eliciting a physical reaction from the writers though (not bonerz but that twisty jealous feeling in your tummy)

3) When I was about 18 my friends and I pulled off a robbery from a shop where my friend works, we stole about £2000 of electronics that were hidden in a plastic bin that we bought legitimately. I'm still very proud of this robbery, it was perfectly executed and I got a new camera out of it.

4) I work in a small company that is very quiet at certain times of the year. Sometimes it's so quiet that I will come into the office just to be seen and leave very shortly afterwards, staying maybe an hour or two. It's either that or sit in my office and do nothing. I don't want to tell anyone for fear they'll cut my hours/pay, and everyone tells me what a good job I'm doing. But a fucking monkey in a bowtie could do it just as well.

5) I think Ronito is the most gorgeous member of GAF but I don't want to say it in a thread for fear of looking creepy. So I'll say it here - Ronito, you fiiiiiine bro. Post more pics.
Why thank you but I'm married
(seriously, don't use the confessional to creep on other GAFers)


i have this unhealthy obsession with virginity. i honestl don't think i could date a girl who wasn't a virgin. it would just feel wrong, and I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how other men have been with her. i feel bad about this because at the same time i do want to fuck multiple girls. ive never told anybody this but it's something that really tears me up.
I don't know if I posted this before or not, but there it is.


I infrequently have sexual feelings towards 13-14 year old girls, and I would mess around with a 15 or 16 year old without a second thought. I'm old enough to vote but not old enough to buy a beer. where I live that would be legal but I still feel like a disgusting pervert. worst of all is that I generally find 16-18 year old more attractive than "hottest woman alive" celebrities like Kelly Brooke or Kim Kardashian. I also have a weird obsession with thinness. My girlfriend is very skinny and I completely love it. Her legs are so thin and I get turned on just thinking aout them. She doesn't quite have an eating disorder but she's not fa off.
I once dated a very skinny girl that was a model. Honestly hugging her was like hugging a bag o' bones.


I always had a crush on my cousin but he's straight and he doesn't know I'm gay. But we always get together and party all the time. About 3 weeks ago we went to a bar and got really wasted. We ended up going to his place and I ended up blowing him. I was so excited. I was hoping we could start a sexual relationship. But when he woke up I brought up "the stuff that happened last night" and he didn't even remember. I'm heart broken. I don't know if he's faking that he doesn't remember so he doesn't have to deal with his feelings or if he really doesn't remember and if he doesn't is that because I'm bad at blowjobs?
More blowjobs is always the answer.


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i have this unhealthy obsession with virginity. i honestl don't think i could date a girl who wasn't a virgin. it would just feel wrong, and I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about how other men have been with her. i feel bad about this because at the same time i do want to fuck multiple girls. ive never told anybody this but it's something that really tears me up.



the idea of "cuckolding" or "hot wife" bullshit makes me want to vomit. i would rather anally fist a girl than watch her get fucked by a man who isnt me. fuck i'd rather do pegging than watch her get fucked by someone else.
Both of these can be arranged.
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