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Producer Simon Kinberg wants a brighter Fantastic Four (2015) sequel, same cast

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Could the same cast do a new movie in the MCU?

Miles Teller is blisteringly awful don't bring him back. Or the guy who played Doom.

The guy who played Doom is actually a really decent actor. It was just awful material to work with.

It's so frustrating about Doom specifically - he's one of the best comic book villains and Fox just can't do him right. They can't even vaguely do him justice.
Time to deploy my Fant4stic2 fan4fiction

Scanners Doom survives whatever happened to him (I don't even remember). He escapes to Latveria where he starts a techno-mystic-lovecraftian cult worshiping whatever he saw in the N-Zone. Now you change his design since by now the melted space suit remains would be chipped off. Right there you can have classy looking Doom, something like the classic armor.

By the sequel, F4 would be world famous scientists and whatnot doing good. Open with them fighting Mole Men or something, who even cares where they came from. The find out Doom lives so they go into Latveria to stop him where they find he has made a new teleporter. Doom solved the mystery of the dimension: it's actually an alien world at the polar opposite end of the universe. The planet is covered in a kind of illusionary shield the F4 discover. Following Doom, they encounter an alien civilization guarding the planet. The Skrulls tell them about how Annihilus was sealed in the planet by his brother eons ago and that Doom is trying to awaken him. The F4 team up with Skrulls to stop the plot, Thing bangs the Queen, Annihilus wakes up but he's killed and Doom escapes again.

The point is to have already established team in extreme sci-fi setting letting them just have fun. The post credits stinger is a Skrull transforming into human to set up FF4-3 as Secret Invasion. Also can bring in new really alien looking Silver Surfer as well as the big bad brother Cthulactus called by previous film's events.
Why would they attempt this yet again if the last one bombed?

I'm hoping they go with the FF making cameo appearances in Deadpool/X-Men movies.

I doubt they can cross over. They are different licenses.

I'm pretty sure my tossed off hypothetical is considerably less horrible than your idea of tying film industry business practices to fuckin' Rotten Tomatoes scores.

Debatable. Even then I never suggested what you're saying. I suggested Marvel used it to compare their movies in the MCU to the ones from 3rd parties if they have an out clause based on the quality of the product. I asked what your alternative was and you didn't give one. Furthermore, the industry does use Rotten Tomatoes and metacritic. The fact that you don't like it, doesn't change the fact. Heck, WB used tweets from random people on a fucking BvS ad.

Your idea of a time travel FF going back to Jessica Alba and Captain America is laughable, at best.
The first act of Fantastic Four was reasonably solid. There's a good movie in there. Then there's that second act where nothing happens and a 15 minute mess of a third act that was probably 90% unscripted reshoots.

I'd watch a trailer for and consider going to see FF2.


If Fox does pursue Fantastic Four again, I can see them soft rebooting them in another movie -- the way Marvel did with Spider-Man in Civil War, or what Sony was planning to do with Spidey in Sinister Six. The movie last year was way too much of a public disaster for the studio to ever want to revisit any part of it, regardless of how good the cast could be, or do another strictly Fantastic Four movie so soon.

Not really. Your idea is a) unnecessary (they don't need the metric at all to do what you're suggesting they do) and b) damaging, as evidenced by the clusterfucked mess introducing critic aggregates into the business side has made of many a game studio.

I'm not saying studios don't pay attention to criticism. Obviously they do. But they're not about to introduce RT scores into the way they do business to the level you're suggesting. It's a terrible idea. It was terrible when gaming companies actually did it. Using critic blurbs and fan tweets in a marketing campaign isn't the same as using RT scores as a legitimate metric that allows/prevents the production of feature films. Hollywood is never going to cede that much power to the critical community, such as it is. It's not going to happen.

Also, my "time travel idea" had nothing to do with Alba, or going back to that cast, or anything like that at all. I have no clue where you're coming from with that shit.

My idea is a tossed-off and lazy one. Your idea is an actively bad one.

And yes, Fox can put Fantastic Four characters in X-Men movies and vice versa.


He was being facetious.

That's short-hand. Nobody expects Fox to just "give" them the rights back. Most people mean they should be willing to sell them back, negotiate or trade with Marvel, or find some compromise so that Marvel can get their hands on the properties again, somehow, some way. ANY way.

But Fox is LOSING money on the franchise. They aren't even making a profit. Fant4stic bombed and they took a hit on it. It's not a money-maker of a franchise for them; it's a money sink. Fox might convince themselves they can spin that crap into gold, but there's no good reason for them to make more, not when something like Deadpool can become one of the most successful movie they've ever had on a fraction of Fant4stic's budget. They aren't getting merchandising money out of it either (there's almost no Fantastic Four merchandise anywhere and I think even Marvel gets merchandising rights, a'la Spider-man). To them, they "have" Fantastic Four movie rights, but they're not profitable, cost them money instead of making them, and they'd probably make more money selling the rights back to Marvel than to keep fighting to make their failures work.

The difference is X-men's alternate timelines and dimensions came AFTER there was several critically praised X-men films. Days of Future Past and even First Class were heavily pitched as ways to get BACK to that quality following the stinkers that were X3 and Origins: Wolverine. A lot of it was call-backs to the positives of the first X-mens, to the point that First Class practically just redid the opening shots of the first X-men film with Magneto scene-for-scene.

There's no positive memories or a past history of quality with the Fantastic Four movies to lean on.

Back to the Future as a franchise ended nearly 30 years ago, and Terminator hasn't had a single good installment since Terminator 2. The latest Terminator was widely criticized for being an obtuse, complicated, nonsensical mess of a film and roundly rejected by critics and audience. I'm more than convinced that, yep, Fox can do this with Fantastic Four to equally baffling results.

Three movies and they haven't course-corrected once. Again, Days of Future Past SIDESTEPPED the disaster of the previous films and focused only on the highlights and greatest hits of the Singer films at the exclusive of everything else. You still have Hugh Jackman's widely praised Wolverine, Ian McKellan and Patrick Steward's beloved Magneto and Xavier, and a marriage with the youthful boldness and history of First Class... but if the X-men series was nothing but X3 and Origins: Wolverine, and then they did Days of Future Past, nobody would care, nor should they.

Fox isn't the brightest. They'll look at the tone of Deadpool and decide Human Torch needs to make more boner jokes, or that The Thing needs to brutally smash a guy with a witty one-liner. Or they'll look at the tone of DOFP and be grimly serious... again... just like Fant4stic (which was FAR more in the tone of DOFP than it was, you know, Fantastic Four).

They'll make it like this, or that, or like anything and everything BUT the Fantastic Four.

Because they have no idea what the Fantastic Four should be like.


I can't believe he thought we meant give it back for free. I mean come on.


Are they out of their god damn minds? I LOVE Fantastic Four property but this makes no sense.I don't want any more stories set in that shitty setting or with that super boring cast.I don't want that weird looking Thing..And nobody does.Even if they can manage to create an actual good movie it will surely be a financial disaster after the latest clusterfuck.At this point on no one will pay to see a Fantastic Four movie unless it's made by Marvel Studios.
Best thing to do with the franchise is to create a Silver Surfer movie and give the F4 team a role in the movie (with a new older cast) or something like a cameo in next X-Men film and make people interested in these characters again.


lol @ peeps thinking FOX would give the F4 universe up to Marvel... not in this universe. They will stay trying.


nothing wrong with the cast really. they can be salvaged pretty easily.

are they signed on for sequels though? I imagine they never want to do this again lmao.

with these kinds of movies they are usually, at least, locked into 3.
Y'all got something wrong in the head if you think Fox would give FF back now after how much money they just saw their other "niche" property make.
Not really.

Agreed. Your idea would be laughed out of the Fox executive room who greenlighted Fan4tastic.

I don't know why you keep saying my idea is hollywood should use this metric when I said Marvel should for their unique contract situation. It seems like you just stuck that in your head and ran with it.

Please provide facts for your claim that FF and XMen can cross over in the same universe.
nobody in that cast is likable

heres my fantastic 4 cast


left to right

mr fantastic, sue, johnny, (swap out charlie for danny devito as THE THING)

okay this was meant to be a joke but now that i think of it it would be fuck awesome

the last film went super serious

this one would be a pack of highly eccentric, clumsy scientists who fuck up big time and turn into the F4

and they start fighting crime knowing they cant get hurt because theyre invincible and they have a blast doing it


lol @ peeps thinking FOX would give the F4 universe up to Marvel... not in this universe. They will stay trying.

Will they?

It's hardly uncommon for studios to sell off their license if they no longer print money. From a purely financial standpoint, if Marvel paid them even a million dollars, it would be $1 million more than they had before making the film.

I mean, just going to quote the outcome of the film's production via news outlets.
It was dubbed the second biggest box office bomb of 2015, behind Tomorrowland, estimating the film's losses to be between $80–100 million.

Holy cow.

Look, Fox is in the business of making MONEY... not losing 100 million dollars. For that kind of money alone they could have funded two more Deadpool films almost in their entirety and made nearly $1.5 BILLION dollars instead of making negative amounts of money.

So... from a business and financial standpoint, them clinging to the rights of the Fantastic Four are not paying off for them. They are, in fact, draining them of resources and not making a return on investment. They aren't even breaking even. The licenses has caused them to hemorrhage money.

If Marvel paid them a single quarter for the property, it would have been better than the loss they took on the series, because it would have at least been a profit.

So, if Fox wants to make any money out of the Fantastic Four, they have to somehow turn the whole sinking ship around in record time - and risk another multi-million dollar disaster - or ask Marvel how much they're willing to pay to get the rights back and actually make some money off the series for the first time in over a decade.
Please provide facts for your claim that FF and XMen can cross over in the same universe.

To quote a famous Kentuckian, The Anus is on You to actually know what you're talking about before you start talking.


That's Bryan Singer directly speaking on future crossovers between the two properties. Those quotes, alluding to the studio's plans, wouldn't even be happening if there were some contractual impediment blocking the meshing of the cinematic universes. They have the rights, they've got people pursuing means to blend the worlds.

And yes, you suggested the industry use your metric. That you didn't think through the potential consequences of your hypothetical doesn't mean it's not a part of your suggestion, only that you didn't consider that aspect before you tossed out your idea.
Will they?

It's hardly uncommon for studios to sell off their license if they no longer print money. From a purely financial standpoint, if Marvel paid them even a million dollars, it would be $1 million more than they had before making the film.

I mean, just going to quote the outcome of the film's production via news outlets.

Holy cow.

Look, Fox is in the business of making MONEY... not losing 100 million dollars. For that kind of money alone they could have funded two more Deadpool films almost in their entirety and made nearly $1.5 BILLION dollars instead of making negative amounts of money.

So... from a business and financial standpoint, them clinging to the rights of the Fantastic Four are not paying off for them. They are, in fact, draining them of resources and not making a return on investment. They aren't even breaking even. The licenses has caused them to hemorrhage money.

If Marvel paid them a single quarter for the property, it would have been better than the loss they took on the series, because it would have at least been a profit.

So, if Fox wants to make any money out of the Fantastic Four, they have to somehow turn the whole sinking ship around in record time - and risk another multi-million dollar disaster - or ask Marvel how much they're willing to pay to get the rights back and actually make some money off the series for the first time in over a decade.

To be fair, Deadpool was a gamble and it wasn't guaranteed to make what it made. Hell, Fox was extremely hesitant to make the thing.
To be fair, Deadpool was a gamble and it wasn't guaranteed to make what it made. Hell, Fox was extremely hesitant to make the thing.

That gamble hitting is going to ensure Fox keeps taking swings at expanding their cinematic universe for the next five-to-ten years at least, now.

They're going to try rehabbing Fantastic Four.

I should add this: Should Fox actually attempt to broker a deal that allows Fantastic Four rights to revert to Marvel, I'd be extremely happy. I just don't see that as a plausible scenario, and never have.
That gamble hitting is going to ensure Fox keeps taking swings at expanding their cinematic universe for the next five-to-ten years at least, now.

They're going to try rehabbing Fantastic Four.

I should add this: Should Fox actually attempt to broker a deal that allows Fantastic Four rights to revert to Marvel, I'd be extremely happy. I just don't see that as a plausible scenario, and never have.

The X-Men franchise alone has tons of characters and stories and can easily stand up to the MCU by way of size. I'm glad they are doing a New Mutants movie and an X-Force/X-Factor movie could do well enough.

That said, FF isn't as integral to accomplishing that. I would love the FF rights to go back to Marvel, but if only for just Doom and Galactus.
That gamble hitting is going to ensure Fox keeps taking swings at expanding their cinematic universe for the next five-to-ten years at least, now.

They're going to try rehabbing Fantastic Four.

I should add this: Should Fox actually attempt to broker a deal that allows Fantastic Four rights to revert to Marvel, I'd be extremely happy. I just don't see that as a plausible scenario, and never have.

People gotta understand that Sony could not handle the next Spider-Man movie flopping.

Hell Sony might not have made it long enough to MAKE the next Spider-Man movie. That was a deal that had to happen.

Fox is in much, much, much better financial shape.
Needs to be Doom movie with an actual Dr.Doom, that needs to be the takeaway lesson from Deadpool. Stop being scared of making a Doom who refers himself in the 3rd person and is the dictator of some made up country who uses magic and super tech as the base of his powers.


That gamble hitting is going to ensure Fox keeps taking swings at expanding their cinematic universe for the next five-to-ten years at least, now.

They're going to try rehabbing Fantastic Four.

I should add this: Should Fox actually attempt to broker a deal that allows Fantastic Four rights to revert to Marvel, I'd be extremely happy. I just don't see that as a plausible scenario, and never have.

I actually see Deadpool as a sign of them moving AWAY from Fantastic Four and hunkering down even harder on X-men and their spin-offs (X-force, New Mutants, *snicker* Gambit *snicker*). Deadpool proves they don't need Fantastic Four at all. Why keep something that doesn't make money when you can push something that prints it faster than you can count?

Deadpool, in my eyes, might make Fox view Fantastic Four as completely unnecessary. They gambled three times on the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom and their world and failed. X-men is where the money is at. So I see them dropping Fantastic Four to focus harder than ever on X-men and X-men related characters.

And Deadpool was never much of a "gamble". They had so little faith in it, sure, but that's why it had a production cost of basically RDJ's salary from Civil War and released it in the dead of February. They made it as cheaply as possible to mitigate what they felt was going to be a poor performance so they might, at least, eek out a profit... and then got surprised when it outgrossed Batman v Superman domestically. They didn't go all-in like Fant4stic which had nearly 5x the budget of Deadpool. Fantastic Four movies aren't cheap to make. They have guys on fire flying around, special effects galore, etc. Deadpool is just a dude in a costume with guns and swords. After its success, there's no reason for Fox not to go after the easier money.

Because, again, Fant4stic didn't just make very little money; it was a huge bomb that made a negative profit. Studios don't want that, so what advantage is there to keep it, other than to toss another few million at the property a few years later on the FOURTH attempt and cross your fingers and hope it, too, doesn't implode? Once, maybe try again... Twice, okay, maybe a new approach... Third time, this just isn't working.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Now, Fox may INDEED be crazy, but I'm not sure they're up for risking another colossal bomb after three strikes at bat.
I actually see Deadpool as a sign of them moving AWAY from Fantastic Four and hunkering down even harder on X-men

Why would it be a sign they're moving away? They want those two blended. They want a cinematic universe. That's part of how they'll get it. They just had it proved to them that hewing closer to the source pays dividends. They got that firsthand. Here's Kinberg talking about trying to do that with their next crack at bat.

They're gonna try rehabbing the property because it's worth it to try.

Deadpool was a managed risk, but it was still a risk. Suggesting they didn't see it as such is basically a marvel-esque retcon. They risked, and they were rewarded. They're already spending the results of that reward on other projects. Fantastic Four is going to be one of those, because there's inherent worth in the property.

That's the problem with arguments about "just give it back to Marvel" - it depends on everyone recognizing there's still worth in the property to some extent. So if we recognize it, why wouldn't Fox? And if Fox recognizes it, why would they just give it back? Especially now that they've been given all this extra slack and rope via the Deadpool receipts?

As an expression of fan frustration, "give it back" makes sense. As an actual business suggestion, it doesn't fly.


They need to make quality over quantity, I am not advocating no more superhero movies, just that they reign them in in a bit and ensure the source material is handled with respect and that the resulting production is taken seriously. Also genre fatigue is a very real thing and we are seeing it in effect.

What? Yeah, BvS/Deadpool/Civil War all going to be at $700 million or more is such fatigue

The fact that people think superhero movies is a new thing is hilarious. There were probably more superhero movies before Iron Man, it's just that now they're actually decent-great and make money.


Why would it be a sign they're moving away? They want those two blended. They want a cinematic universe. That's part of how they'll get it. They just had it proved to them that hewing closer to the source pays dividends. They got that firsthand. Here's Kinberg talking about trying to do that with their next crack at bat.
They have a cinematic universe; the X-men universe.

Everything related to Fantastic Four, though, at this point is toxic. Even if they want the Fantastic Four integrated, at this point they have to seriously consider whether including Fantastic Four characters and merging their universe into the X-men would do more harm than good, especially when their X-men universe is still mostly untapped (Savage Lands? Sh'iar? Genosha? Etc.)

And Deadpool succeeded, but we have no knowledge of what message Fox took away from it. It may not be "comic-accuracy pays off"; it may instead be "R-rated movies are popular now. Quick, make the next Wolverine R-rated! Make X-Force R-rated! R-RATED IS THE KEY!"

Maybe far, far into the future, but at this point it's like Deadpool using Green Lantern in their film... as a JOKE. A point of mockery and insult. Acknowledging outright that it sucked and that nobody wants that interpretation anymore.

They're gonna try rehabbing the property because it's worth it to try.
They gave it a try. Then another try. Then yet another try. How many times are they going to try, all while making less and less money? At some point, it becomes less of a "good ol' college try" and more of a "honey, you need to stop. You have a problem. You're tearing this family apart".

Deadpool was a managed risk, but it was still a risk. Suggesting they didn't see it as such is basically a marvel-esque retcon. They risked, and they were rewarded. They're already spending the results of that reward on other projects. Fantastic Four is going to be one of those, because there's inherent worth in the property.
There is NOT "inherent worth" because that "worth" isn't paying off. Nothing has "worth" until you make something WORTHWHILE. Fox has had the Fantastic Four rights for nearly twenty years and produced nothing worthwhile with it, thus their property is, for all intense and purposes right now, worthless. Literally, by definition, it brings about negative amounts of worth. It's actually even worse than that. Worthless would be if it only made its budget back and nothing else, but it instead LOSES money.

They can't even factor in merchandise to off-set the loss either. There's no Fantastic Four action figures, no Fantastic Four video games, no Fantastic Four LEGO sets. And even if they were, the Fantastic Four simply is not THAT POPULAR. It's no Wolverine or Deadpool, even during their peak, either in comics or any other media. They're Marvel's first family, but more people might actually line up for that Gambit movie than another Fantastic Four film.

Again, right now, the whole franchise isn't just unprofitable; it's outright toxic. Doing more with it at this point would be like hunkering down on Halle Berry's Catwoman 2.

That's the problem with arguments about "just give it back to Marvel" - it depends on everyone recognizing there's still worth in the property to some extent. So if we recognize it, why wouldn't Fox? And if Fox recognizes it, why would they just give it back? Especially now that they've been given all this extra slack and rope via the Deadpool receipts?
The "worth" that we see is the Fantastic Four being integrated into a universe we care about. Doctor Doom is cool, but I don't want to see him fight the Fantastic Four again. I don't even want to see him fight the X-men. I want to see him fight THE AVENGERS: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

I don't want to see Annihilus in Fantastic Four or X-men. I want to see Marvel do Annihilation and have the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps throw themselves at the Annihilation wave.

I don't want to see Galactus try and eat Earth again and Fantastic Four involved. I want to see him cruising in space with other Celestials, bumping elbows with Rocket Raccoon and Howard the Duck.

The "value" we see is the Fantastic Four properties integrated with the REST of the MCU, because as cool as Doctor Doom is, he needs worthier opponents than The Human Torch, and as powerful as the Silver Surfer is, he belongs side by side with the likes of cosmic beings like Nova or Thanos.

It's like having a Catwoman film without any ties to Gotham or Batman... The joy of the character is she's part of Batman's universe. Nobody cares about a stand-alone without those elements.

As an expression of fan frustration, "give it back" makes sense. As an actual business suggestion, it doesn't fly.
It makes sense because, at which point do you determine Fantastic Four IS worth it?

You think it still has worth, but to them? They have held on to the IP for nearly two decades and have not made any significant profit off of it. It has lost more and more money over the years with every new attempt. It's a brand that has become outright poison, a source of ridicule and mockery. It's a Razzie Award winner in addition to box office bombs. It's a mismanaged, utter disaster of a franchise in their hands, roundly ignored and criticized by professional critics and the general public. They have had MULTIPLE chances to turn it around, and each and every attempt has done worse than the last.

So at which point does "sell it back" make more sense than "keep pumping millions into a floundering, dying franchise"? I mean, sure, they could pump millions more into the IP endlessly, but... WHY? If there is value to be had in it, they have dug long and hard for DECADES and have no gold to show for it. Just the ridicule and anger of the people who were subjected to their disasters, one after the other.
They have a cinematic universe; the X-men universe.

And they've had plans to blend the two already. And are likely going to try it again.

The toxicity of Fantastic Four is obviously not so much that they're a) going to stop using the property or b) enter into negotiations to sell it back. I don't even know how that's arguable. If it were that toxic we'd be reading about the deals getting set up, we'd be hearing the rumors of its movement, all the typical tremors and rumblings that accompany this sort of shit would have been happening already. They're not happening. The opposite is happening.

Again, you're looking at this solely from a fan-satisfaction perspective, which I get. I understand the frustration of "they've fucked this up enough, jesus." But that's not enough to actually fuck with the worth of the property from a business standpoint. It's still exploitable. They're going to exploit it. There's really no way around this: If you see the worth, they do too.

Your best hope is that they fuck up somewhere along the line and the rights lapse before they can get something in motion. Because "just give it back" is not an option that I see being plausible in the least.
To quote a famous Kentuckian, The Anus is on You to actually know what you're talking about before you start talking.


That's Bryan Singer directly speaking on future crossovers between the two properties. Those quotes, alluding to the studio's plans, wouldn't even be happening if there were some contractual impediment blocking the meshing of the cinematic universes. They have the rights, they've got people pursuing means to blend the worlds.

And yes, you suggested the industry use your metric. That you didn't think through the potential consequences of your hypothetical doesn't mean it's not a part of your suggestion, only that you didn't consider that aspect before you tossed out your idea.

That's your proof? A director saying ideas have been thrown? Gunn said he had thrown ideas about certain characters showing up in GoTG until he was told Marvel didn't have the rights. Fox was throwing ideas at XMen TV shows before finalizing the deal with Marvel. Oh yeah, that's one way it could happen, if Marvel approves such a cross over.

Sorry bud, but you haven't a proven a goddamn thing. There's no evidence suggesting such a cross over is possible without Marvel's blessing. There is conjecture on your part though

And no I did not. You interpreted it that way and ran with it. Marvel should use it - and any other means they can given the possible ambiguity of the words in the contract. I never mentioned the industry in general.
That's your proof?

That you don't like it doesn't mean it's not there. You don't want it to be there, okay, but there it is anyway.

Again, try to know what you're talking about before you start talking, dude. Think before you speak. That's all this is.

Fox was throwing ideas at XMen TV shows before finalizing the deal with Marvel.

I don't believe there was ever actually a deal there, or at least, any new deal not already agreed to as part of the original contract that allowed for the films in the first place. In fact, if I remember right, the comedy there was people at both studios weren't entirely sure what Fox's rights were regarding their ability to make a TV series. There were discussions between the two companies, but I believe it turned out that Fox never not had rights to make TV shows.

If that's wrong, I apologize, but I believe that's how it went down?
Trying to argue that it's a good business decision to sell the rights back to Marvel smacks of heavy fan bias. IP is worth more than your last product.


And they've had plans to blend the two already. And are likely going to try it again.
They said that BEFORE Fant4stic as well. It didn't pan out then either.

The toxicity of Fantastic Four is obviously not so much that they're a) going to stop using the property or b) enter into negotiations to sell it back. I don't even know how that's arguable. If it were that toxic we'd be reading about the deals getting set up, we'd be hearing the rumors of its movement, all the typical tremors and rumblings that accompany this sort of shit would have been happening already. They're not happening. The opposite is happening.
Er, where have you been? There are DOZENS of rumors and murmurings that Marvel and Fox have had talks or are still negotiating. They've been going almost non-stop since Fant4stic hit box office with the impact of a wet fart.

I mean, it even took home the "prestigious" award for "worst movie of the year" at the Golden Raspberries. I'm not sure how much more toxic a film can be both to "win" that award AND be one of the most notable box office bombs of the year. If that doesn't make a movie toxic, then nothing will. Even Batman & Robin made more of a profit than Fant4stic did...

Again, you're looking at this solely from a fan-satisfaction perspective, which I get.
Now, I'm looking at it from a business perspective. If I was an investor, I'd be telling them to sell the thing and put their resources towards more X-men films. As an investor, why would I be happy that this one franchise they keep going back to isn't make them any money and is instead costing the studio money over and over?

The fandom actually comes secondary. It's bad business. They make bad Fantastic Four movies. They keep losing money. LOTS of money. Enough money to fund lots of other more profitable projects. It's a sunk-cost fallacy at work.

I understand the frustration of "they've fucked this up enough, jesus." But that's not enough to actually fuck with the worth of the property from a business standpoint. It's still exploitable. They're going to exploit it. There's really no way around this: If you see the worth, they do too.
Again, this wasn't just one misstep. It wasn't TWO missteps. It was THREE MAJOR missteps, over the course of years and years, and at the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This isn't just one or two failures that you can chalk up to flukes; there's enough data here to plot out an observable pattern, and to chart a sizable negative plummet in terms of cost and revenue for every new Fantastic Four film they've made. That's going purely off metrics, facts, and cold, hard business stats.

At this point, if I was Fox, I would give up on Fant4stic and be looking at something else to be my magic bullet golden goose, because they have shown systemic inability to make Fantastic Four profitable, popular, or successful.

Your best hope is that they fuck up somewhere along the line and the rights lapse before they can get something in motion. Because "just give it back" is not an option that I see being plausible in the least.
Hence why I've said, time and time and time again, they should be negotiating a price with Marvel to sell it back. Disney wants it, has money, and Fox certainly isn't going to make any money off the property for at least another decade or so, until the stink and memory of Fant4stic fades.
you make your responses so hard to read, dude, and we're both more or less just repeating ourselves, and have been for about the last page and a half.

Sum-up: I'd like if what you were suggesting were plausible. I don't see it as plausible. They appear to be moving forward on the "exploit the property" front, despite the most recent failure. "Just give it back" makes sense as an expression of fan-frustration. It's not a viable option from the business perspective.

Super-curious to see if they're putting Doom in Old Man Logan, if in fact Old Man Logan is what they're doing with the last Wolverine movie.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Just sell the fucking rights back already.

Spend the money on an original IP or more X-Movies.

You're never gonna know what to do with it, it doesn't fit with your other IP, its just license squatting at its worst you trashboats.
That you don't like it doesn't mean it's not there. You don't want it to be there, okay, but there it is anyway.

Again, try to know what you're talking about before you start talking, dude. Think before you speak. That's all this is.

It just means it's not proof. Not here and not anywhere. Far from it, actually. The fact that you want it to be proof makes it seem that you really do know it's just conjecture, though. I guess you can take your own advice here.

I don't believe there was ever actually a deal there, or at least, any new deal not already agreed to as part of the original contract that allowed for the films in the first place. In fact, if I remember right, the comedy there was people at both studios weren't entirely sure what Fox's rights were regarding their ability to make a TV series. There were discussions between the two companies, but I believe it turned out that Fox never not had rights to make TV shows.

If that's wrong, I apologize, but I believe that's how it went down?

A simple google search says there were discussions in place


The thing is, 20th Century Fox only has the film rights to the material. Fox will need to get the OK from Marvel, based at rival company Disney, in order to use the characters for the series

If you actually have some proof of what you're saying this time, I would love to see it, but IIRC, the Fox lawsuit against Marvel pretty much proved that neither entity could develop a live action tv show without the others' consent. It's been awhile since I read that though.


you make your responses so hard to read, dude, and we're both more or less just repeating ourselves, and have been for about the last page and a half.

Sum-up: I'd like if what you were suggesting were plausible. I don't see it as plausible. They appear to be moving forward on the "exploit the property" front, despite the most recent failure. "Just give it back" makes sense as an expression of fan-frustration. It's not a viable option from the business perspective.

Super-curious to see if they're putting Doom in Old Man Logan, if in fact Old Man Logan is what they're doing with the last Wolverine movie.

I have enough ears to the ground to know that Marvel and Fox have definitely had talks...

And I've dealt with enough corporate BS to know when a studio guy is just posturing. The stuff being said now was said about a second Green Lantern movie before DC bailed on it and that Sony was saying about Spider-man 4 and Amazing Spider-man 3 before they bailed on that too.

Even if Fox wanted to make another, so many of the people involved hated the experience and I doubt they'd want to come back.

You think it's not plausible, while I'm looking over the horizon and seeing enough smoke to cause alarm, as have many others.
the Fox lawsuit against Marvel pretty much proved that neither entity could develop a live action tv show without the others' consent.

I'm not sure that's actually the case, though. I didn't say there weren't discussions (I explicitly said the opposite, in fact) just that the discussions helped clear up the legal issues regarding who could make a show and with what characters.

I mean, technically, any X-Men movie is a production in partnership with Marvel. It can't not be. And from what I remember about those talks as linked in that collider article, neither entity developing a live action TV show was ever not part of the original deal that allowed Fox the rights to make the movies in the first place. That was the major discovery of their talks. No new deal was made - they simply had to talk with Marvel to clarify what the old deal allowed.

What this has to do with Fantastic Four and X-Men crossing over is almost now completely tangential to the swordfighting going on, which is tiresome.

I thought your idea was bad, and explained why. You don't like it. That's basically the entire gist of the last 4k words.
Honestly, they just need to sell the rights to Marvel/Disney. The rights are worth more money than what Fox could ever realstically make off a successful Fantastic Four film (or two) at this point.

A sequel with the same cast would just be flushing money down the toilet, and its a shame because I don't think the cast was the problem with the last film, but the whole thing just seems broken beyond repair at this point.
If they're not going to sell the rights back, then at least reboot it again and let Marvel have some level of creative control, like Sony did with Spidey. And if they hurry, they could debut the new FF in the Spider-Man sequel, Reed Richards getting the symbiote suit off Spidey would be a great way to bring those characters into that universe.

A Fantastic Four trilogy that gives us Galactus, Silver Surfer, Skrulls, Namor... I mean, you don't even need Dr. Doom for a great FF trilogy if you do it right.


So another half hearted FoX soft reboot?

What is the DoFP equivalent FF time travel story that they will use to retcon their garbage this time? The debut of Kang the Conquerer?

They had their chance and decided they wanted to force changes and push the film out the door to cash in on the brand rather than making a good film and a faithful adaptation. They reap what they sow.


Fox's plans for a crossover were leaked in the Sony e-mails: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...e-west-movies-and-spidey-cameo-in-capt-3.html

“[Simon] Kinberg told me fox is steering Xmen and Fantastic Four into an eventual team up film,” wrote De Luca. “Seems to me maybe, since the Spider-man universe itself is deep, you guys should look at sinister six, new spidey, female movie and venom as linked pieces leading to eventual mega movie ala Feige and Fox and not stand alone single films. It's early in all these and you can still map out a blueprint for connective tissue.”

Fox also had the casts of F4, X-Men, and Deadpool all on the same stage last year during Comic Con. The casts also joined for an EW photo shoot. The funny thing is Fox smartly tried to let F4 stand on its own before jumping into a team-up movie, but they forgot that the standalone movies still had to be at least decent.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
Fox's plans for a crossover were leaked in the Sony e-mails: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...e-west-movies-and-spidey-cameo-in-capt-3.html

Fox also had the casts of F4, X-Men, and Deadpool all on the same stage last year during Comic Con. The casts also joined for an EW photo shoot. The funny thing is Fox smartly tried to let F4 stand on its own before jumping into a team-up movie, but they forgot that the standalone movies still had to be at least decent.

They dodged that shit like the plague when F4 bombed. They recanted on it being a shared universe, which they had stated numerous times, and went with them living in separate universes.


Fox's plans for a crossover were leaked in the Sony e-mails: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...e-west-movies-and-spidey-cameo-in-capt-3.html

Fox also had the casts of F4, X-Men, and Deadpool all on the same stage last year during Comic Con. The casts also joined for an EW photo shoot. The funny thing is Fox smartly tried to let F4 stand on its own before jumping into a team-up movie, but they forgot that the standalone movies still had to be at least decent.
they forgot it needs to be able to stand first in order to stand on its own.

Sounds like Kinberg was just mouthing off. What a timing.

Yeah maybe they were trying to say this to get more Marvel/Disney money for the franchise, but then Marvel/Disney signed one of their stars to Black Panther instead, both calling and destroying his bluff in one fell swoop.
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