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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm


Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm
You might wanna save those since there's an event coming up soon.


How come my Roadhog accuracy is always terrible?
Because his spread can have some of the pellets hit and some miss, so unless you fire every shot point blank (and almost never right click at anything but tanks), it's not going to be super high.

Similar case with someone like Reaper or D.Va.

Although one of Roadhog's specialties is breaking down Rein shields, so if there's one in the game, that's always a nice way to buff the stat.


Man, games in low SR are so hit and miss. Some really close and good games, some absolutely awful games with toxic team mates and some games we're we stomp other teams so hard it's barely fun.

I know people say ELO doesn't exist, but my SR has gone from 2200 to 1750 over the season yet on Oversumo all the main characters I play I'm either high gold or platinum (except for Ana, turns out I'm a turd Ana). I'm not saying those stats are definitive, but that's exactly how the games feel. I carry when I DPS or tank (especially Roadhog - I have Grandmater in a few of the stats on Oversumo) and we get stomped when I'm forced to heal because nobody else will.

Frustrating as hell but the game is so addictive.


Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm

You want Captain Amari. It's the only choice. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


captain amari would be a good choice if Ana's voice didn't stay the same

edit: answer is balderich btw

or wait to see if cupid Hanzo is real
Man, games in low SR are so hit and miss. Some really close and good games, some absolutely awful games with toxic team mates and some games we're we stomp other teams so hard it's barely fun.

I know people say ELO doesn't exist, but my SR has gone from 2200 to 1750 over the season yet on Oversumo all the main characters I play I'm either high gold or platinum (except for Ana, turns out I'm a turd Ana). I'm not saying those stats are definitive, but that's exactly how the games feel. I carry when I DPS or tank (especially Roadhog - I have Grandmater in a few of the stats on Oversumo) and we get stomped when I'm forced to heal because nobody else will.

Frustrating as hell but the game is so addictive.
then play dps and stop forcing yourself to play shit you're bad at.


Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm
Greifhardt is where it's at.


then play dps and stop forcing yourself to play shit you're bad at.

Yeah, I should. I'm so weak willed though and when nobody picks healer and my messages asking for one are ignored I always think "maybe there's a chance we'll win if I heal and basically none if I don't".

The most frustrating thing is when bronzes insta-lock DPS and you know they're not gonna get any picks.


Greifhardt is where it's at.

Eww. It's literally a skin made out of weeds.

Yeah, I should. I'm so weak willed though and when nobody picks healer and my messages asking for one are ignored I always think "maybe there's a chance we'll win if I heal and basically none if I don't".

The most frustrating thing is when bronzes insta-lock DPS and you know they're not gonna get any picks.

Just play Soldier and play for yourself. You'll easily climb to a point where people actually care about team comp in no time.


You want Captain Amari. It's the only choice. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

captain amari would be a good choice if Ana's voice didn't stay the same

edit: answer is balderich btw

or wait to see if cupid Hanzo is real

Greifhardt is where it's at.

Looking like one of Reinhardts new skins at this point. Cupid Hanzo would require me to even play him.


Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm

Ana main with no captain amari LUL


Man, games in low SR are so hit and miss. Some really close and good games, some absolutely awful games with toxic team mates and some games we're we stomp other teams so hard it's barely fun.

I know people say ELO doesn't exist, but my SR has gone from 2200 to 1750 over the season yet on Oversumo all the main characters I play I'm either high gold or platinum (except for Ana, turns out I'm a turd Ana). I'm not saying those stats are definitive, but that's exactly how the games feel. I carry when I DPS or tank (especially Roadhog - I have Grandmater in a few of the stats on Oversumo) and we get stomped when I'm forced to heal because nobody else will.

Frustrating as hell but the game is so addictive.

Oversumo doesn't mean much, if you're really better than bronzeys than just pick Bastion or Pharah dude.

Newbs freak out when they see Bastion and they don't look up.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Why is comp now all about people peeking at each others playtimes so they can bitch about their picks? jesus christ


Ana main with no captain amari LUL

This is the best Ana skin. Unless Blizz releases something else, this will always be the answer



new thread title is amazing lmaooooo

I've been playing QP for the first time since competitive launched and mannnnnn, it's just as bad as it was when the game launched. People have no idea what they're doing and there's zero cohesion. I just wanted to try some new characters out without screwing over my teammates and my SR, but I after about ten games I couldn't take it anymore, haha. On the plus side, I do feel like I have a better handle on Tracer, Pharah, Ana, Torb, and Widowmaker now (not that I'm ever going to be using the last two in comp).

Random question: what's yall's favorite sound effect in the game? So many of the weapons and abilities have amazing audio design... I'm gonna have to think about it.


Jesus, just won on Gibraltar after pushing the payload and then losing a guy. 6v5 round 4 to win at the last second, know those dudes are pissed.


Jesus, just won on Gibraltar after pushing the payload and then losing a guy. 6v5 round 4 to win at the last second, know those dudes are pissed.

Think it was yesterday that this happened. Me, Skii and Caeser were on Numbani attack. We capped first point but lost the next 2/3 fights outside our spawn. Teammate dced so a guy decided to go bastion (maybe figured we lost now). We pushed from there non-stop till the end with 3 minutes to spare despite being a man down. Even got the escoring payload achievement since I was the Rein shielding the bastion. Guy returned for defence and we managed to win after that.


Got enough coins to buy a legendary skin now. Should I buy Captain Amari, Blackhart/Bloodhart or Balderich. I already got a nice skin for Ana but none for Rein. I like Balderich but I want a giant axe but you gotta go Captain Amari to be a pro Ana... hmmm
Blackhardt is besthardt


2 wins, 2 loses, and then a draw

My two loses we're because my teams had 4 lower level players (30-50). Why does the game match me in these dumpster fire matches. They know it's horrible but still match me in. Ugh
Managing blink and rewind as Tracer is so key to making her effective, I'd say even moreso than just accuracy. It keeps her out of attack range, pushing the enemy off-balance. Done right, it can take down much stronger, more durable foes. And it's infuriating to face.

I wish I was better with Tracer, because she's a blast to play.

And general question for y'all: how do you figure out a good mouse sensitivity? I've bounced between low-sensitivity (8-ish) and slowly bumped it up to 16-ish in my quest to find a sensitivity that really gels with my instinctive mouse movements. It's been tough--after 200 hours, I still haven't locked it down...
Greifhardt is where it's at.

Right on!

The Green Knight can only be the best.


Think it was yesterday that this happened. Me, Skii and Caeser were on Numbani attack. We capped first point but lost the next 2/3 fights outside our spawn. Teammate dced so a guy decided to go bastion (maybe figured we lost now). We pushed from there non-stop till the end with 3 minutes to spare despite being a man down. Even got the escoring payload achievement since I was the Rein shielding the bastion. Guy returned for defence and we managed to win after that.

They got cocky.


They got cocky.

Yeah, we managed to cap it uncontested with Reinhardt, Bastion and me as baby Dva on the cart lol. I don't know what game they were playing tbh.

You lost 3 though.
I went 1-0 against that Mccree after he killed you to avenge you so it's all good.

Oi, those were with Soldier! Once I switched, he couldn't handle my pro gengu.


Yeah, we managed to cap it uncontested with Reinhardt, Bastion and me as baby Dva on the cart lol. I don't know what game they were playing tbh.

Oi, those were with Soldier! Once I switched, he couldn't handle my pro gengu.

Skii 1v1 me tomorrow for this mccree blasphemy


After avoiding the game for a while I finally started playing on PS4 last week. I think part of my reason for waiting so long was hoping I could buy a new PC sometime soon. Would much rather play there but seeing as how I won't have a chance at that until the end of 2017, I couldn't wait any longer. And boy am I glad I didn't wait any longer. This game is unbelievably fun. I can't think of a single character that I don't enjoy playing. If I had to pick I would say widow, ana and torb. Sniping seems even harder than you would expect on console (breaking news eh) but I don't recall having this much trouble sniping in other console games. Hard to put my finger on what exactly is different here. Torb just seems weaker than he should be. That being said I've still had fun with all of them.

After spending 10+ hours jumping from character to character I've finally settled on my main focus for competitive. Lucio just speaks to me on so many levels. I will admit part of my push towards him was DSPStanky for sure, and while I never expect to be as good as him my skill has increased quite a bit in the last few days. I've had quite a few positive comments on my play in the last few games. Goes a long way for my confidence. I'm the type of player that is always trying to improve my game and my usefulness to my team. My placement matches went okay. Went 5-5 if I recall. Probably didn't help that I played most of my matches at 4 in the morning... lol. Ended up silver but just hit gold after 2 games. It's unreal how much of a difference solo ques are when 2-3 people have mics. PC players have an outstanding advantage with keyboard chat. Anyways enough rambling. I hate typing posts on my phone. Hopefully one day soon I can get in on some ps4 GAF groups!
It's hard to win in comp when people don't know the meaning of grouping up. Just look at the kill-feed and stay near the spawn ffs.

It's embarassing how people with so many hours played still keep doing this same mistake over and over.


Good movement and managing your blinks/recall is more important than good aim imo, but one clipping squishies always feels good.

I have decent tracking with soldier but something feels off. Maybe I need different thumbstick sens for her on my pad.


Skii 1v1 me tomorrow for this mccree blasphemy

I will bait and reflect your flash. Mark my words.

He'll just take a nap while you fall off the high ground where he'll be able to kill you. Don't do it. It's pretty embarrassing.

Lol never playing 1v1 against you after that. It can't get any better.

I will end up losing the cree mirror, I just know it. /uninstall

I'll have you know I've been watching a lot of Taimou recently and can 360 no scope flick.
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