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Official Killzone 2 (PS3) Reveal Thread E307 - DELIVERS! (All info in OP)

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Joates said:
You know what the best thing about that is?

1up alludes to that fact in their preview when comparing to Gears and people are still going batshit insane over it :lol

People have a right to get upset at 1UP (which has been spreading so much FUD lately and you love them for it) when KZ at this "early" stage obviously does look better.


Joates said:
Please be coherent in countering, it really helps improve the value of your post.

Also, itd be boring if I just moved along, if you think Im wrong, just say so (saying why wouldnt hurt either, but I know thats a lot to ask.)

It's easier just to add you to 'ignore', which is what I'll do just now. You're not adding anything significant to the thread apart from your lite trolling. You don't like Killzone 2, cool. Go have a bath or something.


BamYouHaveAids said:
You guys can say the CG trailer was an mistake, but I think it did it's job remarkable well. Look at the size of this thread and compare it to Halo 3's thread. Halo 3 a proven franchise and most likely an excellent game is being ignored atm. If not for the CG trailer this game wouldn't be nearly as known and would not be as hotly debated as it is being now, it would have probably have been lost in the scufffle.

The CG was a excellent marketing strategy.

That's actually a great point.

I think the initial CG footage FORCED Sony to raise the bar for themselves...It made them beef up GG Studios, devote more funding to the project, and set an insanely high goal.

It ultimately paid off for all PS3 owners because this game looks absolutely incredible. By far the most amazing next gen title I've ever seen in how it integrates so many things so incredibly well.

I think Killzone 2 will be this generation's "Halo" in terms of revolutionizing the FPS genre. As someone else mentioned, it's like seeing the Silent Cartographer scene for the first time with the amazing music and the green, lush environments.

This could be a phenomenally huge IP for Sony....Basically, they're going to make Killzone 2 what Killzone 1 should have been. Congrats to them, it looks like it's paying off big time.

I hope they delay the title until Fall 08 and just add in as much gameplay, tweaking, polish, and balance as they possibly can.

I'm honestly in shock right now. Seeing games like this for the first time is why I'm a gamer to begin with.

Ploid 3.0

bishoptl said:
Man, Joates, you're working overtime tonight. :p

He was hard at work in the GT5 no damage thread too. Thought he at least had a ps3. No wonder he kept mistaking GT ps1/2 for GT5. Well unless he sold his PS3.
WHATS UP MY FINE CONSTITUINES!!! BY FAR BEST LOOKING GAME I HAVE SEEN SANS CRYSIS. WOOOO HOOOOOO!. I have to be honest I didnt think there was any way in hell they would even get close but my god they did.


nofilter said:
It's easier just to add you to 'ignore', which is what I'll do just now. You're not adding anything significant to the thread apart from your lite trolling. You don't like Killzone 2, cool. Go have a bath or something.

And this is where people lose me. I dont, and never will understand the ignore function, if you want a fap thread whatever, but dissenting opinions should be allowed and welcome.

Also, please actually read my posts, Im not trolling at all. Ive already stated the graphics were great, get over it.
Snah said:
That's actually a great point.

I think the initial CG footage FORCED Sony to raise the bar for themselves...It made them beef up GG Studios, devote more funding to the project, and set an insanely high goal.

It ultimately paid off for all PS3 owners because this game looks absolutely incredible. By far the most amazing next gen title I've ever seen in how it integrates so many things so incredibly well.

I think Killzone 2 will be this generation's "Halo" in terms of revolutionizing the FPS genre. As someone else mentioned, it's like seeing the Silent Cartographer scene for the first time with the amazing music and the green, lush environments.

This could be a phenomenally huge IP for Sony....Basically, they're going to make Killzone 2 what Killzone 1 should have been. Congrats to them, it looks like it's paying off big time.

I hope they delay the title until Fall 08 and just add in as much gameplay, tweaking, polish, and balance as they possibly can.

I'm honestly in shock right now. Seeing games like this for the first time is why I'm a gamer to begin with.

Right there with you bro


the blood is probably the best part of the footage for me that an the animation.

ms are probably kicking themselves for not showing alan wake now i bet.


Ploid 3.0 said:
He was hard at work in the GT5 no damage thread too. Thought he at least had a ps3. No wonder he kept mistaking GT ps1/2 for GT5. Well unless he sold his PS3.

Dont even bring that shit up in here.

All my arguements had facts backing them up, everyone against FM2s dmg was making shit up as backing.


Not sure if this has been noted yet or not buy apparently Eurogamer is claiming that Killzone will feature 16 player online multiplayer.

Also, not wanting to gloat or stir anything up, but this thread seems relatively civil (touch wood), not one been banned yet?

Alkaliine said:
Sony will need a hell of a lot more than just Killzone in they want the PS3 to get back into the console race.

Let's wait and see where everyone stands at the end of all the press conferences shall we.


I thought Sony would have to suck this one up and take their lumps over the E3 '05 trailer but they delivered, in spades. Pulling the trigger on a PS3 just got a whole lot easier.

Doube D

Joates said:
Please be coherent in countering, it really helps improve the value of your post.

Also, itd be boring if I just moved along, if you think Im wrong, just say so (saying why wouldnt hurt either, but I know thats a lot to ask.)

The point isn't whether you are wrong or write, the point is you are not going to change anyone's mind, so why bother repeating the same three sentences 50x?


Will we see a level run-through as was demoed yesterday evening? Obviously all these previews aren't based on that trailer - they're based on seeing the level played through.


Doube D said:
The point isn't whether you are wrong or write, the point is you are not going to change anyone's mind, so why bother repeating the same three sentences 50x?

Well, maybe its because of wonderful replies like yours, they inspire me :)

By the way, the myself and 1up have our heads up our asses is always a classic forum staple counter argument. I need to see if I can work that into my flow, without coming across as a complete moron / douchebag...

Also, I wouldnt have to repeat myself if people actually responded with something above a 3rd grade speech and debate class level.


robertsan21 said:
just saw the HD version !

OMG this is soo good its hard to understand that its actual gameplay!

Sony are the kings of consoles and they know how to create hype,MS conference was boring and not exiting at all, not the part that I watched atleast.

I think Sony will show us some amazing stuff in a few hours time and they will hype the shit out of PS3 and they are right in doing so!

Now where is the nearest store, I want a PS3!

They sure have pulled their act together after the fiasco known as E3 and TGS '06.

It's like they just know when, where and how.

D.I.C.E. - Phil in an open interview with Ngai and game developers

GDC - Phil telling developers about Sony's online visions while demoing Home and LittleBigPlanet.
Making it clear that they aren't copying the competition but take completely new innovative initiatives too which no one had thought of.

Initiate a constant flow of media on R&C, Uncharted, Lair and Heavenly Sword so the Internet boards always got something to debate.

SONY's GD - Show game-play from the games people have been talking about.

Open blog but instead of using it as an attack on the competition they talk highly about all games and release many tidbits.

Send KZ invites to the journalists well knowing it would create a ton of hype considering it was just after the MS conference.

Release a pretty underwhelming image of KZ just a day before the conference (for us Europeans :D) generating a ton of confusion and Internet chatter.

KZ conference - well it sure generated a lot of posts here :)
Orlics said:
So is it safe to say that the Killzone trailer is 2007's equivalent to the E3 06 Halo 3 trailer in terms of impact? :D

Fu@#$ no I didnt think the halo trailer was that incredible unless you were already a halo fan. I have watched the trailer for this 15 times in the last half hour and I get more blown away each time. The only game that has ever done that to me before was MGS2.


Fight for Freeform said:
No, they wouldn't anymore jarring as they are now.

Karma Kramer: I don't know if you played Condemned, but it was one of the first games (disregarding Silent Hill on the PSX, and the Xbox games that used it sparingly), to really push the grain effect to end up with a great gritty look to the game.
I think it would. Especially when you come across a texture that isn't of the same quality. As I see it, they got "good" textures at a very consistent quality that makes it all mesh well, the grain filter only enhances it.


Haha, in a single day this thread became the 12th most viewed thread in GAF history and the 14th most replied to.

One day until it's number 1?:D


Fantastic stuff.

The gore level is insane.

That part with helghast getting bullet shock and the weather machine were the best.

Can someone do gif with that electric storm?

I know people will be compering texture to texture but for me the animation is really the thing I care the most in nextgen. And here the animation owns. Beauty.


I have to say they came damn close to the CG trailer. Looks great. Lots of cool effects and what not. Hard to tell about gameplay from the trailer, hopefully they will show a more complete series of gameplay moments soon.

I wanted to make a comment to all the sony fanatics, this isn't meant to be a burn, but please remember the ps2 vs the xbox? The xbox was superior in hardware and capabilities, but did it help one bit for sales? Hopefully the PS3 can shine much brighter than even KZ2 has shone, well definitely less grey, but one good looking game wont make a win. Well then there is the Wii, but **** that. I think that 2008 will be the true test of whether or not the PS3 has what it takes to compete head on with the 360 even at a year disadvantage. You have to admit though that 2007 was the year of the 360. BTW all this means is better looking and playing games for everyone, so us gamers should be happy no matter what console gets what game.


GrayFoxPL said:
I know people will be compering texture to texture but for me the animation is really the thing I care the most in nextgen. And here the animation owns. Beauty.

Funny, isn't it, that the one thing every Xbot was saying couldn't be matched from the original trailer was the animation and yet that is what they pretty much delivered move for move. So instead people go to the "Oh, but it's doesn't do lizard skin and leather like Gears" argument.


Junior Member
Best looking console game so far bar none.

Looks better than Gears (especially the gorgeous dynamic lighting compared to Gears' static lighting), looks better than Uncharted too.

I'm Honestly shocked right now. I never thought they'd get this close to the CG trailer.
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