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NRA opposes bipartisan bump fire stock bill in Congress


You must have to give up your human soul to work at the NRA because I can't see how you look at a dude that used a bump stock to make his AR15 into a fucking death cannnon and mowed down 500+ people and then think to yourself "Yeah, this is an okay thing that people need easy access too"
I did a little digging, and they've been setting this "twist" up for a couple days now.

The head of the National Rifle Association on Sunday wouldn’t commit to a new law banning bump stocks in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre.

“There are monsters like this monster out there every day,” the CEO of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “There are menaces out there every day. People want to be able to protect themselves.”

LaPierre blamed the “elites” who “protect themselves with armed security” for trying to politicize the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Probably. The other half would probably go "people need moar guns" or something. They don't get it.

The whole "solve guns with more guns" narrative is just mind boggling. I remember someone telling me that wanting gun control in response to mass shootings is akin to fighting drunk driving by making it harder for people to drive sober.

Like... what? But that's how they feel. They really, truly believe that the answer to gun violence is more guns.

Wouldn't it be more like combating drunk driving with more drunk drivers?


Ban all semi-automatic weapons. What is the point of a semi-automatic gun? As far as I know there is no hunting use for such a gun, so why should someone have one?

Maybe you need to kill a herd of bears that are all wearing bulletproof vests to feed your hungry militia?


Ah, I see now we're now at the not too soon to talk about gun control phase, but long enough ago to not do shit about it. Fuck people who say "it's too soon to talk gun control" after a tragedy.


Ban all semi-automatic weapons. What is the point of a semi-automatic gun? As far as I know there is no hunting use for such a gun, so why should someone have one?

Collection and fun at a shooting range.

Also the people who fantasize using it on an invader.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Wouldn't it be more like combating drunk driving with more drunk drivers?
Yep. That's why I was dumbfounded by the guy's statement.

He made that analogy because he felt so strongly that he needed more guns to fight gun violence that he thought controlling gun distribution was the same thing as inviting MORE gun violence. That's how completely backwards this guy's logic was.

Sounds like completely crazy talk to you and me, but it seems some people really believe it with a fanatical intensity.

I imagine a lot of other "der gonna take our gunz!" gun nuts feel the same.


No Scrubs
Check to see, before you vote, if the person you're voting for has ever received funding from the NRA.

Their power doesn't come from donations, they donate very little to tell the truth. Their power comes from the fact they control a large number of single issue voters. They don't need to donate money to get what they want because they already control the votes that money would be meant to wrangle.

The NRA puts out a grade for every member of Congress. If they get more than an F vote against them. If the NRA sends out a mailer saying to support someone, don't.


I did a little digging, and they've been setting this "twist" up for a couple days now.

Wouldn't it be more like combating drunk driving with more drunk drivers?
That argument doesn't work for the simple reason that bump stocks are inherently worthless as a defensive option. They exist for nothing but "having fun at the range", and serve only to make the weapon uncontrollable and inaccurate. "Spray and pray" doesn't work if you're trying to hit a specific target. I'd love to see someone at the NRA try to refute that.

I imagine the NRA was fully expecting the ATF to "review the legality" of bump stocks and find that they're perfectly legal, thus accomplishing absolutely nothing with the rhetoric they spewed right after the shooting.


Guess we got enough distance from 500 people being shot in a couple of minutes for them to stop pretending they care.


This is my shocked face.

NPR-Ipson put out a poll that stated even REPUBLICAN voters supported some limits on the sale of automated weapons and bump stocks.

"These measures would ban commonly owned firearm accessories"

Yes, that's the fucking point NRA.

NRA: "These bump stocks are commonly owned firearm accessories."
Regulation: "Yes, that's the problem."

This is my shocked face.

NPR-Ipson put out a poll that stated even REPUBLICAN voters supported some limits on the sale of automated weapons and bump stocks.


Get ready for the shocked face from 2000, where Republicans and Democrats had near bipartisan agreement according to polls on gun regulation... Background checks, assault weapons ban, bans on sales to people convicted of certain crimes, ban on sales to people not mentally fit, ban on sales to people who appear on security terrorist watch-lists.......

And in the last 15 years, that's all eroded. By October 2016, only 36% of Americans supported a ban on assault weapons like AK-47s (Gallop).

I'd say it's unbelievable, but it's completely believable.
How can we as citizens take down the NRA?


If such violence that already occurs daily in the US isn't enough to change anything re: the NRA then what makes you think a nonviolent solution exists?

well they have no power when it's a bipartisan effort right? or are republicans gonna start folding.

You need the majority party on board to pass things and most of the GOP is so deeply in the NRA's pockets that they can't go against them or they will literally lose their careers. That money that currently lines their pockets would just be diverted to endless campaign ads against them.
What's the NRA's end goal?
What are they trying to achieve here?
There is a point where all their fuckery looks more suspicious than "I like my guns".


Looking for meaning in GAF
What's the NRA's end goal?
What are they trying to achieve here?
There is a point where all their fuckery looks more suspicious than "I like my guns".
They want to keep selling guns and making money. That's it.

If people die from those guns? Eh, not their problem. That's their own fault. *counts money*


What's the NRA's end goal?
What are they trying to achieve here?
There is a point where all their fuckery looks more suspicious than "I like my guns".

They want money. That's literally it.

The members are simply obsessed with their hobby and are in denial. The rest are paranoid nut jobs.


What's the NRA's end goal?
What are they trying to achieve here?
There is a point where all their fuckery looks more suspicious than "I like my guns".

To keep the status quo.

They make money from selling guns. That's all they care about. That's all they'll ever fight for.
as a gun owner....the NRA is a bunch of douchebags. They morphed over the years to adopt a "you cant touch anything!" approach to common sense legislation. I understand the need for an advocacy group, but they have taken it to the absolute extreme of the spectrum and whats worse, its now what a lot of members expect them to do. They've become an absurdly powerful lobby group as well. They feed their members all sorts of crazy conspiratorial shit about politicians that cross them.
Collection and fun at a shooting range.

Also the people who fantasize using it on an invader.

The bolded doesn't really apply as Shooting ranges can provide their own guns without the customers bringing in their own which is something done in many parts of the US and the rest of the wolrd.


The Autumn Wind
This is my shocked face.

NPR-Ipson put out a poll that stated even REPUBLICAN voters supported some limits on the sale of automated weapons and bump stocks.

Not anymore now that the talking points are out. Expect a mass shift on the issue among Republicans.


Maybe Im being naive but why does it matter what the NRA says? They have no legal authority. I know the probable answer is because the NRA has paid off most of the leaders in Congress but what am I missing?



Republicans (I assume there must be some shining counterexamples), are (when taken as a whole) the most cunningly evil and dangerous organization the U.S. has ever seen. They thrive off of ignorance, hate and fear. Their members are either A) Cunningly and purposely evil for self gain or B) Too stupid or comfortably ignorant to question or defy the party.

There is no way you can pretend to have a shred of moral consciousness and at the same time turn a blind eye to the evil and hatred that is festering inside the Grand Old Party of the 21st century. Fence sitters are even more purposely ignorant since they are both aware that there are serious problems with the GOP and the Democrats, and yet come to the incredible conclusion that “they are both just as bad”. The NRA is one of the main backbones of the GOP, and with friends like those...

Holy shit am I livid.
The way I see it, the NRA pushes fear and paranoia to promote sales and a society where guns become necessary to be safe. In a country where the next crazy man can be armed, it makes sense to the average person that they should also be carrying a weapon. It becomes a societal arms race that results in increased sales and gun violence which feeds back into more paranoia and money for their industry. Sensible gun control would only work to disrupt this loop.


The NRA. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.


Banning bump stocks doesn't matter. If a psycho wants to hurt people with automatic fire, all they had to do is lookup a YouTube video on how a simple modification can make a rifle full auto.

Terrorists will always find a way around laws and use whatever they can to inflict massive damage. Look at what happened in France, Germany etc. Guns were illegal yet look what happened. Look at the damage a truck can do. The focus shouldn't be on laws. They don't care about them.
said this million times

but when 20+ young white children , not teens or adults got killed at once and America didnt do jack shit back then, i pretty much lost hope.


Banning bump stocks would anyway just be a band-aid on a gaping wound but it would say a lot if even that fails.


These bills are intentionally overreaching and would ban commonly owned firearm accessories.

This is literally pasted ALL OVER my facebook feed by people here in the south.

I don't even know if it's true. The people saying it don't even know if it's true.

Anyone read the legislation, what does it actually say?

I don't trust the NRA's thoughts on it.
Get ready for the shocked face from 2000, where Republicans and Democrats had near bipartisan agreement according to polls on gun regulation... Background checks, assault weapons ban, bans on sales to people convicted of certain crimes, ban on sales to people not mentally fit, ban on sales to people who appear on security terrorist watch-lists.......

And in the last 15 years, that's all eroded. By October 2016, only 36% of Americans supported a ban on assault weapons like AK-47s (Gallop).

I'd say it's unbelievable, but it's completely believable.

The NRA's biggest influence isn't their donations but the whack job gun nut grassroots movement they created("don't touch mah gunz!").


No Scrubs
Maybe Im being naive but why does it matter what the NRA says? They have no legal authority. I know the probable answer is because the NRA has paid off most of the leaders in Congress but what am I missing?

They control a huge number of single issue voters across the country. Any politician that goes against them is going to lose most, if not all of those voters, to a primary or general election challenger. There's some districts and states where they don't have much sway, but they essentially control a huge portion of the Republican and rural electorates. They don't need to donate money to get what they want because they already control the votes those donations would be meant to get.
This is literally pasted ALL OVER my facebook feed by people here in the south.

I don't even know if it's true. The people saying it don't even know if it's true.

Anyone read the legislation, what does it actually say?

I don't trust the NRA's thoughts on it.

It would ban commonly owned firearm accessories, you're right. Specifically
bump stocks
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